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\ % Sy rors Aion ig openme jonsged {haan pun am 3 rinse aj oneeparan sesomeg neh nau on ' ' SRT POTS ETT ag ay ~ Mp G ce ‘xine tact ~ ned a so io 330) us sem aroun pi Iereimevesod aut sano pacne RO you vo punca ny 2168 se © ‘tou may ous 6} Bu08 niin ape Roll, Ho, (n-2014) Dato: 2 February 2017 So\, BP. KOIRALA INSTITUTE OF HEALTH SCIENCES ; DHARAN, NEPAL 3" YEAR MODS 'V SEMESTER: INTERNAL ASSESSMENT, JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2017 PAPER: (SURGERY Time: 1 Hr. 45 Mins, Tota! Marks: 70 SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS Maximum marks: 40 SECTION ‘A’ my and secondary write sy mat buen Enumerate the 1 parenteral nutrition, 4. Draw a labelled diagram showing surgical anatomy of parotid alan antin phyla and: »o thoracis. Mention clinical features and Sim 2 label 1 presented with gradual period of 1 month. He is a Q.1. Uist two most common differential diagnoses. On further enquiry he gave history of claudication in right foot for last 3 years with gradual reduction of claudication distance. Now he has rest pain for 1 month. Q.2. Define intermittent claudication. Q.3. Mention the ischaemic changes likely to be present in the limb of this patient. 2 On examination his right dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial 1 artery pulsation were absent. Q.4. State the most probable clinical 1 2-5. Ust the investigations to be performed in this patient. 2 Investigation shows that there is no blood flow in anterior and posterior tibial artery. His haemoglobin is 8 gm %. Q.6. Outline the steps of management in this patient. ‘This patient inspite of treatment Q.7. Enumerate the Q.8. Mention the normal ankle II. A 55-year-old female p history of lump in right breast Q.9. List six differential diag Q.10. Mention the focused d this patient. ‘On examination of the Fi and mobile lump of 5x5 TPP Iq ROLLNO..... (R-2028) 20" FEBRUARY 2018 3° YEAL BDS: VSEMES ER INTERNAL ASSESSMENT EXAMINA LON, FEBRUARY-MARCH 2018 iy KOIRALA INSTITUTE OF HEAI ‘lt SCIENCES DHARAN, NEPAL we PAPER LK. (GENERAL SURGERY & »\/ LIED SUBJECTS) Total Marks: 60 Tima: ¥ Howe. SECTION, ‘A’ SHORT ANSWER 2U2STIONS Maximum marks: 30 1. a. Dehne ulcer os b_ List three matignant ulcers of skin 1S © Menton the treatment of any one uf them, 3 2. Mention the shfferences between: a. riypertrophic scar and Keloid 3 b. Superficial and deep burn. 2 3. Classify cyst and give one example «! “sch. 5 2 Menton the charactertstes of an vt dressang. 2 b. Mention the risk fctors tor increased risk of wound infection, 3 5S. a. Enumerate the causes of deep vein .hrombosis, 3 b, Mention the signs you elicit in a patient of deep vein thrombosis. 2 6. Describe about the disease cancrum-oris with regard to: Cause 1 Clinical features 1 cc. Investigations 1 4. Treatment 2 SECTION ‘i MODIFIED ESSAY QUESTIONS Moxinium marks: 33 1. A 50-year-old female attempted suicide by putting herself on fire in a room in which she locked herself fram inside. * QL. If you were in that scene how woud you rescue her? 1s She was rescued and brought to the emergency. On arrival she was conscicus, dyspnoec, pulse was thready and feeble and blood pressure was un-recordabie. : : Q2._ How would you approach her in emergency? 15 On examination she was 50kg, there were mixed depth burn over neck, both upper limbs, whole: of the anterior trunk, Genitaba, half of Te ba Q3. Calculate the body surface « ea involved in the burn. 1 QS. Calculate the fluid requirement 1 After stabling, she was admitted for suspected inhalation injury. Q5q_Envmarate the festures of thaation Inuury 2 oa Next day, her condition staits deteriorating; there were a lot of soakage of dressings applicd carlieF-; — Q6. What possible effect of burn injury do you think her body might have gone through? Werewtc eds a's OD~ g 2 eee ee aire eee oer els 2 8. Enumerate the diferent suragal pligns for ty poe als burn ene fare onditi ‘The patient party is very mich!worriedGsbout the condition of the patient and you were asked to counsel them. RESP Cle Pee Q9. Which early and late complications would you teil them? Norn pees 2d-eun2 ryency flowing aroaa | cons. tt. nuise is ve able. He is paper white. pressure is not recer QLO. Name the clinical condition” Choc Cetyroverntesheusy On further clinical examination you discover thet he is also bleeding profusely fron: a deep lacerzteJ wound in the righ: lower limb. QU. How will you resuscitate this patient in the emergency? 2 Qi2. Mention other relevant ctinizal examination to be done in this patient. Fastewion, Uned (orPeesti=m y Scare )pyderés tov ier durtes Q13. List the Glood investigation: that you wold request in the emergency, 7 sere, Hie 2 His thigh X-ray is with = right lower limb? ———— a QUS. Describe the different types of haemorthage. 4 Q16. 7. Enumerate the faclors acsociated with poor wound healing. 2 cp 044 Hove will you manage Ins » ofusely bleeding deap Incerated wound of Lie) Qt. List tm@ most common differential diagnoses 2 On further enquiry he gave history of claudication in right foot for last 3 years with gradual reduction of claudication distance. Now he has rest pain for 1 month. Q.2. Define intermittent claudication. 1 2.3. Mention the ischaemic changes likely to be present in the limb of this patient. 2 ight dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial artery pulsation were absent. Q.4. State the most probable clinical diagnosis, 1 QS. List the investigations to be performed in this patient. 2 Investigation shows that there is no blood flow in anterior and posterior tibial artery. His haemoglobin is 8 gm %. .6. Outline the steps of management in this patient. 3 ‘This patient inspite of treatment continues to have rest pain. Q.7. Enumerate the possible treatment options. 3 @.8. Mention the norma! ankle Broeht pressure Index: i HL. A 55-year-old female history of lump in right breast: Q.9. List six ctferentiat Q.10.Mention the focused: this patient ‘On examination of the and mobile lump of SxS em | ‘skin involvement. On Q.11.State the most 0.12. Enumerate the: on 6 dao admission, Patent developed fever, chet jg drained pus. agooss? i Vint ne conor Ua presose ot tae GE Mention the three stage of this condita: 2 Write down complication, ada You romoge a pate? IL. & 45-year-old menopausa! fem: ale presented te opp with painless 1 in Fight breast for 6 months. (15 maren 8, Write down the four differential diagnoses, x2 ‘$n examination the lump in present in right upper quadrant ZER{cm! non tender, hard not fixed to skin or undertying Structure, no axillary lymphnode. 2, \ihets the next step of management? 2 3:10:10 wit you proceed if FNAC fin conclusive? 4 G.11.wete down the TN stoaing. 3 35 (inet are the diteront treatment options for this patient? 3 iinet 2te the tracer agents used in sentine! node bogs? 3 Eure ice Indications f mostactomny ix saree > pends. ‘Bishal Paf Shake a Date: 11" February 2018 ‘P. KOIRALA iNstrTUTE OF HEALTH SCIENCES DHARAN, NEPAL 3° YEAR Mons. *V SEMESTER” INTERNAL, "MT, FEBRUARY-MARCH 2018 PAPER: (SURGERY) Time: 1 Hr. 45 Mins. Total Marks: 70 DEEN AS Ming, Total Marks: 70° SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS: ‘Maximum marks: 40 SECTION ‘A: 1 ssily shock. Write four central strategies of damage contro resuscitation. 2. Write down the factors that influence wound healing. 2 we mn @maceuomee : , lables of squamous cell carcinoma. Mention six prosnoste va! F 5, Meat ae the prea condins of ral cavity? 6. wet _ ‘univers tecaution in AIDS, 7. oor raructres 10" UMOUGH the parotid gland with then the O Neato (2 How would you approach her ia emergency? 15 ‘on gxaminaion she was $049, thre were mixed depth burn ove oth upper limbs, whet of the anterior trunk, hal ‘pect 0 ight TR 3. Caleulats Ure body surface: €9 involved in Une burn. 1 4. Calculate the Mud requirement 1 [After stabling, she was admitted for suspected inhalation injury. i Eemarte he festnes of ton i Next day, her condition sta:ts deteriorating; there were 9 lot of soakage of dressings applica carieh=—— 26. What possible effet of burn Atk er Body might have se mur de you body Magni edace ? Fenton tne manoguvent the bun rund Enumerate the diferent su on ee TES patient and you were asked to counsel them. "Reve ten pak QB. Which early and tate complications would "you tell them? a 'ss-yeoreld young san la Greupht to tn eneerboncy tetera r08e testes atntaed te fs can ise ie wine ome Rowe, ne Dreasure ts not receveable. He is paper whive. Q10.Name the nial constr” Shee CHymrecesheny ‘On further clinical examination you discover that he is also bleeding Drofusely fron a deep lacerstenl wound im the righ: ower limb, ke saci paint omg bse eterna hp | Eten sare pure ioe ea quantal tage wk lta ie oe Piricnt ane Wi non op wi ot 14 Hows wit you manage Ne» afely bined deep Iceraied wound of = ah Toner es encased reget) Gis Geserbe the ferent ype of haemo + 16. 7"enomerate te factors aesociaed wth poor wound heabna. 2 wee _ a io (raat) 20" PeoMUARY 2018 . KOIRALA INSTITUTE OF MEAL II SCIENCES OMARAN, NEPAL 3° VEAL GDS INTERNAL ASSESSMENT EXAMINA 10%, FEORUARY-MARCH 2018 PAPER tt (GENERAL SURGERY &\ILIED SUBJECTS) on the characteistes of an s+ ere, ©. Mention the ih tos for mera ak of wound tection, 5. a. Enumerate the causes of daep vein Jwromboss 1 Mention the sons you ehot ma patient ef Jeep vein thrombosis. 2 © Deicrbe about the deat cncrum-ars mith epard 4 Sines 5 inc feaeres Investgatins Treatment SECTION: MODIFIED ESSAY QUESTIONS, Peoxinam marke: 30 [A 50-year-old female attempted svicite by putting herself on fire ino ‘oom in which she locked heres fram side." 1, you ware i that scene haw would you rescue her? -sgusesseyp yum vpou yous snojnaseqny jo ozs femeU O48 20425903 soseunodny aysoUbeIp [eRua:a}sp LOWED NO) 3i1 Page 1 of 2 ‘Scanned by CamScanner ‘She Is not responding to your treatment and needs rative intervention. i 'S. Name the operation required. a GE: How wi you prepare her for operation? 3] $7 Eowmerate the complications of your planned operation. — 3 5, A, 20-vear-old young man is brow foliawing 4 road traffic nccident. He le conscious, pure irpaand thready, and blood pressure Is not recordable. He t= paper white. (23 marks) 1S Nate the clinical condition in which the patient is 2 Qn further clinical examination be ical exami u discover that he is alse meeting profusely from a deep lacerated wound in the right lower fimb. eS Now wat 9.10. Nention t to the emergency you resuscitate this patient in the emergency? 2 ‘other relevant clinical examination to be done I tive patient G2Y sist the Blood investigations that you would request In the Comengeney, thigh X-ray is within normal limit. How will you manage his profusely bleeding deep lacerated ‘wound of the right lower limb? 4 3. Describe the process of wound healing in this patient, 3 Page 2 of 2 80M, NO. sasnse (2013) Pa Date: 24" July 2016 iG ‘5 LP. KOTRALA 1 NEALTH SctENCES ‘DHARAN, HE equate forth condition. tg ‘Surgicay t ~ | "atmeng Seamed by Cnc LainsTITUTE OF HEALTH SCHEMES nouns DHARAN, NEPAL 3° YEAR MBBS: *y SEMESTER’ INTERNAL ASSESSMENT, FEBRUARY 2016 PAPER: (SURGERY) 5 Mins. ‘otal Marks: 70 ‘SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS ‘Maximum marks: 40 Scribe major and minor surgical site infection. Why the rentiation is important? 24241! Enumerate the causes of persistence of fistula/sinus. 5 Casein tha CEAP caaencatis Chronic venous disorders. 5 Mention the features of inhalation injury and its treatment, 34295 5 ‘tion the treatment of Basal Cell Carcinoma. 2 Mention the complications of parenteral nutrition 5 CE: Henuon the clinical features of malignant salivary gland son Enumerate the complications of parotid gland surgery. S305 8. Nena neo trosound an nim beet pune 3 MODIFIED ESSAY QUESTIONS ‘Maximum marks: 30 presented to SOPD with ‘good appetite, a recent (5 marks) 1S ‘on clinical examination diffuse and uniform enlargement of thyssid gland is present. A thrill and bruit is also present. Qu_ State the most probable clinical diagnosis. 5 don wt you vestigate her? 2. |. How wil you treat 4. How wil you treat ner? oC Scan y Cana she le nat responding t2 your reed sperative intervention. Your treatment and Soe tote eure & Now wl you prepare her for operation? SF. Enumerate g te the complications of your planned operation. 3 1p. KOIRALA INSTITUTE DHARAN, 3” YEAR BDS V SEMESTER INTERNAL ASSESSMENT, PAPER-IT (GENERAL SURGERY & ALLIED SUBJECTS) +: 1 Hour, 20 Mins. + Toe omen of od rig water sa more oa font reaced a ae es ee ree Saas a z = ie Rank ion str seer defekt So somes ets ig me ieee eee ae ca pen Beane ee ee Eizeseres icemenmteanete eee a ‘tate the sipicnce fb above cad try vestigation suggests2-t.nmel/! (18-3.00m | i E"130ametl and TSH 10 ml (O30 ‘et papery ne ea led Yl ath ot 17, 18, 19, 20. 2 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Mngmnt of UC. Splenic trauma Acute peritonitis and intra abdominal abscess. Megacolon. Tumours of small and large intestine. Faecal fistula and stomas. Prolapse of rectum. Tumours of rectum. imperforate anus. ‘Anal fissures hemorrhoids pilonidal sinus. Fluid electrolyte and acid base balance-seminar. RELEVANT OLD QUESTIONS[OLD IS GOLD] ‘ABDOMEN Diffuse peetonts- factors affecting moray Local signs of SPLENIC jury. Radologcalfetures, Post SPLENECTOMY compilations Cif of Subphrenic abscess cB Preop preparation of obstructive jaundice patient. 8 months which was noticed by herself, gradually increasing in size and is associated with a dull aching pain occasionally. a. Write down 5 possible causes of lump in breast On examination there is a lump 2.5 X 2.5 cm in the upper outer quadrant, hard in consistency, non tender, mobile, not fixed to chest wall or skin, no palpable lymph nodes in the axilla or supraclavicular region and areola is normal. b.Enumerate the steps in clinical examination in this patient. c.write down the TNM staging. d.write down about Breast Conservative Therapy would u like to treat this patient? f.write down about self-examination of breast. COMPILED BY: SANJAY PAUDEL(MBBS ‘Cm 5:48 pm 4 9.write down the complications of varicose veins. 10.write down the pathogenesis of cold abscess. B. Multiple Essay Questions(MEQ) 1.a person came to an emergency with the history of burn in his head,front and back of upper part of body. a.calculate the body area affected by burn on examination there was presence of soot particles in trachea. b.which injury do u suspect? The incident took place at 8 am but he was brought to emergency at 1pm.'d u prescribe fluid for resuscitation? d.what are the local effects of burn? do u manage this case? 2A 60 year old premenopausal lady presented with a lump in her right breast for Cm 5:48 pm 2/4 SURGERY PAPER 5TH SEM(FOR BATCH MBBS 2010) A. SHORT QUESTIONS 1.Classify operative wound with examples.what are the risk factors for infection? do u approach to a case of peripheral vascular disease? 3.what do u mean by cleft lip and cleft palate?what are the principles of their management? do u manage the case of chronic empyema? 5.what are the principles of antibiotic prophylaxis in surgery? 6.define hyperthyroidism and do u prepare a patient for thyroid surgery? 7.classify salivary gland tumors. 8.what are the causes of gangrene, etiology, clinical features, and management. ‘Cm 5:48 pm VA oe | Trauma 34, 840 year old man alleged to have sustained road traffic accident is brought to BPKIHS Ina conscious state by police. He also gies histoy of hematuria. On clinical ‘examination he is dyspnoec his pulse rate s 250 / min and systole BP is SO mm Hg. Urinary upper chest shyperresonant. Breath sounds 1 Statethe most kel agnosis Poljrauma patent with: Left sided hemopneumethoax, with anterior urethral jury and patient Isinshock 2 Enumerate the steps inthe immediate management ofthis patent ‘a. Needle thoracostomy by need placed inlet second IC space inthe mid clavicle wth Underwater drainage, folowed by chest ube nserton ». ge Onygen by face mask ‘Open 2 wide bore IV In. nfue 1-2 tet NS rapidly and reassess. 3. Merion another injury, which this patients ikely to have based onthe scenario given Injury tokiey ‘4. Menton the features which you wl lookfor on circa examination to confirm or exclude ‘this lagnosis Brusing around renal angle Fracture ofthe lower ribs ‘Sweling around the lower renal angle “Tenderness around the renal angle ‘Asoess fr fee fd inthe pertoneal cavity ‘Ate the intial treatment the patient improved, the pulse became 220/ min. Blood pressure ‘was recorded at 100/70 mm Hg, The patient was looking markedly pale. 5. Wie the next steps in management. ‘Give moreV fu. Sand blood fr Ho, Grouping and erossmatching, Blood transfusion f Hb * 6. The amount cf blod draining nthe wate is more than 200 ml/h fr 3 consecutive ours. oo oo Mobile View Tools ‘elmtiscan appears asa hotspot Secondary Hyperthyroidism presents wth raised Toand Te with a raised TSH. CT or Mit ofthe Pustary may localize the tuner. 2 Deserbe the management ofthis patient 2. Grave's dsease canbe treated wih antthyroid crs, Rado fone, or Subtotal thyroidectomy ', Tox MNG and Toxe Adenoma need o be weated surgical. Toxto MNG- subtotal ‘thyroidectomy, Tore Adenoma with herthyoidectomy «.Pitutary adenom- rans sphenoidahypophysectomy or radiotherapy. Preoperative preperation 1. antathyo rug: Cartumazcle 30-40 mg / day for 6-8 weeks. When euthyroid, 15 mg per day Last dose of catimszole on evening before surgery, OR 2. Propancot- 401mg ds fr one week RELEVANT OLD QUESTIONS[OLD IS GOLD] ‘ABDOMEN Diffuse pertontis- actors affecting mortalty Local signs of SPLENIC injury. Radiological features. Post SPLENECTOMY complications Cif of Subphrene abscess cB Preop preparation of obstructive jaundice patient. Indications for C80 exploration Cutline the mc of cute cals cholecystitis [MEQ-cholecystectomy wth stiture in CBD as post p comication Pple fort of cholecysts Cif and tof AMOEBIC LIVER ABSCESS, RUPTURE. v ‘SOymalekco 68 stone Sever Upper abdominal pain, recurrent vomiting for 12s. OF guarding, gly Lab- bl tmg/dl, AST 600, AL 1000, Serum amase 12001, hb 10, WBC SOCO- wt you hy daa B: Nowiedspater sed the eg wad .30y fever, RUO pain wth tenderness ofthe 9”, decreased arent to thelower righting 1b etary e What fing do you expect? ‘after two days the pation present wih acute abdomen {. whatisthe dagnosis 9. Outline mc cr CF of congertal ESOPHAGEAL atresia? How wil you DX? HYPERTrodhi ovo stenosis- Dx. sions. OT. Preoo orearation.caradoicl feature MEQ A 25 year old female with breast lump of 2*2 cm diagnosed as benign carcinoma at biratnagar came to SOGD. Sent for histopathology. 1. What are the things u will look for in histopath 2. Physical examination and investigations u would do. 3. Classification of benign leasions of breast. Report Came as carcinoma. 4. Treatment ‘Sent for x Ray and isotope scan of lumber vertebra. 5. Radiological findings. Metastasis seen 6. Treatment ‘A.55 year old female from hilly presented with a cystic swelling in the fore arm. 7. What is the cause of swelling 8. What is the investigation to confirm. FNAC showed follicular cells. On further examination she had swelling at ant neck. Rapidly growing since 1 month. Euthyroid, 9. Diagnosis 10. Classify thyroid neoplasms. 10. Classify thyroid neoplasms. 11. Whatis the cause of rapid growth. 12. vt Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008 Pa 25. A patient th an uny wound ove hee gh of 10 hours drain has ben trough to ‘emergency Erumerate te sep tbe management of ts wou £23, yountboy sated open try oe ae fen day ago ce two dye nes ng Spormof whole boy and unable to een is jon 1 sate ne most probate > Outne ther ofthe patent 230. Wats pe estin Co of beast Enuratethe component wth he ses 31-Diflse PERTONTIS factors affecting moray 32 Pats of pene nection $3. Aapencatr ho -dations for topping coenevetve mg wing 2 Comotiatins of intervel anpendectony. 4. at ootructed eri? We theC/F Wt le youre ranagemert? 135.445 yr oldman present with estcur swefig. Plan the investigatins 36. Wot re the signs of Rt. Meroe? Wat are he eestons fr thractomy? ‘7. ESOPHAGEAL Vices? Mecca ae suri techn to ton een 2 Dene vreoe ves. ons of eecondary varicose ein Ses of vata cee + eine venous ce Patopnsclogy and management 29. Managemen of eerste wound, 40. Preisposing factors of UT. 1. Indcatons of arpa ot eg. 42 Sexgcal mg of frais 143. surgeal Compleations of TYPHOID FEVER Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008 44 Seamplcaons of PHO FEVER, = 45.1 How yeu manage abreast beceee? Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008 Hew. you deny the malorar ransfoeation of SENGN MOLE? How do youteat™ 12 Causes of OLIGOSPERMA and BEST METHOD of Pa 13. SIN and SYMPTOMS of DVT Oxtine ri Mg. 14. cae Hemerage 15.Inyour open eit necessary to screen patents undergoing operation ARDS, pre reason to ‘suppor your anew 16 UNIVERAL PRECAUTION tobe fooned le ding ery fr HV ve 17 Deserve COVERT COMPENSATED HYPOVOLEMA 18 Lstthe recautone fr prevention of wansmsion of HV seas fom pate undergoing supe, 18 Lstthecomplestns of toot transhason. 20. Ent hero factors or developing gos arene. Outine te of ga ongiene 21. Desarbethe ci of OT, Menton the methods of ereveton 22 Enumerate te ff between ame bu and matt an 23 Enumerate thea. between primary and secaérary tyrtoicosis 24. Utne fears, on the bss of which youcansuspt hyd magn cnc 26. Wite About Mammogram. {DA 2D yr ldo weighing 5 ka precrted win a eveting net poster tang frac OVE the Sweting was 22m 12cm ae, noted sd fm in consist. Casting enor nd AB were ‘eronatoted ne iogcal seat reared om te aepate aun or one of te swag Sputum microscope examination eed no anor. Merton the x ane compte sched fortis alert 28 Dele rent ee Deserbe tne CH an ng, Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008 Pa 29, Anstent wth an unis wound ovr thee ch of 10 here cation has ben trout o Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008 ‘SURGERY 1.0 Diagam ofhmphatc range of east Mago CYCLICAL MASTALGIA Pa 2. Instr for sical Mg of PEPTIC ULCER » Toptons and ther rate MERIS/DENESITS Gants. sna cee 44 How urea DU pereraton? we abou Pon eration 3.8 Varlousoptons or stopping varices eed Describe any oe ne. 4.2 Circa presentation of Hyperplatc WEOCAECAL TB. > Mea. 5.0 ERCP Droste andtherapeti reatons Preparation of pate. 6. Management of UNTIOY WOUND 7. Managent of TETANUS. 18 Adabev oman peserting wih sweting of nape of he neck schargng pus on pressure OX Mr SCARBUNGLE? 9. Causes of HYPOKALEMA surgery ait 10 nations of PARENTERAL NUTRITION, 107 Lt he ik foctr for nresed kof wee Hes 11.DEFINE MAROUN ULCER. oe setaraceneste esses Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008 ow o you entity the mana vansformtion of BENIN MOLE? fm How you teat™ 12 Causes of OLISOSPERRMA and BEST METHOD of sAQ 1. Principles of management of ulcer 2. Definition of a. Erysepalis b. Reactionary hemorrhage c. Grritti stokes amputation . Rest pain e. Lymphoedema 3. What is empyema. Each stages. 4, Pathophysiology of venous ulcer due to ambulatory venous hypertension. 5. Causes of acute bacterial parotitis. Clinical features. treatment 6. Short note on a. Treatment of inhalational injury b. Treatment of septic shock 7. Punctured wound in thigh, manage. 8. Define burn. Injuries in different kind of burn 9. Three factors responsible for diabetes gangrene. a. Difference between dg and buerger's disease b.t/t of diabetes 10. Causes of metabolic acidosis. Clinical features. Treatment ‘78. Brest Lump-2em r0LN Manage "73. Loca igs of SPLENIC Iya fests. ost SPLENECTOMY compestions, 20. 01F of ubgrenic abcess Pa ‘al der 1. reop preparation of costcwe jaundice patent {2 Indcatons for C80 exratien. 153. outne he management of Acute Cactus Coles. 84. chaleystectoy wth Scr n CBD os postop Complain Princes fo reatment of ‘ales. (85, So yr ms 6B stone, Severe pe ab pa ecuret vomiting 12 Pes, OE guarding ri, Lab-i' g/t, AST 600, ALT 1000 Sem Aras 12001, Ho 10, 8 S000 Whats your they How eth patent rete inthe ug war? 86.30 yr Fever, RUD pain wth eneress of the thy, decreased a tt the lower ight ing, 1 What how youtke? 20 om «4. What fringe oyu spect © Outine rng {57 C1F of Congenital Esophageal ate? How len og? (FF of congenital TEF How wt you 8? {58 iF of typeruopic Pyne Senos How wl oud? Pre-op preprate, paradoucal eaten rete congtestors of weatrert (29.1 Hghosputandiow pat fitse. causes of omesing it, 90. ak factor for GaetiocA ‘51. 60s Pain abdomen for 3 years, voit for years Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008 awe fe What vo woul you the toa © What examination) you cose? 4 whats he 00? whet ore the Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008 60 Facts efecsing wounding ‘51. Wot the ct between hypertopic sear an Keli? How does her Managment ter” (62 Wat athe vious types of wound hesing? Pa (63. ow do you manage SCALP guy? Went cf SCALP (64. at rete peso Wound cose? (65. Unity wound over the lf igh of TO hrs duration steps in Manageme (6. Manage Tc STORM (67 Toyoidectomy done Patent nes tess Why isthe patie in Dsress? How wil you mange? {68 Features of Matgrarecrange in tyros ron? Cine este to suspet hyrod matgancy (6 Inscaton for surgery n toxic ote. ade "70. wate eee 7 Det ctor sane 72. 88k deyestion 73. wats voume overoud? CF and tng of wou ovo. 114 ianyperlatic T8of abdomen 7S. wnat rete tye of socom! Twin te CF, raologea fates and management? 76. Abie for fot cre ofa dabei aster "7.25 9 oat wth ed inated sing interest for 12s. they FRAC, no pus apa, > wnat you © Wud youthe tog er consenatine of peri t 4 Conserve Vt rue do, ration What ace wi you ge? not reeves, what iv. wou you do? {Whotleson wi etre his contin? Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008 ‘78. freastLump-2en s0N Manage Pa Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008 4. Beompleations of TPHOIO FEVER, fe 45.1. How do youmanage abreast bocees? Outne the ng a woman presenting wih ees Shaye «How do youconfim a soseced case of Beast C37 Mig of sage 28 4 Rak fotos er rest Ca 46. Dierence between cya wet gangrene 47 Fagan ne atoning Wound ecieen > Woundclose «Pope care 4 Hypreiramic sept hock © Hapztalemia| 48 Describe the aeticogy, Fad feet. 49. Describe the ant estes of ferent arti of Nfxoms, ‘50 Deserte te premalignant isons of skin 1 Desete wt ketch te nati V0 TB Imoracetis 52 Descbe the eoloy. cessation end pines of management of ep arpa '53.Outine the management (rv adi) of stay node of trod ‘54. Detine TRAGE Mention the pincples of TRIAGE n cose of DISASTER ‘55. wats OISASTER? Wit BAIS protocol for DSASTER- major a minor rts $56. BXPLAN wan management ofthe flowing. 8 Si mucous fron > Prewurcuer snus '57 Dscuss the management of severely inured pater rom oad side ‘58 Principe of Antic Popham Woundnecion. 53 Define ANAPLASIA METAPLASIA DYSPLASIA Can St eum Preliminary | 2008 (0 Factors afectng wounding (6. Wate the beeen icertootie sar ac Kl? How does thee Mansament er Pa Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008 PavsorHenaPr? Pa Dating olow up to 8 mors he devoped contracture heeft eon int (2. Mention te trestment of tis patent ne ls PHYSIOTHERAPY {4.22 yeo ola woman presents to youn emegency deparment a 800 pm wth comps of -ustring fame bun around 4p we cocking food. The area aed weet uppe i af arm (Geter aeposterarpect) beer aspect of ark clang genta ra aang ze eae heft ‘sidef face She hast passed ure since 4pm He wal at the ne of ein was B90 men Fa. [9m 28/min PR T20an and terpertine 9 Her wei at the tne of acrsson was SK. The wound was charred yew ay. ‘2. Estmae te total area of ur. Enumerate the steps of itm ort pt .¢ Presrbe LV fufor tl pt fr 1324s f pot bu ped. ‘She develope ever a S08 on th ay .Outin the siesta you would uderske toi the causes of ever and SOB. ‘Nerdy she cevelped pan he are ae tension of absoren «Enumerate the robeble aus of patent deterioration. ‘he abdomen aymgtoms wet proved ater agcuatemaragerent | Desrbe nr the plan for management of wound ofthis patent. 3. BERGER: Dsease 0s conc smoker wth B/ cat tenderness nai sgn you wed ok for possible ste of bet, 6 etme rernatent hada rest pan «ey before unr soe. Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008 ‘ amestgatens 77 ni Pa we: 12a old negroour ith sein tat bocce of serociedomarton’ a per border of yo arise Pan degution on corelare 300 2S question you wou aa reprdng neting Atest was performed. Rut Mor suger equated Name te est Nome apostep test eum | Nome tne test to asses reece ‘9. ramet operation and define Dn giventobe taken for ing ere Name ae dose. wy? 2 RN ‘AS0 ya ol female sustained Nae bu oe whale of ber ght upper ib and whe of he tank at ‘200 midoptacay She was bought emergency at 300 amin conecous sae 4 Outine te pracols of mt marapemen n emergency © Cacuate ne percentage of bu and dei pti Vite the preston her fd eqiterene on) or fst 24h. <4. Mention the preter you willook for adequate fi repacement. Dates improving withthe treatment gen some ares of burn are not hese even er 3 wks of rt «Merton the eatment of cice ft uated wear of er coraets 7» ‘PUsTic SURGERY 7? ‘Aa thereament done by you patti about to charge from the ep {st tices toe gen dng dacharge. Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008 rvsornensey” m ating low ut 8 mors edevloped contact a tee iow it ‘9. Menton the tretent ofthis ptent Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008, 2 Tamer, VST, ULCER + NUS = 5: LYMEHANGTS,LMPHODEMA LYMEHADENTS 4.90V- INFECTIONS TUMORS, CYSTS, seus {6 ARTERUL STENOSIS "7. WOUNDS FISSURE, REPAIR SCAR {8 ATHEROSCLEROSS, BERGERS DS. VASOSPASTIC CONDITIONS 9 GANGRENE 10. VARRCOSE VEN + VENOUS ULCERS 12CLEFTUPSPALATE 1. PREMALIGNANT CONDITION OF ORAL CAVITY 14. CANCERS OF IP, ORAL CAVITY, TONGUE 15 DEVELOPMENTAL ANOMALIES OF BREAST 16 BENG BREAST DISEASE 17 CARCINOMA BREAST: PRESENTATION + DIAGNOSIS 18 NGOF EARLY BREAST CANCER, 19. MING OF LATE BREAST CANCER, 20 Deine EMPYEMA THORACIS Vine tet ofeach stage of emoyema 2 TUMORS OF THRYOID 22.CLASSIACATION OF THYROID SWELLING + SMPLE GOITER 23. CONGENTAL SWELLING OF THYROID 24 TROD. 24 THMmaTONCOSS. 26. MNGOF CLINICALLY SOUTARY NODULE. 27. NEUROBLASTOMA + PHAEOHROMOCYTOMA jank: Preliminary | 2008 Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008 |. What the post APPENDECTOMY compeations. = 98. Complestions of itestiation STOMAS. 99, GOO0SALL ue Dior. 100 Menor - Gade, Tr for ech 101 Recteedng. 200 .Wofercantemation cor outlet for pies 102 Rectal crea 1. Outine the imestition nd 7 2 Preepowe Soe 4 uppeston S Postopeae 103. HERNIA CFF of sranguatea Hera Covering of nected nual ria below te sper ing. Covering of spermatic cot. 104 Pancreat 2 What pera Ca? vesigatn scoring to mponance 105 ena (2 Management of renal wauma 1 Pretposing factors of UT, ank: Preliminary | 2008 .Cotsee of Ate retention = Line of rng of Heratca Stee prt. aa x what hvo woul you he oak? © Wha eration) you wou ht 4 tk he cause? «4 wate he 007 what are the expects figs ‘on enscopy, he ple strc Was ted nd et par of dem ne sensed NO fe vnais your? What eg? (How wou you prepare the ‘52. OF Uspe Gls Lover obstruction. ‘98, Srangatng Non Sangin testa otbnaton 94 Princes of Mingo test batt 95. coves oft0 anew bom ‘96. PYELONEPHRITIS an Acute APPENDICITS. oF 97.40 yfemae wth Vo vomating 2 epscdes, burg micurten er Seay nd now a mas andpan in the RF 2 days. a0 (FE nega defined margin of her Gem x 6.on Hb-12 TLO-11000¢rM3.USG ‘shows ickenes apeenax wa what the cine! 7 «© Whale he mede of? You patent does not improve after 24s 1. wnat are te tt moan acters? Cn te hy theres king ever pn does tle {What veto do youve? ‘She respondeso you vt (2. Winamp. aie wl you ge ding te eecharge? / Wit dow peop wor for APPENDECTECTOMY Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008 | wna are te post APPENDECTOMY comets fs Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008 “ppesrance which fe rugnon palpation patent was counted and sched = 2: mention tecnica de forte eso net buccal mucosa LePLana, ‘wate wod/s-LP, Candas 77 Hees see agin in denial OPO 10s later when had come whe compat of shang ‘oman arom mite sare re5en ‘nv an ulcusprotferave growth of ize Tom 2em was sen inthe AB regen AB rade ‘moble the ict wos regu in shape and od an incrated base ‘Te tsbmendbrLN were erage nontende’ and fed Menton tecnica eof gromthin AB regen sqeet Ca? Deserve thet plan forth pt. | Ame age tab abet eal was coated day bere eset for atone The stl rrce {nfo you thet shea uring emperor | Enumerate the prbobie causes of eer a a stage with eons How wt you proeedo examine het oreo ett ecouse of eer? “The resng surgeon confuses and fer exainatonhe ack fo acter USG ofthe ower Mention the mos probate cause of fever in isla. ‘Menton the factors which eds tot cenaion «How des duper pin ieatying the specie desc? “The juror otal nurses very eget fi out the ik factors forthe same contin | 1 emametate me sicommon eae actrs ‘The smnean proved {9 Outi the weatment of ths condtion Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008 | sate the mos probate cause of her symtoms. PEnbol? = |. 30 you manage now Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008 Pa 6. Mes Mona a 38 eo presente youin surgery otpatentdepariment wth Mist of redness, abstr erably, weights het tla nd uelng i rt of eck rae 6 mone |. Use features which you woul lok en physi exaination ede to este the Enumerate he dest hich would be hpi rng at hed inti wth he noma seleerce ve ‘on Physica te patents a use, severe ertment of tyro Bits able on both fobes of the tro Puse rate e 112m. Lab iv ae suggetive of per. State the most robabie . ‘Menton the tf he «= ncatn for surgery nto got {rece preparation of patient 9. Complctions of srg hh postopmontonna 7.4 aay, lege to hve sustained scien bum jury tdey at 600 emis rout tothe BPRS emergency st 10.00. 2 Enumerate the measures tha ou wl understeer to manage Os patent nore of pase. Her wig $09 On examination she was foun a hove bum ve whl of hes face eck, ‘rk ac peri? Estmate the 8 of tun stand Merion how wil fl linea between sat riches a ul tices burns caelte the i reqarement fr fest 24, Outi ne mngpian, {8.425 yok man ves the der PO for rutin etal check up He confessed of keeping tobacco owdein erg burcal estas snce 8 yer OnE he na god xl ere ac a nonrabe whe pach was nedin De buccal mucosa ant ‘omer buccal verte eon mesnang about er2 cm m se, safe witha fine wired | mention the cial de forthelesen tet buses mucosa Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008 Irvestgabns sugpested TS z deste stages tough ich tuberedont cers nh nde song wh (Manage need abscess @ pamogerents of bercuous eri nade how il bet he cose §5 Aa year old boy was tba veice whe going to school few hours back He was cai to cervergeneyin tbe cate wath wounon roca 2 cere none » Desentethelocapthophystoarf wounds (/E Ses 6 em wound defect was noticed ove the poetecatera agpectof ght ep wich had ed teat margins dete nas sino 0 wel Cissy open wounds. Define sin an aeration Parents of he kits are ands They ae eager to know haw you wi manage ther so? citne he weatmert an {atic the most import pit nt youl conte le dg apemary cose? 19: Defn esi by primary iertion. ‘Semen you have managedto cose he wound rmany bt he ext ay you fn tat the ‘woura edges nave tunes ack What wlyou do neat? | Define raat tissue |. What hein by secodary tention? What ret best ternative ere can et lose the wound pact? jank: Preliminary | 2008 Pa 6. Mrs. Monta 9.38 ear presented to youinsurpery outpatient department with hat of redness, ‘ investostons 77 Pa ‘A359 ot man conic smoker has een bout suc OPD wih backing of tig toe of 3 weeks dtaton Thete sa vo wou ‘let poset causes of problem ‘eves stay of netted coudcaton bath cal fot the st yt Define in: clnudeaton Mention the ste cf eter obt of tit. .Lsthe local ogre you ink for ong ysl emanation ‘on systemciE sb pis 110/80rmm of Hy and OVS shows no abnormality, TACs 800/Eu men. ‘lod sa ESR ip and coaputn poe are wing normal it. Aoaribodies ae ale et ‘etectes «state your most probeble atthe stage 1 Merson inti ng of pt 1 Enanerat other which whey in lang rte Mo. ALfolowp ater? morte complain doesnot reroved He now comolls of est pan. Define st pan. | Merton the tt atti tage 4. Teenage comes oyu with mp sweling on eft neck wich around SOM muscle tle 4 Menton the ererart ports which uwentd Me atk da striking am he 2 wrte down the exarensten sant stematiay (ve nontenaemebee. frm in consstency, mate and located beneath the SOM two other apa fem 7 4 erurnerate the eeoart cost elective investigations Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008 Investigations suggested TB Pa Onsite stages trough wich tubrcdoss cers hmgh nde pass long wih 1 Manage cud aces 9 pahogerests of ubercuous enc nae Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008 «Morten the mos aly dx based on above nical ifomaton SOC? Name he sgl et wich wit confer your Inco! bipey under LA 7? «¢ Merten the most common istoiogeal pe of ts cet wot ace? Pa 1 emumetate ne canmen pthlegia lesen whch can gue eto hs conden net managed ope (9. Mention elo. t0 be nen ode throw erent ‘Onions the ease is tec ‘mention your plan f management. page Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008 Question Bank: Preliminary | 2008 |. eat the moe probable cave of her smstome. PEnbolin? = | how do you menage now 10: A23yeat od female resented te sical OFD wh sine smocth swing he alent pat of ‘eck sine 15 morta. The sweling evry slowy increasing in size and thee aescated excessive ‘seeing tcryearda, neared pete loss of weght 2st possbie ad (on ure ical, swing is moth, wel defined moves on prosion of tongue Menton a. Mention you probate cine de 4 Desenie the ertrogeneis of save conetion Nae he test you wi aise fo conf the ‘nesbetst exes the case on your request an ask frthe futon est, {attest you wt rer and mento her normal ates a. (0. Hom you wa manages cndtion? Peter i ntl your sce After an month the netingebcomes pif ded Loca temperate ie raiced onpsbaton hn Mention the possible use of is change in sweting |. Enion the ceca you cee ts ret swing. FISTULA? 11-ASt year ld an wos known scr for ears resets othe dental OPO wth he compat of niceron the foo o the moun since ene meth, austea st so repos fcc (On ure, base of ces nate, eer and bees on ouch Mention the moat ty = Name he sel eet wen wl cane you Securing 1/2 marks more than your competitors won't make you a conqueror.. But finding your friends being failed by 1/2 marks is a real devast... So please make this assessible to all. Thanku BEST OF LUCK @@ -Arzoo Gupta

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