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Part of our Quality Management System (QMS)

Meeting the requirements of the

International Standard ISO 9001:2015

Policies can be established or altered only by the Board: Procedures may be altered by the CEO.

DISCLAIMER: While all care has been taken in the preparation of this material, no responsibility is accepted by the author(s)
or Our Community, its staff, volunteers or partners, for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies. The material provided in
this resource has been prepared to provide general information only. It is not intended to be relied upon or be a substitute for
legal or other professional advice. No responsibility can be accepted by the author(s) or Our Community or its partners for any
known or unknown consequences that may result from reliance on any information provided in this publication

ISO 9001 Ver.: 01

Document Control

Ryan Mifsud Manual

Author: Document Type:
Owner: Version:
Next Review Date:
Target All MCSI Ltd, Managers, Suppliers, Agents

Document History
Version No. Date Author(s) Description
0.1 02/07/2012 Ryan Mifsud Update 2018

1.0 26/06/2018 Ali Kashif Update 2018

2.0 26/06/2018 Hakob Petrosyan Update 2018

Distribution List
Department Leadership Team/SMT

ISO 9001 Ver.: 01

Quality Manual

Contents ............................................................................................................................... 3
Signatures............................................................................................................................. 6
Revision History .................................................................................................................... 6
Section 1: Scope ................................................................................................................... 7
Section 2: Normative Reference ........................................................................................... 8
Reference Documents ................................................................................................ 8
Local Acts - General ................................................................................................... 8
Section 3: Definitions ............................................................................................................ 9
Section 4: Context of the Organisation ................................................................................ 10
4.1 Context ..................................................................................................................... 10
Context ..................................................................................................................... 10
External Issues ......................................................................................................... 10
Internal Issues .......................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Interested Parties ..................................................................................................... 15
Interested Parties ..................................................................................................... 15
4.3 Scope ....................................................................................................................... 15
Scope ....................................................................................................................... 15
List of Products......................................................................................................... 15
List of Services ......................................................................................................... 15
Exclusions and Justification ...................................................................................... 15
4.4 Quality Management System .................................................................................... 16
QMS ......................................................................................................................... 16
Key Processes ......................................................................................................... 16
Support Processes ................................................................................................... 16
Section 5: Leadership ......................................................................................................... 18
5.1 Leadership and Commitment .................................................................................... 19
5.1.1 Leadership and Commitment for the QMS .......................................................... 19
5.1.2 Leadership and Commitment for customer focus ................................................ 19
5.2 Quality Policy ............................................................................................................ 19
Quality Policy ........................................................................................................ 19
5.3 Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities ..................................................................... 20
Management Representative.................................................................................... 20
Organisation Structure.............................................................................................. 21
Section 6: Planning ............................................................................................................. 22
6.1 Risks and Opportunities............................................................................................ 22
Risks and Opportunities ........................................................................................... 22
6.2 Quality Objectives..................................................................................................... 22
Quality Objectives .................................................................................................... 22
Section 7: Resources .......................................................................................................... 23

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7.1 Resources ................................................................................................................ 23

7.1.1 General ............................................................................................................... 23
7.1.2 People................................................................................................................. 23
Internal ..................................................................................................................... 23
External .................................................................................................................... 23
7.1.3 Infrastructure ....................................................................................................... 23
Buildings................................................................................................................... 23
Utilities...................................................................................................................... 23
Equipment – Category .............................................................................................. 23
Equipment – List....................................................................................................... 24
Equipment – Maintenance ........................................................................................ 24
Equipment – Use ...................................................................................................... 24
Information and Communication Technology Equipment .......................................... 24
Software ................................................................................................................... 24
Data Back-Up ........................................................................................................... 25
7.1.4 Environment ........................................................................................................ 25
7.1.5 Monitoring and Measuring Resources ................................................................. 25
7.1.6 Organisational Knowledge .................................................................................. 25
7.2 Competence ............................................................................................................. 26
Roles, Responsibilities and Skills ............................................................................. 26
Training .................................................................................................................... 26
Employee File........................................................................................................... 26
7.3 Awareness................................................................................................................ 26
7.4 Communication......................................................................................................... 27
Internal communication ............................................................................................ 27
External communication ........................................................................................... 27
7.5 Documented Information .......................................................................................... 27
7.5.1 General .......................................................................................................... 27
7.5.2 Creating and Updating ................................................................................... 27
Creation.................................................................................................................... 27
Updating ................................................................................................................... 28
7.5.3 Control of Documented Information ............................................................... 28
Section 8: Operation ........................................................................................................... 29
8.1 Operation Planning and Control................................................................................ 29
8.2 Determination of requirements for products and services ......................................... 29
8.3 Design and Development of products and services .................................................. 29
8.4 Control of externally provided products and services ................................................ 29
External Providers – List........................................................................................... 29
External Providers – Evaluation ................................................................................ 29
Purchasing ............................................................................................................... 30

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8.5 Production and Service Provision ............................................................................. 30

8.5.1 Control of production and service provision ......................................................... 30
8.5.2 Identification and traceability ............................................................................... 30
8.5.3 Property belonging to customers or external providers ........................................ 30
Property belonging to customers .............................................................................. 30
8.5.4 Preservation ........................................................................................................ 31
8.5.5 Post-delivery activities ......................................................................................... 31
8.5.6 Control of Changes ............................................................................................. 31
8.6 Release of products and services ............................................................................. 31
8.7 Control of nonconforming process outputs, products and services ........................... 31
External Providers Complaints ................................................................................. 32
Customer Complaints ............................................................................................... 32
Internal Complaints .................................................................................................. 32
Section 9: Performance Evaluation ..................................................................................... 34
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation .................................................. 34
9.1.1 General ............................................................................................................... 34
9.1.2 Customer satisfaction .......................................................................................... 34
Customer Feedback – Direct .................................................................................... 34
Customer Feedback – Indirect.................................................................................. 34
9.1.3 Analysis and evaluation....................................................................................... 34
9.2 Internal Audit ............................................................................................................ 35
Lead Auditor ............................................................................................................. 35
Internal Audit Plan .................................................................................................... 35
Internal Audit Implementation ................................................................................... 35
Internal Audit Report................................................................................................. 35
9.3 Management Review ................................................................................................ 36
Section 10: Improvement .................................................................................................... 37
10.1 General................................................................................................................... 37
10.2 Nonconformity and Corrective Action...................................................................... 37
10.3 Continual Improvement........................................................................................... 37

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Quality Manual


Function: Quality Expert

Written by:
Date: 17 Feb 2016

Checked by:


Approved by:


Revision History
Version Date Paragraph Summary of Change

01 17 Feb 2016 N/A Initial issue

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Quality Manual

Section 1: Scope
MCSI Co Ltdestablished a Quality Management System (QMS) which is structured to
comply with the conditions established in the International Standard MSA EN ISO 9001:2015

MCSI Co Ltd built the QMS on the following management principles:

• Customer focus
o Provide services which consistently:
▪ Understand current and future customer needs
▪ Meet customer requirements (and applicable statutory and regulatory
▪ Strive to exceed customer expectations
• Leadership
o Establish the direction of MCSI Co Ltd
o Create and maintain the internal environment in which people can become
fully involved in achieving the objectives of MCSI Co Ltd
• Engagement of People
o Enable the full involvement of people at all levels for the benefit of MCSI Co
• Process approach
o Identify the interaction of a system of processes, activities and related
resources to achieve the desired outcome
• Improvement
o Enable continual improvement
• Evidence-based Decision Making
o Take effective decisions based on the analysis of data and information
• Relationship Management
o Enhance the ability of all parties to create value by establishing mutually
beneficial relationships

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Section 2: Normative Reference

MCSI Co Ltd used the following documents as reference during the preparation of the QMS:

Reference Documents
• MSA EN ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems – Requirements

Local Acts - General

• Companies Act - CAP 386
• Conditions of Employment Act – CAP 135
• Data Protection Act – CAP 440
• Employement and Training Services Act – CAP 343
• Employment and Industrial Relations Act – CAP 452
• Industrial Relations Act – CAP 266
• Occupational Health and Safety Authority Act - CAP 424
• Social Security Act – CAP 318
• Trading Licences Act - CAP 441
• VAT Act – CAP 406

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Section 3: Definitions
MCSI Co Ltduses the following terms and definitions:

• BICS British Institute of Cleaning Science

Action to eliminate the cause of a nonconformity that has
• Corrective Action occurred and to prevent reoccurrence. (a non-conformance has
already occurred)
• EN European Norm
• ETC Employment and Training Corporation
• EU European Union
• Immediate Action Action to eliminate a detected nonconformity
• ISO International Standardisation Organisation
• IT Information Technology
• LN Legal Notice
• MSA Malta Standards Authority
effect of uncertainty with a positive consequence on an expected
• Opportunity
• PPE Personal Protective Equipment
Action to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity and to
• Preventive Action prevent the nonconformity from occurring. (a non-conformance
has not yet occurred)
• QM Quality Manual
• QMS Quality Management System
effect of uncertainty with a negative consequence on an
• Risk
expected result

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Section 4: Context of the Organisation


MCCS Co Ltdis a family run business that provides commercial, residential and industrial
cleaning services on the Maltese Islands.

MCCS Co Ltdis the only local cleaning company to be certified with BICSc (British Institute
of Cleaning Science) standards and official members of the same Institution.

MCCS Co Ltd is totally client oriented and takes pride in seeing to the individual
requirements of each of the clients, thus, ensuring that everything is dealt with in the best
and smoothest way possible.

External Issues

Topic Description Opportunity Threat

Political • Price Control
o The hourly payment rates for cleaning
employees in the public sector are
established by the government. The
public including the cleaning workers
are aware of this rate.
o Hence MCCS cannot offer any lower
payment rates to increase the
Political • Government Departments
o MCCS liaises with multiple
government departments including:
▪ ETC for engagement and
termination of employees
▪ JobsPlus for finding local and
foreign people
o The services offered by these
departments may sometimes be
relatively slow.
o Hence MCCS may need to delay the
start of offering services to new clients
until the new employees required are
formally engaged

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Topic Description Opportunity Threat

Economic • Competition
o A lot of competitor companies are
present in the market for cleaning
services. For the public sector, the
companies cannot compete on prices
due to the establishment of the
payment rates by government. On the
other hand, for the private sectors, the
companies compete in a very
cutthroat environment even for few
o Hence MCCS faces harsh competition
based on price in the private sector.
Economic • Market Share
o MCCS was one of the first companies
in Malta to offer cleaning services.
Over the years MCCS enjoyed a very
good reputation which led to a very
good organic growth.
o Hence MCCS currently has a very
good portion of the market share
Social • Customer Requirements - Residential
o The current busy lifestyle of the
people leaves very little time and/or
desire to cleaning.
o Hence MCCS has an increase in
requests for cleaning services from
residential clients.
Social • Customer Requirements - Commercial
o Companies need to ensure that the
premises are maintained in a constant
clean state both for the image of the
companies from any visitors and the
health benefit of employees. At the
same time a cleaning employee may
not be feasible for the company.
o Hence MCCS has an increase in
requests for cleaning services from
commercial clients.

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Topic Description Opportunity Threat

Social • Customer Needs and Expectations
o The needs and expectations related to
cleaning are very subjective to the
individual. A clean environment for
one person may be considered as
unclean by another person.
Subsequently a cleaner may perform
an adequate and appropriate job such
that the premises are left clean as
defined by the requirements of MCCS.
Nevertheless the client may still not be
satisfied with the cleaning level.
o Hence MCCS may receive complaints
(sometimes not justifiable) form
customers that are not happy with the
service received.
Social • Peace of Mind
o Cleaning companies are able to offer
more peace of mind to the clients
compared to private cleaning
individuals. Private cleaning
individuals may request cheaper
payment rates but cleaning companies
are able to offer the following
additional benefits:
▪ screening of employees prior
to employment
▪ protection against loss and/or
breakages that may occur
during the cleaning services
▪ after-sales customer service
o Hence MCCS has an increase in
requests for cleaning services both
from commercial and residential
Social • Cleaners – Employment
o The demand for cleaning services has
increased significantly over the years.
Currently the demand for cleaners has
exceeded the supply / availability of
workers who are willing to do this type
of job.
o Hence MCCS has a continuous
recruitment process to engage and
train competent employees

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Topic Description Opportunity Threat

Social • Cleaners – Demographics
o Local people are not willing to work in
the cleaning industry. On the other
hand only people coming mostly from
third countries are willing and/or
available to work in the cleaning
o Hence MCCS needs to employ foreign
people to meet the demand and
requests for cleaning work.
Social • Cleaners – Language Barrier
o Foreign people mostly coming from
third countries who are employed for
jobs in the cleaning industry may have
very limited (if any) knowledge of the
English language. This creates
problems related to communication
with the employees. MCCS needs to
communicate with the cleaning
employees mainly to provide initial
training and any subsequent cleaning
instructions. At the same time the
client needs to communicate with the
cleaning employees to provide further
and/or specificcleaninginstructions.
o Hence MCCS may encounter
additional language barrier problems
where MCCS does not manage to
communicate effectively with the
employees. At the same time MCCS
may receive complaints from clients
who are not able to communicate
effectively with the employee.
Social • Overtime
o The demand from clients for cleaning
services exceeds the capacity of the
current employees available at MCCS.
Subsequently MCCS requires the use
of overtime in order to meet the
customer requirements. However
overtime is both more costly and also
has a capping of maximum 60 hours
per week per employee of total work
o Hence MCCS encounters additional
costs due to overtime payment rates
and at the same time may not be able
to meet the customer requirements /

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Topic Description Opportunity Threat

Technology • Equipment
o Cleaning equipment forms an integral
part of the services offered by MCCS.
The equipment is used to make the
cleaning tasks easier, where less
strenuous manual work is required,
and at the same faster, where the
same task is completed in a shorter
o Hence MCCS invests in new
equipment with the aim to make the
cleaning tasks more efficient and
Legal • Health and Safety
o Cleaning services require the use of
cleaning products which may be
harmful to the human body scuh as
toxic, corrosive and irritant.
Subsequently the use by the cleaners
of these cleaning products requires
initially training related tothe safe use
and adequate disposal of the products
and secondly the use of PPE.
o Hence MCCS provides both training
and PPE to the employees who are
required to use harmful cleaning
Legal • Shift Allowance
o Legal requirements related to
employment conditions stipulate that a
shift allowance shall be given to
employees working on a shift basis.
o Hence MCCS has increased costs for
workers which work outside normal
working hours and/or shift work
Environment • Cleaning products
o Cleaning products form an integral
part of the services offered by MCCS.
Cleaning products may be hazardous
such as corrosive and toxic which
means that the products are usually
harsh on the environmental
o henceMCCS strives to use eco-
friendly cleaning products that are
available on the market.

Internal Issues
• People
o Capacity
▪ number of employees

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▪ working hours
▪ availability
o Capability
▪ efficiency
▪ skills
▪ expertise
▪ competence
o Communication
▪ teamwork

4.2 Interested Parties

Interested Parties
• Clients
o commercial
o residential
o industrial
• Regulatory Authorities
o Jobs Plus
• External Providers
• Competition
o other cleaning services companies
• Employees
o different nationalities
o different cultures

4.3 Scope
“Commercial, Residential and Industrial Cleaning Services”

List of Products
• cleaning products – to compliment the cleaning services

List of Services
• Cleaning Services
o Maid Service
▪ routine and/or daily overall cleaning
o General clean-up
▪ intense cleaning of the premises
o First clean-up
▪ intensive cleaning of premises after construction and/or renovation
works before receiving people for the first time
• Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning

Exclusions and Justification

• Design and Development

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o MCSI Co Ltd does not perform any design and development related to the
services offered. Cleaning services do not require any particular design and
o Customising the cleaning services to customer requirements implies liaising
initially with the clients and subsequently provides adequate training and
instructions to the cleaning employees to ensure that the specific needs of the
clients are met.
• Monitoring and Measuring Resources
o MCSI Co Ltd does not need to use any monitoring and measuring resources
and equipment.

4.4 Quality Management System


MCSI Co Ltd developed and implemented aQMS which meets the requirements of the
international standard MSA EN ISO 9001:2015

Key Processes

• Sales
o Requests
▪ Cleaning Services
▪ Upholstery
o Confirmation
• Operations
o Resource Planning
o Recruitment, Training
o Supervision
o Job
▪ Cleaning Services
▪ Upholstery
• Procurement
o Assets
▪ Ordering
▪ Receiving
o Consumables
• Post-Delivery
o Payroll
o Billing

Support Processes
• Human resources
• Infrastructure
• Work environment
• Monitoring and measuring resources
• Knowledge
• Communication
• Documented information
• Externally provided products and services
• Property owned by customers and external providers

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• Preservation of outputs
• Post-delivery
• Non-Conformity
• Customer satisfaction
• Data and information analysis and evaluation
• Internal audit
• Management review
• Continuous Improvement

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M.C.C.S. Co. Ltd






Operations Procurement



Supervision Receiving

Job Consumables






Figure 1: Interaction of Processes

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Quality Manual

Section 5: Leadership
5.1 Leadership and Commitment
5.1.1 Leadership and Commitment for the QMS

MCSI Co Ltd demonstrates leadership and commitment with respect to the QMS by:
• Taking responsibility and accountability of the effectiveness of the QMS
• Explaining why quality management are important
• Communicating the importance of conforming to QMS requirements
• Expecting employees to be accountable
• Encouraging and engaging employees to support
• Promoting improvement
• Establishing and communicating quality policy
• Establishing quality objectives
• Integrating QMS requirements into the business processes of the company
• Promoting awareness of the process approach
• Ensuring availability of resources
• Ensuring that QMS achieve results

5.1.2 Leadership and Commitment for customer focus

MCSI Co Ltd demonstrates leadership and commitment with respect to customer focus by:
• Managing all relevant requirements
• Providing compliant products and services
• Identifying current and future customer needs
• Meeting customer requirements
• Exceeding customer expectations
• Managing relevant risks and opportunities
• Enhancing customer satisfaction

5.2 Quality Policy

Quality Policy

• Available as documented information on ‘Quality Policy’

• Includes a commitment:
o to satisfy customer requirements
o to ensure compliance with applicable requirements of MSA EN ISO
o to promote continuous improvement
• Communicated, understood and applied within MCSI Co Ltd
• Available to relevant interested parties, as appropriate
• Reviewed at each management review for continuing suitability

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5.3 Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities

Management Representative
MCSI Co Ltd has the following Management Representative:
• Paul Degiorgio(Managing Director)

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Organisation Structure


Managing Director
(Management Representative)
Paul DeGiorgio

Operations and Human Carpet and Upholstery

Finance Manager Payroll Manager Receptionist
Resources Manager Cleaning Manager
Stephanie DeGiorgio Josianne DeGiorgio Maria Debono
Carmen James Godwin Zammit

Assistant Operations
Finance Clerk Payroll Clerk
Amy DeGiorgio Luke DeGiorgio
Josette Cutajar

Assist to HR Manager
Maria Debono

Cleaning Supervisor
Noel Bellotti

approximately 75 people

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Section 6: Planning
6.1 Risks and Opportunities
Risks and Opportunities

• MCSI Co Ltd identifies the risks and opportunities as part of the context of the
o refer to section 4 of this Quality manual

6.2 Quality Objectives

Quality Objectives
• Based on SMART:
o S – simple
o M – measurable
o A – achievable
o R – recorded
o T - time based
• available as documented information on ‘List of Objectives’
• Communicated and understood within MCSI Co Ltd
• Reviewed at each management review for continuing suitability
• Updated as required

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Section 7: Resources
7.1 Resources
7.1.1 General

MCSI Co Ltd manages the following resources:

• People
• Infrastructure
• Environment

7.1.2 People

• refer to ‘Organisation Chart’ in section 5.3

• Product Suppliers
• Equipment Maintenance
• Accounting and Financial Auditing
• Legal Consultant (Lawyer)
• IT Management
• QMS Consultants

7.1.3 Infrastructure

• Administration Offices
• Stores Area
• Cleaning Area

• Electrical Supply
o for IT equipment
o for cleaning equipment
o for work environment (lighting, air conditioners...)
• Water Supply
o for cleaning

Equipment –Category
MCSI Co Ltduses the following category of equipment:
• Company vehicles
• Cleaning equipment
o Trolleys
o Vacuum Cleaner
▪ Wet and Dry (Water and Dust) Tub Vacuum Cleaner
▪ Upright Vacuum Cleaner
o Single Disc Machine - for multiple cleaning tasks (Polishing Machine)
▪ low speed
▪ high speed
o Battery powered ride-on automatic scrubber drier - for floor cleaning

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▪ ride-on
▪ standing behind

Equipment – List
MCSI Co Ltduses the following equipment as listed in the following respective documented
• ‘Vehicles – List.xls’
• ‘Cleaning Equipment – List.xls’
• ‘Cleaning Equipment – Vehicles’ (for cleaning equipment located in the vehicles)

Equipment – Maintenance
• Routine maintenance (for vehicles only)
o consists of:
▪ vehicle service
▪ obligatory VRT
o is performed by a third party external provider
• Unscheduled maintenance (for vehicles and cleaning equipment)
o Minor / simple maintenance tasks may be performed by in-house people
o Major / complex maintenance tasks are performed by a third party external
▪ a job report / invoice is obtained from the respective external provider
for the repairs performed, as a record of the maintenance works
• Documented Information
o MCSI Co Ltd obtains a job report / invoice from the respective external
providers for the maintenance performed, as a record of the maintenance
o MCSI Co Ltd retains a summary of the maintenance performed as listed in
the following respective documented information:
▪ ‘Vehicles – Maintenance.xls’
▪ ‘Cleaning Equipment – Maintenance.xls’

Equipment – Use
MCSI Co Ltd manages and controls the issue of equipment from the stores to be used for
cleaning on site as listed on ‘Equipment Use Log Book’

Information and Communication Technology Equipment

• Network Computer (used as in-house server)
• Network infrastructure
• Workstations
• Printer
• Internet
• Telephones
• Mobile phones

• Freshbooks – for estimates
• Dakar – for payroll
• Sage – for accounts
• Microsoft Office Suite

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Data Back-Up
• e-mails
o saved on cloud
o real time automatic back-up

• files on local machines

o daily manual back-up on external USB pen drive which are retained by the
Operations and Human Resources Manager
o responsibility of every person
▪ to request the external USB pen drive from the Operations and
Human Resources Manager to perform the daily back-up
▪ to perform the back-up of the respective personal machine daily
▪ to return back the external USB pen drive to the Operations and
Human Resources Manager after performing the daily back-up
o responsibility of Operations and Human Resources Manager
▪ to retain the external USB pen drive in a safe location
▪ to give the external USB pen drive to the respective person to perform
the daily back-up
▪ to ensure that back-up is done by every person daily
▪ to collect back the external USB pen drive from the respective person
after performing the daily back-up

7.1.4 Environment

MCSI Co Ltdprovides and manages the following environment:

• Administration Offices
• Stores Area
• Cleaning Area

MCSI Co Ltdestablishes and follows the following requirements regarding the environment:
• Provide a welcoming environment for any clients and visitors which may visit the
premises of MCSI Co Ltd
• Provide a comfortable and safe work environment for the employees
• Are maintained in a state of order and cleanliness such that it does not adversely
affect employee performance and/or image of MCSI Co Ltd

7.1.5 Monitoring and Measuring Resources

• MCSI Co Ltd does not need to use any monitoring and measuring resources and

7.1.6 Organisational Knowledge

MCSI Co Ltdmanages organisational knowledge as described below:

• acquires knowledge
o experience gained over the years by the individual people
o exposure to the cleaning industry
▪ contacts with external providers
▪ contacts with clients
▪ contacts with stakeholders ion the cleaning industry
• shares knowledge
o informal in-house training

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7.2 Competence
Roles, Responsibilities and Skills

MCSI Co Ltd identifies the responsibilities and skills for the respective roles ‘Job


MCSI Co Ltd:
• encourages training to ensure that all employees are responsible, mature,
professional and appropriately skilled to perform the required tasks
• provides primarily the following training:
o job shadowing / induction training for new employees where the new / less
experienced employee performs job shadowing with an experienced
employee to get accustomed to working practices and requirements
o training related to the QMS
▪ ‘Quality Policy’
▪ ‘Quality Manual’
▪ ‘Key processes’
▪ ‘Support Processes’
o training related to changes in the cleaning products and equipment
▪ formal external training
▪ on the job self-training from external documents
o any additional training to relevant employees if the need arises for specific
• retains documented information related to the training received by the cleaning
employees as described below:
o individual training: ‘Employee File’
o group training: ‘Training Description’

Employee File

MCSI Co Ltd retains an employee file for every employee which includes the information
listed in ‘Cleaning Employee Information’ including
• ‘Job Description’
• copy of ID card
• copy of driver license (as applicable)
• social security number
• police conduct
• ETC engagement form
• ETC employment details

7.3 Awareness
MCSI Co Ltdensures that all people are aware of:
• quality policy;
• quality objectives;
• legal requirements

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• positive impacts and benefits of improved contribution to the effectiveness of the

• negative impacts and implications of not conforming with the requirements of the
QMS and/or the legal requirements

7.4 Communication
MCSI Co Ltd strives to maintain structured and effective communication to achieve correct
and appropriate information flow.

Internal communication
• mobile phone
o calls
o messages
• telephone calls
• stand-up daily meetings
o operations and planning
• informal verbal communication
• e-mail

External communication
• communication with cleaning employees
o ‘Internal Memo’
• communication with clients
o e-mail communication
o telephone

7.5 Documented Information

7.5.1 General

MCSI Co Ltd maintains the following documented information:

• Quality Manual (this document);
• Quality Policy
• Quality Objectives;
• Documents needed for the effective planning, operation and control of the processes
which include:
o forms
o attachments
o work instructions

MCSI Co Ltdrecords the list of documented information on ‘List of Documents’

7.5.2 Creating and Updating

MCSI Co Ltd follows the following instructions related to the creation and updating of
documented information:

• identify the need for a new document
• delegate the creation of the new document to a competent author / person

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• write the new document

• ensure adequate format of document
o header: logo and name of document
o footer: version number and page number
• update version number of document (in document footer)
o Version: XX (where XX is a two digit number starting from 01)
• update any related documents
• review and approve the created document
• update the ‘List of Documents’
o version number
o effective date
• distribute the new document to the respective people

• identify the need to update a document
• delegate the update of the document to a competent author / person
• modify the document
• ensure adequate format of document
o header: logo and name of document
o footer: version number and page number
• update version number of document (in document footer)
o Version: XX (where XX is a two digit number starting from 01)
• modify any related documents
• review and approve the updated document
• update the ‘List of Documents’
o version number
o effective date
• distribute the updated document to the respective people

7.5.3 Control of Documented Information

MCSI Co Ltd considers the following aspects related to the control of documented
• identification
• storage
• protection
• retrieval
• retention
• disposition

MCSI Co Ltd follows the following instructions related to the control of documented
• are available and suitable for use, where and when it is needed
• maintained in order to remain legible, readily identifiable and retrievable
• adequately protected (from loss of confidentiality, improper use, or loss of integrity)
• hard copies are stored in files where each file is clearly labelled to indicate the
content of each file. The files are kept in the administration offices
• soft copies are stored on the network computer
o access to network computer is controlled by login details (username and

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Section 8: Operation
8.1 Operation Planning and Control
MCSI Co Ltd takes into consideration the following aspects related to the operation planning
and control:
• Determine requirements for the product and services
• Establish criteria for the processes and for the acceptance of products and services
• Determine the resources needed to achieve conformity to product and service
• Implement control of the processes in accordance with the criteria
• Retain documented information to have confidence that the processes have been
carried out as planned and to demonstrate conformity of products and services to
• Control planned changes
• Review the consequences of unintended changes
• Take action to mitigate any adverse effects, as necessary.

8.2 Determination of requirements for products and services

MCSI Co Ltd takes into consideration the following aspects:
• Customer Communication
• Determination of requirements related to products and services
• Review of requirements related to products and services

MCSI Co Ltd identifies and describes the processes related to customers and the
determination of requirements for products and services in:
• ‘Key Processes’
o ‘Sales’
▪ ‘Requests’
• ‘Cleaning Services’
• ‘Upholstery’
▪ ‘Confirmation’

8.3 Design and Development of products and services

• MCSI Co Ltd does not perform any design and development related to the services
offered. Cleaning services do not require any particular design and development.
• Customising the cleaning services to customer requirements implies liaising initially
with the clients and subsequently provides adequate training and instructions to the
cleaning employees to ensure that the specific needs of the clients are met.

8.4 Control of externally provided products and services

External Providers – List
MCSI Co Ltd works with external providers as listed in ‘External Providers’

External Providers – Evaluation

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MCSI Co Ltd takes into consideration the following aspects related to the evaluation of
external providers:
• Product / Supplies
o quality of the product
o reputation of the product provider
o availability (lead time) for the product
• Service
o quality of the service
o experience of the service provider
o expertise of the service provider
o reputation of the service provider

MCSI Co Ltd retains documented information related to evaluation of external providers on

‘External Providers’

MCSI Co Ltd identifies and describes the control of externally provided products and
services in:
• ‘Key Processes’
o ‘Procurement’
▪ ‘Assets’
• ‘Ordering’
• ‘Receiving’
▪ ‘Consumables’

8.5 Production and Service Provision

8.5.1 Control of production and service provision

MCSI Co Ltd identifies and describes the control of production and service provision in:
• ‘Key Processes’
o ‘Operations’
▪ ‘Resource Planning’
▪ ‘Recruitment, Training’
▪ ‘Supervision’
▪ ‘Job’
• ‘Cleaning Services’
• ‘Upholstery’

8.5.2 Identification and traceability

MCSI Co Ltdensures adequate identification and traceability during the whole service life

8.5.3 Property belonging to customers or external providers

Property belonging to customers

MCSI Co Ltd identifies the following property belonging to customers:

• confidential information about customer details
• access to customer premises / property during the cleaning services

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MCSI Co Ltdensures that adequate care is exercised during the whole service life cycle:
• to preserve all customer property from unnecessary damage, loss or theft
• to protect all customer confidential information from unauthorised disclosure

8.5.4 Preservation

MCSI Co Ltdensures adequate preservation during the whole service life cycle.

8.5.5 Post-delivery activities

MCSI Co Ltd identifies and describes the post-delivery activities in:

• ‘Key Processes’
o ‘Post Delivery’
▪ ‘Payroll’
▪ ‘Billing’

8.5.6 Control of Changes

MCSI Co Ltd follows the following instructions related to control of changes:

• Identify and review unplanned changes
• Discuss internally
• Take the appropriate decision
• Communicate to all employees
• Implement the changes

8.6 Release of products and services

MCSI Co Ltdaddresses any activities related to the release of products and services in:
• ‘Key Processes’
o ‘Operations’
▪ ‘Supervision’
▪ ‘Job’
• ‘Cleaning Services’
• ‘Upholstery’

8.7 Control of nonconforming process outputs, products and

MCSI Co Ltd identifies the following type of nonconformities:
• External Providers Complaints
o nonconformities identified by MCSI Co Ltd related to:
▪ inadequate products / items received from product providers
▪ poor services received from service providers and/or professional
service providers
• Customer Complaints
o nonconformities identified by the clients and/or end-users
• Internal Complaints
o nonconformities identified by MCSI Co Ltd related to internal operations

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MCSI Co Ltd retains documented information related to nonconformities on


External Providers Complaints

• Product Providers
o poor quality
o shortage of quantity
o lack of product availability
• Service Providers
o inadequate service

Customer Complaints
• inadequate service received fromMCSI Co Ltd
o poor cleaning service
o late arrival on site from cleaning employees
o improper attitude from cleaning employees

Internal Complaints
• inadequate / incorrect working practices

MCSI Co Ltd performs the following actions related to nonconformities:

• escalate to the appropriate respective person in the following hierarchy:
o step 1: Human Resources Manager
o step 2: Managing Director
• investigate issue
• identify root cause
o determine source of nonconformity
• communicate internally / externally to troubleshoot and identify possible solutions /
o external provider
▪ liaisewith the respective external provider to provide the adequate
o client
▪ call / discuss with customer with the aim to understand better:
• the lack of service received from MCSI Co Ltd
o internal
▪ understand current working practice
• determine any action required
o external provider
▪ request refund / replacement
o client
▪ offer re-cleaning / refund
o internal
▪ identify better / improved working methodologies
• liaise to provide possible solution and timeframe
o with external provider
o with customer
o internally
• implement the necessary action
o take full responsibility for any nonconformity due to MCSI Co Ltd
▪ communicate with the client to justify, apologise and subsequently
offer possible remedies and adequate solutions

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o liaise with the respective interested parties for any nonconformity not due to
▪ communicate with the external provider to forward the relevant

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Section 9: Performance Evaluation

9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
9.1.1 General

MCSI Co Ltd performs monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation:

• To demonstrate conformity of the products and service
o Customer Satisfaction
• To demonstrate compliance with legal obligations
• To ensure conformity of the QMS
o Internal Audit
• To continually improve the effectiveness of the QMS
o Management Review

9.1.2 Customer satisfaction

MCSI Co Ltd obtains information related to customer satisfaction as described below:

Customer Feedback – Direct

• ‘Customer Feedback’
o type: questionnaire
o method: sent by e-mail
o target: major / repeat clients
o frequency: every year

Customer Feedback – Indirect

• client signature on ‘Routine Job Sheet’ and ‘Satisfactory Job Sheet’
• meetings with client on site
• positive e-mails / reference letters received from clients
• complaints received from clients
• monitor customer performance
o new clients
o repeat clients
o lost clients

9.1.3 Analysis and evaluation

MCSI Co Ltd analyses and evaluates data related to:

• conformity of products and services to requirements
• customer satisfaction
• conformity and effectiveness of the QMS
• performance of processes
• performance of external provider(s)
• need or opportunities for improvements within the QMS

MCSI Co Ltd uses results of analysis and evaluation to:

• demonstrate conformity of products and services to requirements
• assess and enhance customer satisfaction
• ensure conformity and effectiveness of the quality management system

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• demonstrate that planning has been successfully implemented

• assess the performance of processes
• assess the performance of external provider(s)
• determine the need or opportunities for improvements within the quality management

9.2 Internal Audit

MCSI Co Ltd follows the following instructions related to the internal audit:

Lead Auditor
• select a lead auditor which is competent in the QMS and the business operation of
• lead auditor can either be:
o internal lead auditor
▪ appoint two auditors to protect the concept of impartiality because the
auditor cannot audit his/her own area.
o independent / external auditor
▪ one auditor
• independent / external auditor is competent in both the quality
management system and the core business operation of
▪ audit team
• independent / external auditor is competent in the quality
management system
• internal auditor is competent in the core business operation of

Internal Audit Plan

• An internal audit plan is:
o documented on ‘Internal Audit Plan’
o prepared by the internal auditor
o approved by management
o reviewed during management review
• plan an internal audit at least once a year

Internal Audit Implementation

• perform the internal audit by observation, interview and review of records according
to the audit plan

Internal Audit Report

• record any evidence seen during the internal audit on ‘Internal Audit Report’
• list any findings identified during the internal audit as described below:
o Non-conformance (NC) - clear evidence of a systematic omission of a clause
of the ISO9001:2015 standard and/or breach of an internal procedure
o Observation (OBS) - unclear and ambiguous evidence of an intermittent /
one-time omission of a clause of the ISO9001:2015 standard and/or breach of
an internal procedure
o Opportunity for improvement (OFI)

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9.3 Management Review

MCSI Co Ltd performs a management review at least once a year

MCSI Co Ltd follows the agenda listed below for the management review:
• the status of actions from previous management reviews
• changes in external and internal issues that are relevant to the QMS including its
strategic direction
• information on the performance, including trends and indicators for:
o nonconformities and corrective actions
o monitoring and measurement results
o audit results
o customer satisfaction
o issues concerning external providers and other relevant interested parties
o adequacy of resources required for maintaining an effective quality
management system
o process performance and conformity of products and services
• the effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and opportunities
• new potential opportunities for continual improvement

MCSI Co Ltd retains documented information on ‘Management Review’

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Section 10: Improvement

10.1 General
MCSI Co Ltd determines and selects opportunities for improvement and implements
necessary actions to meet customer requirements and enhance customer satisfaction

MCSI Co Ltd improves:

• processes to prevent nonconformities
• products and services to meet known and predicted requirements
• the results of the QMS

10.2 Nonconformity and Corrective Action

MCSI Co Ltd follows the following instructions related to nonconformity and corrective
• identify nonconformity
• implement an immediate action to react, control and correct the nonconformity
• evaluate the need to implement a corrective action to eliminate the cause of the
• determine the necessary corrective action(s)
• implement the respective corrective action(s)
• communicate the respective corrective action(s) to all relevant employees
• review the effectiveness of your corrective actions
• retain documented information as part of the ‘Management Review’where the
following information is recorded:
o description of issue
o investigation / root cause analysis
o corrective action implemented
o corrective action effectiveness

10.3 Continual Improvement

• is committed to continually improve the suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of the
• identifies areas of underperformance
• addresses opportunities for improvement
• selects and utilises applicable tools and methodologies forinvestigation of the causes
of underperformance and for supporting continual improvement

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