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 appeal judge                           term of prison

   stand trial                                act of theft
      law court                                 judge penalty(?)
        bank robbery                           witness stand (price?)
                              contract clause
1.Several senior legal entities, including an appeal judge, were caught while taking bribes.
2.Two men are due to stand trial next month for trafficking in human beings.
3.Law court is a temple where justice is instituted, giving everyone what they deserve
4.Bank robbery is a crime rarely found in Moldova.
5.He had a contractual clause to claim damages from the seller of the damaged good.
6.For the deed committed, the court established the sentence - a term of prison for 5 years.
7.The act of theft is often committed by people who have a difficult material / financial
8..The defendant's lawyers don't want him on the witness stand answering questions.
9.The judge`s penalty for the wrong sentence will be the suspension of the position of judge.
 C.1 .| C.2.
A| A contract may be defined as an agreement between two or more parties that is intended to be
legally binding..
B| In order for a contract to exist there must be an agreement which consists of an offer and an
acceptance. Two parties, at least, are needed. One of the parties, known as the offeror, is the
party that makes the offer. The other, known as the offeree, is the party that accepts.
C| An offer is an expression of willingness to contracter made with the intention that it becomes
binding on the offeror as soon as it is accepted by the offeree.
D| A counter-offer is different from an invitation to treat . In order an invitation to treat is then a
party merely invites offers that can then be accepted or rejected.
E| An acceptance is a final  unqualified acceptance  of the terms of the offer. These must be
accepted in full by the offeree.
F| If the offeree introduces a new term or varies as shown the offer then this will be an
acceptance. Instead, it is a genuine offer that the offeror is free to accept or reject.
 E
Online Shopping is now a popular and convenient way to purchase. Choosing and paying for
something you have seen on the Web can be done in a few simple steps. The stages for the
formation of a contract are basically the same as when buying goods in a shop. The display of
the goods on the Web is invitation to treat. The prospective purchaser then makes an acceptance
by clicking on the item and adding it to the shopping basket. The offer is made when the
purchaser pays by credit card of other online payment system.

  Essay `The advantages and disadvantages of online shopping`

    Humanity is constantly evolving. What was impossible in the past, today is easily used every
day. Developing technologies allows us to do many things while staying home.
     The Internet is that tool that makes our life easier, because through it we can communicate
with remote people, we can pay for communal services, we can make money transfers, etc.     
Online shopping has become a pleasant habit for some, but for others - headaches. This happen
due to the fact that Online Shopping has both advantages and disadvantages.
    The advantages are that it is very easy to make just a few clicks and the desired object is
already on the way to you. You can also do online shopping anywhere: at work, at home, in
trolley buses; only internet access is required. Another plus is that online shopping is not limited
in time.
   On the other hand, the disadvantages are equally pronounced. The photo or video on the
internet cannot accurately represent reality. Often, it is very difficult to determine the exact size
of your clothes. There is also the problem that you buy one, but you can get something else
wrong, and many other errors. We must mention that there are a number of scams, which receive
the money, but the good sold does not send it, then scams disappear.
   In conclusion, everyone chooses what to use and what they trust most, but I refrain from
shopping online, for different reasons. I believe that everything has become too easy to do, this
leads to the fact that in the near future, people will not have to leave the house, and this leads to
isolation, not accepting the world around them, selfishness, etc. That's why I agree with the
virtual world alternating with the real world, in the same way, online Shopping alternating with
shopping face to face.

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