Tinotenda Mugwagwa Project AS Level

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Design and technology Project

AS level


Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Peter Andrews is a young successful businessman looking to venture into selling household pets. He is twenty-six years old, married,
has no kids, and currently resides with his wife in a detached home in the Borrowdale suburb of the city of Harare. He is a devout animal

Peter just has the idea of selling the animals but has no idea what kind of buildings will be required to store these animals. He has
already imported the first batch of animals from South Korea and they are on their way. He currently has nowhere to store the animals if
they arrive. He will be forced put them in a warehouse which is not the ideal place for animals considering that they are of different
species and will have no one to keep an eye on them 24/7.

Mr Andrews would love this building to be built following a pre-set systematic way of ordering the animals inside the building one they
have arrived to make it easy to navigate the building and identify the plan on paper. The client has specified that animals should be kept
in separate confined areas to prevent the spread of diseases and fighting amongst the different species.

Apart from being a selling point for the animals, the client requests that the building be made comfortable and welcoming for the
customers as well as the animals. So, a lounge for the customers will be most appropriate in the reception area before they are being

The store is to be built on a 4300m2 plot in Banket which is a medium-density town in Mashonaland West Province. The store is to be
built in such a way that it leaves space for developments and projects as Peter plans to renovate the store in the future.

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Design Brief
Most pet stores are for selling pet toys and equipment this means that they DO NOT PROVIDE PETS for those who want
them therefore I am going to design and produce a model for a housing and selling point for household pets prioritizing
noise reduction and keeping different animal species away from each other. Since each animal has separate climatic
conditions that are favourable for its survival, each sector will have to be design with a specific animal in mind. This building
will provide transaction services, equipment and animal toys as well as the pets themselves. The store will be limited to a
few animals selected by the customer as a beginning but has to be designed with possible future renovations in mind.

Design Specifications
Ergonomics – The environment of the store should be conducive enough for the animals so that it will not present any challenges
during use. The front door will have a ramp so that wheelchair bound visitors will
not face any challenges when they want to enter the store. All the store controls
like handles, electrical installations etc will be easily accessible and logically
positioned. So that they can be located on paper as required by the client. The
shape of the control components, which meets the hands, should conform with the
anatomy of human hands.

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Cost – The cost of the building should be affordable to the clients. The designer is also going to consider the cost of building such type
of a building on the local market. The cost should be reasonable enough so that the clients will be able to afford
the total cost of the store and its components and future maintenance cost before the store starts generating its
own revenue.

Materials – the store will be made from bricks as a major material Brick is a core material that is commonly used to build the wall of a
building. Clay bricks are the most common brick type. It is made from sand and clay and
uniformly burnt at temperatures between 800°C and 1200°C. Surface finishes are sometimes
applied, e.g., glazed bricks. Calcium Silicate bricks is manufactured from sand-lime (calcium
silicate). The bricks are pressed under great pressure and steamed in an autoclave. The
bricks are smooth, fine textured and light in colour. The colour of the brick is produced from
material source, composition and firing temperature. There will also be a lot of integration of
wood and steel. Wood might be placed for floors and ceilings and desks in the reception
whilst steel for the animal cages. Concrete and terracotta roof tiles are completely non-
combustible, which provide excellent protection against radiant heat from bushfires. The
acoustic performance of a roof is the measure of its ability to reduce the amount of sound
that is transmitted from the external environment through the roofing material and into internal living areas. In most cases roof is the least
important path of noise admission. Thermal properties of the materials will have to be fully explored to find most suitable materials since
animals are very sensitive to heat and temperature fluctuations.
Aesthetics – the outer and inner appearance of the store should be beautiful and appealing to the eyes of the clients and the
customers and should immediately reveal the purpose of the build to show that it is a pet store. The appeal
of a building will cover the combined effects of a building’s shape, size, texture, colour, balance, unity,
movement, emphasis, contrast, symmetry, proportion, space, alignment, pattern, decoration, culture, and
context. Some animals are affected by the colour of their surroundings, this will be put into consideration as
research is being done.
Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project
Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Sustainability - One of the most important things to consider when designing a pet store is sustainability. The store should be
sustainable in the long run by saving on energy cost over the years. The construction of the store will
consider the issue to do with the climate and conserving the environment. The store will be installed
with solar system to power the store so that it is able to use the natural energy in case of power cuts
since Zimbabwe is still a developing country so these incidents are common. Water supply is also an
issue in Zimbabwe so ideally the store would require an independent source of water since pets
require constant and instant supply of fresh water and large amounts of it so a minimum of two
boreholes would be drilled.

Anthropometrics - Human dimensions and capabilities are paramount in determining building’s dimensions and overall design this
is to ensure that the humans working in the store are also comfortable not them being reduced o the
level of animals, the comfortability of animals and humans both is of paramount importance. The use of
anthropometrics in building design aims to ensure that every person is as comfortable as possible. In
practical terms, this means that the dimensions must be appropriate, ceiling high enough, doorways and
hallways wide enough, and so on. Anthropometry may also impact on space requirements and fittings.

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Environmental factors - green design is not merely the use of energy-efficient materials. It also involves the creation of products
and systems with a light footprint on the environment over the life full-cycle Life cycle ranges from
production to transportation, installation, use and renewal. As such, sustainable green design should be
thought of as a process, not just a goal—allowing for a broader evaluation of the environmental issues,
economical and societal impacts of a product. Self-sustaining material and processes should be used
which have minimal impact on the environment, such as the use of solar or drilling boreholes.

Maintenance - There are numerous costs associated with acquiring, operating, maintaining, and
disposing of a building or building system. Maintainability is considered, inherent to the building
system design, ensuring the ease, accuracy, safety, and economy of maintenance tasks within that
system. The purpose of maintainability is to improve effectiveness and efficiency of maintenance.
One of the major products desired of such an activity is the optimization of building life—cycle costs.
Especially in a pet store where animal droppings will have to be cleaned and the cages will have to
be cleaned regularly. A systematic way of maintaining is required to make it easier for the workers to
do their job. All the services for these duties will have to be easily accessible in areas of need.

Time – time is of essence when the designing the store. The client would want to know how long it
will take for the design to be completed and how long the construction will take for the building to be
completed. The contractors will also need to know how much each stage is expected to be
completed. the time for things like when the concrete is setting and so on helps in the contractors

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project
being able to do some other duties so that there is no idle time. Each activity should be properly planned and given a specific time in
which it is expected to be completed. This case is special since the animals need intensive high care so the shop should be ready and
working by the time they arrive.

Construction - Building shape and orientation are important considerations for design. Since ventilation and insulation are a
significant problem in current buildings, it is important to look for a sustainable solution to this issue. One of the most
cost-effective solutions is to utilize the environment to its fullest potential. The first step toward utilizing the
environment is taking advantage of the sun’s rays and general wind direction, these climatic conditions can be
realised by looking up climatic history for reference.

Functionality - A lounge is a room used for socializing and eating. It should be the first room in the store. It generally has couches or
chairs and probably a coffee table. This room will be in the same
area as the reception so that there is easy communication with the
receptionist when they are about to be served. Location and
arrangement of each room in relation with each other is important,
preferably the animals will not be visible from the reception nor
should the clients be able to hear them so that pure transactional
business can take place in peace. These areas are not related and
should be far from each other. Good design always provides ample
areas to accommodate each area with its needs without disturbing

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project
facilities including the most critical and important lanes or pathways for routinely movements inside the store. The shape as to plan and
elevations should be strictly functional, not fancy in character.

Research /Analysis

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

The store will be used most frequently by customers and the staff that will manage the store and of course, the animals inside. The
client, Mr Andrews will only visit the store at random times unexpectedly just to check in and see what is going on so he will require an
office of his own for these visits.

Client profile
Name: Peter Andrews

Age: Twenty-six (26)

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project
Gender: Male

Marital status: Married

Children: none

Occupation: Inherited family money and companies upon the death of the father and is expanding the family business. Entrepreneur

Hobbies: walks family dog around.

- Goes on picnics with wife regularly.

- Attends a gym in the residential area.

- Meets up frequently with friends.

- Likes reading novels

Client 2
Name: Juanita Sithole

Age: twenty-four (24)

Gender: Female

Marital status: Married

Children: None

Occupation: Housewife

Hobbies: Having friends over regularly

- Normally takes a daily jog around the neighbourhood but she is currently pregnant
Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project
Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project
- Goes on picnics with husband regularly
- Like reading novels most of the time
- An aspiring writer

A store for the selling of animals and animal products but with some rooms for veterinary services and the housing of these animals too.

Examples of pet stores in Zimbabwe

History of Pet Stores in Zimbabwe

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project
- Precolonial era, Zimbabweans kept dogs only as pets. These pets were used as guards at night or as aid to a hunter. A
man could own several dogs. They did not have proper shelter as people still lived in caves or huts. They were given food

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

The store is going to be built along the Chinhoyi highway just on the outskirts of banket township beside the grain marketing board of
banket. The plot is 4300m2 in size and is flat which is perfect for construction.

Climate in the area of design

- it is a fairly warm region with temperatures ranging from 25 – 35 in the hottest seasons

- it has rains from November to late April –

Winter starts mid-May to mid-August

- water is supplied by the national organisation Zinwa or if required boreholes can be drilled

Natural disasters

- Floods, earthquakes and hurricanes or tornados are very rare in this region, only slight tremors are recorded once in a few years, there
is nothing to fear in terms of natural disasters except veld fires which occur yearly around august when the people are preparing their

- These fires are difficult to control so those who start them usually leave them to burn, however, they are always brought on charges and
pay fines.

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Materials research
- Choice of materials is very important in designing this building to cater for all the needs of the animals and the customers as well as the clients
- Materials will be required for: roof
: ceiling
: timber
: Interior bricks and exterior
: floor material
: wall material

NB: These are the basic materials required by most building in general. More will be researched on and added as and when the need for more
materials arrives.

Material Prices Uses Advantages disadvantages

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project
Red bricks $0.18  Exterior bricks that can  Energy efficiency and  Heavy
plastered over. thermal comfort  Rough surface
 Used to lay foundation.  Durability and can lead to
 Used for basic strong reduced growth of mould
structures such as pillars maintenance   Low soundproof
and wall length  Sound insulation quality
 Ideal for bush veld  Main raw
fire prone areas material which is
soil may harm

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project
Cement $10/50Kg - Cement concrete for  Fineness
the footing,  Soundness
beams, columns,  Consistency
slab, lintels, etc.  Strength
- Cement mortar for  Setting time
brickwork and plastering.  Heat of hydration
- Cement is used for
 Loss of ignition
making joints of drains
 Bulk density
and pipes.
- For watertight structures
- Cement is used
for precast
structures like pipes, and
Foam US$ 238-500 / m3 - Good building insulation - Foam is
in cold weather. a lightweight materia
- Foam is
easily shaped in any
- Foam is a
good insulator
- Foam is used as an

Wood US$ 5.8-21.46 / - - Aesthetic Appeal  Expensive

- Oak Piece - Strength and  Hard to find
good quality
Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project
Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project
- Teak - Insects and termite  Needs care
- Timber
- It is strong, durable,
resistant has a lasting
aesthetic appeal.
Heavy and dense

POLYSTYRENE $10M2 - Light weight, water resistant, good


GYPSUM $15,50/M2 Inexpensive, based on cardboard prone to

braking and water damage

NU-TEC $15/M2 Water resistant, fiber-cement prone to

breaking and bad insulator

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

NAME OF MATERIAL PRICE RANGE Properties of the Materials
Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

MAHOGANY $8 - Durable and hard – wearing

4M2 Expensive to maintain

CARPET (EXTENSIVE) $6 - Warm and soft

4M2 - good insulator
Hard to maintain and clean

TILES (CERAMIC) $10/6M2 - Durable hard wearing

- Easy to clean
- Bad heat insulator(cold)

CONCRETE $8/5M2 - Durable hard wearing

- Easy to clean
- Prone to cracking
- Bad heat insulator

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Existing ideas
- Most pet stores sell only pet toys and products for animal upkeeping not the animals themselves. This store intends to provide both
services. So existing ideas for such an endeavour are rare and completely unavailable in Zimbabwe except for the SPCA

Idea 1

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project
Fluffy corner offers a comprehensive wide variety of quality, premium and affordable pet products, accessories, and
personalized services. Fluffy Corner outlets were designed and placed with the goal of helping pet owners in upkeeping of
their pets through providing both products, services and information that will assist in improving the health and wellness of
pets and making their upkeep much easy.

However, the store does not sell the pets themselves but still term themselves a pet store. This shop does not come near
satisfying the client’s need of housing animals but its internal set up for the products they sell could be useful because the
client also requires these shelves because the store he intends to design also sells products for the upkeep of pets.

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project
Advantages Disadvantages
- Shelves that make it easy to view products on sale - Sales only products for animal upkeeping not the
animals themselves

- Counter that can be used as a desk by receptionist, - There are no price tag on the shelves or products,
killing two birds with one stone because it is also a making it difficult for the customer to enquire with
shelf their budget efficiently

- Spacious, allowing customers to interact and

inquire about products on sale, promoting a user-
friendly interface

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Kutu pet store was designed more on

a social platform as a website that
receives orders and then delivers the
products. The products are stored in
warehouses across the city. A product
is placed in the area were demand is
most. Customers have to create
accounts to access the merchandise. This means that if you use cash only without a debit card, you cannot buy from this
shop. The shop also like the previous one, doesn’t sell animals but only products used to maintain the animals.

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project
Advantages Disadvantages
- Shelves that make it easy to view products on sale - Sales only products for animal upkeeping not the
animals themselves

- Counter that can be used as a desk by receptionist, - Online store, may show products which are not a
killing two birds with one stone because it is also a true representation of what they actually look like

- Spacious, allowing customers to interact and

inquire about products on sale, promoting a user-
friendly interface

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project
PetSmart is a privately held American chain of pet superstores, which sell pet products, services, and small pets. It is the leading North American pet
company, and its direct competitor is Petco.[4][5] Its indirect competitors are Amazon, Walmart, and Target.[6] As of 2020, PetSmart has more than 1,650
stores in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.[1] Its stores sell pet food, pet supplies, pet accessories, and small pets. Stores also provide
services including grooming, dog day-care, dog and cat boarding, veterinary care via in-store third-party clinics, and dog training. They also offer dog and
cat adoption via in-store adoption centres facilitated by the non-profit PetSmart Charities.

Advantages Disadvantages
It sells both pets and pet products and services. Headquarters in the USA

It has chains of stores around the globe

It has over 50 years of existence and so studying how they operate might
prove to be helpful to the client

Work hand in hand with NGO and no-profit organisations and are therefore
free of government control and influence

Stores also provide services including grooming, dog day-care, dog and
cat boarding, veterinary care via in-store third-party clinics, and dog
training which all the client hopes to provide with his own store

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project
Petco Health and Wellness Company, Inc. is an American pet retailer with corporate offices in San Diego and San Antonio. Petco sells pet food, products,
and services, as well as certain types of live small animals. As of 2021, the company has approximately 1,500 Petco stores across the United States,
Mexico, and Puerto Rico. Stores sell pet food, pet supplies, small animals, and fish. Some stores offer services such as obedience training, dog grooming,
pet vaccinations, and veterinary care, while also hosting adoption events. Unleashed by Petco are smaller stores that do not sell live animals. The
company also owns the Pet Coach app, PetInsuranceQuotes.com, and Vital Care, a subscription service for veterinary care.

Advantages Disadvantages
It sells both pets and pet products and services. Headquarters in the USA, Mexico and Puerto Rica

It has chains of stores around the globe

It has over 50 years of existence and so studying how they operate might
prove to be helpful to the client

Work hand in hand with NGO and no-profit organisations and are therefore
free of government control and influence

Stores also provide services including grooming, dog day-care, dog and
cat boarding, veterinary care via in-store third-party clinics, and dog
training which all the client hopes to provide with his own store

Does over seas shipping and door to door delivery

Mugwagwa Tinotenda AS Level Design and technology Project

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