Integrated Activity

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Learning basic

1. preparedness for a
tsunami can help us
Plan or make a strategy for how you or your avoid or lessen any
family can get in touch with each other and locate casualties.
each other incase you are separated from one
another in the future when a tsunami strikes. It is
better to put the plan in writing or print on paper,
then place it where your family, coworkers, and
friends can see it.

Participate in tsunami or catastrophe drills at

your workplace, school, or barangay so that

you can learn what to do and what not to do in
the event of a future disaster. These exercises
also improve our awareness or alertness of our

Discover and learn whether the water body that

could be the source or genesis of the tsunami is
nearby or far from your location. It's
advantageous that we are aware of this in time
for you to swiftly leave your current location in
the event that local news reports about a

Make sure you always have and prepared an

emergency kit or bag ready. It is a good idea
to keep your kit in a convenient location that
is accessible to everyone in the home.
If a tsunami is imminent or there are
warnings from authorities, take
immediate refuge as high and far
inland as you can.

If you hear a warning while outside

the tsunami hazard zone, do not
move unless instructed to do so by

Grab onto a floating object, such

as a raft or tree trunk, if you are
in the water.

If you're in a boat, turn toward the

ocean in the direction of the waves.
Enter the inside if you are in a harbor.

For advice on places to avoid and
shelter spots, pay attention to local
advisories and authorities.

Avoid wading in floodwater, which can

contain dangerous debris. Water may
be deeper than it appears.

Contact your healthcare provider if you become

ill or wounded and require medical assistance,
and if you can, take refuge if necessary. If you
are having a medical emergency, dial 9-1-1.

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