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Que.1 What are nutrients? Mention the major categories

solution:Nutrients are important substances which are essential for giving us energy, growth
and repair of injured or worn-out body parts, while some protect our body from diseases and
keep us healthy.
The major categories are as follows:
Que.2 How are calcium and iron are important for our body?
• Calcium: It is essential for strong bones and teeth. Due to deficiency of calcium arthritis
or bone related disease may cause.
• Iron: It helps in the formation of red blood cells. Due to deficiency of iron anaemia may
Que.3 What is roughage? Mention any one function of roughage.
Solution:Roughage is a fiber present in a food.
Function of Roughage is:
• It helps in the removable of wastes from the body.

Que.4 Mention any two differences between communicable diseases and non- communicable
diseases along with an example of each.

Communicable diseases Non- communicable diseases

It can be spread or transferred from one It can not be transferred or spread from one
person (sick person) to the healthy one. person to another one.
It causes from germs. It causes due to deficiency of any
nutrient,malfunctioning of organs or can be
due to pollution.
Examples:Cholera,Typhoid,Rabies etc Examples;Obesity,Asthma,Beri-beri etc.
Que.5 Mention the four main ways that lead to the spread of communicable diseases.
Solution:The four main ways that lead to the spread of communicable diseases are as follows:
• Through air
• Through contaminated food and water
• Through insects and animals
• Through direct contact.
Que.6 What are deficiency diseases? Explain with examples.
Solution:The non-communicable diseases that are caused due to the presence of inadequate
amount of any nutrient in our body is called deficiency diseases.
For example: Nightblindness which causes due to inadequate amount of vitamin A in our body.
Ricket which causes due to inadequate amount of vitamin D absorbtion in our body.

Que.7 Mention any three diseases that can be prevented by vaccination.

Solution:Diseases like polio, whooping cough and diptheria can be prevented by vaccination

HOTS1: Anuj was suffering from chicken pox. His mother did not allow his sister Kavita to play
with him during his period of illness. She also separate utensils to serve Arun food. What could
be the reason for this?
Solution:Anuj’s mother did not allow his sister to play with him as he is suffering from chicken
pox which is a communicable disease.
And this disease can be spread through contaminated food and water, therefore Anuj’s mother
serve him food in different utensils

HOTS2: Anita wanted to lose weight. So, she reduced the intake of fat in her diet. However, she
increased the amount of carbohydrates in her diet. To her surprise she found that she had
gained some weight. What could be the reason for this, assuming than Anita suffers from no
other disorder?
Solution:Anita wants lose her weight due to which she stop eating fat whereas she increases
the intake of carbohydrates in her diet. As we know that Carbohydrates are also energy giving
food, so the amount of energy required by Anita.

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