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NAME: Macapinig, Jhon Jomar B.


Worksheet no. 15

I. Enumeration - Causes of Graft and Corruption:

1. Bad examples set by the leaders in government.
2. Low and unrealistic salaries of government officials.
3. Marked discrepancy between the cultural and legal norms.
4. The excessive discretionary powers accorded to public officials and the presence of red tape in the bureaucracy
usually result in corruption due to high attractive inducements offered under the circumstances.
5. The complex system of the judiciary which hinders the prosecution of public servants who have been accused of
corrupt practices.
6. Segments in the bureaucracy are prone to corruption.

II. Essay
1. Define Graft and Corruption

 Graft and corruption include bribery, extortion, and nepotism, and are characterized by the subordination of
public interests to private aims and violations of the norms of duty and welfare, as well as secrecy, betrayal,
deception, and a callous disregard for any consequences. Technically, corruption refers to a wide range of
wrongdoings, including graft. Graft and corruption are usually charged against high-ranking government officials
who have the ability to exploit public cash to further their own fortunes. When an official abuses public trust by
abusing the access, influence, knowledge, or authority that comes with a high-ranking position, they may face
criminal charges.

2. Discuss briefly the positive and negative effects of graft and corruption

Negative Effects
 Loss of respect for allegiance to the government.
 Dislocates national economic planning.
 Causes wastage of government funds. Funds are channeled to the pockets of contractors and government
 Cost of corruption is eventually passed on to the public and becomes a form of taxation.
 Accentuates already existing inequalities in the society.

Positive Effects
 The depressed sector may benefit in the form of gainful employment as in nepotism.
 It provides supplement mechanism for investment purposes. The money can be invested in private enterprise.
 It may increase the effectiveness level of the bureaucracy.

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