PPKH B - Taufik Ismail - ProgramStudyProfile

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Nama : Taufik Ismail

NIM : 020321246
Class : II B PPKH

Animal Husbandry and Animal Welfare Extension Study Program Profile

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

Hello agrimilenial! Good morning, afternoon, evening, or night wherever you are.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Taufik Ismail, you can call me Taufik. I’m from
Lembang, and currently I am a student of the Bogor Agricultural Development Polytechnic in
the Animal Husbandry and Animal Welfare Extension Study Program.

Do you know that in Bogor Polbangtan there is a study program that focuses on
livestock counseling and animal welfare? Curious what is the livestock extension and animal
welfare study program? Let's discuss it together!

The study program for livestock extension and animal welfare or what is shortened to
PPKH is one of the study programs in Polbangtan Bogor. More precisely, it is on the campus
of the Polbangtan Bogor livestock department which is in Pasir Buncir Village, Caringin
District, Bogor Regency, West Java province.

Currently the livestock extension and animal welfare study program is chaired by Mrs.
Lilis Riyanti, M.Si. The livestock extension and animal welfare study program has a vision to
become a superior livestock extension and animal welfare study program based on smart
farming in producing professional and competitive graduates in 2025. The mission is to:

1. Organize agricultural vocational higher education to produce graduate profiles and

learning outcomes included in the curriculum in accordance with higher education
2. Conducting research that results in applied agricultural innovations.
3. Carry out community service based on the needs of the agricultural community.
4. Carry out student character development including: soft skills, interests, talents and
5. Carry out programs and activities of the ministry of agriculture related to agricultural
vocational higher education.
6. Manage agricultural vocational higher education resources effectively and efficiently.
7. Carry out cooperation with other universities, the business/industrial world (du/at),
local government and other stakeholders.

With the existence of the livestock extension and animal welfare study program, it is
hoped that it will be able to give birth to job seekers and job creators to advance the Indonesian
livestock sector in the future.

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