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Absence of reason and presence of aggression cause inhuman treatments to accelarate. Not
everybody can conform to such abuses as illtreatment and mobbing at work/home or streets.
İnadequate risk assessment lead to prompt abortion of akinship among individuals.

Absence :Yokluk Abuse: İstismar Abortion : Sonlandırma

Aggression : Sinir Conform to: Adabte Olm. Akinship : Proximity

Accelarate : Hızlanmak Inadequate : Yetersiz Yakınlık

Illtreatment :Kötü Davrnş Assess: DeğerlendirmeK


Cognitive and conditioned learning are 2 examples of what cerebral learning can do. To conceive
these concepts, on unbiassed and neutral approach is mandotary. As supressed feelings mirror the
self-esteems and self-perception, the criticim against/towards the difficulty of learning of these
concept should be overlooked for a full comprehension of the meaning of sensory learning with
consistent expose to knowledge.

Cognitive :Bilişsel Mandotary : Gerekli Esteem: Saygı

Conditioned: Şartlanmış Supress: Bastırmak Consistent : Tutarlı

Conceive :Understand Comprehend : Anlamk

Unbiassed : Ön yargısız Perception: Algı/anlama

Neutral : Nötr/Tarafsız Overlook: Göz Ardı Etm.


The presence of outrage in the individuals and compressed feeling pose a risk for the abortion and
abondonment of suicide-tendency. As there is not a mere reality, one accomodates himself to the
circle he is in. This conformity is called affiliation theory. Concious is not willing to develop
immediate adjustment by changing its sense of reality and threat. To achieve an affluent and
prosperous life, this sensory menchanism should be assessed detailedly.

Compress: Bastırmak Mere : (sole) Tek Concious: Bilinç

Abondonment : Terketme Accomodate: Adabte olm Adjustment: Uyum sağ.

Tendency : Eğilim Affiliation : Bağlantı Outrage : Nefret


Cerebral cortex is placed within the brain centre. It conveys and transmits the responses to the
neurons in the form of reflections. In a deeper sense, it helps neurons adjust to the muscular
movements of the body. The supressed feeling are compressed in this part of the brain and the
disputes as well as criticism are processed here through bias and assessment agents. The conditioned
and learned helplessness are concluded here and converted into feelings. Cognitive learning methods
seek to uncover what hinders and facilitates the consistant learning.

Adjust to : Uyum Sağlamak Convert: Dönüştürmek

Convey : İletmek Seek to : Search/aramak

Dispute: Tartışma/Anlaşmazlık Hinder: Inhibit /stop

Process: İşlemek Facilitate: Make easy /kolaylaştırmak

Conclude: Sonuçlandırmak In the form of : Biçiminde/şeklinde

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