Chapter 1 - Activity 2 - Reflective Essay

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Name: Crisrae S. Santos Date: June 1, 2022

Course & Section: BS Psychology 1-2

Direction: Read the questions below and write your answer on the space provided.
What role do you think dance will play in your life after this course? How do you believe
participating in dance process will benefit you physically, intellectually, socially, and
emotionally? (At least 350 words)

As the pandemic started, my lifestyle has changed, and my physical activities

decreased. My immune system seemed to decrease as well, and I was often sick when
the pandemic started. I remember walking every break around my previous school
campus with my friends and I remember how physically active I was before on
participating in PE and performing. I am guilty of those who have gained weight in the
midst of pandemic because I gained 5kg during the lockdown. I did not really do
anything at home as I was told to rest and focus on my studies.

I am part of PCY, a church organization for youths, and I perform or help in

performances before the restrictions happened and now that the restrictions are not that
strict, I provide help with choreographies, and I resumed little by little on my past habits.
Performing required me a lot of confidence, self-trust, and good connections with my co-
performers. When helping, I use my knowledge and skills to create and teach good
steps. I believe, doing physical activities such as dancing helps me improve my mental
and physical health state. Participating in dance process will help me get more confident
on moving my body and will help me gain better connections within the people around
me because learning their dance is also learning their culture. How will dancing benefit

I’ll lose weight and participating might benefit me by increasing my stamina.

Another thing is focus, because to remember the steps and move gracefully, we should
dance confidently and focused on the rhythm. I believe in this subject that we won’t just
dance but instead we will learn the different kinds of dances and one of the major ways
of communication is body language. In regards with the emotional benefit, dancing
improves my mood after accomplishing a performance and the bond that forms after the
participation affect me emotionally.

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