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Debre Birhan


1 Carpentry and Joinery Birr 214,300.00

2 Metal work Birr 791,655.00

3 Finishing Birr 155,019.08

4 Glazing Birr 22,446.13

5 Painting Birr 22,535.80

6 Electrical Installation Birr 667,379.79

TOTAL 1,873,335.79

VAT (15%) 281,000.37

GRAND TOTAL 2,154,336.16

Supply and fix flush type wooden door semi solid
core both sides covered with high quality 4mm thick
plywood with top glazed fun light. Price shall include
1.01 Max-Meyer or equivalent spray paint, all necessary
iron monger best quality cylindrical lock and stopper,
glazing shall be measured separately.

a) Type D1= size:700x2100mm Pcs 5.00 6,200.00 31,000.00

b) Type D2= size:900x2100mm Pcs 19.00 8,100.00 153,900.00
c) Type D3 = size:1500x2100mm Pcs 1.00 12,600.00 12,600.00
d) Type D4 = size:2000x2100mm Pcs 1.00 16,800.00 16,800.00
TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY………………………. 214,300.00

Doors and windows made of Aluminum silver metallic

tubular profile frames ALLCO-5 or equivalent, 2mm
thick average weight 1000gm/ml, door kick plate
1500gm/ml, partly covered with aluminum sheet
according to the detail drawing and window door
schedule . Complete work includes all the necessary
iron mongery, ASSA or equivalent type of cylindrical
lock, door stopper,etc and all accessories to complete
the work. All aluminum windows and doors type shall
be in accordance with the technical specifcation
requirement, Architect's preference and approval.

2.01 Doors
a) Type D1 = size: 2000x2850mm Pcs 2.00 14,500.00 29,000.00
2.02 Windows
a) Type W1 = size: 1650x2850mm Pcs 1.00 11,760.00 11,760.00
b) Type W2 = size: 800x1000mm Pcs 10.00 2,000.00 20,000.00
c) Type W3 = size: 1500x2850mm Pcs 7.00 10,690.00 74,830.00
d) Type W4 = size: 3000x2850mm Pcs 2.00 21,375.00 42,750.00
e) Type W5= size: 2000x2850mm Pcs 2.00 14,300.00 28,600.00
f) Type W6= size: 1800x2850mm Pcs 2.00 12,825.00 25,650.00
g) Type W7= size: 1000x2850mm Pcs 7.00 7,125.00 49,875.00
Supply and fix Dia 50mm Alumninum handrail to
staircase screwed to Dia 50 ballustrade placed c/c
2.03 1000mm anchored to marble tread and including Dia Ml 64.00 5,500.00 352,000.00
20 Aluminum horizontal rail in Four raw screwed
aluminium balustrade.
2.04 Ditto as item no 5.04 but Guard rail Ml 28.58 5,500.00 157,190.00
TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY………………………. 791,655.00
48mm thick cement sand screed smoothly finished
flooring in mortar mix (1:3).
a) To receive Ceramic floor finish M2 84.36 40.00 3,374.40
b) To recive Parquet floor finish M 2
190.49 40.00 7,619.60
40mm thick cement sand screed smoothly finished
flooring in mortar mix (1:3).
a) To receive Porcelain floor tile. M2 150.74 40.00 6,029.60
400x400x10mm thick imported type high quality
Porcealin tile flooring stuck down with approved type
3.03 adhesive on cement sand screed floor finish and M2 150.74 140.00 21,103.60
joints grouted in setting coat mortar. Color and
pattern of tile shall be approved by the Engineers.
10x100mm high Porcelain skirting stuck to wall with
3.04 Ml 77.37 40.00 3,094.80
approved type of adhesive
400x400x10mm thick imported type approved quality
ceramic tile flooring stuck down with approved type
adhesive on cement sand screed floor finish and
3.05 M2 84.36 135.00 11,388.60
joints grouted in appropriate color setting coat mortar.
Color and pattern of tile shall be approved by the
10mm thick imported type high quality Parquet tile
flooring stuck down with approved type adhesive on
3.06 cement sand screed floor finish and joints grouted in M2 190.49 145.00 27,621.05
setting coat mortar. Color and pattern of tile shall be
approved by the Engineers.
100mm high quality Parquet skirting stuck to wall with
3.07 Ml 137.19 45.00 6,173.55
approved type of adhesive.
Marble tile to staircase and landing bedded on and
including 20mm thick cement sand (1:3) mortar.
Pattern of the tile shall be as per the Engineer
- Tread Ml 83.52 60.00 5,011.20
- Riser Ml 88.16 40.00 3,526.40
- Landing M2 13.36 150.00 2,004.00
- Skirting Ml 63.36 40.00 2,534.40
270x30mm Marble window sill cut to appropriate
size, weathered and mounted on and including 30mm
3.09 thick cement mortar (1:3) bedding. Price includes Ml 60.10 90.00 5,408.78
making water drip and edge chamfering as shown on
the Architectural detail drawing.
270x30mm Marble Door sill cut to appropriate size,
weathered and mounted on and including 30mm thick
3.10 cement mortar (1:3) bedding. Price includes making Ml 29.50 90.00 2,655.00
water drip and edge chamfering as shown on the
Architectural detail drawing.
High Quality Italy or equivalent white glazed ceramic
wall tile bedded to walls on & including cement mortar
(1:3) backing & joints grouted in appropriate color .
3.11 M2 351.66 135.00 47,474.10
Type, color, size and pattern of tile shall comply with
technical specification requirement,Architects
Supply and and approval.
Install Gypsum Board Ceiling as per
detail drawing and manufacturer's instruction. Unit
3.12 price shall include suspension cables, wooden/steel M2 133.88 230.00
frames, gypsum plastering and painting etc… to
complete the work.
TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY………………………. 155,019.08
6mm thick high quality clear glass glazing, glazed
4.01 with beads & rubber gasket and sealant to aluminum M2 118.14 190.00 22,446.13
profile frames of windows and window-doors.
TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY………………………. 22,446.13
Apply three coats of approved quality plastic
5.01 paint.Price shall include pre-cleaning and preparation
of surfaces.
a) To all internal wall surface. M2 575.20 25.00 14,380.00
b) To RC ceiling M2 271.86 30.00 8,155.80
TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY………………………. 22,535.80
Supply and install :-
6.01 Light Points
Flush mounted Spot light points fed through PVC
insulated conductors of 3x2.5mm2 inside PVC
6.01.1 No 60 210.00 12,600.00
conduits of 16mm diameter, including junction boxes
with covers, screw type insulating caps, all complete
Flush mounted Strip light points fed through PVC
insulated conductors of 3x2.5mm2 inside PVC
6.01.2 Ml 202.41 50.00 10,120.50
conduits of 16mm diameter, including junction boxes
with covers, screw type insulating caps, all complete
TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY………………………. 22,720.50

Quartz M2 38.00
Granite M2 125.00
Gypsum fram M2 90.00
T D S Description
1. Finishing
1.01. Floor Finish
A. Parque Floor Finish
Ground Floor
1 53.08 Living & dining Room
53.08 m2
First Floor
1 54.07 Bed Room
54.07 m2
Second Floor
1 39.94 Bed Room
39.94 m2
1 33.61 Living Room
33.61 m2
Third Floor
1 9.79 Bed Room
9.79 m2
190.49 m2 Total for Parque Floor Finish
B. Porcelain Floor Finish
Ground Floor
1 7.08 Maid's Room
7.08 m2
1 5.00 Lobby
5.00 m2
1 7.93 Entrance Lobby
7.93 m2
First Floor
1 8.76 Lobby
8.76 m2
1 11.19 Office
11.19 m2
1 7.24 Balcony
7.24 m2
Second Floor
1 8.76 Lobby
8.76 m2
1 8.17 Balcony
8.17 m2
Third Floor
1 11.95 Lobby
11.95 m2
1 11.19 GYM
11.19 m2
1 9.97 Study Room
9.97 m2
1 53.50 Terrace
53.50 m2
150.74 m2 Total for Porcelain Floor Finish
C. Ceramic Floor Finish
Ground Floor
1 17.22 Kitchen
17.22 m2
1 6.62 Bath Room
6.62 m2
First Floor
1 8.86 Kitchen
8.86 m2
1 20.87 Bath Room
20.87 m2
Second Floor
1 8.86 Kitchen
8.86 m2
1 10.67 Bath Room
10.67 m2
Third Floor
1 8.86 Kitchen
8.86 m2
1 2.40 Bath Room
2.40 m2
84.36 m2 Total for Ceramic Floor Finish
D. Ceramic Wall Finish
Ground Floor
1 14.22
1.00 Kitchen
14.22 m2
1 3.77
3.00 Kitchen
11.31 m2
1 13.07
3.00 Bath Room
39.21 m2
First Floor
1 25.84
3.00 Bath Room
77.52 m2
1 4.78
3.00 Kitchen
14.34 m2
1 7.18
1.00 Kitchen
7.18 m2
Second Floor
1 24.14
3.00 Bath Room
72.42 m2
1 4.78
3.00 Kitchen
14.34 m2
1 7.18
1.00 Kitchen
7.18 m2
Third Floor
1 24.14
3.00 Bath Room
72.42 m2
1 4.78
3.00 Kitchen
14.34 m2
1 7.18
1.00 Kitchen
7.18 m2
351.66 m2 Total for Ceramic Wall Finish
E. Paruqe Skirting
Ground Floor
1 18.44 Living & dining Room
18.44 Ml
First Floor
1 10.64 Bed Room
10.64 Ml
1 33.37 Bed Room
33.37 Ml
Second Floor
1 39.72 Bed Room
39.72 Ml
1 24.38 living Room
24.38 Ml
Third Floor
1 10.64 Bed Room
10.64 Ml
137.19 Ml Total for Paruqe Skirting
F. Porcelain Skirting
Ground Floor
1 8.86 Maid's Room
8.86 Ml
1 2.20 Lobby
2.20 Ml
First Floor
1 10.78 Office
10.78 Ml
1 6.31 Lobby
6.31 Ml
1 1.34 Balcony
1.34 Ml
Second Floor
1 8.11 Lobby
8.11 Ml
1 1.34 Balcony
1.34 Ml
Third Floor
1 9.15 Lobby
9.15 Ml
1 8.14 GYM
8.14 Ml
1 8.56 Study Room
8.56 Ml
1 12.58 Terrace
12.58 Ml
77.37 Ml Total for Porcelain Skirting
G. Stair Finish
19 4.00
1.16 Riser
88.16 Ml
18 4.00
1.16 Tread
83.52 Ml
4 3.34 Landing
13.36 M2
4 0.56
63.36 Ml Skirting
H. Door Sill
1 29.50
29.50 Ml
I. Window Sill
1 60.10
60.10 Ml

2. Carpentry and Joinery

1 5.00
5.00 Pcs Type D1 Size: (700X2100)
1 19.00
19.00 Pcs Type D2 Size: (900X2100)
1 1.00
1.00 Pcs Type D3 Size: (1500X2100)
1 1.00
1.00 Pcs Type D4 Size: (2000X2100)
3. Metal Work
A. Doors
1 2.00
2.00 Pcs Type D1 Size: (2000X2100)
B. Window
1 1.00
1.00 pcs Type W1 Size: (1650X2850)
1 10.00
10.00 pcs Type W2 Size: (800X1000)
1 7.00
7.00 pcs Type W3 Size: (1500X2850)
1 2.00
2.00 pcs Type W4 Size: (3000X2850)
1 2.00
2.00 pcs Type W5 Size: (2000X2850)
1 2.00
2.00 pcs Type W6 Size: (1800X2850)
1 7.00
7.00 pcs Type W7 Size: (1000X2850)
C. Hand Rail
1 64.00
64.00 Ml
D. Guard Rail
1 28.58
28.58 Ml

4. Gypsum Work
A. Ceiling
Ground Floor
1 3.08 Maid's Room
3.08 m2
1 37.01 Living & Dining Room
37.01 m2
4 1.12
3.00 To wall surfaces
13.44 m2
First Floor
1 27.37 Bed Rooms
27.37 m2
1 3.40 Office
3.40 m2
2 1.51
3.00 To wall surfaces
6.00 m2
Second Floor
1 14.77 Bed Rooms
14.77 m2
1 18.59 Living Room
18.59 m2
Third Floor
1 3.08 Bed Rooms
3.08 m2
1 3.40 GYM
3.40 m2
1 3.74 Study Room
3.74 m2
133.88 m2 Total for Gypsum Work
5. Painting
A. Internal Wall
Ground Floor
1 39.01
117.03 m2
1 6.62
13.24 m2
First Floor
1 73.83
221.49 m2
1 7.18
14.36 m2
Second Floor
1 86.74
3.00 m2
1 7.18
14.36 m2
Third Floor
1 59.12
177.36 m2
1 7.18
14.36 m2
575.20 m2 Total for Internal Wall Painting
B. RC Ceiling
Ground Floor
1 49.76
49.76 m2
First Floor
1 72.98
72.98 m2
Second Floor
1 68.66
68.66 m2
Third Floor
1 40.46
40.46 m2
Stair Soffit
4 10.00
40.00 m2
271.86 m2 Total for RC Ceiling and Stair Soffit

6. Glazing
1 118.14
118.14 m2 Total for Glazing

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