1000 Frequently Used Words

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Ultimate Urbanite

One Stop for Your Success.

+91 7418332090 www.ultimateurbanite.com
These notes are concise and must be referred along with Audio Lectures for better understanding


•Abscond • Acumen • Absolute • Accept • Account • Achieve • Across • Act • Active •

Actual • Advocate • Address • Admit • Advertise • Affect • Afford • After • Afternoon •

Adverse • Against • Adamant • Agent • Ago • Agree • Air • All • Allow • Almost • Along •

Already • Alright • Affluent • Although • Always • Alacrity • Amount • Alias • Another •

Amorphous • Annexe • Apart • Apparent • Appear • Antiseptic • Apathetic• Approach •

Appropriate • Arbitrary• Argue • Archetypal • Ascetic • Arrange • Assiduous• As • Ask •

Associate • Assume• At • Attend• Authority • Available • Aware • Away • Awful • Assault.

Bane • Bashful• Beguile• Bereft• Balance • Bilk• Banish• Barricade• Base • Basis • Beneath •

Bear • Beat • Beauty •Bombastic• Become • Benign • Before • Begin • Behind • Believe •

Benefit • Best • Beside • Between • Big • Bill • Birth • Bit • Black • Bloke • Blood • Blow •

Blue• Board • Boat • Body • Book • Both • Bother • Bottle • Bottom • Box • Boy • Break •

Brief • Brilliant • Bring • Britain • Brother • Budget • Build • Bus • Business • Busy • But •

Buy • By

Cajole • Callous • Canopy • Carriage • Cardiology • Caretaker • Carry • Case • Caterpillar •

Catch • Cause • Cent • Centre • Certain • Charity • Chairman • Chance • Change • Chap •

Character • Charge • Cheap • Check • Childish • Choice • Choose • Candour • Capitulate •

Ultimate Urbanite
One Stop for Your Success.
Ultimate Urbanite
One Stop for Your Success.
+91 7418332090 www.ultimateurbanite.com
These notes are concise and must be referred along with Audio Lectures for better understanding

Carouse• City • Claim • Classic • Clean • Clear • Client • Carp •Close • Caucus • Clothe •

Club • Cavort• Cold • Colleague • Collect • Circumlocution • Circumscribe • Circumvent•

Clamour • Commit • Committee • Cleave • Community • Cobbler• Compare • Cogent•

Compute • Concern • Condition • Confer • Consider • Consult • Contact • Continue •

Contract • Control • Converse • Cognizant• Commensurate• Complement• Conduit •

Consign• Constituent • Council • Construe • Contentious • County • Couple • Course •

Contravene• Covet• Cupidity • Cross • Contagious• Consistent• Con

Dearth • Dangle • Date • Dongle• Deed • Deal • Debacle• Debate • Decide • Decision

On • Despot• Definite • Discomfort• Department • Depend • Describe • Disparate

• Dispel• Develop • Derivative • Difference • Difficult • Default• Dialect • Deliberate

• Dogma • Divide • Debauch • Debunk • Document • Defunct •Duplicate • Double • Doubt •

Duress• Draw • Durable• Drunkard• Drive • Droop • Doodle• Due • Deny

Ecstasy • Early • Edict • Easy • Eat • Economy • Educate • Effect • Egg • Eight • Either •

Elect • Electric • Eleven • Else • Employ • Encourage • Elegy• Engine• Elicit •

Embezzlement • Emollient• Empirical • Environment • Emulate • Especial • Engender •

Ephemeral • Equanimity• Espouse • Exhort• Evidence • Exigent• Expedient• Expatriate •

Expunge • Extraneous • Exist • Expect • Expense • Experience • Explain • Express • Extra •


Ultimate Urbanite
One Stop for Your Success.
Ultimate Urbanite
One Stop for Your Success.
+91 7418332090 www.ultimateurbanite.com
These notes are concise and must be referred along with Audio Lectures for better understanding

Facet • Fictitious • Fairy • Fallacious • Familiar • Fart • Farmland • Fasting •Fetter • Favour •

Foil • Fragrant • Fence• Field • Forbearance• Figure • Fulcrum • Fumble • Flock • Funky •

Flaccid • Filthy• Flip • Finish • Forbidden• Fraction• Fish • Fit • Five • Flat • Floor • Fly •

Follow • Flux• Finback• Fixed• Force • Forget • Folklore• Fetch • Forward • Fork • Fiancé •

Flax• Flask • Fuse• Fierce• Front • Frizzle• Feeble • Function • Further • Freeze

Gratitude • Gizzard• Gimmick• Goosebumps• Glaze • Gloss• Gutter• Graze• Gypsy

•Gem• Germ• Gazette• Grope • Gloves • Gamble• Grant • Grand• Gulp• Garb • Grab•

Garbage • Gush• Grim

Hapless • Heterogonous• Hallow • Hollow• Hang • Happen • Heaven• Hard • Hate •

Hell• Hear • Haze • Humid • Hum buck • Hack • Horizon• Hiccup• Humming • Hammer•

Hawk • Hillock• Hope• Haughty• Hold • Holiday • Hyphen• Honest • Husk• Hexagon•

Harm• Hot • Hour • Havoc• Hitch• Harmony• Heap • Hospice• Hybrid

Idiosyncrasy• Identify • Impetuous• Imperial • Incumbent• Inhale • Injunction • Inoculate •

Insidious• Instigate• Indeed • Instinct• Intuition• Insurgent • Irrelevant• Instead • Insure •

Interest • Intimate• Introduce • Invest • Involve • Issue • Inquiry• Idol •

Ultimate Urbanite
One Stop for Your Success.
Ultimate Urbanite
One Stop for Your Success.
+91 7418332090 www.ultimateurbanite.com
These notes are concise and must be referred along with Audio Lectures for better understanding

Jacuzzi • Jukebox • Jackpot• Junk• Juvenile• Jury • Japery

Knell• Kingpin• Keyway • Knit • Kitten• Kettle • Kinetic• Knot• Keeper

Labour • Lad • Lockjaw • Logjam• Liberty• Licentious • Linchpin• Litigant• Lozenge•

Lexicon• Lawsuit • Lead • Lick • Lucid • Lamb• Lamp• Legible• Lag • Lump• Lack • Leak •

Lobby• Link• Luxury• Lurking • Livid• Lust• Leap• Latent• Lace • Lyric• Lacuna • Lapse•

Leach• Lush• Legitimate • Legume• Loaf • Logwood • Logic • Luminous • Longing•

Leftism• Linguistic• Ladder

Maverick• Magnificent • Munificent • Multifaceted• Meagre• Menace • Malignant•

Malicious• Mellow • Merry • Maze• Matter • May • Maybe • Mean • Magazine• Measure •

Meet • Member • Mention • Middle • Mighty • Mile • Majority• Mail• Mind • Malice •

Margin • Minute • Miss • Mister • Moment • Micro • Macro• Millennium• Miniature•

Military• Mischief• Mandatory• Mitigate• Maniac• Marathon • Marsh• Monster• Monument

Nanny• Native• Naive• Neighbour• Nephew• Niece• Novel• Novice• None• Notice• Narrow•

Nitty-Gritty• Nausea• Negligence• Negligent • Negotiation• Nominal• Nest• Neo• Nursery•

Nut • Neuro• Neutralize

Ultimate Urbanite
One Stop for Your Success.
Ultimate Urbanite
One Stop for Your Success.
+91 7418332090 www.ultimateurbanite.com
These notes are concise and must be referred along with Audio Lectures for better understanding

Obvious • Occasion • Odd • Owl• Off • Offer • Ox• Often • Oven • Object• Ownership• Once

• Organ• Organic• Oral• Operate • Opportunity • Oppose • Omit• Opaque• Organize •

Onward • Orchid• Otherwise • Ought • Outrun• Optimum• Onus • Orb

Pack • Pat• Pace• Pair • Pretty• Paragraph • Pardon •Pursue• Poise• Palace• Porter• Particular

• Partial• Patent • Priest• Plenty • Pence • Petition• Penalized• Praise• Price • Prize• Perhaps •

Parade • Potent• Photograph • Pick • Picture • Piece • Popper• Plaque• Peace• Piece• Peak •

Pastry• Puppet• Piracy • Peanut • Prime• Pitch• Probe • Punch• Prone• Polar • Peril• Pouch •

Path • Pond •Pine • Pulp• Presume • Pretty • Previous • Peer• Pie• Private • Probable

• Passion • Proceed • Process • Produce • Pursuit• Programme • Project • Provoke • Propose •

Protect • Provide • Public • Pull • Purpose • Push • Put •

Quality • Quarter • Question • Quick • Quit • Quiet • Quite • Quench • Quarry • Quote •

Quest • Queue • Quarrel • Query • Quadruple •Quarantine

Radio • Rag• Raise • Range • Rate • Rather • Ruckus • Relief• Reap• Realise • Reform•

Recent• Receive • Retain • Reckon • Recognize • Recommend • Record • Rare• Reduce •

Refer • Regard • Ride • Resist• Remember • Report • Represent • Require • Research •

Resource • Respect • Responsible • Rest • Result • Return • Rid • Rigid• Raven• Retro•

Ultimate Urbanite
One Stop for Your Success.
Ultimate Urbanite
One Stop for Your Success.
+91 7418332090 www.ultimateurbanite.com
These notes are concise and must be referred along with Audio Lectures for better understanding

Ripen• Rear • Rust• Resident• Rigorous• Resemble• Renewal

Subsequent• Subsidiary• Sufficient• Suffice • Substitute • Supplement• Scheme •Succession•

Sceptical• Synonym • Stationery • Stationary• Similar• Secretary • Section • Secure • Scatter•

Seem • Scholar• Sprinkle • Scrutinize• Sympathy• Separate • Serious • Serve • Service •

Sculpture• Soluble • Solution• Serpent• Statement • Share • Strategy• Sober• Source• Swift •

Situation • Shore• Shut• Success• Successor• Sick •Stimulate • Sacrifice• Similar • Simple •

Since • Synthetic • Symphony • Suspect• Social• Stringent • Site • Sight • Social• Savage•

Salvation• Surrender • Simulation• Solicit• Smoke • Sanctuary• Sanctum •sanctorum•

Severe• Spectacle• Spit• Split • Saturate• Sort • Speculate• Slaughter• Space • Stress •

Special • Specific • Staircase • Spell • Spend • Secretion• Statistics • Seasoning• Standard

•Superior • Schedule • Suppose• Struggle• Suitable• Shipping • Sequence• Scenario• Sweep•

Spin• Sour• Straight • Splendid • Spacious• Strike • Sizeable• Structure • Solitude • Sober•

Slippery • Stupid • Subject • Survive • Supreme• Sudden • Suggest • Suit •Satisfy• Stretch•

Shelter • Shallow• Slavery• Scenery • Suspend • Surprise • Survey• Spread

Transition• Travel• Talkative• Transcript • Tremendous• Tent• Triumph • Thunder •

Tyranny• Tender • Traitor• Treacherous• Treasure • Task• Terrible • Testimony• Temporary•

Tentative• Tributary• Terrace• Tenure• Tide • Timid• Twinkle • Trick• Trickster• Telepathy•

Track• Theory • Tangible• Threaten• Transmit • Through • Throw • Tolerate • Toxic•

Trembling• Twilight• Tranquil• Together • Terminus• Torture• Tonsure• Talisman•

Ultimate Urbanite
One Stop for Your Success.
Ultimate Urbanite
One Stop for Your Success.
+91 7418332090 www.ultimateurbanite.com
These notes are concise and must be referred along with Audio Lectures for better understanding

Towards• Touch • Therapy • Tribute• Trigger• Turmoil• Trailer• Transport • Transparent•

Treat • Tiresome• Trouble • Tedious• Trident • Tickling • Tear • Tragic • Trauma • Trendy•

Tumour• Trustworthy

Under • Understand • Union • Unit • Unite • Underneath• Undertaker • Until • Uncertain•

Urban• Uniform• Usual • Unjust • Uplift • Unpack • Unisex • Usher

Vulnerable• Various • Victory• Villain • Virtue• Volatile •Vacuum • Vandalise • Validate •

Vapour • Voluntary • Vigilant• Vigorous • Vocalist • Verbatim • Voyage • Venture • Vaccine

• Vintage • Veteran • Verge • Vineyard • Void

Wage • Wizard • Wallet• Warrant• Want • War • Warm • Wash • Waste • Watch • Wit•

Walrus• Worth• Wear • Wound • Weird • Wired• Weigh • Witch• Weave• Wedge• Waive•

Wrath• Wiper• Whether • Weather• Wax• Wardrobe• Wade• Whole • Worm• Wand•

Workaholic• Wander• Warehouse • Withstand• Worrisome • Whirl •Wreckage• Whip•

Without • Woman • Wonder • Wood • Word • Work • World • Worry • Worse • Wane •

Whisper• Weep • Wave


Ultimate Urbanite
One Stop for Your Success.
Ultimate Urbanite
One Stop for Your Success.
+91 7418332090 www.ultimateurbanite.com
These notes are concise and must be referred along with Audio Lectures for better understanding

Yawn• Yearn• Yield• Yet • Yell• Young

Zip, Zoom, Zinc, Zigzag, Zombie, Zero, Zone, Zeal, Zoo

Ultimate Urbanite
One Stop for Your Success.

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