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We thank God Almighty for bestowing His favors, taufik, and blessings, so that we can
complete the english Paper on time. We also thank the teachers who always provide
support and guidance.
We made this paper with the aim of fulfilling the value of the PDKWU task. Not only that, we
also hope that this paper can be useful for readers in general. However, we realize that in
the preparation of this paper there are still many shortcomings. Therefore, we sincerely
hope for criticism and suggestions for the perfection of this paper.
Finally, we hope that this english paper can provide useful information and knowledge for
all of us. We would also like to express our gratitude to the readers who have read this
paper to the end.

Table of contents

Table of contents...............................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER I..............................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Background..................................................................................................................................4
1.2 problem formulation...................................................................................................................4
1.3 purpose........................................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER II.............................................................................................................................................5
2.1 Expression of congratulation and compliment............................................................................5
2.2 Expression of showing care and sympathy..................................................................................6
2.3 Expression of happines................................................................................................................8
2.4 Expressing an invitation...............................................................................................................9
CHAPTER III..........................................................................................................................................10
3.1 CONGCLUSION...........................................................................................................................10



1.1 Background

English as an international language is very important to master in the age of globalization as it

is today. English language skills a good one will certainly be one of the capitals to face global
competition. . Realizing the importance of mastering English, then English language learning
should be given and applied as early as possible either institutionalized formal and non-formal

1.2 problem formulation

1. Expression of congratulation and complimenting

2. Expression of showing care and sympathy
3. Expression of happines
4. Expressing an invitation

1.3 purpose

the purpose is to give congratulations or verbal appreciation to a person for a thing or

achievement he has done. To show a feeling of sympathy and a sense of concern for the person
so that they will feel comforted. Expressing feelings of happiness or pleasure. Invite or invite
someone to attend a particular event.



2.1 Expression of congratulation and compliment

A. What is Compliment?

Complimenting adalah ekspresi atau tindakan memuji seseorang. Pujian ini dapat ditujukan
terhadap tindakan, ucapan, penampilan, maupun perlakuan sesorang yang mengesankan di
mata kita. Jika anda ingin memberikan pujian kepada seseorang, anda bisa mengikuti beberapa
ekspresi di bawah ini:

what / what a …
 What beautiful paintings you made! (Sungguh lukisan yang sangat indah!)
 What a beautiful flower! (Sungguh bunga yang indah)
 What a smart girl she is! (Sungguh dia gadis yang sangat cantik)
 What a humble person you are! (Sunggu anda orang yang sangat rendah hati)

How ….
 How kind you are! (Betapa baiknya dirimu) 
 How friendly they are! (Betapa ramahnya mereka)

 S + look/seem + adjective
 She looks so pretty with her dress. (Dia terlihat sangat cantik dengan gaunnya)
 You look amazing wearing this dress. (Kamu terlihat luar biasa mengenakan gaun ini)
 She seems beautiful with her new hair. (Dia tampak cantik dengan rambut barunya)

Responses of implementing
 Thank you. (Terima kasih)
 Thanks for your appreciation. (Terima kasih atas apresiasi anda)
 You look beautiful too. (Kamu juga terlihat cantik)
 Thanks. I am happy to hear that. (Terimakasih. Saya senang mendengarnya)

B. What is Congratulation?

Congratulating is an expression done to congratulate someone. In English, we need to note that
there are both formal and non-formal ways to congratulate others and the following is the

Examples of Formal Congratulating Sentences

When you want to congratulate someone in a formal or polite way, you can practice some
example congratulating sentences below::

Let me congratulate you on ……

Contoh: Let me congratulate you on your winning in this Math Olympiad. (Izinkan saya
mengucapkan selamat atas kemenangan anda di olimpide Matematika ini.

to congratulate you on …… 

Contoh: I would/I’d like to congratulate on your successful business achievement. (Saya ingin
mengucapkan selamat kepada anda atas pencapaian kesuksesan bisnis anda)

Please accept the warmest congratulation of me.

Contoh: Please accept the warmest congratulation of me on your promotion sir. (Mohon
terimalah ucapan selamat terhangat dari saya untuk kenaikan jabatan anda pak.

Non Formal Congratulating

Anda bisa langsung menggunakan ungkapan umum di bawah ini:

 Congratulations! (Selamat)

 Congrats! (selamat)

 Congratulation on your graduation! (selamat atas kelulusanmu!)

 Happy wedding! (Selamat menikah!)

 Happy birthday! (Selamat ulang tahun)

 Happy graduation! (Selamat hari kelulusan!)

 Congratulations brother! You did it. (Selamat bro, kamu berhasil)

 Horray! You did it well. (Hore! Kamu melakukannya dengan baik)

 Congratulation for your baby birth sister! (Selamat atas kelahiran anakmu sist)

Responses Congratulating Someone
- Thank you very much. (Terima kasih banyak)
- Thanks a lot. (Terimakasih banyak)
- Thank you. You are very kind. (Terima kasih)
- Thank you, it’s nice to hear it. (Terima kasih, sangat senang mendengarnya)
- I’m very happy to hear that from you. (Saya sangat bahagia mendengar itu dari mu)
- That’s so kind of you to say something like that. (Baik sekali anda mengatakan itu)

2.2 Expression of showing care and sympathy

Showing Care can be defined as "the expression of your feelings of caring and grieving for the
problems, anguish, and misfortunes of others". In English there are several expressions that are
generally used to show our sympathy or concern for others be it in formal, informal conditions, and
also neutral conditions. Some examples of such expressions are as follows
:Expressing Showing Care / Sympathy

Showing Care/ Sympathy in an Informal Situation

1. What a pity of you! (Sungguh disayangkan kau!)
2. That’s too bad (Sayang sekali)
3. That’s awful. (Itu mengerikan)
4. Poor you, .. (Kasihan anda, ..)
5. Oh dear. (Oh, sayang)
6. Oh no! (Oh tidak)

Showing Care/ Sympathy in a Neutral Situation

1. Be patient, it would be better soon (Bersabarlah, akan segera lebih baik)
2. I know how what you feel (Aku tahu bagaimana perasaanmu)
3. What extremely bad luck. (Nasib buruk sekali)
4. You must be very upset. (Anda harus sangat marah)
5. I’m sorry to hear that. (Aku turut berduka cita)
6. It would be OK soon. (Ini akan segera baik-baik saja)
7. I know how it feels. (Aku tahu bagaimana rasanya)

 Don’t worry, I’m here for you.

 I am sorry about your accident. I’ll always be here if you need my help.
 How terrible!
 I am sorry to hear that.
 I am sorry to know that!

 I know how it feels.
 I know you have tried your best. I am sure next time you will get a better score.
 I sympathize with your condition.
 I was deeply sorry to hear you sick.
 If you need anything, please just call me.
 I’m extremely sorry to hear that.
 It is going to be alright.
 It would be OK soon.
 Please accept my condolence.
 That’s a pity!
 That’s a terrible!
 That’s awful!
 That’s too bad.
 What a pity of you!
 What a shame!
 You’ve helped me a lot during my difficult situation.

 I hope so.
 I would be OK, thank you very much for your support.
 It is very kind of you.
 It was very nice of you to think of me in this time of sadness.
 Thank you so much, they are so lovely.
 Thank you so much.
 Thank you, I’d really appreciate that.
 Thanks for your concern.
 Thanks for your support.
 Thanks for your sympathy.
 That’s a pity isn’t it?
 That’s what friends are for.
 Yes, It is i will try harder next time.
 You are truly good friends.

Sample Conversation Expressing Showing Care/Sympathy


Riki     : Hello Prilly.
Prilly    : Hi Riki.
Riki     : My deep condolences for your father loss.
Prilly    : Thank you, but it feels like i’m really broken now.
Riki     : I know how it feels. I will be with you whenever you need me. I promise.
Prilly    : Thank you, you are really my best friend i’ve ever had.

2.3 Expression of happines

Happiness is an emotion that indicates that we feel good. To express feelings of happiness can take
many forms. For example, in the form of words, facial expressions, and gestures. Whatever the form
of happiness the most important thing is the message of the expression.Expression of Happiness

1. That’s fantastic! (Itu luar biasa!)

2. That’s good! (Itu bagus!)
3. I find it very exciting. (Aku rasa itu menyenangkan!)
4. Good job! (Kerja bagus!)
5. Great! (Luar biasa!)
6. Fantastic! (Fantastis!)
7. Terrific! (Hebat!)
8. Hooray! (Hore!)
9. Yippee! (Yippee!)
10. What a great idea! (Ide yang sangat bagus!)
11. I am happy because my dad bought me a new handphone (Aku senang karena ayahku
membelikanku ponsel baru)
12. I am happy because my children got good grades. (Aku senang karena anak-anakku
mendapatkan nilai bagus)
13. Concert last night was fantastic, I am very Happy. (Konser semalam luar biasa, aku sangat
14. You did a great job! (Kau melakukan kerja yang bagus)
15. I can't say how pleased I am because I can finally go to Seoul to see Bigbang Concert. (Aku
tidak bisa berkata-kata saking senangnya karena aku akhirnya bisa pergi ke Seoul untuk melihat
konser Bigbang)
16. It's an interesting experience. (Itu adalah pengalaman yang luar biasa)
17. I am happy could dance with you together in inauguration night. (Aku senang bisa menari
bersamamu di malam pelantikan)
18. What an outstanding trip ever (perjalanan yang sangat sungguh luar biasa)
19. I have splendid time here in Yogyakarta. (Aku punya waktu yang sangat baik disini, di
20. I am so glad you will marry me this year. (Aku sangat senang kau akan menikahiku tahun ini)
21. What a lovely day! (Hari yang sangat menyenangkan!) 

2.4 Expressing an invitation

Everyone has certainly invited someone or invited someone. In English, inviting someone is called
inviting someone. The expression of inviting someone means an expression that can be used to
invite or invite someone to do something. For example, inviting friends to eat together, inviting
relatives to attend events, or inviting family to watch together. Here are some phrases that can be
used to invite or invite someone:Expression - inviting to invitations

 Would you like to come to my house for dinner today? (Apakah kamu berkeinginan untuk datang
ke rumah saya untuk makan malam hari ini.)
 I would be delighted if you come to my birthday party. (Saya akan sangat senang apabila kamu
dapat datang ke pesta ulang tahun saya.)
 Could you come to the office for the next meeting? (Dapatkah kamu datang ke kantor untuk
rapat berikutnya?)

Expression - answering to invitations

 Thank you for inviting me for dinner. I’d love to come. (Terimakasih telah mengundang saya
untuk makan malam. Saya akan datang.)
 Thank you for your invitation. I would be delighted to attend. (Terimakasih atas
undangannya. Dengan senang hati saya akan hadir.)
 I’m sorry, but I have another meeting with our customer. (Maafkan saya, tetapi saya sedang
rapat dengan pelanggan kita.)




From the above discussion I can conclude that the expression of compliment is that is used
to congratulate someone when he or she has achieved something. Expression of congratulations is
Expression of congratulation is expression that is used to congratulate someone when he or she has
achieved something. Expressing of showing care and symphaty is This expression is used to express
feelings of compassion and concern for unpleasant things that happen to others. And expressing an
invitation is The expression of inviting someone means an expression that can be used to invite or
invite someone to do something


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