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As part of my initial analysis of the screenshot/s of the fake news about the cure for the

Novel Coronavirus was a garlic and water concoction, that has been approved by “an Old
Chinese Doctor”, I have seen that it is questioning to believe a cure or solution by a mere chain
message. But on my analysis on the whole materials given, both credible and fake information
are generated and can be seen through the use of social media and the internet. Both can also
be posted by individuals which makes these two information, similar in origin.
But on proper analysis, on the fake information that have gone viral due to the said cure
for the Novel Coronavirus, it clearly shows that this information posted are lacking in credible
sources of evidences, wherein the only cited reference is based on an old Chinese Doctor, that
has even no specific name, or hospital that he/she is servicing for. There is also no assurance
that the information came from a credible source, given that the initial post/info was just chain
mailed and not even cited with an initial or ending reference of information.
Going on to the analysis of the reliable information, these are clearly validated through
the initial recognition of sources, in which the website of Rappler has been cited initially, and
the information included came from credible, and known organizations like the World Health
Organization, and even CrowdTangle. The reliable source even stated the quoted statement
used by its cited information, to acknowledge the third party source. Not only does the credible
source used terminologies that are suited and in-line with the topic, but it also debunked some
researches and explained on how these kind of virus should be treated. Another credible data
that was included in this is that, it used specific dates and statistical analyses to prove certain
points and clarify the real data, and together with the source it came from.
The format of the APA citation, 7th edition, is the commonly used style of referencing as
of 2019 (American Psychological Association, 2020) But given these two circumstances wherein
credible information versus, fake information is contrasted, one can easily determine true
information if there are cited sources, wherein these cited sources provide credible data,
wherein also these data are from trusted sources, and updated and validated data. Properly
cited authors or organizations are also a must on citing these credible articles or sources. Social
media platforms can be an origin of both fake and true information. (Mindtools, n.d) as the
cliché nowadays say it, fake news can be seen everywhere, but being the one to correct and
properly share the true information can be a wisdom for all.
American Psychological Association. (2019, October 1). APA 7: Home.
Https://Holyfamily.Libguides.Com/. Retrieved May 26, 2022, from
Mindtools. (n.d.). How to Spot Real and Fake News. Https://Www.Mindtools.Com/.
Retrieved May 26, 2022, from https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/fake-news.htm

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