JU 7th Sem Question Paper 2022

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Total No. of Questions - 8l [Total No.

of Printed Pages -2
BE - V[/3(CBS(R)


( Design of Steel Structures )

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Morks:700

Note: Attempt four questions in oll selecting ot least one question

from each Module. Assume missing dato, if ony. Use of colculotor,
relevdnt lS codes and steel table are ollowed.

Module I
a What are the advantage and disadvantage of steel as a structural material
b State the difference between Limit state method and workhg stress method

An ISA 100 mm x 100 mm x 10 mm carries a factored tensile force of 100 KN. It is to

2 be joiaetl with a 12 mm t}ick gusset plate. Design a high strength bolted joint when
i) No slip is permitted ii) When slip is permitted Steel is of grade Fe 410.
l{odule I
Determine the tensile capacity ofthe section shown in fig below if i) angles are placed on the
l opposite sides of gusset plate( tack bolted) ii) angles are placed on the same side of gusset plate
( tack bolted) iii) angles are not tack bolted.

6,15 .nm
3ol I
-r T
l.-- eo _L
calculate the design compressive load for a stanchion 3so@710.2 N/m, 3.5 m high. The
4 column is restrained in direction and position at both the ends. It is to be usel as an
uncased column in a single- storey building. Use steel grade Fe 410.

[Turn Over

Module III
the beam to be
Determi:re the design bending strength ofISLB 350@ 486 N/m considering
i) laterally supported
5 ii) laterally unsupported '
Tir" d*U, shear iorce V is less than tlre design shear snength The unsupported length
beam is 3.0 m Assume steel of grade Fe 410

6 Designaweldedp|ategyder24minspanandlaterallyrestrainedthroughout.Ithastosuppoda
Design the girder
unifomr load of 100 Kli/m throughout t])e span exclusive of self - weight.
without intermediate transverse stiffeners. The steel for the flange and web plates is of
grade Fe

410. Design the cross section t-he end load bearing stiffener and connoctions'

Module fV
column is
Design a built up column 10 m long to carry factored axial load of 1080 KN. The
7- reshained in position but not in direction at both ends Provide si:rgle lacing system
with bolted

connections. Assume steel grade Fe 410 bolts of grade 4.6

i) Design the column with two channels placed back to back
iD Design the column with two channels placed toe to toe
iii) Which of the two systems is economical?
8 A column ISHB 350 @ 661.2 N/m carries an axial compressive factored load of 1700 Kl.
Design a suitable bolted gusset base. The base rests on M I5 grade concrete pedestal. Use 24 mm
diameter bolts of grade 4.6 for making the connections.
Total No. of Questions - 8l [Total No. of Printed pages -2
BE - Vil/3(CBS(R)

( Design of Hydraulic structures )
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Moximum Morks:700
Note: Attempt five questions in ail selecting ot reast one question
from each Module. Assume any missing dota suitably, if any. lJse
of calculator is ollowed.

Ql. The figure shows the section ofthe gravity
dam built ofconcrete.
(i)The max vertical stress ---- J Find:
at the treel and toe of the aam
(ii) The major principal
stress at the top of dam.
(iii) The intensity of the
shear st
concrete 23 s rruz.,.na *,.t the unitweight or
srress ln concrete
2500 kN/m3. ^llvwdure can be considered as
20 Marks

.MwL r<_ (.,..1__., --r

RL )85

RL zeo
B',., I

: RL LI\
RL )o5

Q2.-What is an elementary profile of

gravity uatrtr
- -'l a4 srsYrrJ dam? What
wnal modillcations
profile? modifi( are made to make it practical

20 Marks

[Turn Over
l2l (Civil Engg, PCE -702)


Q3. Design a section for the overflow portion ofa concrete dam having the downstream face
sloping at a slope of 0.5H: 1V. The other data available are:
Design discharge for the spillway = 10,000cumecs
Height of the spillway crest = RL 210.0
Spillwal lengtir = 8 spans oiclear ra,idth of 12 m each
Thickness ofpier: 3.0 m
20 Marks
Q4' What is moming grory spilrway? Draw a neat
sketch of the same with upstream and downstream
profiles. Where it is suited most?
20 Marks

"-es entparts' 20Marls
rage work for the following
Canal data.
25 m3ls, FSL = RL
200.0.)' canal
canat Eror r^..^r ^,
Bed level, Rl= rvu um canal bed
lv.Depth = I.g0m. I119g.6,
width = 30m' side
Drainage slopes I
HFD =380m%, HFL
= t95.0m. IIIFL = t 95'0
cen..at ground m High Flood depth
Lv;,;;;;-' = 3.0m

20 Marks
Q7 Design a 1.5 m S arda
fall for a canal having
data: a discharge of l2
cumec , with the
t_.*, upsheam = I03.0
P..O m
Jlde slopes of chann.,rl
=1.! -
Bed lwer d"-d;=;;,:
rult supply Ievel upsheam
= 104.5m
tsed widrh u/s and
d/s = I.0
sorl = good loam
Assume Bligh,s
Coefficient =6
20 Marks
eS.Discuss Gracis type
fa[. Drav
r a neat sketch
and explain each c)omponent
along with their purpose.
20 Marks
Total No. of Questions - 8l [Total No' of Printed Pages -2
BE - Vll/3(CBS(R)
couRsE NO' CEE - 704
( Water Resource Engineering )

Moximum Morks: 700

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Noter Attem1t five questions in oll selecting ot leost one question

corries 20 marks' Assume missing

from each Module' Eoch question

dota suitoblY, if required'

a n th e evol U ti o n o t fi rst na ti o n a t
a e( licy of 1987
1 a go for a
? Under what circumsta nces do You
(b) What are single a nd multiPurPose Projects
multi urpose p roject. Discuss 10
2(a) Ex p la n th e m po rta n c e of a
te r a n d t e down th global wa t e ( s ce n a r o
a t er a n d e r ca p t a AV a
a b tY n n d a
a a a b ity o I 10
na ti o n a te I li ol 2ol2
b) S t a t e the sa lie nt features of
and tri butaries involved 10
system in lndja Write the states
3(a) Show on a sketch the var ious river
tn e ach of the river sYstem cts 10
se water resources P
(b Ex p a n th e a d e rse e ro nm e nta e ffe cts of m u ti pu 20
pm en t D scu SS the ste p s
pl n n of a te re 50 u rces d e VE o
4 h a t d o yo U understand by a n
nvo ved n a n n n of e re 50 U ce S d eve o pme nt.
5 Solve using simPlex met hod
Minimize Z =4x1-3x2+4x3 -6x1
Subiect to constraints
x1+2x2+2x3 +4&< 80
3x1+3x2+x3 +xa< 80
2xr+2xr +xr ( 60
x1, Xu, X:, X.o 20 10
6(a) D ffe re nt la te be twe e n the t o o ngs
u s va rl a b le s
fo rm of LP P
Ca non ca and sta n d a rd
S la c k a nd s u r p
a profit of 51.00, 10
(b) Ace Novelty wishes to produce two
tvpes of so uvenirs: TyPe-A will re sult in
To ma nufacture a type-A souvenir requires
and Type- B will result in a profit of 51'20
ll. Type-B souvenir requrres 1 minute on
minutes on machine I a nd 1 minute on machine
are 3 hours available on mach ine I and 5
machine land 3 minute s on machine ll' There
on mach ine ll. How many souvenirs of each
type should Ace make in order
hours arrailable
to maximize its Profit?
[Turn Over
(2) ( Civil Engg, CEE - 704 )

T lal Describe the principal purposes for which the costs of a multipurpose project is allocated: 10
(b) Explainwith help of an example principle of optimality. 10
8(a) Obtain an expression for capital recovery factor. 10
{b) The data pertaining to a flood control project, likely to provide full safety against floods up 10
to 50-year frequency are as follows:
Cost of project -5.0 lacs, salvage value =Nil, Cost of proiect to be recovered =s.olacs, Period
of recovery=5g yg3rs, lnterest rate 6% P.A, Maintenance charges =2% of capital cost.
(i) Work out the annual cost of project(ii) annual benefit from the frequency dama8e data
in the table ii Work out the B-C ratio and comment on its viabi
Flood Frequency 0 5 10 15 30 40 70
Annual damages 0 25000 40000 45000 61000 71000 75000

Total No. of Questions'8I [Total No' of Printed Pages -2

BE - vlu3(cBs(R)


( Concete Technology )
Moximum Morks:700
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Note: AttemPt five questions in otl selecting ot least one question

eoch Module. Eoch question cories

20 marks' Assume missing
dota suitobly, if required' lJse of colculator is allowed'

tVl odu le-l

data Total weiBht of
Q,1 a Calculate the fineness ntodulus o f a sample using following
sa m ple is 500

Sieve size 2.36 mm 1.18 600 U 300 pt 150;t Pan

Weight in 10 105 137 115 6l 10


b Difference betwee n Plasticizer and 5uP er Plasticizer

a Explain in the composition of cement and write down the

function of ea'h 12
tn red ient.
e n1 e n t
b E /. p a n t h e p roc ess o t h v d fa t o n o f c
t es a e as pe 5 ode 08
a h a t a e t h e VA o U s p e rn Ss b e m pu n C
Q.3 72
st e n gt h a n d h he p of fi c ll e
b ri I e a C ri t Ca note o n Ta I et m e a I-) Exp a n

control t2
a Explain the various steps that are ensu[ed for the Quality
Q.4 08
b Expla in in detail concret€ mix deslgn

[Turn Over
(2) ( Civil Engg, CEE - 703 )

Module -lll
a Draw the neat labeled sl.etch of slump cone with all dimensions. Suggest the slump t2
Q.s values for the following situations
i. Concrete used for road structures vibrated by power operated machine.
. Concrete used for road structures vibrated hand erated machine
b Explain two factors affec1.ing the workability of concrete. 08
Q.6 a Explain two properties of concrete in hardened stage. rz
b Explain the effect of cold weather on the setting and hardening property of 08
Module -lV
Q.7 a Difference between fiber reinforced and steei reinforced concrete. 08
b List four methods of tran;po rtation of concrete. Explain one of them. 72
a Explain in detail 08
Q.8 1. Vacuum concrete 2. Roller compacted concrete
b Distinguish between weigh batching and volume batching. tz

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