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Equipment Sizing Report – Power Plant Fuel Gas
Doc. Title
Treatment System Rev.: 00 Status: AFU
COMPANY No.: 8015-0152-WP05-81-470-PC-RP-06004
Contractor No.: N/A Page: 3 of 16

1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 4
1.1 Purpose ...................................................................................................................................... 4

1.2 Scope .......................................................................................................................................... 4

1.3 Definitions and Abbreviations ................................................................................................. 4

2 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ........................................................................... 5
2.1 Project Reference ...................................................................................................................... 5

2.2 Order of Precedence ................................................................................................................. 6

3 BRIEF FACILITIES DESCRIPTION ................................................................. 6
4 DESIGN CRITERIA AND BASIS ..................................................................... 7
4.1 Basis ........................................................................................................................................... 7
4.1.1 Simulation Model ..................................................................................................................... 7
4.1.2 Design Cases .......................................................................................................................... 7
4.1.3 Design Margins ....................................................................................................................... 7

4.2 Design Criteria for Vessel Sizing ............................................................................................. 7

4.2.1 Separators ............................................................................................................................... 7
4.2.2 Fuel Gas Knock Out Drum (81-247-00-V-001) ....................................................................... 8
4.2.3 Filter Separators (81-247-00-FL-001A/B) ............................................................................... 9
4.2.4 Closed Drain Vessel (81-453-00-V-001) ............................................................................... 10
4.2.5 Instrument Air Receiver (81-322-00-V-001A/B) .................................................................... 10
4.2.6 Plant Air Receiver (81-322-00-V-002) ................................................................................... 11

4.3 Design Criteria for Pump Sizing ............................................................................................ 12

4.3.1 Closed Drain Pump (81-453-00-P-001) ................................................................................ 12

4.4 Design Criteria for Line Sizing ............................................................................................... 13

Attachment -1 Calculation Summary ................................................................................................ 14

Attachment -2 Closed drain pump Calculation ................................................................................ 15

Attachment -2 Line Sizing Calculation.............................................................................................. 16

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Equipment Sizing Report – Power Plant Fuel Gas
Doc. Title
Treatment System Rev.: 00 Status: AFU
COMPANY No.: 8015-0152-WP05-81-470-PC-RP-06004
Contractor No.: N/A Page: 4 of 16

1 Introduction
, in partnership with the , is currently
planning to develop its upstream production facilities and infrastructure to meet a target of
1.2MMBOPD of production in the oil field in . The field consists of two
primary reservoirs, and , which will be developed as separate projects. It is envisaged
that the reservoir will produce up to 650MBOPD of 1.2MMBOPD targeted from the entire
field. Presently the development is in the FEED (Define) Phase of project execution and

WorleyParsons has been contracted to execute the FEED phase of the Development
Project. The development includes well pads, gathering systems, water injection facilities, gas and
water treatment, a gas turbine power plant, a light oil export pipeline and tank farm upgrades, tie-ins
to the natural gas liquids and gas export systems and further expansion of supporting facilities and
infrastructure as necessary.

The project aims to produce a comprehensive FEED Package in order to allow the progression of the
Project to the EPC (Execute) Phase.

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to establish the Equipment Sizing Report for the proposed power
plant fuel gas treatment facilities which is referred as Gas Connection Facility (GCF) for the
development of Work Pack-F: GTPP. It covers sizing for all the major equipment in the Gas
Connection Facility (GCF) facility excluding the vendor packages.

1.2 Scope
This document covers the equipment sizing philosophy in the proposed power plant fuel gas
treatment facilities which is referred as Gas Connection Facility (GCF) for the development of Work
Pack-F: GTPP to meet power requirements for entire facilities.

1.3 Definitions and Abbreviations

The following definitions and abbreviations are used in this document:

∆P Pressure Drop

API American Petroleum Institute

CPF Central Processing Facility
FEED Front End Engineering Design

GCF Gas Connection Facility

GT Gas Turbine

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Equipment Sizing Report – Power Plant Fuel Gas
Doc. Title
Treatment System Rev.: 00 Status: AFU
COMPANY No.: 8015-0152-WP05-81-470-PC-RP-06004
Contractor No.: N/A Page: 5 of 16

GTG Gas Turbine Generator

GTPP Gas Turbine Power Plant

TBC To Be Confirmed
PFD Process Flow Diagram
UFD Utility Flow Diagram

2 Reference Documents

2.1 Project Reference

Document Title Document No.

Basis of Design 8015‐0152‐WP05‐81‐470‐MR‐BD‐06001

Process Design Critera 8015-0152-WP05-00-000-PC-DC-12001


Power Plant Fuel Gas Treatment System (KO Vessel and Filter 8015-0152-WP05-81-247-PC-PF-06001


Power Plant Fuel Gas Treatment System (Plant and 8015-0152-WP05-81-322-PC-PF-06001

Instrument Air System)

Oil Drainage System GTPP Closed Drain System 8015-0152-WP05-81-453-PC-PF-06001


P&ID Power Plant Fuel Gas Treatment System (HP Sweet Fuel 8015-0152-WP05-81-247-PC-PD-06001
Gas Supply Header)

P&ID Power Plant Fuel Gas Treatment System (Fuel Gas K.O 8015-0152-WP05-81-247-PC-PD-06002

P&ID Power Plant Fuel Gas Treatment System (Fuel Gas Filter 8015-0152-WP05-81-247-PC-PD-06003
Separator A)

P&ID Power Plant Fuel Gas Treatment System (Fuel Gas Filter 8015-0152-WP05-81-247-PC-PD-06004
Separator B)

P&ID Power Plant Fuel Gas Treatment System (Fuel Gas 8015-0152-WP05-81-247-PC-PD-06007
Distribution Header)

P&ID Power Plant Fuel Gas Treatment System (Plant and 8015-0152-WP05-81-322-PC-PD-06001
Instrument Air System)

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Equipment Sizing Report – Power Plant Fuel Gas
Doc. Title
Treatment System Rev.: 00 Status: AFU
COMPANY No.: 8015-0152-WP05-81-470-PC-RP-06004
Contractor No.: N/A Page: 6 of 16

2.2 Order of Precedence

The precedence applying for use of the Codes, Standards, and Specification and Statutory
requirements for this project is as follows:

• Statutory Requirements, Local applicable laws and Regulation in

• Standards
• Project Datasheets
• Project Specifications and Standards
• International Standards
• Service Authority Standards

In the event of an inconsistency, conflict or discrepancy between any of the Standards, Specifications
and Statutory requirements, the most stringent and safest requirement applicable to the project will
prevail to the extent of the inconsistency, conflict or discrepancy. Any inconsistencies, critical to the
design, shall be brought to the attention of for resolution.

3 Brief Facilities Description

The process systems applicable for the GTPP are:

• Gas Connection Facility (GCF) for GTPP;

• Utility systems such as De-Mineralized (DM) water, service water and Compressed
Instrument Air systems dedicated for GTPP.

The Basis of Design of the GCF for the GTPP includes the following as a minimum:

• One (1) common fuel gas supply header with one (1) ultrasonic flow meter, taking fuel gas
from CPF and CPF to GTPP’s GCF trains.
• 1 x 100 % gas conditioning system to treat and filter the fuel gas to be delivered to the gas
• The gas conditioning system consists of one (1) KO vessel and two (2) Filter separators with
change over facilities
• One (1) common drain system.

Fuel gas is supplied from facilities at a pressure of 30 bar(g) which will be feed into the KO
vessel (81-247-00-V-001) the liquid carryover from the feed will be knocked off in the KO vessel and
before supplying to GTPP users it is further treated in filter separators (81-247-00-FL-001A/B) to meet
the treated gas specification i.e. removal of 99.995% of solid particles between 0.5 – 3 microns in
size. Further the treated gas is distributed to five (5) gas turbine power blocks.

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Equipment Sizing Report – Power Plant Fuel Gas
Doc. Title
Treatment System Rev.: 00 Status: AFU
COMPANY No.: 8015-0152-WP05-81-470-PC-RP-06004
Contractor No.: N/A Page: 7 of 16

4 Design Criteria and Basis

4.1 Basis

4.1.1 Simulation Model

Standard calculation spread sheets developed by WorleyParsons were used while sizing
calculation for the following

1. 2-Phase Separators (Fuel Gas KO Drum)

2. Closed Drain Pumps.

3. On-Plot piping.

4.1.2 Design Cases

The following Hysys simulation design cases are considered.

Case 1: Sales Gas Composition at 25°C

Case 2: Sales Gas Composition at 52°C

Case 3: Sales Gas “A” Composition at 25°C

Case 4: Sales Gas “A” Composition at 42°C

Case 5: Sales Gas “B” Composition at 25°C

Case 6: Sales Gas “B” Composition at 42°C

4.1.3 Design Margins

- 10% design margins on inlet flow rate is considered while sizing the Separators (like Fuel
Gas KO Vessel, Filter separators and Closed Drain Vessel).

4.2 Design Criteria for Vessel Sizing

4.2.1 Separators
Process design of separators and vessels shall be done using WorleyParsons Vertical 2-Phase
Separator Sizing spreadsheet which is developed in accordance to API RP12J.

- The separator shall be large enough to handle the gas flow rate under the most severe
process conditions which is met by finding the max gas load factor and ensuring that the
minimum area calculated is available for gas separation.

- The vessel diameter required will be determined by calculating the maximum allowable
vapour velocity.

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Equipment Sizing Report – Power Plant Fuel Gas
Doc. Title
Treatment System Rev.: 00 Status: AFU
COMPANY No.: 8015-0152-WP05-81-470-PC-RP-06004
Contractor No.: N/A Page: 8 of 16

- For vertical vessels, the K factors are referred from “Process Design Criteria”, (8015-052-
WP05-00-000-PC-DC-12001) shown in Table 6-14. The size of the demister is equal to the
diameter of the vessel.

- The nozzles sizing shall be based on the momentum criteria stipulated in “Process Design
Criteria”, (8015-052-WP05-00-000-PC-DC-12001) shown in Table 6-15.

- For separator design no surge factor is be considered as there is no slug expected from
upstream system as the it handles gas from a process unit.
- The minimum size of the nozzle shall be 2”. Vent and drain nozzle sizes are selected as
per table 6-16 in “Process Design Criteria”, (8015-052-WP05-00-000-PC-DC-12001).

- Residence times, liquid levels and surge volumes details are in line with attachment of
Process design criteria document ( Rev

- Care should be taken that the separator size is within the logistics transportation criteria.

4.2.2 Fuel Gas Knock Out Drum (81-247-00-V-001)

The functionality of Fuel Gas KO Drum 81-V-001 is to separate the liquids, if any from the gas
from the upstream system. .

The Fuel Gas KO Drum is vertical 2-phase separator and is sized for 2-phase separation
mainly gas and the liquids. Vessel sizing is performed as per criteria mentioned above in
section 4.2

No surge factor is applied on the design case flow rate.

Table 4-1: Production Separator Governing Case Selection (Case-2)

Flow rate with 10%
Phase Property Unit
design margin
Vapour Mass Flow kg/hr 78992
Vapour Vol. Flow Sm /hr 91247
Gross Liquid Mass Flow kg/hr 3950
Gross Liquid Vol. Flow m /hr 4.7

Design parameters:

- Separator K factor of 0.1 is considered for vertical separator with mistmat.

- The slugs are not formed in upstream system. So, slug volume is not considered for the

- Mistmat is selected as typically it’s recommended for demisting service. Gas outlet mist
eliminator to remove 100% of liquid particles greater than 10µm diameter for range of flows
(design and turndown). Maximum liquid carryover in vapour outlet shall not exceed 0.1
USgal/MMSCF whilst operating at the high-high total liquid level.

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Equipment Sizing Report – Power Plant Fuel Gas
Doc. Title
Treatment System Rev.: 00 Status: AFU
COMPANY No.: 8015-0152-WP05-81-470-PC-RP-06004
Contractor No.: N/A Page: 9 of 16

- Separator sizing is done with max actual volumetric gas flow and max gross liquid flow is
considered as 4.7m which is assumed as 5% of gas mass flowrate (approx.), since no
liquid formation is observed due to dew pointed gas.

- Half open pipe as inlet device is considered for feed inlet nozzle.

Table 4-2: Fuel Gas Knock Out Drum (81-247-00-V-001) Design Summary
Selected T-T
HMB Type Length Remarks
Option (m)
2 phase vertical separator with
2 Phase Vertical
Case -2 1.45 3.35 mistmat considered for demisting of

Table 4-3: Fuel Gas Knockout Drum (81-247-00-V-001) Design Parameter

Gas Flow MMSCFD - 70.22
Gross Liquid Flow (Note -1) m3/h - 4.7
Diameter ( D ) m - 1.45
T-T Length ( L) m - 3.35
Inlet Nozzle Size in - 16
Gas Outlet Nozzle Size in - 12
Liquid Outlet Nozzle Size in - 2
Inlet Nozzle
Pa 1500 max 1333
Momentum(Half open pipe)
Gas Outlet Nozzle
Pa 3750 max 1211
Liquid Outlet Nozzle
m/s 1 max 0.25
1. The service is dry gas. However, for KO drum sizing purpose 4.7m3/h is used as
liquid rate.

• The maximum diameter of Fuel Gas KO Drum 81-247-00-V-001 was found to be 1.45 m
with the length of 3.35m. Refer Attachment-1 for calculation summary.

4.2.3 Filter Separators (81-247-00-FL-001A/B)

The functionality of filter separator is to separate liquid (in the form of mist) and solids from the
gas. It is composed by two stages:

- First stage (lower section) is with high separation efficiency.

- Second stage (upper section) contains filter coalescer elements working on the
agglomeration principle.

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Equipment Sizing Report – Power Plant Fuel Gas
Doc. Title
Treatment System Rev.: 00 Status: AFU
COMPANY No.: 8015-0152-WP05-81-470-PC-RP-06004
Contractor No.: N/A Page: 10 of 16

A liquid collection zone is provided at the bottom of each section of the filter (upper and
lower), where the droplets will be collected and removed via liquid outlet nozzle to the closed
drain system.

Since the filter separator is a vendor proprietary package, the equipment sizing will be
performed by the EPC contractor.

4.2.4 Closed Drain Vessel (81-453-00-V-001)

The functionality of Closed Drain Vessel is to receive the process drains as well as
maintenance drains from the gas connection facility in GTPP and unit-418.

No surge factor is applied on the governing case flow rate since fluid received is from the
upstream process vessel manually.
- The basis considered for sizing the closed drain vessel is total liquid volume from LALL to
bottom tan line of each vessel for GCF (i.e. volume of KO Vessel and Filter separators)
which is 1.78m . Drain volume from Unit-418 for unloading pumps, distribution pumps and
3 3
filters is estimated as 1.5 m . Total volume considered is 3.3 m .

- For vessel sizing, total drain volume is accommodated in vessel working volume i.e. in
between LAL and LAH.

Table 4-4: Closed Drain Vessel (81-453-00-V-001) Design Summary

T-T Length
HMB Type Diameter (m) Remarks
- 2 Phase Horizontal Separator 1.5 3.6 -

Table 4-5: Closed Drain Vessel (81-453-00-V-001) Design Parameter

Gross Liquid Volume m3 3.3
Diameter ( D ) m 1.5
T-T Length ( L) m 3.6
Inlet Nozzle Size in 4
Gas Outlet Nozzle Size in 6
Liquid Outlet Nozzle Size in 3

• The maximum diameter of Closed Drain Vessel 81-453-00-V-001 was found to be 1.5 m
with the length of 3.6m. Refer Attachment-1 for calculation summary.

4.2.5 Instrument Air Receiver (81-322-00-V-001A/B)

The functionality of Instrument Air Receiver is to store the air from the instrument air
compressor and supply the instrument air at the required pressure to its consumers.

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Equipment Sizing Report – Power Plant Fuel Gas
Doc. Title
Treatment System Rev.: 00 Status: AFU
COMPANY No.: 8015-0152-WP05-81-470-PC-RP-06004
Contractor No.: N/A Page: 11 of 16

- The instrument air receiver shall be large enough to maintain inventory required for
instruments for 20 minutes between the maximum and minimum required supply pressure
to facilitate safe shutdown during emergency.

- Total instrument air consumption for GTPP for receiver sizing is estimated as 1868 Nm3/hr.

- Total five power blocks, each power block consists of 2 gas turbine generators and 1 steam
turbine generator.

- Two identical receiver’s with 2 X 50% capacity are envisaged for total capacity.

- Maximum pressure of 7.0 bar(g) and minimum pressure of 4.5 bar(g) is considered for
receiver sizing.

Table 4-6: Instrument Air Receiver Vessel (81-322-00-V-001A/B) Design Summary

T-T Length
HMB Type Diameter (m) Remarks
- Vertical Vessel 4.2 8.7 -

• The maximum diameter of Instrument Air Receiver 81-453-00-V-001A/B was found to be 4.2 m
with the length of 8.7m.

4.2.6 Plant Air Receiver (81-322-00-V-002)

The functionality of Plant air receiver is to store the air from the instrument air compressor and
supply the plant air at the required pressure to its consumers.

- The plant air receiver shall be large enough to maintain inventory required for plant air
consumers for 20 minutes between the maximum and minimum required supply pressure
to facilitate safe shutdown during emergency.
- Based on peak compressed air requirement, air volumetric flow rate of 300Nm /h is
considered for all five power blocks.

- Total five power blocks, each power block consists of 2 gas turbine generators and 1 steam
turbine generator.

- Maximum pressure of 7.5 bar(g) and minimum pressure of 4.5 bar(g) is considered for
receiver sizing.

Table 4-7: Plant Air Receiver Vessel (81-322-00-V-002) Design Summary

Selected T-T Length
Type Diameter (m) Remarks
HMB Option (m)
- Vertical Vessel 2.7 5.6 -

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Equipment Sizing Report – Power Plant Fuel Gas
Doc. Title
Treatment System Rev.: 00 Status: AFU
COMPANY No.: 8015-0152-WP05-81-470-PC-RP-06004
Contractor No.: N/A Page: 12 of 16

• The maximum diameter of Plant Air Receiver 81-453-00-V-002 was found to be 2.7 m with the
length of 5.6m. Refer Attachment-1 for calculation summary.

4.3 Design Criteria for Pump Sizing

This summarises the sizing basis and sizing results of the pumps. These pumps have small
duties and hence were selected to be centrifugal fixed speed electric motor driven pumps.

4.3.1 Closed Drain Pump (81-453-00-P-001)

Functionality of Closed Drain Pump 81-453-00-P-001 is to transfer gross liquid from the closed
drain vessel to the slop tank.

The input data considered for hydraulic is as below.

Table 4-8: Closed Drain Pumps

Sr. No. Description Gross Liquid

1 Specific Gravity 0.85 / 1.0

2 Temperature at source ºC 25 to 52

3 Fluid Viscosity 3.8 cP at 40ºC

4 Capacity m /h 5

1. Flowrate is considered with 10 % design margin.
Detailed hydraulic is performed for calculating the pump discharge pressure required and it is
calculated to be 4.1 bar(g). The detailed result for closed drain pump sizing is as below

Table 4-9: Gross Liquid Transfer Pump Details

Sr. No. Description Gross Liquid

1 Tag no. 81-453-00-P-001

2 Pump rated flow rate m3/h 5

3 Pump discharge pressure required bar(g) 4.1

4 Pump Differential Head (m) 52

5 Pump efficiency % 29.3

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Equipment Sizing Report – Power Plant Fuel Gas
Doc. Title
Treatment System Rev.: 00 Status: AFU
COMPANY No.: 8015-0152-WP05-81-470-PC-RP-06004
Contractor No.: N/A Page: 13 of 16

Sr. No. Description Gross Liquid

6 Pump shaft power at rated capacity (kW) 2.0

7 Maximum Shut-Off Pressure bar(g) 9.1

Refer Attachment-2 for closed drain pump calculation.

4.4 Design Criteria for Line Sizing

Line sizing for fuel gas system and associated utilities in GTPP area is performed as per criteria
mentioned in section 7 of “Process Design Criteria”.

Flow data and fluid properties for fuel gas line sizing is taken from HMB. Case-1 and 3 are considered
for maximum flow. Utility lines are sized as per utility summary. Design margins on flow for various
utility services and process flow is considered as mentioned in “Basis of Design - Gas Turbine Power
Plant”. Refer Attachment-3 for line sizing calculation results.

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Equipment Sizing Report – Power Plant Fuel Gas
Doc. Title
Treatment System Rev.: 00 Status: AFU
COMPANY No.: 8015-0152-WP05-81-470-PC-RP-06004
Contractor No.: N/A Page: 14 of 16

Attachment -1 Calculation Summary

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Doc. title Vessel Sizing Calulation Rev.: 00 Status: AFU
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Contractor No.: N/A


 Calculation Cover Sheet ………………………………………………………….. 4

 Calculation Checklist ……………………………………………………………… 5

 Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………... 6

 Calculation Objective ……………………………………………………………… 7

 Calculation Methodology …………………………………………………………. 8

 Vessel Sizing – Fuel Gas K.O Vessel ……………………………………………... 9

 Vessel Sizing – Instrument Air Receiver ..………………………………………. 10

 Vessel Sizing – Plant Air Receiver ……………………………………………….. 11

 Vessel Sizing – Closed Drain Drum ..…………………………………………….. 12

 Appendix -1 ……………………………………………………………………….. 13

 Calculation sheet – Fuel Gas K.O. Vessel ………………………………………. 14

 Appendix -2 ……………………………………………………………………….. 15

 Plant and Instrument air requirement Calculation ……………………….…… 16

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Calculation Cover Sheet

Customer Proj No 403050-00341

Project Title Formation Development Project - FEED
Calc No 470-PC-CC-06008
Calculation Title Vessels sizing calculation Phase/CTR FEED
Elec File Location X:\1_Jobs\WPL10000\WPL10801-900\WPL10863\1_process\140_calculations\6. Vessel sizing calculation\[8015-0152-WP05-81-470-PC-
CC-06008_Rev 00.xlsx]Calculation Cover Sheet
Project File Location R:\403050-00341-Lukoil-FEED_Srvs_Yamama_formation_Dvlpmnt Page 4 of 16
Calculation Objective
To perform sizing calculation for Vessels. For details refer to "Calculation Objective".

Calculation Method
Vessels sizing calculation are performed based calculation methodology. For details refer to "Calculation Methodology".

Refer individual vessel tag no. for Basis and Assumptions.

Software Used
Title Version Validation (Y / N / N/A)
Unisim Design R430 Y
Excel spreadsheets (refer Appendix) - Y
1. Process Design Criteria COMPANY No. 8015-0152-WP05-00-000-PC-DC-12001
2. Basis of Design Gas Turbine Power Plant COMPANY No. 8015-0152-WP05-81-470-MR-BD-06001

For dimensions of vessel, main nozzle sizes and level bend refer Results of individual vessels.

0 11/02/2015 APPROVED FOR USE

A 17/12/2014 Interdiscipline check
Rev Date Description By Checked Approved
This Calculation represents the work of WorleyParsons performed to recognized engineering principles and practices appropriate for the terms of reference provided by WorleyParsons contractual Customer. This
Calculation is confidential and prepared solely for the use of the Customer. The contents of this Calculation may not be disclosed to or relied upon by any party other than the Customer, and neither WorleyParsons , its
subconsultants nor their respective employees assume any liability for any reason, including, but not limited to, negligence, to any other party for any information or representation herein.

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Rev 8 (1-Sept-11) Corporate Base Page 1 of 13
Calculation Checklist

Customer Proj No 403050-00341

Project Title Formation Development Project - FEED Calc No
Calculation Title Vessels sizing calculation Phase/CTR FEED
Elec File Location X:\1_Jobs\WPL10000\WPL10801-900\WPL10863\1_process\140_calculations\6. Vessel sizing calculation\[8015-0152-WP05-
81-470-PC-CC-06008_Rev 00.xlsx]Calculation Cover Sheet
Project File Location R:\403050-00341-Lukoil-FEED_Srvs_Yamama_formation_Dvlpmnt Page 5 of 16
Please check boxes for all applicable items checked or mark as "N/A" if not appropriate:
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00 11/02/2015 APPROVED FOR USE

A 17/12/2014 Interdiscipline check
Rev Date Description By Checked Approved
This Calculation represents the work of WorleyParsons performed to recognized engineering principles and practices appropriate for the terms of reference provided by WorleyParsons contractual Customer.
This Calculation is confidential and prepared solely for the use of the Customer. The contents of this Calculation may not be disclosed to or relied upon by any party other than the Customer, and neither
WorleyParsons , its subconsultants nor their respective employees assume any liability for any reason, including, but not limited to, negligence, to any other party for any information or representation herein.

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Table of Contents


1. Calculation Objective
2. Calculation Methodology
3. Vessel sizing (Basis and Assumption, Results)
3.1 Fuel gas K.O Vessel
3.2 Instrument Air receiver
3.3 Plant Air receiver
3.4 Closed Drain Drum


1. Calculation spreadsheet for Fuel gas K O Vessel (81-247-00-V-001)

2. Calculation spread sheet for Instrument air requirement for GTPP

This Calculation represents the work of WorleyParsons performed to recognized engineering principles and practices appropriate for the terms of reference provided by WorleyParsons contractual Customer.
This Calculation is confidential and prepared solely for the use of the Customer. The contents of this Calculation may not be disclosed to or relied upon by any party other than the Customer, and neither
WorleyParsons , its subconsultants nor their respective employees assume any liability for any reason, including, but not limited to, negligence, to any other party for any information or representation herein.

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1.0 Calculation Objective

To perform sizing calculation for follwing vessels:

1) Fuel gas K O Vessel (81-247-00-V-001)

2) Instrument Air Receiver (81-322-00-V-001)

3) Plant Air Receiver (81-322-00-V-002)

4) Closed Drain Drum (81-453-00-V-001)

This Calculation represents the work of WorleyParsons performed to recognized engineering principles and practices appropriate for the terms of reference provided by WorleyParsons contractual Customer.
This Calculation is confidential and prepared solely for the use of the Customer. The contents of this Calculation may not be disclosed to or relied upon by any party other than the Customer, and neither
WorleyParsons , its subconsultants nor their respective employees assume any liability for any reason, including, but not limited to, negligence, to any other party for any information or representation herein.

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2.0 Calculation Metholology

a) Design margin of 10% on flow is considered. Turndown is 40% for separator (Reference-1, section 3).

Vessel nozzles are sized based on the following criteria (Reference-1, section 5.6.2) :
Inlet Nozzle max. (ρV2) = 1000 kg/ms No Internal
max. (ρV2) = 1500 kg/ms Half-open Pipe
max. (ρV2) = 6000 kg/ms Proprietary Internal on Inlet Nozzle
Vap. Outlet nozzle max. (ρV2) = 3750 kg/ms
Liquid Outlet nozzle max. (V) = 1 m/s

The dimensions of the separator is estimated by considering the following criteria for different type of separators :
A) Vertical 2-Phase Separator
1. Vertical 2-Phase separator sizing is done based on WP Standard spreadsheet WS-CA-PR-008 Rev3.
2. K factor of 0.1 m/s (Reference-1, section 5.6.2) is used to size the cross section area.
3. De-rating factor to K-value for pressure increase is considered as per GPSA, Section-7.
4. Residence time between each level setting based on Reference-1, Section 8.1.

B) Instrument air Receiver

1. Instrument Air Receiver sizing is done to have a capacity matching the IA requirement for a period to allow
safe shutdown of equipment in the event of Plant & Instrument Air package failure.
2. As per WP Guideline, it is sized for a hold-uptime of 20 mins between max and min pressure.
3. The IA receiver is common for all the Power blocks sized for a hold-up time of 20 min between max and min
pressure for all continuous consumers, including Pulse air cleaning requirement

C) Plant air Receiver

1. Plant Air Receiver sizing is done to have a capacity matching the continuous Plant Air requirement for a
period to allow safe shutdown of equipment in the event of Plant & Instrument air Compressor failure.
2. The Vessel is sized for a hold-uptime of 20 mins between max and min pressure.

D) Closed Drain drum

1. The Closed drain drum sizing is done based on to receive the all vessel holp-up volume from LALL in the
Power plant Fuel gas treatment unit which includes Fuel Gas KO vessel, Filter separators and Diesel drain
from unloading pumps, distribution pumps and filters of Unit-418.

This Calculation represents the work of WorleyParsons performed to recognized engineering principles and practices appropriate for the terms of reference provided by WorleyParsons contractual Customer.
This Calculation is confidential and prepared solely for the use of the Customer. The contents of this Calculation may not be disclosed to or relied upon by any party other than the Customer, and neither
WorleyParsons , its subconsultants nor their respective employees assume any liability for any reason, including, but not limited to, negligence, to any other party for any information or representation herein.

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3.0 Vessel Sizing

3.1 Fuel gas K.O Vessel (81-247-00-V-001)

No Slug / Surge volume is considered for separator.

Type : Vertical 2-Phase Separator

Basis & Assumption :

Case 2: Sales Gas
Operating Pressure = 29.5 barg
PFD Stream No. 402
Operating Temperature = 52.0 ºC
Gas Flow rate = 78992 kg/hr with 10% margin
Gas Molecular Weight = 20.5 -
PFD Stream No. 403
Gas Viscosity = 0.01 cP
Gas Density = 25.1 kg/m
Liquid Flow rate = 3950 kg/hr Assumed 5% of gas mass flow rate
Liquid Viscosity = 0.50 cP PFD Stream No. 406
Liquid Density = 835 kg/m
Feed nozzle entry = Only applicable for Horizontal vessel

Results : (Refer Appendix-1 for calculation details)

Dimensions of the separator :
Inner Diameter (ID) = 1450 mm
Vessel Length (T/T) = 3350 mm

Nozzle sizes :
Inlet = 16 inch (Max. ρmVm2 = 1500 kg/m-s2)
Gas Outlet = 12 inch (Max. ρV2 = 3750 kg/m-s2)
Liquid Outlet = 2 inch (Max. velocity = 1 m/s)

Level Band : (Refer Appendix-1 for levels)

This Calculation represents the work of WorleyParsons performed to recognized engineering principles and practices appropriate for the terms of reference provided by WorleyParsons contractual Customer.
This Calculation is confidential and prepared solely for the use of the Customer. The contents of this Calculation may not be disclosed to or relied upon by any party other than the Customer, and neither
WorleyParsons , its subconsultants nor their respective employees assume any liability for any reason, including, but not limited to, negligence, to any other party for any information or representation herein.

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Calculation Sheet

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3.2 Instrument Air Receiver (81-322-00-V-001A/B)

Basis & Assumption :

Instrument air receivers are divided in 2 X 50% capacity.
Total Instrument Air Demand (Q) for GTPP = 1868 Nm3/hr (Refer Appendix-2 for calculation details)

Operating pressure [max] - (P1) = 7 barg

Operating pressure [min] - (P2) = 4.5 barg
Temperature - (T) = 30 C
Gas Constant ® = 0.0831
Time Required for IA Receiver (T) = 20 mins
IA required to be stored in IA Receiver = 622 Nm3
Mass of IA = 804 kg

Air Density @ 7 barg = 9.2 kg/m3

Air Density @ 4.5 barg = 6.3 kg/m3
Density Diff = 2.9 kg/m3
IA Receiver Sizing (V) = 280 m3
For 2 X 50% Receiver Volume (V) = 140 m
Selected Diameter 4.2 m

Selected Length = 8.7 m

2:1 ellipsoidal head = 19.4 m3
IA Receiver Volume = 140 m3

Results :
Dimensions of the Receiver :
Inner Diameter (ID) = 4200 mm
Vessel Length (T/T) = 8700 mm

Nozzle sizes :
Inlet = 3 inch
Gas Outlet = 3 inch
Liquid Outlet = 2 inch

Level Band : NA

This Calculation represents the work of WorleyParsons performed to recognized engineering principles and practices appropriate for the terms of reference provided by WorleyParsons contractual
Customer. This Calculation is confidential and prepared solely for the use of the Customer. The contents of this Calculation may not be disclosed to or relied upon by any party other than the Customer, and
neither WorleyParsons , its subconsultants nor their respective employees assume any liability for any reason, including, but not limited to, negligence, to any other party for any information or representation
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Calculation Sheet

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3.3 Plant Air Receiver (81-322-00-V-002)

Basis & Assumption :

Total Plant Air Demand (Q) for GTPP = 300 Nm3/hr (Refer Appendix-2 for calculation details)

Operating pressure [max] - (P1) = 7.5 barg

Operating pressure [min] - (P2) = 4.5 barg
Temperature - (T) = 30 C
Gas Constant ® = 0.0831
Time Required for PA Receiver (T) = 20 mins
PA required to be stored in PA Receiver = 100 Nm3
Mass of IA = 129 kg

Air Density @ 7.5 barg = 9.8 kg/m3

Air Density @ 4.5 barg = 6.3 kg/m3
Density Diff = 3.5 kg/m3
PA Receiver Sizing (V) = 37 m3
Selected Diameter = 2.7 m
Selected Length = 5.6 m
2:1 ellipsoidal head = 5.2 m3
IA Receiver Volume = 37 m3

Results :
Dimensions of the Receiver :
Inner Diameter (ID) = 2700 mm
Vessel Length (T/T) = 5600 mm

Nozzle sizes :
Inlet = 3 inch
Gas Outlet = 3 inch
Liquid Outlet = 2 inch

Level Band : NA

This Calculation represents the work of WorleyParsons performed to recognized engineering principles and practices appropriate for the terms of reference provided by WorleyParsons contractual
Customer. This Calculation is confidential and prepared solely for the use of the Customer. The contents of this Calculation may not be disclosed to or relied upon by any party other than the Customer, and
neither WorleyParsons , its subconsultants nor their respective employees assume any liability for any reason, including, but not limited to, negligence, to any other party for any information or representation
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3.4 Closed drain Drum (81-453-00-V-001)

The Closed drain drum sizing is based on to receive the all vessel holp-up volume from LALL in the
following vessels and system
a) Fuel Gas K.O Vessel
b) Fuel gas filter separator (Operating)
c) Unit-418 - Diesel drain from Unloading pumps, distribution pumps and Filters.
The Closed drain drum is a Horizontal vessel with boot located above ground, hence all the drains are routed
to the drum by pressurization.

Basis & Assumption :

a) Fuel Gas KO vessel (81-247-00-V-001) hold-up volume = 0.89 m3

b) Fuel Gas Filter separators (81-247-00-V-002 A/B) hold-up volume = 0.89 m3

c) Diesel drain from Unit-418 = 1.5 m3

Total Hold-up volume (v) = 3.3 m3

Selected Diameter = 1.5 m

Selected Length = 3.6 m

Vessel total volume (V) = 7.25 m3

Level Band :
LAHH = 1200 mm 6.248 m3
LAH = 1050 mm 5.449 m3
LAL = 450 mm 1.796 m3
LALL = 300 mm 0.98 m3

Vessel working volume (Between LAL & LAH) - Vw = 3.65 m3

Vessel total hold-up volume(v) is greater than working volume (Vw)

Results :
Dimensions of the Drum :
Inner Diameter (ID) = 1500 mm
Vessel Length (T/T) = 3600 mm

Nozzle sizes :
Inlet = 4 inch
Gas Outlet = 6 inch
Liquid Outlet/Pump suction = 3 inch

This Calculation represents the work of WorleyParsons performed to recognized engineering principles and practices appropriate for the terms of reference provided by WorleyParsons contractual Customer. This
Calculation is confidential and prepared solely for the use of the Customer. The contents of this Calculation may not be disclosed to or relied upon by any party other than the Customer, and neither WorleyParsons , its
subconsultants nor their respective employees assume any liability for any reason, including, but not limited to, negligence, to any other party for any information or representation herein.

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Appendix 1

Calculation file of Fuel Gas K.O. Vessel - 81-247-00-V-001

This Calculation represents the work of WorleyParsons performed to recognized engineering principles and practices appropriate for the terms of reference provided by WorleyParsons contractual
Customer. This Calculation is confidential and prepared solely for the use of the Customer. The contents of this Calculation may not be disclosed to or relied upon by any party other than the Customer,
and neither WorleyParsons , its subconsultants nor their respective employees assume any liability for any reason, including, but not limited to, negligence, to any other party for any information or
representation herein.

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Vertical Two-Phase Separator Sizing (SI Units)
Standard Calculation WS-CA-PR-008, Rev. 3, "Re-Issued for Use", 12-Feb-03
Verified: Verification of WS-CA-PR-008, Rev. 3, "Re-Issued for Use", 12-Feb-03

PROJECT Formation Development FEED CALC No


Oil rate = 3949.605 kg/h Oil density = 834.6 kg/m3

Vapour rate = 78992.1 kg/h Vapour density = 25.1 kg/m3
Water rate = 0.00 kg/h Water density = 996 kg/m3
Vapour molecular weight = 20.5 Vapour vol. rate = 3143.34 m3/h
Vapour Std. Volume Rate = 91247.2 std. m /hr Water vol. rate = 0.00 m3/h
Oil vol. rate = 4.73 m /hr Mixed liquid density = 834.60 kg/m3
Vapour vol. rate (Q) = 0.873 m3/s Mixed liquid vol. rate (Qlm) = 0.0013 m3/s
K Factor = 0.100 m/s Mixture (inlet) density (Qm) = 26.35 kg/m3
SQRT(ρL-ρg/ρg) = 5.68 Required Vapour area (Amin) = 1.538 m2
Max. allowable velocity (Vmax) = 0.57 m/s Diameter for vapour handling = 1400 mm
Slug capacity required = 0 m3
Manual override of diameter = 1450 mm Actual K (based on diameter used) = 0.093 m/s
Diameter used = 1450 mm Vessel cross section = 1.651 m2
Holdup time for control
LAH to LAHH = 1.0 mins
LAL to LAH = 3.0 mins
LALL to LAL = 1.0 mins

Height to top tan line = 250 mm 250 mm 0.15 x diameter or specified min

Allowance for Demister = 150 mm 150 mm

Height above inlet to Demister = 983 mm 600 mm 600 mm min or height from inlet to T.T.L. = 0.85D+150mm

Demister (Y/N) = Y
Inlet nozzle height = 400 mm inlet nozzle ID

Height to inlet from LAHH = 450 mm 450 mm 0.3 x diameter or specified min

Specified Min.
Height LAH to LAHH = 150 mm 150 mm specified hold up time or specified min

Height NLL to LAH = 200 mm 200 mm half specified holdup or specified min, and slug volume

Height LAL to NLL = 200 mm 200 mm half specified holdup or specified min

Height LALL to LAL = 150 mm 150 mm specified hold up time or specified min

Height BTL to LALL = 300 mm 300 mm

Total liquid height (from BTL) = 1000 mm 1000 mm

Slug Volume is 0.0 % of Control Volume between NLL and LAH.

Total tan-tan height = 3233 mm TOTAL L/D Ratio = 2.2

Inlet Device 2 No Inlet Device Half-open Pipe Proprietry Device
ρm Vm 2 = 1500 Min. ID mm = 384 mm
Required Velocity = 7.55 m/s Min. inlet diameter = 400 mm
Vapour Outlet Nozzle
ρvVv2 = 3750 Min. ID = 302 mm
Required Velocity = 12.22 m/s Min. vap. outlet diam. = 400 mm
Liquid Outlet Nozzle
Required Velocity = 1 m/s Min. ID (oil + water) = 40.9 mm
Min. liquid outlet = 50 mm

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Appendix 2

Calculation file of Plant and Instrument Air requirement Calculation

This Calculation represents the work of WorleyParsons performed to recognized engineering principles and practices appropriate for the terms of reference provided by WorleyParsons contractual
Customer. This Calculation is confidential and prepared solely for the use of the Customer. The contents of this Calculation may not be disclosed to or relied upon by any party other than the Customer,
and neither WorleyParsons , its subconsultants nor their respective employees assume any liability for any reason, including, but not limited to, negligence, to any other party for any information or
representation herein.

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Calculation :
Plant and Instrument Air Requirement - GTPP
Control valves 1.5 Nm3/h 12 Upset Condition
On Off valves 2 Nm3/h
Total continuous IA requirement = All CVs operating + 10% of On-off valves operating + packages + analysers + non-instruments + losses
Losses 5% of total continuous IA requirement is considered as losses
Instrument Air Demand = Total continuous IA requirement x Margin + One max intermittent user
Margin of 30% is considered to account for a) Un-identified users
b) Future requirement
c) estimation inaccuracies
Pulse air cleaning at Filters per block Total per block : 135 Nm3/h
Total for 5 blocks : 675 Nm3/h
( Each Power block contains 2 GTG+1 steam generator)


No of Non-Instruments Total Air Intermittent

Air requirement Air requirement Total Air
Unit Trains/ No. of Control No. of Shutdown (ExP Motors, Fire requirement for Users
No of Analysers for Control for Shutdown requirement
Blocks Valves /On off Valves Eyes, Local panel GTPP (Nm3/h) (Nm3/hr)
Valves (Nm3/h) Valves (Nm3/h) (Nm3/h)
purge etc)

1. GCF
Inlet header 1 0 2 0 0 4 0 0.40
Fuel Gas Ko vessel 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0.20
Fuel gas Filter separators 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Distribution header 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Others 1 1 0 0 2 0 2 1.50

Total 2

2. Gas turbine Power block (Single Unit)

Normal Operation 1 3 3
Dual fuel changeover (Block-1) 1 322 Ignored
Compressor washing offline 1 44
Startup and stop 1 32
Instrument air for HRSG 1 70
Steam turbine 1 30
Steam and condensate process 1 25
Miscelleneous 1 16 16

Total 144

2. Plant Air

Service (Plant) air for HRSG (per block) 60

Make-up to air surge tank for backwash sequence 80
Peak Service (Plant) air for GTPP - ( 1 station flow considered) 100

Total 60

Total continuous IA requirement / Block 144 Nm3/hr Without pulse air cleaning
Total IA requirement for upset condition of control valve 24 2 Control valves considered for upset condition each power block (under Vendor scope)
Losses 8 Nm3/hr
Total per block (Without margin) 176 Nm3/hr
Cont. Instrument Air Demand (Q) per block 229 Nm3/hr With 30% margin (As per BOD Doc: 8015-0152-WP05-81-470-MR-BD-06001)
Pulse air cleaning per block 135 Nm3/hr
Instrument Air Demand (Q) per block 364 Nm3/hr Including pulse air cleaning
Instrument Air Demand (Q) for 5 blocks 1822 Nm3/hr (Continuous IA demand per block x 5 + Pulse Air requirement : 135 x 5 = 675 Nm3/h)
Instrument Air Demand (Q) for GCF 2 Nm3/hr
Total Instrument Air Demand (Q) for GTPP 1868 Nm3/hr (IA demand for 5 blocks + Maximum Intermittent demand+GCF requirement)
Purge loss @ 20% of instrument air demand 374 Nm3/hr
Total Instrument Air Demand 2241 Nm3/hr 2.01 MMSCFD

Utility Air Compressor Demand (IA + PA) 2641 Nm3/hr Total Instrument Air Demand + Continuous PA + Maximum Intermittent PA demand

Instrument Air Compressor Package 3 Nos. 2641 Nm3/hr

Compressor design capacity 50%
Compressor capacity 1321 Nm3/hr
Equipment Sizing Report – Power Plant Fuel Gas
Doc. Title
Treatment System Rev.: 00 Status: AFU
COMPANY No.: 8015-0152-WP05-81-470-PC-RP-06004
Contractor No.: N/A Page: 15 of 16

Attachment -2 Closed drain pump Calculation

8015‐0152‐WP05‐81‐470‐PC‐RP‐06004_Rev C.docx
Uncontrolled copy, if printed.
PROJ No WPL-10863
ACTIVITY Drain pump hydraulics
PROJECT formation development CALC No. 6007


A #######
Standard Calculation WS-CA-PR-015, Rev. 2, "Re-Issued for Use", 20-Aug-02
Verified: Verification of WS-CA-PR-015, Rev. 2, "Re-Issued for Use", 20-Aug-02

Equipment Number 81-453-00-P-001 Service

Fluid Pumped Hydrocarbon Duty 1 x 100%
Fluid Temperature, T 25 °C Max 40.0 °C
Viscosity @ T 3.8 cP
Density @ T 850 kg/m³
Vapour Pressure @ max T 103 kPaa
Volumetric Flowrate 5 m³/h
Design Margin, Flow 0.0 %
Design Flowrate 5 m³/h
Pump Type Centrifugal Reciprocating Screw

Pump Centre Line Elevation 0.40 m User Input Value Typical Value (above grade)

Pump Speed 3000 rpm not required

Pump Suction Impeller Type not required

Suction Vessel Pressure 103.325 kPaa 12.391 m
Suction Liquid Level Elevation 11.67 kPa 1.80 m (above grade)

Maximum Vapour Pressure 103.000 kPaa 12.352 m

Line / Fittings Pressure Drop 1.63 kPa 0.2 m
Suction Head 113.369 kPaa 13.596 m
Available NPSH 10.37 kPa 1.243 m
NPSH Design Margin 8.34 kPa 1.00 m
Required NPSH 1.30 m User Input Value Typical Value

Line / Fittings Press. Drop 307.11 kPa 36.830 m (incl. recip. acceleration head)

Discharge Vessel Pressure 201.325 kPaa 24.144 m

Discharge Liquid Level Elevation 38.36 kPa 5.00 m (above grade)

Discharge Head 546.79 kPaa 65.574 m

Differential Head 433.42 kPa 52.0 m
Flowrate 5 m³/h
Hydraulic Power 0.6 kW
Pump Efficiency 29.0% User Input Value Typical Value
Estimated Power 2.1 kW
Number of Stages 1
Specific Impeller Speed 6 in SI units
Impeller Diameter 234.0 mm
Centrifugal Pump Type Radial Flow

81-453-00-P-001 Closed Drain Pump2 - Copy.xls Pump-SI

X:\1_Jobs\WPL10000\WPL10801-900\WPL10863\1_process\140_calculations\4. Pump sizing\calculation for BTL elevation 1.5 mtrs\ 2/11/2015
PROJ No WPL-10863
ACTIVITY Drain pump hydraulics
PROJECT formation development CALC No. 6007


A #######
Standard Calculation WS-CA-PR-015, Rev. 2, "Re-Issued for Use", 20-Aug-02
Verified: Verification of WS-CA-PR-015, Rev. 2, "Re-Issued for Use", 20-Aug-02

Equipment Number 81-453-00-P-001 Service

Fluid Pumped Water Duty 1 x 100%
Fluid Temperature, T 25 °C Max 52.0 °C
Viscosity @ T 0.95 cP
Density @ T 1000 kg/m³
Vapour Pressure @ max T 103 kPaa
Volumetric Flowrate 5 m³/h
Design Margin, Flow 0.0 %
Design Flowrate 5 m³/h
Pump Type Centrifugal Reciprocating Screw

Pump Centre Line Elevation 0.40 m User Input Value Typical Value (above grade)

Pump Speed 3000 rpm not required

Pump Suction Impeller Type not required

Suction Vessel Pressure 103.325 kPaa 10.533 m
Suction Liquid Level Elevation 13.73 kPa 1.80 m (above grade)

Maximum Vapour Pressure 103.000 kPaa 10.499 m

Line / Fittings Pressure Drop 1.35 kPa 0.1 m
Suction Head 115.709 kPaa 11.795 m
Available NPSH 12.71 kPa 1.296 m
NPSH Design Margin 9.81 kPa 1.00 m
Required NPSH 1.30 m User Input Value Typical Value

Line / Fittings Press. Drop 269.47 kPa 27.469 m (incl. recip. acceleration head)

Discharge Vessel Pressure 201.325 kPaa 20.522 m

Discharge Liquid Level Elevation 45.13 kPa 5.00 m (above grade)

Discharge Head 515.92 kPaa 52.591 m

Differential Head 400.21 kPa 40.8 m
Flowrate 5 m³/h
Hydraulic Power 0.6 kW
Pump Efficiency 33.1% User Input Value Typical Value
Estimated Power 1.7 kW
Number of Stages 1
Specific Impeller Speed 7 in SI units
Impeller Diameter 207.3 mm
Centrifugal Pump Type Radial Flow

81-453-00-P-001 Closed Drain Pump2 - Copy.xls Pump-SI (2)

X:\1_Jobs\WPL10000\WPL10801-900\WPL10863\1_process\140_calculations\4. Pump sizing\calculation for BTL elevation 1.5 mtrs\ 2/11/2015
Equipment Sizing Report – Power Plant Fuel Gas
Doc. Title
Treatment System Rev.: 00 Status: AFU
COMPANY No.: 8015-0152-WP05-81-470-PC-RP-06004
Contractor No.: N/A Page: 16 of 16

Attachment -3 Line Sizing Calculation

8015‐0152‐WP05‐81‐470‐PC‐RP‐06004_Rev C.docx
Uncontrolled copy, if printed.
Project : Formation development Client : Project No : WPL-10863 Date : 09/09/2014
Line From : CPF Line To : Fuel gas KO vessel By : Checked :
Line Service : HP fuel gas Calc No. : 8015-0152-WP05-81-247-PC-CC-06003

Line/Unit No: Case -1 Flow Case -3 Flow Case - 1 1 GTG 404/247 405/247
Phase Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas
Diameter, Nominal 300.00 mm 300.00 mm 150.00 mm 300.00 mm 350.00 mm
Type of Pipe Commercial Steel Commercial Steel Commercial Steel Commercial Steel Commercial Steel
Pipe Schedule #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
Pipe Class #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!


O.D.,mm User Input User Input User Input User Input User Input
WT., mm User Input User Input User Input User Input User Input
I.D. / W.T.,mm #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
Flow Type Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass
Actual Flowrate 71811 kg/h 75390 kg/h 13192 kg/h 71316.8354 kg/h 71316.83 kg/h
Inlet Temperature 25 °C 25 °C 25 °C 24.58 °C 70 °C
Inlet Pressure 3100 kPaa 3100 kPaa 3100 kPaa 3035 kPaa 3025 kPaa
Pressure Linked to previous line Link from Line 1 Outlet Pressure Link from Line 2 Outlet Pressure Link from Line 3 Outlet Pressure Link from Line 4 Outlet Pressure

Inlet Pressure 3100 kPaa 3100 kPaa 3100 kPaa 3035 kPaa 3025 kPaa
Molecular Weight 20.5 21.52 20.5 20.35 20.35
Compressibility 0.96 Not required Not required Not required Not required Not required
Gas k Value at Outlet (CP / CV) 1.34 1.4 1.34 1.394 1.315
User Defined Density 25.63 kg/m3 30.54 kg/m3 25.63 kg/m3 27.98 kg/m3 23.1 kg/m3

Density 25.630 kg/m3 30.540 kg/m3 25.630 kg/m3 27.980 kg/m3 23.100 kg/m3
Viscosity 0.01 cP 0.01 cP 0.01 cP 0.011743 cP 0.0131 cP
Design Margin 10 % 10 % % 20 % 20 %
Eq Lengths Eq Lengths Eq Lengths Eq Lengths Eq Lengths
Elbows / Bends / Tees No. metres No. metres No. metres No. metres No. metres
Elbow 90° (LR) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Elbow 45° (LR) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bend 90°, R = 5D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bend 180°, R = 5D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Tee Through 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Tee 90° Branch 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ball (red. bore ≤ 40 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ball (red. bore ≥ 50 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Gate (std. bore) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Gate (red. bore ≤ 40 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Globe (straight pattern) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Globe (Y pattern) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Globe (angle pattern) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Check (swing type) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Check (ball or piston ≤ 40 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Plug (regular) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Butterfly (≥≥ 150 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Strainer (Y and Bucket Type) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Enlargers & Reducers
Nominal Size (upstream) mm mm mm mm mm
Nominal Size (downstream) mm mm mm mm mm
Reducer 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Enlarger 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Entrance & Exits
Entrance - Inward Projecting #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
Entrance - Flush #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
Exits - All cases #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
User Defined K Value & ∆P
K Value for Fitting #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
Pressure Drop: Item 1 kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa
Pressure Drop: Item 2 kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa
Fittings Eq. Length, m #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
Pipe Straight Length m m m m m
Total Eq. Length, m #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
Elevation Change m m m m m
CALCULATED VALUES: SI Results SI Results SI Results SI Results SI Results
Mass Flow 71811.00 kg/h 75390.00 kg/h 13192.00 kg/h 71316.84 kg/h 71316.83 kg/h
Actual Vol. Flow Rate 2801.83 m3/h 2468.57 m3/h 514.71 m3/h 2548.85 m3/h 3087.31 m3/h
Static Head Loss 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa
Reynolds No. #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
Moody Friction Factor #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
Pressure Drop #REF! kPa/100 m #REF! kPa/100 m #REF! kPa/100 m #REF! kPa/100 m #REF! kPa/100 m
Design Pressure Drop #REF! kPa/100 m #REF! kPa/100 m #REF! kPa/100 m #REF! kPa/100 m #REF! kPa/100 m
Inlet Velocity #REF! m/s #REF! m/s #REF! m/s #REF! m/s #REF! m/s
Design Total Drop #REF! kPa #REF! kPa #REF! kPa #REF! kPa #REF! kPa
Cumulative Design Total Drop #REF! kPa #REF! kPa #REF! kPa #REF! kPa #REF! kPa
Inlet Press 3100 kPaa 3100 kPaa 3100 kPaa 3035 kPaa 3025 kPaa
Outlet Press #REF! kPaa #REF! kPaa #REF! kPaa #REF! kPaa #REF! kPaa
Outlet Density #REF! kg/m3 #REF! kg/m3 #REF! kg/m3 #REF! kg/m3 #REF! kg/m3
Outlet Vol Flow #REF! m3/h #REF! m3/h #REF! m3/h #REF! m3/h #REF! m3/h
Outlet Velocity #REF! m/s #REF! m/s #REF! m/s #REF! m/s #REF! m/s
Pressure Drop/Inlet P #REF! % #REF! % #REF! % #REF! % #REF! %
Noise Limit 38.45 m/s 35.19 m/s 38.45 m/s 36.78 m/s 40.53 m/s
Sonic Velocity at Outlet (Vs) 402.54 m/s 401.59 m/s 402.54 m/s 411.79 m/s 429.38 m/s
Erosional Velocity Limit : C 122 122 122 122 122
Ve 24.10 m/s 22.08 m/s 24.10 m/s 23.06 m/s 25.38 m/s




Std Calc: WS-CA-PR-001 Rev 3 X:\1_Jobs\WPL10000\WPL10801-900\WPL10863\1_process\140_calculations\1. Line Sizing\Line sizing for Equipment sizing report\WS-CA-PR-001 - Gas lines_Case 1,3.xlsFinal Date Printed: 2/11/2015
Project : Formation development Client : Project No : WPL-10863 Date : 6/1/2015
Line From : CPF Line To : GTPP Utilities By : Checked :
Line Service : Utility lines - Instrument Air Calc No. : 8015-0152-WP05-81-247-PC-CC-06003

Line/Unit No: To GCF Block-1 Dual Firing Instr Air per block Compressor washing Miscellaneous+Startup and
Phase Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas
Diameter, Nominal 25.00 mm 50.00 mm 50.00 mm 25.00 mm 25.00 mm
Type of Pipe Commercial Steel Commercial Steel Commercial Steel Commercial Steel Commercial Steel
Pipe Schedule Sch 80 Sch 40 Sch 40 Sch 80 Sch 80
Pipe Class Optional Override Optional Override Optional Override Optional Override Optional Override

User can override WT/ID User can override WT/ID User can override WT/ID User can override WT/ID User can override WT/ID
O.D.,mm User Input User Input User Input User Input User Input
WT., mm User Input User Input User Input User Input User Input
I.D. / W.T.,mm 24.31 4.55 52.50 3.91 52.50 3.91 24.31 4.55 24.31 4.55
Flow Type Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass
Actual Flowrate 3.4 kg/h 416 kg/h 470.31 kg/h 56.85 kg/h 33.5 kg/h
Inlet Temperature 60 °C 60 °C 60 °C 60 °C 60 °C
Inlet Pressure 1051.325 kPaa 1051.325 kPaa 1051.325 kPaa 1051.325 kPaa 1051.325 kPaa
Pressure Linked to previous line Link from Line 1 Outlet Pressure Link from Line 2 Outlet Pressure Link from Line 3 Outlet Pressure Link from Line 4 Outlet Pressure

Inlet Pressure 1051.325 kPaa 1051.325 kPaa 1051.325 kPaa 1051.325 kPaa 1051.325 kPaa
Molecular Weight 28.96 28.96 28.96 28.96 28.96
Compressibility 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99
Gas k Value at Outlet (CP / CV) 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
User Defined Density kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3
(User can override density) (User can override density) (User can override density) (User can override density) (User can override density)
Density 11.103 kg/m3 11.103 kg/m3 11.103 kg/m3 11.103 kg/m3 11.103 kg/m3
Viscosity 0.0177 cP 0.0177 cP 0.0177 cP 0.0177 cP 0.0131 cP
Design Margin % % % % %
Eq Lengths Eq Lengths Eq Lengths Eq Lengths Eq Lengths
Elbows / Bends / Tees No. metres No. metres No. metres No. metres No. metres
Elbow 90° (LR) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Elbow 45° (LR) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bend 90°, R = 5D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bend 180°, R = 5D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Tee Through 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Tee 90° Branch 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ball (red. bore ≤ 40 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ball (red. bore ≥ 50 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Gate (std. bore) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Gate (red. bore ≤ 40 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Globe (straight pattern) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Globe (Y pattern) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Globe (angle pattern) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Check (swing type) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Check (ball or piston ≤ 40 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Plug (regular) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Butterfly (≥≥ 150 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Strainer (Y and Bucket Type) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Enlargers & Reducers
Nominal Size (upstream) mm mm mm mm mm
Nominal Size (downstream) mm mm mm mm mm
Reducer 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Enlarger 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Entrance & Exits
Entrance - Inward Projecting 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Entrance - Flush 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Exits - All cases 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
User Defined K Value & ∆P
K Value for Fitting 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pressure Drop: Item 1 kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa
Pressure Drop: Item 2 kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa
Fittings Eq. Length, m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pipe Straight Length m m m m m
Total Eq. Length, m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Elevation Change m m m m m
CALCULATED VALUES: SI Results SI Results SI Results SI Results SI Results
Mass Flow 3.40 kg/h 416.00 kg/h 470.31 kg/h 56.85 kg/h 33.50 kg/h
Actual Vol. Flow Rate 0.31 m3/h 37.47 m3/h 42.36 m3/h 5.12 m3/h 3.02 m3/h
Static Head Loss 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa
Reynolds No. 2795 158326 178996 46733 37208
Moody Friction Factor 0.0461 0.0209 0.0207 0.0264 0.0271
Pressure Drop 0.04 kPa/100 m 5.10 kPa/100 m 6.46 kPa/100 m 5.67 kPa/100 m 2.02 kPa/100 m
Design Pressure Drop 0.04 kPa/100 m 5.10 kPa/100 m 6.46 kPa/100 m 5.67 kPa/100 m 2.02 kPa/100 m
Inlet Velocity 0.18 m/s 4.81 m/s 5.44 m/s 3.06 m/s 1.81 m/s
Design Total Drop 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa
Cumulative Design Total Drop 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa
Inlet Press 1051 kPaa 1051 kPaa 1051 kPaa 1051 kPaa 1051 kPaa
Outlet Press 1051 kPaa 1051 kPaa 1051 kPaa 1051 kPaa 1051 kPaa
Outlet Density 11.10 kg/m3 11.10 kg/m3 11.10 kg/m3 11.10 kg/m3 11.10 kg/m3
Outlet Vol Flow 0.31 m3/h 37.47 m3/h 42.36 m3/h 5.12 m3/h 3.02 m3/h
Outlet Velocity 0.18 m/s 4.81 m/s 5.44 m/s 3.06 m/s 1.81 m/s
Pressure Drop/Inlet P 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 %
Noise Limit 58.72 m/s 58.72 m/s 58.72 m/s 58.72 m/s 58.72 m/s
Sonic Velocity at Outlet (Vs) 365.93 m/s 365.93 m/s 365.93 m/s 365.93 m/s 365.93 m/s
Erosional Velocity Limit : C 122 122 122 122 122
Ve 36.61 m/s 36.61 m/s 36.61 m/s 36.61 m/s 36.61 m/s

Std Calc: WS-CA-PR-001 Rev 3 X:\1_Jobs\WPL10000\WPL10801-900\WPL10863\1_process\140_calculations\1. Line Sizing\Line sizing for Equipment sizing report\WS-CA-PR-001 - Gas lines_Case 1,3.xlsFinal (2) Date Printed: 2/11/2015
Project : Formation development Client : Project No : Date : 6/1/2015
Line From : CPF Line To : GTPP Utilities By : Checked :
Line Service : Utility lines - Instrument Air Calc No. : 8015-0152-WP05-81-247-PC-CC-06003

Line/Unit No: Pulse Air Steam turbine HRSG Instrument air header
Phase Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas
Diameter, Nominal 50.00 mm 50.00 mm 25.00 mm 100.00 mm mm
Type of Pipe Commercial Steel Commercial Steel Commercial Steel Commercial Steel Commercial Steel
Pipe Schedule Sch 40 Sch 40 Sch 80 Sch 40 Sch 80
Pipe Class Optional Override Optional Override Optional Override Optional Override Optional Override

User can override WT/ID User can override WT/ID User can override WT/ID User can override WT/ID Incorrect Schedule No.
O.D.,mm User Input User Input User Input User Input User Input
WT., mm User Input User Input User Input User Input User Input
I.D. / W.T.,mm 52.50 3.91 52.50 3.91 24.31 4.55 102.26 6.02 0.00 0.00
Flow Type Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass
Actual Flowrate 174.43 kg/h 71.1 kg/h 45.22 kg/h 2413.5 kg/h kg/h
Inlet Temperature 60 °C 60 °C 60 °C 60 °C °C
Inlet Pressure 1051.325 kPaa 1051.325 kPaa 1051.325 kPaa 1051.325 kPaa kPaa
Pressure Linked to previous line Link from Line 1 Outlet Pressure Link from Line 2 Outlet Pressure Link from Line 3 Outlet Pressure Link from Line 4 Outlet Pressure

Inlet Pressure 1051.325 kPaa 1051.325 kPaa 1051.325 kPaa 1051.325 kPaa 0 kPaa
Molecular Weight 28.96 28.96 28.96 28.96
Compressibility 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99
Gas k Value at Outlet (CP / CV) 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
User Defined Density kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3
(User can override density) (User can override density) (User can override density) (User can override density) (User can override density)
Density 11.103 kg/m3 11.103 kg/m3 11.103 kg/m3 11.103 kg/m3 #DIV/0! kg/m3
Viscosity 0.0177 cP 0.0177 cP 0.0177 cP 0.0177 cP cP
Design Margin % % % % %
Eq Lengths Eq Lengths Eq Lengths Eq Lengths Eq Lengths
Elbows / Bends / Tees No. metres No. metres No. metres No. metres No. metres
Elbow 90° (LR) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
Elbow 45° (LR) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
Bend 90°, R = 5D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
Bend 180°, R = 5D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
Tee Through 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
Tee 90° Branch 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
Ball (red. bore ≤ 40 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
Ball (red. bore ≥ 50 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
Gate (std. bore) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
Gate (red. bore ≤ 40 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
Globe (straight pattern) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
Globe (Y pattern) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
Globe (angle pattern) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
Check (swing type) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
Check (ball or piston ≤ 40 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
Plug (regular) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
Butterfly (≥≥ 150 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
Strainer (Y and Bucket Type) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
Enlargers & Reducers
Nominal Size (upstream) mm mm mm mm mm
Nominal Size (downstream) mm mm mm mm mm
Reducer 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Enlarger 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Entrance & Exits
Entrance - Inward Projecting 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0!
Entrance - Flush 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0!
Exits - All cases 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0!
User Defined K Value & ∆P
K Value for Fitting 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0!
Pressure Drop: Item 1 kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa
Pressure Drop: Item 2 kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa
Fittings Eq. Length, m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
Pipe Straight Length m m m m m
Total Eq. Length, m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
Elevation Change m m m m m
CALCULATED VALUES: SI Results SI Results SI Results SI Results SI Results
Mass Flow 174.43 kg/h 71.10 kg/h 45.22 kg/h 2413.50 kg/h 0.00 kg/h
Actual Vol. Flow Rate 15.71 m3/h 6.40 m3/h 4.07 m3/h 217.38 m3/h #DIV/0! m3/h
Static Head Loss 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa #DIV/0! kPa
Reynolds No. 66387 27060 37172 471600 #DIV/0!
Moody Friction Factor 0.0228 0.0261 0.0271 0.0174 #DIV/0!
Pressure Drop 0.98 kPa/100 m 0.19 kPa/100 m 3.68 kPa/100 m 5.10 kPa/100 m 0.00 kPa/100 m
Design Pressure Drop 0.98 kPa/100 m 0.19 kPa/100 m 3.68 kPa/100 m 5.10 kPa/100 m 0.00 kPa/100 m
Inlet Velocity 2.02 m/s 0.82 m/s 2.44 m/s 7.35 m/s 0.00 m/s
Design Total Drop 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa #DIV/0! kPa
Cumulative Design Total Drop 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa #DIV/0! kPa
Inlet Press 1051 kPaa 1051 kPaa 1051 kPaa 1051 kPaa 0 kPaa
Outlet Press 1051 kPaa 1051 kPaa 1051 kPaa 1051 kPaa #DIV/0! kPaa
Outlet Density 11.10 kg/m3 11.10 kg/m3 11.10 kg/m3 11.10 kg/m3 #DIV/0! kg/m3
Outlet Vol Flow 15.71 m3/h 6.40 m3/h 4.07 m3/h 217.38 m3/h #DIV/0! m3/h
Outlet Velocity 2.02 m/s 0.82 m/s 2.44 m/s 7.35 m/s #DIV/0! m/s
Pressure Drop/Inlet P 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % #DIV/0! %
Noise Limit 58.72 m/s 58.72 m/s 58.72 m/s 58.72 m/s #DIV/0! m/s
Sonic Velocity at Outlet (Vs) 365.93 m/s 365.93 m/s 365.93 m/s 365.93 m/s #DIV/0! m/s
Erosional Velocity Limit : C 122 122 122 122 122
Ve 36.61 m/s 36.61 m/s 36.61 m/s 36.61 m/s #DIV/0! m/s




Std Calc: WS-CA-PR-001 Rev 3 X:\1_Jobs\WPL10000\WPL10801-900\WPL10863\1_process\140_calculations\1. Line Sizing\Line sizing for Equipment sizing report\WS-CA-PR-001 - Gas lines_Case 1,3.xlsFinal (3) Date Printed: 2/11/2015
Project : Formation development Client : Project No : WPL-10863 Date : 6/1/2015
Line From : CPF Line To : GTPP Utilities By : Checked :
Line Service : Utility lines - Instrument Air Calc No. : 8015-0152-WP05-81-247-PC-CC-06003

Line/Unit No: Plant Air header PA header to each block Planr air to HRSG PA make-up to air surge PA to utility station
Phase Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas
Diameter, Nominal 80.00 mm 50.00 mm 40.00 mm 40.00 mm 50.00 mm
Type of Pipe Commercial Steel Commercial Steel Commercial Steel Commercial Steel Commercial Steel
Pipe Schedule Sch 40 Sch 40 Sch 80 Sch 80 Sch 40
Pipe Class Optional Override Optional Override Optional Override Optional Override Optional Override

User can override WT/ID User can override WT/ID User can override WT/ID User can override WT/ID User can override WT/ID
O.D.,mm User Input User Input User Input User Input User Input
WT., mm User Input User Input User Input User Input User Input
I.D. / W.T.,mm 77.93 5.49 52.50 3.91 38.10 5.08 38.10 5.08 52.50 3.91
Flow Type Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass
Actual Flowrate 517 kg/h 310 kg/h 78 kg/h 103.4 kg/h 129.21 kg/h
Inlet Temperature 60 °C 60 °C 60 °C 60 °C 60 °C
Inlet Pressure 1051.325 kPaa 1051.325 kPaa 1051.325 kPaa 1051.325 kPaa 1051.325 kPaa
Pressure Linked to previous line Link from Line 1 Outlet Pressure Link from Line 2 Outlet Pressure Link from Line 3 Outlet Pressure Link from Line 4 Outlet Pressure

Inlet Pressure 1051.325 kPaa 1051.325 kPaa 1051.325 kPaa 1051.325 kPaa 1051.325 kPaa
Molecular Weight 28.96 28.96 28.96 28.96 28.96
Compressibility 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99
Gas k Value at Outlet (CP / CV) 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
User Defined Density kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3
(User can override density) (User can override density) (User can override density) (User can override density) (User can override density)
Density 11.103 kg/m3 11.103 kg/m3 11.103 kg/m3 11.103 kg/m3 11.103 kg/m3
Viscosity 0.0177 cP 0.0177 cP 0.0177 cP 0.0177 cP 0.0177 cP
Design Margin % % % % %
Eq Lengths Eq Lengths Eq Lengths Eq Lengths Eq Lengths
Elbows / Bends / Tees No. metres No. metres No. metres No. metres No. metres
Elbow 90° (LR) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Elbow 45° (LR) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bend 90°, R = 5D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bend 180°, R = 5D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Tee Through 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Tee 90° Branch 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ball (red. bore ≤ 40 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ball (red. bore ≥ 50 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Gate (std. bore) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Gate (red. bore ≤ 40 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Globe (straight pattern) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Globe (Y pattern) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Globe (angle pattern) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Check (swing type) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Check (ball or piston ≤ 40 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Plug (regular) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Butterfly (≥≥ 150 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Strainer (Y and Bucket Type) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Enlargers & Reducers
Nominal Size (upstream) mm mm mm mm mm
Nominal Size (downstream) mm mm mm mm mm
Reducer 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Enlarger 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Entrance & Exits
Entrance - Inward Projecting 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Entrance - Flush 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Exits - All cases 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
User Defined K Value & ∆P
K Value for Fitting 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pressure Drop: Item 1 kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa
Pressure Drop: Item 2 kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa
Fittings Eq. Length, m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pipe Straight Length m m m m m
Total Eq. Length, m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Elevation Change m m m m m
CALCULATED VALUES: SI Results SI Results SI Results SI Results SI Results
Mass Flow 517.00 kg/h 310.00 kg/h 78.00 kg/h 103.40 kg/h 129.21 kg/h
Actual Vol. Flow Rate 46.57 m3/h 27.92 m3/h 7.03 m3/h 9.31 m3/h 11.64 m3/h
Static Head Loss 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa
Reynolds No. 132567 117984 40908 54229 49176
Moody Friction Factor 0.0200 0.0214 0.0252 0.0243 0.0237
Pressure Drop 1.05 kPa/100 m 2.90 kPa/100 m 1.08 kPa/100 m 1.82 kPa/100 m 0.56 kPa/100 m
Design Pressure Drop 1.05 kPa/100 m 2.90 kPa/100 m 1.08 kPa/100 m 1.82 kPa/100 m 0.56 kPa/100 m
Inlet Velocity 2.71 m/s 3.58 m/s 1.71 m/s 2.27 m/s 1.49 m/s
Design Total Drop 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa
Cumulative Design Total Drop 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa
Inlet Press 1051 kPaa 1051 kPaa 1051 kPaa 1051 kPaa 1051 kPaa
Outlet Press 1051 kPaa 1051 kPaa 1051 kPaa 1051 kPaa 1051 kPaa
Outlet Density 11.10 kg/m3 11.10 kg/m3 11.10 kg/m3 11.10 kg/m3 11.10 kg/m3
Outlet Vol Flow 46.57 m3/h 27.92 m3/h 7.03 m3/h 9.31 m3/h 11.64 m3/h
Outlet Velocity 2.71 m/s 3.58 m/s 1.71 m/s 2.27 m/s 1.49 m/s
Pressure Drop/Inlet P 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 %
Noise Limit 58.72 m/s 58.72 m/s 58.72 m/s 58.72 m/s 58.72 m/s
Sonic Velocity at Outlet (Vs) 365.93 m/s 365.93 m/s 365.93 m/s 365.93 m/s 365.93 m/s
Erosional Velocity Limit : C 122 122 122 122 122
Ve 36.61 m/s 36.61 m/s 36.61 m/s 36.61 m/s 36.61 m/s

Std Calc: WS-CA-PR-001 Rev 3 X:\1_Jobs\WPL10000\WPL10801-900\WPL10863\1_process\140_calculations\1. Line Sizing\Line sizing for Equipment sizing report\WS-CA-PR-001 - Gas lines_Case 1,3.xlsFinal (4) Date Printed: 2/11/2015
Project : Formation development Client : Project No : Date : 03/12/2014
Line From : CPF Line To : GTPP Utilities By : Checked : KSR
Line Service : Utility lines - DM water service network Calc No. : 8015-0152-WP05-81-247-PC-CC-06003

Line/Unit No: 415 -DM water 417/420/423/426/429 -DM 418/421/424/427/430 -DM

Phase Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid
Diameter, Nominal 100.00 mm 25.00 mm 50.00 mm mm mm
Type of Pipe Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Commercial Steel
Pipe Schedule Sch 10 Sch 80 Sch 10 Sch 10 Std
Pipe Class Optional Override Optional Override Optional Override Optional Override Optional Override

User can override WT/ID User can override WT/ID User can override WT/ID Incorrect Schedule No. Incorrect Schedule No.
O.D.,mm User Input User Input User Input User Input User Input
WT., mm User Input User Input User Input User Input User Input
I.D. / W.T.,mm 108.20 3.05 24.31 4.55 54.79 2.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Flow Type Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass
Actual Flowrate 53919.9 kg/h 598.8 kg/h 7984 kg/h kg/h kg/h
Inlet Temperature 40 °C 40 °C 40 °C °C °C
Inlet Pressure 451.3 kPaa 451.3 kPaa 451.3 kPaa kPaa kPaa
Pressure Linked to previous line Link from Line 1 Outlet Pressure Link from Line 2 Outlet Pressure Link from Line 3 Outlet Pressure Link from Line 4 Outlet Pressure

Inlet Pressure 451.3 kPaa 451.3 kPaa 451.3 kPaa 0 kPaa 0 kPaa
Molecular Weight 20.35 Not required Not required 20.35 Not required 20.35 Not required Not required
Compressibility 0.96 Not required Not required Not required Not required Not required
Gas k Value at Outlet (CP / CV) 1.397 Not required 1.395 Not required 1.395 Not required 1.394 Not required Not required
User Defined Density 998 kg/m3 998 kg/m3 998 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3
Density 998.000 kg/m3 998.000 kg/m3 998.000 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3
Viscosity 1.136 cP 1.136 cP 1.136 cP cP cP
Design Margin 25 % 25 % 25 % % %
Eq Lengths Eq Lengths Eq Lengths Eq Lengths Eq Lengths
Elbows / Bends / Tees No. metres No. metres No. metres No. metres No. metres
Elbow 90° (LR) 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Elbow 45° (LR) 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Bend 90°, R = 5D 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Bend 180°, R = 5D 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Tee Through 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Tee 90° Branch 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Ball (red. bore ≤ 40 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Ball (red. bore ≥ 50 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Gate (std. bore) 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Gate (red. bore ≤ 40 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Globe (straight pattern) 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Globe (Y pattern) 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Globe (angle pattern) 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Check (swing type) 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Check (ball or piston ≤ 40 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Plug (regular) 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Butterfly (≥≥ 150 mm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Strainer (Y and Bucket Type) 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Enlargers & Reducers
Nominal Size (upstream) mm mm mm mm mm
Nominal Size (downstream) mm mm mm mm mm
Reducer 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Enlarger 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Entrance & Exits
Entrance - Inward Projecting 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Entrance - Flush 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Exits - All cases 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
User Defined K Value & ∆P
K Value for Fitting 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Pressure Drop: Item 1 kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa
Pressure Drop: Item 2 kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa
Fittings Eq. Length, m 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Pipe Straight Length m m m m m
Total Eq. Length, m 0.00 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Elevation Change m m m m m
CALCULATED VALUES: SI Results SI Results SI Results SI Results SI Results
Mass Flow 53919.90 kg/h 598.80 kg/h 7984.00 kg/h 0.00 kg/h 0.00 kg/h
Actual Vol. Flow Rate 54.03 m3/h 0.60 m3/h 8.00 m3/h #DIV/0! m3/h #DIV/0! m3/h
Static Head Loss 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa
Reynolds No. 155144 7669 45370 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Moody Friction Factor 0.0189 0.0356 0.0239 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Pressure Drop 23.24 kPa/100 m 9.43 kPa/100 m 19.34 kPa/100 m 0.00 kPa/100 m 0.00 kPa/100 m
Design Pressure Drop 29.05 kPa/100 m 11.79 kPa/100 m 24.17 kPa/100 m 0.00 kPa/100 m 0.00 kPa/100 m
Inlet Velocity 1.63 m/s 0.36 m/s 0.94 m/s 0.00 m/s 0.00 m/s
Design Total Drop 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa
Cumulative Design Total Drop 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa
Inlet Press 451 kPaa 451 kPaa 451 kPaa 0 kPaa 0 kPaa
Outlet Press 451 kPaa 451 kPaa 451 kPaa 0 kPaa 0 kPaa
Outlet Density 998.00 kg/m3 998.00 kg/m3 998.00 kg/m3 #DIV/0! kg/m3 #DIV/0! kg/m3
Outlet Vol Flow 54.03 m3/h 0.60 m3/h 8.00 m3/h #DIV/0! m3/h #DIV/0! m3/h
Outlet Velocity 1.63 m/s 0.36 m/s 0.94 m/s #DIV/0! m/s #DIV/0! m/s
Pressure Drop/Inlet P 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % #DIV/0! % #DIV/0! %

Noise Limit N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Sonic Velocity at Outlet (Vs) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Erosional Velocity Limit : C 122 122 122 122 122
Ve N/A m/s N/A m/s N/A m/s N/A m/s N/A m/s

#DIV/0! #DIV/0!

Std Calc: WS-CA-PR-001 Rev 3 X:\1_Jobs\WPL10000\WPL10801-900\WPL10863\1_process\140_calculations\1. Line Sizing\Line sizing for Equipment sizing report\WS-CA-PR-001 - Gas lines_Case 1,3.xlsFinal (5) Date Printed: 2/11/2015
Project : Formation development Client : Project No : WPL-10863 Date : 03/12/2014
Line From : CPF Line To : GTPP Utilities By : Checked :
Line Service : Utility lines - Service Water Calc No. : 8015-0152-WP05-81-247-PC-CC-06003

Line/Unit No: 432 - Service water header 433 to 439 - Service water
Phase Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Gas
Diameter, Nominal 80.00 mm 50.00 mm mm mm mm
Type of Pipe Commercial Steel Commercial Steel Commercial Steel Commercial Steel Commercial Steel
Pipe Schedule Sch 80 Sch 80 Sch 160 Std Std
Pipe Class Optional Override Optional Override Optional Override Optional Override Optional Override

User can override WT/ID User can override WT/ID Incorrect Schedule No. Incorrect Schedule No. Incorrect Schedule No.
O.D.,mm User Input User Input User Input User Input User Input
WT., mm User Input User Input User Input User Input User Input
I.D. / W.T.,mm 73.66 7.62 49.25 5.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Flow Type Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass
Actual Flowrate 19860 kg/h 9930 kg/h kg/h kg/h kg/h
Inlet Temperature 40 °C 40 °C °C °C °C
Inlet Pressure 701.3 kPaa 701.3 kPaa kPaa kPaa kPaa
Pressure Linked to previous line Link from Line 1 Outlet Pressure Link from Line 2 Outlet Pressure Link from Line 3 Outlet Pressure Link from Line 4 Outlet Pressure

Inlet Pressure 701.3 kPaa 701.3 kPaa 0 kPaa 0 kPaa 0 kPaa

Molecular Weight 20.35 Not required Not required 20.35 Not required 20.35 Not required
Compressibility 0.96 Not required Not required Not required Not required
Gas k Value at Outlet (CP / CV) 1.397 Not required 1.395 Not required 1.395 Not required 1.394 Not required
User Defined Density 993 kg/m3 993 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3
INPUT DENSITY INPUT DENSITY (User can override density)
Density 993.000 kg/m3 993.000 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 #DIV/0! kg/m3
Viscosity 1.4 cP 1.4 cP cP cP cP
Design Margin 25 % % % % %
Eq Lengths Eq Lengths Eq Lengths Eq Lengths Eq Lengths
Elbows / Bends / Tees No. metres No. metres No. metres No. metres No. metres
Elbow 90° (LR) 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Elbow 45° (LR) 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Bend 90°, R = 5D 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Bend 180°, R = 5D 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Tee Through 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Tee 90° Branch 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Ball (red. bore ≤ 40 mm) 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Ball (red. bore ≥ 50 mm) 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Gate (std. bore) 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Gate (red. bore ≤ 40 mm) 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Globe (straight pattern) 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Globe (Y pattern) 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Globe (angle pattern) 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Check (swing type) 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Check (ball or piston ≤ 40 mm) 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Plug (regular) 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Butterfly (≥≥ 150 mm) 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Strainer (Y and Bucket Type) 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Enlargers & Reducers
Nominal Size (upstream) mm mm mm mm mm
Nominal Size (downstream) mm mm mm mm mm
Reducer 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Enlarger 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Entrance & Exits
Entrance - Inward Projecting 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Entrance - Flush 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Exits - All cases 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
User Defined K Value & ∆P
K Value for Fitting 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Pressure Drop: Item 1 kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa
Pressure Drop: Item 2 kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa
Fittings Eq. Length, m 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Pipe Straight Length m m m m m
Total Eq. Length, m 0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Elevation Change m m m m m
CALCULATED VALUES: SI Results SI Results SI Results SI Results SI Results
Mass Flow 19860.00 kg/h 9930.00 kg/h 0.00 kg/h 0.00 kg/h 0.00 kg/h
Actual Vol. Flow Rate 20.00 m3/h 10.00 m3/h #DIV/0! m3/h #DIV/0! m3/h #DIV/0! m3/h
Static Head Loss 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa #DIV/0! kPa
Reynolds No. 68113 50935 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Moody Friction Factor 0.0219 0.0238 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Pressure Drop 25.06 kPa/100 m 50.91 kPa/100 m 0.00 kPa/100 m 0.00 kPa/100 m 0.00 kPa/100 m
Design Pressure Drop 31.33 kPa/100 m 50.91 kPa/100 m 0.00 kPa/100 m 0.00 kPa/100 m 0.00 kPa/100 m
Inlet Velocity 1.30 m/s 1.46 m/s 0.00 m/s 0.00 m/s 0.00 m/s
Design Total Drop 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa #DIV/0! kPa
Cumulative Design Total Drop 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa 0.00 kPa #DIV/0! kPa
Inlet Press 701 kPaa 701 kPaa 0 kPaa 0 kPaa 0 kPaa
Outlet Press 701 kPaa 701 kPaa 0 kPaa 0 kPaa #DIV/0! kPaa
Outlet Density 993.00 kg/m3 993.00 kg/m3 #DIV/0! kg/m3 #DIV/0! kg/m3 #DIV/0! kg/m3
Outlet Vol Flow 20.00 m3/h 10.00 m3/h #DIV/0! m3/h #DIV/0! m3/h #DIV/0! m3/h
Outlet Velocity 1.30 m/s 1.46 m/s #DIV/0! m/s #DIV/0! m/s #DIV/0! m/s
Pressure Drop/Inlet P 0.00 % 0.00 % #DIV/0! % #DIV/0! % #DIV/0! %

Noise Limit N/A N/A N/A N/A #DIV/0! m/s

Sonic Velocity at Outlet (Vs) N/A N/A N/A N/A #DIV/0! m/s
Erosional Velocity Limit : C 122 122 122 122 122
Ve N/A m/s N/A m/s N/A m/s N/A m/s #DIV/0! m/s



#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

Std Calc: WS-CA-PR-001 Rev 3 X:\1_Jobs\WPL10000\WPL10801-900\WPL10863\1_process\140_calculations\1. Line Sizing\Line sizing for Equipment sizing report\WS-CA-PR-001 - Gas lines_Case 1,3.xlsFinal (6) Date Printed: 2/11/2015

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