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Write the percentage for each box and make sure your numbers would total to 70%. Refer to
the table below to interpret your communication activities.


Talking 30 10
Listening 45 10
Writing 9 5
Reading 16 45
Total 70% 70%


In each box, write the word that describes the communication process based on your
understanding of the topic and construct your own meaningful definitions of communication.


builder Connection
My definitions of communication:
Communication is the means of connecting with other people through conveying one’s
feelings and knowledge in many methods, additionally, this usually includes messenger,
message and listener. It is a two-way understanding wherein the receiver should interpret and
may respond to the sender’s information, the exchange will not be truly “effective” without the
comprehension between the partakers. Communication can build, fix or destroy the
relationship of the people involved and this also may teach to the participants on how to
manage a conversation which may be formal or informal. Moreover, it is needed for learning
new concepts and skills for education, work, and daily lives.


Analyze the following communication situations with reference to the given elements.
1. The teacher discusses important matters to the parents of the graduating class in the
classroom while students pass by the corridor.

Sender Teacher

Message Important matter regarding Graduation

Channel Visual and Auditory Channel (Face-to-Face)

Receiver Parents

Feedback Clapping, Nodding, Murmuring, Commendation

Context Social Context (formal),

Physical Context (Atmosphere of Classroom),
Psychological context (Teacher and Parents’ mood)
Cultural context (Norms and Values in Graduation)

Noise or interference External & Semantic Noise (Students)

2. The principal delivers his welcome address during the general assembly of parents and
teachers at the covered court.

Sender Principal

Message Welcome Address

Channel Visual and Auditory Channel (Face-to-Face)

Receiver Parents and Teachers

Feedback Clapping, Nodding, Commendation

Context Social Context (Formal),

Physical Context (Distance b/w participants, Atmosphere in the
Psychological context (Principal, Teacher and Parents’ mood)

Noise or interference External Noise (Environment)

3. The president of Korea delivers an inspirational speech how to combat Covid19 via
live stream.

Sender President of Korea

Message Inspirational Speech about How to Fight Covid-19

Channel Visual and Auditory Channel (Electronic-Live stream)

Receiver Korean Netizens and Foreign People

Feedback Clapping, Nodding, Commendation

Context Social Context (Formal),

Physical Context (Distance b/w participants, Internet connection
Psychological context (President and Netizens’ mood),
Cultural Context (Beliefs, Values, Language, Cultural Differences)

Noise or interference External Noise (Environment)

Write a script showing a combination of verbal and nonverbal communication.

In a room full of joyous atmosphere, two newcomers arrived in the gathering just before
the meeting started. The youths of a Christian church met in an average-size room in the church
building for their weekly fellowship. There were already fifteen members that came early and
two newcomers arrived exactly when they were about to start. They welcomed and greeted
each other, wherein the youth leader led the conversation.

Joshua: “Hey everyone! Welcome to our Youth Fellowship. I hope that you had a good
week. Now, I want to welcome our newcomers as well as the regular members. Nice to meet
you guys, it’s good to see you here in our gathering. Your decision in coming here could maybe
become one of the best decision in your life!” (Cheerfully stated while standing in the center of
the room)

All of the youths chuckled for his enthusiasm.

Kimenia: “Well that’s true. This gathering always made me reflect of my daily doings.”
(Stated after nodding and quietly laughing)

Joshua: “Okay, now let us introduce the two newbies! Can you please state your name,
age and whatever you ‘wanna’ share. Let’s start with you, the girl with a red shirt”. (Pointing his
index finger to Loinelle)

Loinelle: “Hi guys! I am Loinelle Lacsla, 20 years old and living in Carlos Village. I am glad
that I was invited by Kirstin since I am also a Christian who wanted to strengthen my faith in God
through attending this kind of meeting”. (Slightly tapping Kirstin’s shoulder)

Kirstin smiled and gave Loinelle a thumbs up. A small voice came out.

Lacy: “Hello, my name is Lacy Santos, 17 years old and cousin of Loinelle. Nice to meet
you!” (Smiling while speaking sheepishly)

Some of the girls shook their hands with the newcomers and smiled back at them, and
turned their attention to the facilitator of the meeting. Then, the group continued their usual
program including the praise and worship, opening prayer, and sharing of testimonies and Word
of God. As the conversation resumed, they came to a point where a facilitator ask what is faith
for them.

Marco: “As for me, faith is coming out of my comfort zone, and doing the things I love
which makes me feel contended and happy since I believe that God is with me always no matter
what.”(Stating mildly)

Everyone in the room clapped for his comment and another person added.

Vonn: “Notice that you are sitting on a chair which is bearing your entire weight. Your
body is trusting that the chair will not break as you sit on it and it’s the same with our faith
In God. We are entrusting our lives in Christ because we strongly believed that Christ Jesus truly
died on the cross for us and endured the weight of all of our sins.”(Standing in center of their

Vonn’s friends cheered for him and repeatedly tapped his shoulder as they didn’t expect
his reflection. His peers became quiet as one of the leaders in the group cleared her throat and
explained further.

Justine: “Having faith is just like going to a new place while riding on a bus. You may not
know exactly where you are going, and nervously waiting for the bus to stop in the right place. It
is possible that every day you are not aware that you are trusting your life to someone,
specifically entrusting your being in the bus driver. That driver spiritually represents God who
holds your fate, you may not or cannot perceive what your life destiny will be but realizing that
you have a strong supporter can ease your worries and can claim that He will give you a future
that was much better than you have imagined as He promised.” (Smiling and having an
encouraging expression)

Joshua: “Faith is not the about the religion where you have to follow old customs but it
is about embracing the conviction that you’ve set on yourself in building your relationship with
God.” I hope that as we go on our own lives, we can regularly try different approach to build our
faith and relationship with Him. Now as we end, I sincerely give my thanks to all of you-for
listening and sharing your thoughts with us! (Standing in the front of their circle as he happily
concluded their sharing and reflection)

After their sharing, the youths conversed for a short time as well as prayed and go home
with a good realization about their daily lives.

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