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Pre-Historic Architecture

A history of architecture is a record of man’s efforts to build beautifully.

It is concerned not only in sheltering man and ministering to his comfort, but also in providing him with places
for worship, amusement, and business; with tombs, memorials, embellishment for his cities, and other
structures for the varied needs of a complex civilization.

Architecture had a simple origin in the primitive endeavors of mankind. It is an ancient and necessary art and
thus the beginnings of architecture are part of pre-history.

Why did man seek shelter?

1. Protection
a. from elements of nature
b. from wild animals
2. Comfort
a. to sleep and rest
3. Food storage
4. Perpetuation of human life
1. Stone Age
3 Stages of Chronology
1. Paleolithic or Old Stone Age
• Used stone and bone as instruments
• Livelihood from hunting and food gathering
• Learned to make fire
2. Mesolithic or Middle Stone Age
• Fashioned stone tools like bow
• Made body coverings from animal hides
• Made the canoe for fishing
• Built huts from bones, animal hides reeds and grass
3. Neolithic
• Once human beings settle down to the business of agriculture, instead of hunting & food
gatherings, permanent settlements become a factor of life & story of architecture begin.
• Polished stone tools for grinding, cutting & chopping
• Development of pottery
• Agriculture (wheat and barley) & domesticated animals
• Sew clothing from animal hides using fish bones as needles
• Built huts of stones & mud with thatched roofing
• Practiced burial rituals & built tombs

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