The Highest Priority: Cross - Cultural Evangelism

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the despesing of her understanding of Goats Word and an ever greater purscipaonin he aeons ot the wor This owrold typology 3 or gon, wich eave Weed oedicninl pony Gamera organic, soeepmal ed inaction), at ed Depth [angen fv Lat Aneven to a multiply of terete programs ‘Sc en geared or to etc ars iroctonal and ngpratonal In seope, Others are tia, dagnstcal and evaative 28 {Semsaneroelp he churen tka good lone Herself and ate world iesich Gad seed hat o evans ede to Getto theres cee Uvetmens of sccomplining th ab. Ye others are demonstration {Fhe ae mest to pone concrete oppornites for oganaedeffats fevangeisie mobilization abd invlve as many ae ss there ae ‘Sosde, opportune nd sources ‘Ai a tave spor of In-Depth programs are being arid out in ictnt pute othe Connotea diferent ttervas and through ‘Geren chante They a ave tose et help the enti Latin ‘Americas evangelical church be what Gd wats het tebe, tha ‘Smanacorguntim an» cmmeiy whic sa ace 2 ving worship ‘Siowahip (Gods people ation) djmumic aining cote. ap8 a ‘Seve sranpelic eam volved ios conindoas weegwide and Seep occa "Yel why I mn diagee with Profesor Peter ‘Dep Evang an natal use. Tob {demonstrations in-depth evangelist pros al ier to ie Deph Evangel soll Lek of pio dat in Focmoitn a ote pmigue hrs AL Feast it Latin Aner, neDepth Evangel fundamentally sinioe athe mebllation of the whele ‘Church wth all of br teres for a camprehase approach to the ‘Sangtiation ofthe whole word et aot uso campo oe ‘Sard believers as pose tad house se -noeme vital to strate {RE commoniy ith the Gospel, to exabinh ouse churches, or t fren pst crowds fra see of public meetings. I involves hs of ‘hore but goes nn farther =a fara suring up the church op SHhot her ues, manpower and Snaocal resource apd al of ber ungatioal and pogrammatieacaresat the service o the Gospel of fie Kingdom, of Gout the end that evangelism be berated fom the ttagedyorhies ihfllen ito fa many contemporary sicies, mame, that of beng commerci, maniplave shewashy sod bezome, I ‘Sead a comprenenive oterprise where the Gospel e shared tn dep Nt out of te dep of man's needs and ile statony,s That the novi cy oe yy eve eer ihe mts ‘THE HIGHEST PRIORITY; CROSS— CULTURAL EVANGELISM Ralph D. Winter De Winer Profesor of ‘he toy of the Chron Movement the Shun of Wort Mision of ‘Bulle Soma, Parana Calgeria ‘an Dinca ofthe Wil Carey tives te recent years, serous mitundentnding as crept into the ‘hiking tay etangleas. Carly. hae 2 number of wonder es the Gospel hs now gone tothe ens of the earth, Chan hove ‘ow fale the Great Commision in a las 2 geograpical brs ‘Avge mores of story, we cam acknowl wih grea erpct se pie how evangelists of cer ation wh hive gone tere uaa whe Sila tions and heroic aoconpishment have made Chester ye word as abd ween tan wik Cin nll victory Now moe than at ny te since Jess ald the Swe, Gaile, we know with complete confidence tht the Goel fe all ‘en tht mae sense tan langue, sd tat 6 Hot merely a ‘elie of te Mecterranen oof the Wes “This ral re. On the other han, ary Christan a «rent nave ‘eigen hatte abe now enly doe aad that to nih we ned fens to forge ahead In local evangelist cn te pt ofthe now work wide shore, reaching oot wherever i has aiealy oem pasted. Many Ges oreritnn anpag wide rom the Worl Coane of Serushod wot oochon tat we may sow aoe adit ‘Souaty ate ad conto eel Christe eerywhere ofthe. “Tis i wy sengeiom the one Brest pussword Yo evetgelenl sy ade. Not everyone can gree fregh son Step, but ‘more people than ever apres on vumeli. evaa tht ser oe te ‘Gor obvi ob har semaine be dome lh! There x noking roa Stik evangelam, Most convorom: most inevitably Take pice the {en sfsome Chitin witeing fo a near ng. and hat evans am The awesome probe i the addon uth tat mst pow Chvie tan tbe ori cay ave ot caltwraly ear neighbors of sy Ch tn, and eae wl take 8 spac! nd of “reaeulvral”crangls toeach them Cour vanglim: The orca nod aur approach ths sebjec wth some graphic raion. tan ‘tuoking, Yo example of the hundree of thowsands of Chass In Paibte, Almost al sf thom aze people who have nes been Mss tnd donot have the ind of ratsouhip wk the Most community {in eooourager wineasing. Yor they lve in cout that OT per cost Msn The Mime om the pars have bod ated ward che sata ‘fsck represented by the Christian. One group of Christin bas ity eaed acl The Churh of PakiaanAnolbes rou of Chee tne gos by the amo, The Peniyenon Chur of Paton. While these are “national” creer ithe seme Cat they ae part ofthe fst they ca hardy be cae tatona chores this pase ips tht they ae eu rented fo hat ste of people who mite tbe clr per tonto the county uamly te Mins ‘Tn alcuph the Msi re geographical near nhs of these Ghrtiae, norma evangelaa ll wt Jo te jb. ete Ch South indi Bae church which bat ought together the sgniiant misionry fet of may” churches (ree teeny: wb Weld The Chrch of Soh a, Sper cen of fe mente cme from ony five oat ofthe more then it ches nn) i Swi nd Cray rangi on it of esiing Carbst wil gerund ‘wean women of 0 ime‘fne cel clam Tt would be muck more dificil — in {Ger anmer hig of evangtiom. for thi churh 10 make ret ‘bwin the 95 her sll cases who ade ap the vast bulk St the population, ‘Or ake the pest Bak church i Norbexs Sumatra Here sone of the fans chur of domes mame ave Boe dap mec ‘angela aang eo Bata of sho there aes many houses Stout they can Tench without ining» freon language, nnd among Show chy can work mth musimum eficesey a deer contact and Ue Uestaning Bot the sane a, the ast oy of il the opt Indonesia speak cher nguages aud av of ther eine ane ar the se Chitians of Nether mata to win peep Yo Ch (em thar pur of indonesia willbe inci erent Had fase I 8 aother Ett ferangtism. ‘Oreste the ret church of Nagaland ip Notes India. Years apo ‘American asionres fom the plain of Asam reached ep fro ho ‘en ile and wow some of the o Napa: Then there ho Rape wos ‘teal er whol abe to Cart Next ting, Ao Naw won members rhe meaey Samay gute. ta spoke Stating, These ‘ew Sanidam Naga Cane then proceeded twin slmet the whale GF teir be. Tis wocos mont or the maori of al fourteed [age uibes became Carian Now thar most of Nagland Christan ‘ren the olf tthe sate govrmment sre Chaan there he “Sesto etme eases Ina But for incur people tina et mich foreign mio tas Englisch, Roreot or Brains Yo evangelize fn Ind feazon why in farthe Noga have made so siglicant emt to evange ieee a dine hmtp oe age he ea Cae tin vest compe (poopie ro other comms, ha cient ‘does mot maker for them i lear ay ofthe Boards of telly toteign languages inthe cet of Tai invotber word, for Mages to evangelize othe: peoples in od hey sit ee to euploy oily difernt Kind of evengeti The cost [hat svengetim, wea they ated thei ow lnguage fo wl et con ‘eons now many tothe ps The econ Rnd evangelisn ws not ‘peat deal more dificult — where they won people of neighboring Naga Ibe, wheee languages wore ster langeges Tae ted ind of era {uam, needed to win people In arf pars clad, wil te tush {howe diffe Tete give Ibe to these ditlerentAinds of evangeisn. Where an ‘Ao Naga Won aner A,leus cll thal etongetim. Where an AO ‘Sent rom bl lnguapebourary fo a ser language abd won te Sintday well cal 2 evangelion (Tne B2 tak aot cay ad sti ifr eu) Bot en an Ao Nn pc er fepior of Ta, 10 8 totaly stenngelanguoge, foe exemple, Tet ‘Kor or Bhi his ak wil be conieraly move dticat than Bo ea 2 evangesn, We wl eat evangeln, Tet ty ut this erminalogy ip ance country. Take Taiwan ‘Teel there are diferent kinds of peopl ‘The mary are Mans, who were there belore «ood of Mandarnspesing” people came ‘os fom the milan Thos ther ithe hie blo of Hatirepesking People wh same frm the lala much eset Up the ennai, Eowevers few hundred thousand along Pelpesit docs entret silent irom Cana Now fa Chinose Chstos winter from the manlnd has E- evangelism he wins a ianan Taiwanese ora Hakka. that® 2 evangelion, I he ‘ins someone frm the bil then. hats evangolac, and remember ESisamecn more complet ask, performed a greater ula tance “hus fr we have oly feted “erooes, but for the purpose of dain evangetssratey. any kind of sate, ‘ot sommunienon brseealecingsvengelas Senin In pan, foe evampe, pracy everytoy speaks Japanese. an there are ‘aucaly ffrent ales of Japene compaabe to he erent “acs of Chinese. Bat here are soca! ferences which make itr) Aiea for people fom one group to win thers of ilerent toca ‘hs Un Japan, in eda scl iflroncs often tra out tobe more impor In evangelist lnguage ciferences. Taparese Cian: Tus have ac ony an 1 pre of contact. but sho spheres hat ate ‘nero veash Misiones gig roms apn to the pare ofthe ond to work wih domfepanese Sih totaly fren anguspe are Soe Senet aon he let me give e example rom my own experienc. Hypa Eng tit av rate langue. For ten year, {ved and worked In Cental “Ameen, for ost ofthe Line it Gusta, where Spans the of ‘ei Tanguage, bu where majecty ofthe people spe some det the Mayan fail f ebovial fangusges Thad wo languages 10 rm. Spana hens) pr cent overlap in voabulry wth Engh, 10 Tha go robe earning that language, Alone wih the lain of Str Sih breame fam wth the extension of Ezopesn clan it the [New Wer and twas not parteslary fist wndertand the de ‘ays othe kind of poole who spoke Spans. However, Because Spar [vis so esy by comparison, luring the Mayan language in ur res ‘ri Tound, enormously mote dle Te ca duly work, sting ‘fom Blah to Spenan fos Hlayan language made me que tear of the tree diferent “cukura datinces” When T spoke of Christ "0 8 Peace Copeetin Enluh, Ten ding cing. Whes spoke o 1 Gustenlannpanch Eevee Whee ipoke to 0 Inian inthe Mayan fanpage, war the nh mare dial B eergsiom, Now there hive ia Southern Carn mt of iy cones are Inthe sphere, bri evangeize among the mili who speck pers ht ius nc 2 stangelum Wore oars he Navajo langue and Speak ‘of Chee to some of the 0500 Nava Inte bo Tee bt Lon opel eke dg samo Renchiny Caron spline ‘etepecs rom Mong Kong mtn he Gand News of Ch wuld ote forme, Bak ue however, tet wha or me 89 eu Be oly ot someone ee Ainercsoborn Chinese woul tind Hong Rott Felon only a) E2 ta ‘Nery we ere ahs Contess hain omn sper which be seats sown tng a mls on lhe inlon which dees toa eaperce a oon car, he soon isthe Ban EE spere groups people whe speak langage tat Sica ie iret be who se toed core pacer cay ‘cont th our own a= to mats commsniaion more fiat Suck Feope can be reched wha ie eta ouble and with sere {Er tr wl take oto our vay co teach hem, Mote bot ‘hey ate people wh, once cosvrtd, wil noe fe t Rome fs the church ich we stn athe may oy ter spy ey cu nd Chistian fellows amsog peopl of tel nn hin. Move siento Stngeltm i aie publ hat wih hit own fly, they are ‘ore ely fo wi hero hte own soca gro. Final. each of 1s tee fn Lawsanne hs Esher: on languages cos of ‘he world ace tly srange to they Se ate anim colar ‘tance ide atenpl wo ceamgee a his £2 dance, ne have ong “oh n'a defo ae oa re anon Insumoary he maser pat o th expason othe Chitin oie non fintor apc and ES efor os cael bars ho ney ommend estab son. rola itor eon oe ‘aration nd hn for ba ato arch car he wor fred eth ih pede Wee i ode ht ‘ery and tongue has «trang, ponarfalyerglig har in non Elwin win he BE end 62 ors come Pom One Srl emia ond gy ren Greaves esangelim The Bia mandale “Acti poi, etek what the Bie says abou uttra ieeencor sonethng the Bibl takes ote ‘hich ough to occpy or tive an aenton? ik mate of earl “stone smething ih 0 mportan tats ato a Congres ke ths? Le ortam tote ible and ae what ta 1 4 Let us 10 tha al nage nthe ft Chaplet Acti 0 ental to th whe Congres ve ens rote fs dei the were ‘Bape df Go's cancer =n Jersiem, all ua, a in Sear End nt thermos pt of eet were ot forth pane {ahaa he oer pcges the Bile which support re would rok ten be gered Mere today. Wiout hs se anda here ould ore bons Cone oi Word Branston Te petal i ask the fas of coitng all he satons — which includes al of us thd unis all of usa Sipe, common endeaver. Notice, however that ‘ude not merely ise the wile world. He dsinguises between ‘trem pal tha word an ots vo csording othe reative distance lt ibese poole ftom hu beaersOn another acest he simply Se “Soyetnt the world” hat this passage Hes ved tha ako sina composes "A is gle yom igh thnk that he emery speaking goog ‘ely ut hme eel sty. soem cla that He ot talking merch abou gengephie! datnce, bot about cull citance. The ‘Soci he eppetrance of the word Suri In is sequence, Fortustly. Se have pee inp sto whot Jour meant by Soar since the New ‘Tesument records tan extended pstge the prove nie ofthe eva {unis pobin Jow faced s ya fo Fach he Samaras speak of the wef nown story of Fea a the worn atthe well Samara wan tof away i he geographical seme. Sens ad 1 pase hee whenever fe went rom Calice to lerulem, Yet meu ess spate to hs Samare morn wat inodistey obvious that he faced seca cultura ‘loot Wile te wi npascaly love enowah Hagel Tce hi 0 {alee understand bet spect her ery at reply focused on Tes Nien difernce betwee the ews and the Samaritans ~ they wor ‘ped infront places, enre dno deny hs profound dilerence ‘ba accptel and transcended by pining ovt the human, cara ules of ft te Tewih andthe Samara modes of wershit. He spoke ther hes and Opps he altura lesen, ‘anil, the srpes looking weve mtd and troubled ‘Een ha they enero tt God wa nteromed Saas, hey Probably would ave hat ifeoly grappling wit the cull iter {hoor Bron they ad i to doo, hay ight na ave Bee sting ‘Sous to bpp cein ference an go tet to he bear ofthe Shr whi wan the heat ofthe woman ‘nl ated on te same principle when he sought to evangelize the ‘rela woo were atu eve pester cvaral dsc. Js agin bow ‘Socteé some of the tit Tewith Chrisie were when they bead ‘oss that Poul beputedcrcamodsion, one of the mest portant {uo} ifeyencor fa the Jews even Christian Jews, and went tothe ear ofthe mater He was repre fo thm a sain, "Neier eeu ‘Shon nor uienmson ir ert ying in comparison co beg hat. bering In him being bapzed as ame being ied whe Sit teams to his bod enti pnt we mut Poe lone enough 10 datngush between cul ‘unt stance and walle of judge There may hove beck ih wall Ypreudeevlted where Jews enooumerod Samaras, tut sth the Crock, who dino even worship the sane God, Were at ‘Margret sala tance fom she Jews than ote The Starrs, So ese clove cousins ty Somparsn, fe euroae to aoe hat some: Tic tice who ave soc to te ae ast to zeech, or example & Jeni Christian ying to evangeie would understand a Sumarian mere thuty than he mou tndrtand a Greek. Bt ae would be more ely fo SERLEY or etcued by 2 Samara than by a Greek. Ie Ballot tae, seas te i ce rn spore wie Remena Seether eer aanaieie care imran cate enata tices Sede een General spabing ien,Clera ntsce nore ie at teens siete pet at pobeimonyiner eroatman ine ES me cao ea oahs Re terrain chee Seas mee ee re ce giniirincs Sirorter aoe aire ie i anata oe nore en Stpiaeirec aE enemies = nrc thopae arte aiogetts sabes ect amat shertriet ana peitumes ameter mers Siam teranae meee scvetinrciers ett hc ct oi Sees eee ec agri Slnccon pew amie es Sips eerie eee eae seeiee ces tc drama sete feign es eos Sect Seen ate cei meorices coe uimttalemeruigrmnincees Soins aac el nm fe nn te ea as tae seibicpers i Rese ee ri ces Hei atin tre Saat emo Heres tna it Spe Eee ace vat dee mine eet irtener ae re aa i, Pine rata theca esrinets unuersonetacornand ace heen Sa at ah anaes 3s swe have wed the phrase, Involves even greater ctrl tance, Ties the Bnd of evangelion tha Is necessary i he (hird phere of len statement tothe termi part of fhe art ‘The pple needing tobe reacted la this th sphere ve, week tak, ad hink fo languages and coli pters tol direst tro those five to the evangelist. The aveage fens Christan, for expt. would fave had po sead start at ll dealing wth people beyond Samara ‘ochiagSunias suena le eresiog tro omits hu called £2 ‘ranglim), reaching totally erent people most have nested ke ‘roming thee ad i earoble to cal rach m task Fd svangelm sp 0 aro: undertand he l siiicace of he de ‘oct Yeus i aking Since ho es aoe aling aboot geoprapa tat ctural iene the genera ale of what he el ba ea tele epticaton toy Jesu dit nt men that al Sows trough hry Samar social would ben obec of speci atemtion. One Chit ‘ns dacea mis be anoher Chas SunariaTake Pel for example “Aitnoush he wat bates» Jew, Be no doubt found ft mush easier 10 tzavese the etre ance tothe Gree than dis Peter, because us Ite Peter, Pal wes sch beter oye with Greek wort Uap the terminiay we have employed. Wiese in Ee tik nest, 22 ‘hos, tnd 3 ar in ebro prorapial tance). wefan 8) that renching Gress monn woking A an B2 dsanee for Pau: bot for Peter it meant working aan 3 diane, For Lake, who was hms © ‘Grek racing Grecks war woth only aan 1 datance. Thee what ‘wes dant fr Peter way near for Luke Aad ice vera reacting Jew ould have been for Petr, at oor key Be for Lake, muy well ‘that God sent Pal ether than Peter co the Gentes pasty bese Paul was loo cular By these token, Pat, working eons the (Grecs aan E2 dizence, wan bandicspped hy comparison with Bt ronal ike Le, Ti’ and Epaphostar: snd aos mater of evar itis statogy, he sly trod igs over to "aatloea” works 5 Som ss he pansy cond. Pau hie, being» Jom offen began hi city inthe Jewish synagogue where be himself was on a nef, wth de mune power of 1 comico, Be ‘stale fo speak oveeflly without any pon Jaws cea. ‘et us sihtenwarly concede Fght here thet ll ether dhigs ‘tgs the national lender ways has commision avant fe the loreect- When the stengelats en fr the pane of Asn ‘pinto the Nags bl mune have been very uch hae for them (0 ‘tn Ao Nogs than was for Ao Naga Christan to Jose once = star Jn Seon made When to fr German misonares peach tothe Be {ak they must have had a far grater proce than when the at, once ‘ated, was ansied fom Bota to Satake evanelam ~ where {pe rambo torn pole ayn th met rem nd of vangel ned then he Goel inter own language, (Can we bateve God inten fo hem to hear ron poopl who spe wihow aarace of aecent* The foreign misnary communicator may be [od et he not good enough cen inpertat for Americans to Site ey uaniatons a the New Testament choose fom and even 2"Livig Bibi” which lows the Bible fo speek In cologull Ens, ‘hen why mat may peoples sound the word safer non with «Bile ‘hat was unl fr them by 2 Toelpcr and thaw ant invity ‘peaks to them i lng phrase? “This sw the easiest, mos vious sire forward in evangelism In the wor voy wil eome i Chetan sewers in ovr pat te works ‘removed to fench ute tet hurchen and inthe cliral oat teighbors to Crit. They ate eder abe to to that thes ey fori ‘onery Ie race pesverion of lero satgy ie cota fo mh ‘nscuanar todo the fb iat eal Chetan Can do ten Thee fo etcse fr emir fhe patie tea national cas 30 the) testo, There no excuse for a mslonay tobe doing evangelion oo an| ‘Ebner an 3 tance fon people. when tee are ctl Christin ‘wo ae eflectvely winning the ae people a pat of eur Fl sphere. yw of to profoubd tush iat fotber things being ea Eo unless sean £3 ml Sh te fw some people fave eroscouny consinded that Evangel thereto aoa de othe wonderful fot hat there ae now Chee thane throughout the whole wold. les wih cs perspective tat mee noms ne hae ae prod he en tos forge country and traglewith a tll strange langage aad ck (aa. Ther promis tht Sibere are Chane oter thre len.” ‘Wits the deta flbeit inthe sive ofthe US. dle and th wage ‘riking of US. church Budget some US, denominations have hid 10 ‘Sal heir misionary sey toa unbebevable etn and they have ‘part ned cone thomas by saying tht ane for the nao ‘ttc fo take over In our mponne to thie staon, wo ust haps “gre that wherever there are foal Chistnseectvelyevangetng. ‘here nosing sure potent han Et evangsien, Toweversthe teh about the soperie power of E-evangelan must not boa th cows fot tha £1 evaogelnn Merly pose Whore tere are ao meneazs within a giten langage o elturl group. oso ara Jer, would sot have had to wines crest otha Samuran vom had tere beet sical Samariten Chriian who had cay ‘euthewher. inthe ceo the Eaiopian eunuch we cam once tht [Cit have been Botte or an Etipies Chan tha for Pip to Jo te wns, but there ha toe a nt conta! by # nom Ema Invorder forthe E1 process (oe set mation. Ths Kad ot, Iolpyng morte primary tsk of he misonary whe be gly Sada hi fob, He must decrease a te eon leader must ‘tse, Hopeful Josue E- winaw set ln maton wesing tn tat Semacian Yow Hopefally Pips 2 west the Ethiopian stn foton i wncang back a Stops ita Eien wis et Ethiopia Seerthe Ei sommonty bac stop mh aa have been very se fin! aight nt have eflecnly ruched he hore Ethiopians, A Imire Shere tt he Ekin chr dy Towl f= much ter missionary tras tat renced, by E evangsi, ‘Searahrough wo the stim Ethiopian a “Fast Bibl as ou ert seations fom modern sision iso, we acto at be sane say “The mater pattern of the expanion of the Chistian movement ts fn for special £2 ond B- efforts to roe eaal baie te te conus and to esteblick strong. ongoing. mgorounly ena (elein denominations, an shen for that rational chgch cary She wor forand an the realy higirponerad Bl tev. We are thas Jie to thas nel wey tte and one ha @ strong poe Gfallyesongoising church tie and ta on 1 wines tin WS ant £9 efforts coming from onside ere sill esentl and igs Sen Bon i pete, "how ithe remsning Cone! evangelion ‘The imme of he fk ‘Untotunatey, mont Chris Rave only w very fos ie of Jos to may peoples there are inthe worl! among whom tere Bo Ft ‘Thnese Bot frat, prparstor ces for hit Congress have sr Wolpe this quo Are there any tal tongues pd age Shi which tave os yet been potted bythe Geel Is, where? How nny? Who con ech tent? Even thea peetiniary ties inate Ubnteroorculcural cranglsm mut il be the highest pry. Far from feing tak thc # now out date the shattering fe hat a est {Seow of fie non hvisan nthe oid fo are Beyond the reach ‘any Chita? evangeis, “iy nefac oot moe widely ows? Fm ala that all our ext sin about te fat tht every cour ofthe World has been peneated Ser aowod many to suppose at ery ctutre has by now been pene {ated Tis isundertccing a malay 20 widespread hat eserves pec nue: Let call people ads that's lndnes othe ‘higence of seperate popes within cous a lines T wight ad, ‘Shoh scome more prevalent fa the US. and among US. missonais thin anywhere ete’ The Bide igh tans could have made chs pin tou The salou to which Sonn clon eter were manly hale grone win the ingle pol stacure ofthe Roman gover ‘Seat fhe vaso atone repreetod on the ay of Pentecost were for {Bo oat pe not oom but peopl. Inthe Great Commision 8 ‘Ftoand in Matthews the phrae wake dis of al ene (peapee™ hoe ot lec off the hock once we have a ehurch in every soutry — (God wens astreng church wiin every people! "Roope lind what yen from noting the subroupe ‘in Sontry which are sigan fo development of effective eva [Fst itegy Society wil Been ar complex mesa owe MeO Fins pire, dice ne tecover from "people Bada" But nth we all freer fom the kind finest, we aay confte the legitimate dare Fer church oc nations nty sith the Meta pool o uniformity. God ‘ptenly loves erat of cain Kinds Buti any ease ts ery ‘ean evingsiate have Yo work arde. The lide ethic fd celal ‘Beet ofthe complex mos whee human society ere the vey sb- ‘Grins which lone foor oto five noe Chane inte wood Today fem an Et sonmct by siting Chins. The immenay of the erode ‘ator nk ta acon in the fac ha a Aca and Ati alone. one ‘Slum ari that there are 1993 millon peopl vitally without « ‘Stoo, The imme of theta ower es mot ony in sbiges. “Th pecblem w more scious than reraalating the rent Comminion Insc t may tat te peoples, nt the counts, some the targets or ‘toni, Te imumehsy ofthe tak fare underscored by the far [froner complosty ofthe B2-and E tsk Are we i Amerie, for forte ttt most noe Cis yo toe Won 0 ‘Chr (even fur county) wil ot realy into the Kd of churcber ‘feow have! The bulk of Amerzas cuzches in the Norh ace id= ‘Shavand te blue collarworter wort go near them anges crocs ‘ay tact hours to bg suatorama and Win people Inte owes throaph television, bt lng proportion of the sewly converted, une ‘Seay far wih the shrohe may Asay simply beens there [church where they mil fel home. Pretty Arterian Chins ‘ho mat forever i thc sory mec pes fo the wor to come fo ‘Ghett tna ow dem. but diem they adopt E2 methods and both rafter th people nd help te fund thet om charchenseangeln ‘Ameren wil face a andy facing, seul dinning rte, ‘You may ae shat hae ceil plenty of people wo dont goo church “nha ol the sane curl backround dose church Th ue. Bur ceve we many any more people of iferng cara backgrounds ‘no, eveo they were to become fervent Chistian, would not fel ‘Somioble in extingcurches, ifthe US. whee you cam rive 300 les and sil peak these langinge ~ is aeverthler veka catral mone vlewed evangein fap then saely mot ofr counties ace sir problems, Event the ES" ca aco santos employ more thse forty dren languages Stidon to thse language differences there are any equally signicant foci an cultoraldiferences. Language ference ar by no sean he ‘atee buses wo commonicaon "The nee, in E2 crangelam, for whole new worshiping groupe i udercored ty the phenomenen ol the lems People, who hate founded Hpare of ow congregations The ras Jena People Movement the UU doesnt spook aferenelangeage so much at fvates a very ‘lest Mlsoje and ths a diferent se of woth. Many American horces have nemptd tocmploy the gtr muse and any ofthe me {Semlcharacersicef theese Mowemene, Bt there imi oie {gl conpevation can 20 wih eau fo peaking many Tngbages Sit employing many ifesylex. Who Koows wt bis hnppencd to {nny of te “oe and rocker” who were won at cel of Bly {Grains London Crass! Or the oe hand oxy churches were “inlemtandbly cowl den fom such peopl, and om he cher hd, there may mot have been aaequste £2 methods employe so asf frm ‘howe convertsinto whole aew congregation, ests aspect of 2 ean {elim wich utes he eros culate matensly Bode. Yet i Furthermore, apart fom this techni, such people would nt have {em ads fo wan others ad expand the Chrnan overnant fn ths ew Jove of society soc astonishing Yate of spec, The results rocked lie permanenty changed England. Ht rocked he essing churches. oo. ‘ot Very many people fvored Wealeycomct with the miners. Fewer ‘Nil agred hae miner shoul aye separate churches ‘Atte pie tay do well to mae scene procedural isinton| ‘besecon Ef ani 2 evangelism. We have ested iat tbe - epere opus whore the people you hive feached ‘elkgecunds rom thane of poopie exingchurees that they need 10 form shes own worshiping congregations inorder best to win shes {fihlsown kind, chapo four tls stat "many Samaritans rom {Gut chy belived ie bi Jesus) because of the woman testimony.” ‘eet snp the wom by working with grt senstviy as an E-2 incase (wnedazound ad reached mes In er fow by elfiist Er sommunlonor. Seppe Jesus had tal her she hd to Bad wor ‘Sp witthe Ses Bnet tae had choyed him and gone 1 wevsp i the Jove abe mould on thot bass have bee Coty Randespped in ‘inning wes in her ty. Jems may actly have avoided the ve ot Shoes worship and wih whet dete Chratiane to associa That (oufd come up ier Thur the Smartans to edeved tbe womans {otmony then uae he sdttons ep of iting a Fe to Be with tem fortwo dee He ald not ry to nae hem ews te ke he was ling an B2 dtuce, and tht the fas could bet be conserved Tied ston people Rest be wom) hey were allowed to Du the ellie o a "A terer detintion might be daw between te bod of ulural itzences Jesu was wortng wih fn arate andthe ind of iercoees ‘Suting rom he wrcalled=feertion gop.” Bat ells not wate, Inevangelom, wheter th dance earl ngs, orm age dle hc No matcr wh he reason for he difereace or the peraianence of {te terence or the perceed shes or the wrongaess ofthe die lhc, the procedoral eymamics of E-? erangelim techniques ate ase ‘Star The B2 sphere bees whenever necesay to found «sew engegaon. Ln te Phiippnes oe be of yuth founding churches InSlaapore we know of om resect estblshed youth trea-avay com UJozatcns, Hopetly, evenly. ageTocased congregations wi drew {ler to exiingehorches uta long ‘cious proprsostespeciliedfellowahins te able to win may ‘hoe led yout by beng allowed to faction considerably on thee ‘ira good place to begin "Wantver welmay decile abut the king of -2 evangesm tht a lows people to meet foprately who ave deren du to temporary ane Uifntct the chet factors nthe ies othe crosreutaral tsk ‘Neth much ore profound an posbly ponent claret diferentes Fee to sone wil sways sy tat re coset evangelism ing {tote At th point we must ask being misaadrsood oder fo be ‘eobtelyhooeas All round the work spec evangelistic efforts con- veto Ge made which fan beak across clare bares People trom wom, sometunes nly one w2 te, soetins it saat groups Th problem ir uot im wianng, thems ei he ala ‘Shanes to proper falowpBuitag churches may cooperate up 1 4 font cremon capmahy So i coennie si {Re eemgelae expiration ay tog enough to ger these peop ‘Sosher in curche of thx own, They mstaxony tk that Ben ote {o'Chos ut to inelede jllagexiing churches, Yet proper E2 Imetods were employed thee fer converts, who woolé merely Be con ENCY ncwhat od sci to ening comgrosaons. cold be te ine nse nol ow osteo sci wher he hash Ade thet ay ne fo ect ren isbeyor he sope of ta papr I woul etl» get del ‘° Bere eas and flues leer porosehes by cree and Upmstrchovponeton ny Ws be ha 2 and ethos are TH unched by specie sgntin ad aociees working fall and evmsiously wh he ehurehes ere we must Toca on the nue of ‘uscumura crengls on ts hippie face a the ey line sk Ave frou the Chinese mann actor, he wo ues Seren wie hee stale pouty of llc ctosscalarl eva flim ae the Asim tod the Hinds. Our concluding word wil ener tue two groupe, wish ia agwepate nuber well over one blo ‘Tae pot ree ‘as we hive cher mettonod, x converad Mastin wil at fal wel come in he sual Potytrin Church ia Pakistan. Centrieveld tar ‘ioaroe bolted ofthe Mase Hind fence make talmaat impose Tordusiny even cosvered Muslims tobe wecomed ita the curches ‘ot fomer Hinds poopice The present Cision of Pakistan fled a foxmerty Hind) bane ot teen a al sucousli inepratng converted Nitin ito thle conpepatioa. Furbermere it emote to occur {0 the tbat Maine on be converted an! form thls own separate ‘Coagepans The saovtous teagody that ind of impasse pos ones tarou vangliom slong nes wherever the wor hee tse pet the Oo millon Moai Far oe eas of Move mcr pets ‘tladonese enough Mutine hae become Cristiane that they have ot teen forced one ty ove to fin Cuninn congregation: of snother ca fre Fast tre was of Mess, in he mila of Aca oo some of the ‘ned o Lake Chad we hve rors Uat few formes MUstins, now Cesta tl pay fo Chr ve tesa day and worship in Chetan ‘churches on Psy, the Malia diy of worship. Teve two blated ‘ramples umes ti Mass can become Chris wiout necessary indtony seriou and rbirary colar diloeation” There may be ‘wis. ns open ort the Min we Wl be i crosrctoraly alt Poul was no did mot rogate the Gaels become es in aer to eoameaecepeaie to Gol ‘Yims oa of opporanity may ext iT, to, whee loa je in sty mest forest effectve "eareghor” vanes: ‘Bonds com om oester dance mist by Ear ES meas Tablet cuape the lca stigmas bn etabish hres within the 1D 9 1 foci lus ays vouched. oly fo evangelists te nore ch factors peje, he ensenc rettly eres the est ‘ur tak Proje of this Had add to cultural dance wick obsates thar B2 evapo where preudice dop tren more del thaw ESevoplan hr wr oly, needa Chin oe ‘apland or Kerals might posbly Be ove saccesl In reaching idle ‘Sateen Sout in wth he Gespel han Citas for famBle ‘ses who hve grown sp aha rea and speak te same language, bat re sigma loc fltontipe But who dares pla this ov 1 iT Gon that nttpalChrinune il ver the nom Western woe ite hunpy swe th they #o aot necd C0 'be Westerived to be Chie ins yt fy may soe ccs be slow to nome tat the challenge of crea cong regu thet allow oer people hi ‘om ret hve Ie se ry kd ak ‘itty dergen burch of he om. ae nay hcp imma me a mules: wits moc engendering, hte es 0 ‘lon Eins wba ey ace monunesi sho teconng Cio {meter hn he profoond april aoa ete Covel ‘Serica omerers ined ear 10 ain cis Hse reat ‘Reoppotany re tecome Crane tu ae seme ehrchet for ‘bem jonni spc erty bas sce Kg thor of Sox meat td eink? To go ihe sch eos eee By eT ans E3 canelnn saute doe Hanah tad ae ‘oop ony a Tat he ak, Bu the hes sky evangcm ody to dee tte croscaleal tnowdge sad sues red EY and ES ingly, Whee necomay, crags mt Cun mist clled Stotbe tank Noting mt ing oto te tmonsly portant fat that {Tet furs of the nowhraians int wor tay wl ener ive any sat forardopportniy to scone Christan nls te ‘Ghrisisasthemetes go mote than bans tthe spelled tasks ot Sromeatural vengelea, Here fon igen pia

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