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NAME: Macapinig, Jhon Jomar B.


Worksheet no. 19

I. Enumeration:
Ways to improve personality

1. We have to improve the personal and spiritual aspects in our lives. Let us build our union with our Divine
2. Empower our personality. We have to understand our strengths and weaknesses. Build self-esteem, self-worth,
mental discipline and inner-power.
3. Master basic skills such as building a solid foundation for our lives with our own setting, time management,
creativity and life tracking. Bring more control and focus into our lives.
4. Think right thoughts and you will enhance your life. Change your negative thoughts. "As a man thinketh in his
heart so is he."
5. Education is the primary tool for advancement. Get higher education and obtain greater knowledge.
6. Lastly, develop a delightful feeling of tranquility and peace of mind.

II. Essay
1. Define Personality.

 Individual variances in thinking, feeling, and behaving patterns are referred to as personality. Understanding
individual variances in particular personality qualities, such as friendliness or irritability, is one emphasis of
personality research. The other is comprehending how a person's diverse pieces come together as a whole. At
its most fundamental level, personality refers to a person's distinctive patterns of thoughts, feelings, and
behaviors. Personality is said to emerge from within an individual and remain pretty stable throughout life.

2. Does personality have an effect in your work with the community. Why? Explain briefly.

 Personality influences every facet of a person's performance, including how he reacts to work conditions.
Because not every personality is suited for every job role, it's critical to assess personality traits and match
people with tasks that best match their personalities. This can lead to higher productivity and job happiness,
which will help a company run more smoothly.

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