Activity #3 (Gabrielle Rivera)

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ACTIVITY #3 - Case Analysis

Name: Gabrielle A. Rivera Score: /45

Section Resiliency B Date: 10/6/2022

Phase 1 - Requirements Analysis


1. Read and analyze the given scenario below.

2. Answer the questions that follow.

Alantric, a close childhood friend of your parents, is a bookworm who reads around a thousand
books a year (or 2-3 books a day on average). However, because he is allergic to dust (books
collect dust easily), he does not keep his books but sells them instead at bargain prices. Alantric
wants to keep track of the books he has bought, read, and sold.

When he heard from your parents that you are studying software engineering, he asked your
parents if you could build a system that would help him keep track of the books he has bought
and sold. Your parents, who have always been proud of your achievements, agreed to set up a
meeting between you and Alantric to discuss the system that he needs.

At your meeting, Alantric was impressed with your ideas on how you would create the system.
He emphasized that he wanted something very simple at first because he did not know much
about computers. Specifically, he wanted to have a database of his books too, and from which
he wanted to be able to add and delete books. He also wanted to be able to modify or update
the data about the books. You asked him what data he wanted to maintain about each book,
and he quickly gave three: author, title, and ISBN (International Standard Book Number).

He also wanted to record how much he bought each book for, and how much he wanted to
sell it for. You also asked him if there was more than one copy of a book in his house/store, and he
said yes, sometimes he would receive more than one copy of a book as a gift from friends and
colleagues. He also mentioned that his favorite color is blue, so he wants the system’s theme to be

1. What does Alantric want from you? Define the problem. Be as specific as possible. (5 pts)

Alantric loves to read and collect books and whenever his books get dusty, due to his allergy to
dust, he sells them for a cheap or bargain price instead of keeping them. He wants me, a
software engineering student, to make him an app that would help him take note or track the
books that he has bought or sold to his customers. He wants me to create an app wherein his
books are all organized, where he can add new books and also delete some. He wants me to
create an app that is easy to access or use that can let him update or modify the content within

2. What strategy or technique did you use during your first meeting to get the user’s
requirements? Is this effective? If not, what would you use instead? (5 pts)

I conducted an interview with Alantric on our first meeting to learn more about his
thoughts for what he wanted me to accomplish or build. Interviewing him was effective
on my part since I could learn what he genuinely liked or disliked by asking him
questions, and I believe that all of his thoughts were crucial in helping me understand the
situation and determine what we could and could not achieve.

3. What are the requirements mentioned by Alantric? List all the requirements and identify
whether they are functional or non-functional. (10 pts)

Alantric mentioned that he wanted:

● to be able to add and delete books

● to modify or update the data about the books

● to maintain data about each book (author, title, and ISBN or International
Standard Book Number)

● to keep track of how much his books cost and how much he wanted to sell
them for

- All of these listed above are classified as functional requirements

● to set the system’s theme to the color blue

- Thuis listed above is classified as a non-functional requirement

4. What are the appropriate techniques to be used to elicit those requirements? Explain why
you choose that / those technique(s) (10 pts)

Document analysis and prototyping are the best strategies to use to elicit those requirements.
I believe that these are appropriate ways since, without adequate knowledge or background on
the subject matter or materials you'll be working with or on, we wouldn't be able to begin
developing an application. This is where document analyzing comes in. To better comprehend how
the proposed system will operate, we need to become familiar with its objectives and intended
users. When we have successfully gathered some ideas for the features and content that the system
will have, we must begin putting them into practice and creating a prototype to determine whether
there are any areas where the contents may be changed or improved.

5. Are the user requirements you have gathered from your meeting enough to build the
system? Are there missing requirements? What are those? (5 pts)

Using the user criteria we discussed, I was able to understand the system Alantric asked me to
understand. Alantric made it clear what he desired and made sure to highlight and provide details
on the actions I was to take. In order to start or create the design or prototype, he gave me
specifics on the functional and non-functional requirements I needed to be mindful of.

6. Based on your analysis, make a proposal on the kind of system to create for Alantric and
explain why. (10 pts)
Based on my analysis and research of Alantric's ideas, I suggest that we create an online store for him similar to Shopee
and Lazada, but one that solely sells books and features the books' details (author, title, price), as well as whether or
not a book has already been sold. He can arrange his books in both alphabetical order and according to the amount of
each book, from lowest to highest. I believe Alantric should try to market his system on his social media platforms in
order to get people to seek out his products because internet purchasing is now convenient and simple to access for
others. This not only helps him arrange his merchandise, but it may also make it simpler for him to sell them.

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