Grade 7 General Paper-Paper 1term 1 2013

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1. _____ helped the handcapped.

A. Samson B. Jairos Jiri C. James Chimombe D. Andrew
2. Who died and went to Hades?
A. Rich man B. Lazarus C. Abraham D. Rich man’s brothers
3. Whose story teaches us that we can all be changed?
A. Lazarus’ B. Jesus’ C. Samson’s D. Saul’s
4. Which word best describes Joseph’s brothers?
A. Kind B. loving C. jealousy D. greedy
5. If my friend wrongs me, I must ____ him/her
A. Forgive B. beat C. revenge D. break the friendship
6. ________ is a special friendship created by God.
A. Marriage B. classmates C. siblings D. gangs
7. Hophni and Phineas were _____ sons
A. Eli’s B. Elisha’s C. Nicodemus’ D. David’s
8. Which religion believes that, after we die we are born again but in a different form?
A. Muslim B. A.T.R C. Hinduism D. Judaism
9. Who became Boaz’s ‘wife?
A. Naomi B. Ruth C. Leah D. Rachel
10. Moses was given the ten commandments at ______
A. Mt fura B. Mt Olives C. Mt Sinai D. Mt Kilimanjaro
11. Which religion has no holy book
A. Muslim B. Christianity C. Hinduism D. African Traditional Religion
12. Which of the following is misuse of the body?
A. Taking drugs B. exercising C. bathing D. eating healthy food
13. People who leave Zimbabwe to live in another country are called _____
A. Immigrants B. emigrants C. migrants D. immigration
14. Which mineral is Zambia rich in?
A. Diamonds B. gold C. copper D. emeralds
15. The staple food usually eaten in a country is _____ food.
A. Body building B. an energy giving C. a fatty D. tasteless
16. What was the shaduf used for?
A. Weeding B. hunting C. ploughing D. irrigation
17. In which part of the town would you expect to find factories?
A. Residential area B. railway station C. industrial area D. commercial centre
18. Study the diagram below

These huts are found in the _____

A. Urban area B. Zambezi valley C. Gweru river D. Hippo valley
19. The worm which causes bilharzia lives in a _____
A. Snail B. fish C. dog D. scorpion
20. A child ‘is _____ against childhood diseases
A. Traumatized B. colonized C. immunized D. baptized
21. What is one of the most important responsibility of citizens?
A. To salute the flag B. To obey laws of the nation C. To go to school D. To
buy Zimbabwean products
22. The quickest form of transport between cities and countries is ____
A. Ships B. lorries C. air transport D. railway trains
23. Study the diagram below

This is ______ we get mohair wool from it.

A. A sheep B. an angora goat C. a wool goat D. an impala
24. Which machine changes raw cotton to thread?
A. Weaving B. ginnery C. spinning mill D. sewing machine
25. The government gets most of its money from _____
A. taxes B. donors C. banks D. schools
26. Planning how to use money is called _____
A. budgeting B. advertising C. spending D. saving
27. A ______ is a self employed worker.
A. Teacher B. nurse C. domestic worker D. vegetable vendor
28. A pregnant teenage girl can get help from _____
A. ROSEP B. ZACRO C. Mbuya nemuzukuru centreD. Red Cross
29. Which of the following dissolves in water?
A. Rice B. salt C. sugarcane D. sand
30. Study the diagram of piped water system

What process is taking place at X?

A. Chlorination B. evaporation C. filtration D. dissolution
31. Which crop belongs to the grass family?
A. Onion B. potato C. rape D. maize
32. Study the diagram below

The diagram above shows a plant mainly grown in the low veld. What is it
A. Sugarcane B. maize C. millet D. wheat
33. Animals which feed on grass are called_____
A. Omnivores B. carnivores C. scavengers D. grazers
34. During _____ oxygen passes into the leaves and carbon dioxide passes out of the leaves
A. respiration B. transpiration C. evaporation D. photosynthesis
35. Study the diagram below

A plastic bag tied over tree leaves will show in a few hours, that ______
A. Water is contained in the plastic bag B. water is needed by the leaves
C.water passes out at night D. water vapour passes out through tree leaves
36. Photosynthesis takes place during the
A. Night B. evening C. daytime D. dark
37. The army worm affects the ___
A. Sorghum B. maize C. wheat D. sunflower
38. Which of these can feed on leaves high up in trees
A. Buffalo B. dassie C. duiker D. impala
39. Study the map below

A is a national park called

A. Mana pools B. gonarezhou C. Matusadonha D. Hwange
40. Where are sperms made in the male reproductive system?
A. Bladder B. penis C. testicle D. anus
41. At nine months babies are immunized against _____
A. Tuberculosis B. whooping cough C. polio D. measles
42. This is given to someone suffering from diarrhea

A. 6 teaspoons, a bottle and a spoon

B. 6 table spoons, a bottle and a tablespoon
C. 6 level teaspoon salt,750ml water and half level teaspoon salt
D. 6 full teaspoons salt,750 water and a tablespoon sugar
43. Which of these STDs cannot be cured?
A. gonorrhea B. syphilis C. herpes D. thrush
44. Energy from the sun is _____
A. Wind B. solar C. heat D. light
45. Hydro-electric is ;made in _____ in Zimbabwe
A. Hwange B. Botswana C. Kariba D. Gweru
46. As air rises air pressure becomes
A. More B. less C. high D. harder
47. A windvane is used to measure ____
A. Wind direction B. wind speed C. wind temperature D. wind strength
48. Friction is useful when______
A. Singing B. watching television C. unscrewing the lid of a jar D. carrying a
heavy load
49. An example of a mountain formed by a volcano is ____
A. Mt Inyangani B. Mt Kilimanjaro C. Mt Kenya D. Drankensberg mountains
50. Which of these does not spread HIV?

Razor blade needle cup injection

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