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Algorithm for finding out the liquid oxygen mass flow rate

The constant input values of heat flux per unit length (q/m), Ldown, Lup,
Ddown, Dup, Dengine, Lengine and inlet enthalpy of liquid oxygen entering the
engine (h2,inlet) should be given.
Assume the initial value of mass flux (G).
Get the inputs of specific heat capacity of liquid(cp), friction factor(cfo),
latent heat of vaporization(hfg), surface tension of liquid (σ), specific volume of
saturated liquid (vf) and gas (vg), viscosity of liquid 〖(υ〗_l) and gas 〖(υ〗_g),
enthalpy of saturated liquid (hf) and gas (hg).
Calculate dP1-2 = ( m ̇c_p g)/q ∫_(T_1)^(T_2)▒ρ dT + (-2 C_fo G^2 υ_f
L_down)/D_down .
Calculate Lsub = GA (h2,inlet – hf)/q.
Calculate dP2,sub = dPf = (-2 C_fo G^2 υ_f L_sub)/D_engine .
Calculate vapor quality (x) for saturated length and void fraction (α).
Calculate the Martinelli parameter and find pressure drop due to friction in
the saturated length (dPf) =(-2 C_fo G^2 υ_f 〖(L〗_engine-L_sub))/(D_(sat ) x)
∫_0^x▒〖φ_fo^2 dx〗.
After calculating the pressure drop due to acceleration in the saturated
length using (dPa) = G^2 υ_f [(x^2 v_g)/(v_(f ) α) + 〖(1-x)〗^2/〖(1-α)〗^2 -1],
find the dP2,sat by summing dPf and dPa.
Calculate vapor quality (x1) at exit of the circulation loop using, (x1) =
(q(L_up))/(GAh_fg ).
Calculate the void fraction for section 3 to 4 based on new vapor quality x1.
Calculate the pressure drop components of section 3 and 4 separately and add
to get total pressure drop (dP3-4 = dPf + dPg + dPa) in the section 3 and 4.
If sum of all the calculated pressure drops is zero (dP1-2 +dP2,sub +dP2,sat
+dP3-4 = 0), then the guessed mass flux will be correct else new mass flux is
assumed and procedure is repeated from step 4 until the condition satisfies.

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