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Assigment 4.2 and 4.4

Student’s Name


Course Code: Course Title



Assignment 4.2

Employees play very important rule for the success of any organization. Employees

supports both internal community and greater community (External Community). For example,

company may encourage teamwork among the employees. Collaboration among the employees

is important because yields excellent performance, sharing of ideas, and company growth. It also

encourages strong working relationship. Also, a company may encourage employees to share up

work of an absent coworker. Sometimes some employees may attent company seminors thurs

leaving a void in the workplace. In such occurance, the available employees may divide the work

and take extra responsibilities of the abset coworkers. This is important because it ensures work

continuation besides the void left.

Moreover, employees can support great community through several ways. For instance, a

compay encouraging employees to participate in holiday food drive. Also employees can sponsor

a youth sports teem in the local community. This raises morale and broadens a company's

involvement in the community. Inturn, the comopany will have good reputation.

The aforemetions actions supports both internal and external external needs of the

company. The activities ensures continours work in the company as well as building brand name

through community perticipation activities. Additionally, the employees can support the

company through working extra time without asking for more payment (occassionally). They can

also support outside community through sponsoring an event, for example, sponsoring a

participant in local marathon.

The above mentioned activities supports organizational citizenship. Such activities

ensures civic virtue “doing one’s duty” and building alliance, coraboration through teamwork

hence strong working relationship. Also, the additional activities mention above supports

organizational citizenship. For instance, through Conscientiousness and also branding the

company good reputation through emloyees sponsoring local community events.

Alltogether, there are several ways I can encourage employees to participate both in

internal and external communiy activities. For example, creating a friendly working

environment. This will encourage teamwork. Also, being in frontline during the time of

sponsoring community event. I will make sure I perticipate to encourage other employees. To

encourage other employees I can also form a WhatsApp group for coleagues, and be postive

about helping the community. My encouragement expands company’s organizational citizenship

through creating a common pool and sportsmanship. They improves community relaitions hence

percived postivily by the community.


Assignement 4.4

Weakly Schedule

Ti Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday friday Satard Sunday

me ay

7a Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Homewor Breakf Persona

m k ast. l


8a Travel to job Travel to homework Traveling Breakfast/ Travel Breakfa

m sch to work Lunch ing to st


9a Work Class Homework Work Traveling work Traveli

m to school ng to


10a Work Class Lunch Work Class work Service

11a Work Discussion Treveling to Work Class Work Service

m work

12- Work Travel Work Lunch/ Class Travel Traveli

1p home/lunch traveling ing ng

m to sch home home/lu


2- Lunch/ Assignmnt work Class Discussion Free Free


m travel home

5-7 Homework/ Homework/ Shopping/ Traveling Traveling Person Nature

supper. supper traveling home home/supp al walk/su

home/supper er studie pper

. s

8-9 Free time Assignment Free time Supper Free Gym Assign


10p sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep

The weekly schedule aids in proper management of time to meet both short and long term

goals. However, uncertainities may occur hence disrupting the schedule (child may get sick,

cowork my resign requiring me to work extra). At any given time I should ensure that all work is

done (taking care of family, attending classes, work and having personal time). To ensure all

work done, better time management will be required to ensure things run more smoothly in my

work life and my home life. To get all work done, I will make some modification in the timetable

to accommodate the unexpected senarios through the following ways;

Delegating some of homework choes to one of family member. This means I will be less

held at home and I can work extra in my job. I will be able o work for long hours to cover left

void by coworker. Also I will have time for my classes. Also I can be waking up early and

sleeping late. This will increase my time to accommodate all the activities at home, work and

school. I can be doing homework choes very early in the morning or late at night and spent the

day long at job and school. I can also reduce freetime, do away with nature walk, and alter

discusion sessions. I can decide to have freetime only when taking meals, no freetime for nature

walk, and no attending discusion. Instead, I can have personal study late at night and ask my

friends to sent me screenshort and voicenotes of what they discussed. In so doing, I will

accommodate the extra job at workplace, or have enough time to attend the sick child.

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