Exam Colour Idioms

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w ith great or total to be very

s ucces s jealous , to be full
of envy
in writing, very rarely
official ly
very pale becaus e to become very
of fear or shock angry
or illnes s
the odd or bad to catch someone
member of the in the act of
family or another doing something
group w rong or illegal
talent to make s b 's real character
things grow

Cards with the idioms to be pinned up around the class

with flying colours green with envy

in black and white once in a blue moon

to be as white as a
see red
to catch sb
black sheep

green fingers true colours

The key for the teacher


w ith flyin g w ith great or total green w ith en vy to be very

colou rs s ucces s jealous , to be full
of envy
in b lack and in writing, on ce in a b lu e very rarely
wh ite official ly moon
to b e as w h ite as very pale becaus e s ee red to become very
a gh os t of fear or shock angry
or illnes s
b lack sh eep the odd or bad to catch s b to catch someone
member of the red -h and ed in the act of
family or another doing something
group w rong or illegal
green fin gers talent to make tru e colou rs s b 's real character
things grow

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