Esercizio Lingua e Traduzione Inglese 4 Lezione 10 Castriota - 461916-2022

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5 sentences including the article a/an

Can I have a piece of candy, please?

Susan didn't come to school because she had a cold.
His friend is an actor.
John is an American.
This picture is a Picasso.

5 sentences including the article the

Take an egg, then crack the egg in a bowl.

When you go to the supermarket, remember to buy teabags.
My cat broke the cup you gave me for my birthday.
I'll never forgive the Japanese.
Pass me the black pen, please

5 sentences with no article

This afternoon I have to study History and Math

I'll see you guys Sunday.
We meet every afternoon to study together.
Mark wasn't feeling well, so he stayed at home.
They have such lovely children.

1 sentence for each NOTE! you find in the lesson

Note! Most illness words use zero article.

Bob got appendicitis when he was ten.

NOTE! We use what a... when we are surprised or impressed by something.

What a great idea!

NOTE! We use such a... for emphasis with singular nouns:

This is such a difficult moment for us.

Note! When referring to something other people know about, (e.g., a specific place) we use the:

I'll be waiting for you outside the pub.

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