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Name: Logeswari A/P Gunasekaran Group: K


a. Speeches on the question of fact

b. Speeches on the question of value

c. Speeches on the question of policy

No Topics
1 Topic: Face to face classes are better than home base learning (Value)

Specific Purpose Statement: To persuade my audience about the advantage of face to face
classes rather than home base learning.

Central Idea: Face-to-face learning is a highly effective method of acquiring knowledge and
skills because it frequently combines multiple modes of learning.

Main ideas:
I) Students can focus more intensely on their studies because there will be less
distractions than if they were at home.
II) Face-to-face learning is better because students have access to more learning
materials on campus as compared to off campus.
III) Students will have the opportunity to connect with their lecturer or friends in
order to spend enough time together to address any difficulties or complete any
IV) students will always be engage in various types of activities if studying at
university as opposed to being at home which can make them as a lazy bone.

2 Topic: Tourism is the major source of Malaysian economic growth (Fact)

SPS: To persuade my audience that the tourism industry of Malaysia is the key source of
the nation’s economic growth.
Central Idea: Industry of tourism Malaysia is a vital contributor to the nation's economic
development, and it is regarded as one of the greatest destinations to visit by tourists from
all over the world.

Main ideas:
I) Tourism industry creates many job opportunities to Malaysians
II) Many travellers visits out country to experience the culture, various traditions,
and food of the host country. This is extremely beneficial for local restaurants,
shopping complexes, and retailers it will boost our local economy.
III) This is true as the data show that Malaysia has a huge impact on the economy
because the tourism industry of Malaysian is extremely affected due to Covid
IV) According to the data form ‘Trading Economics’, we can see a huge impact the
pandemic has caused to the tourism industry as the tourism revenue have
dropped from 86143.50 MYR Million to 12688.20 MYR Million and tourist arrival
reduced from 9156.00 MYR Million to 6459.00 MYR Million (Dec 2020- June

3 Topic: Weight loss supplements (Policy)

SPS: To persuade my audience that all parties should take gradual action to avoid
consuming illegal weight loss supplements.

Central Idea: Diet supplements may appear to be a miracle cure for fast weight loss. The
sellers of these medications make extensive claims about the qualities of their treatments,
yet the majority of these claims are unsubstantiated by clinical research.

Main ideas:
I) People should learn to spot misleading claims in rapid weight loss
advertisements and fake internet weight loss product stories.
II) Parents should always encourage their children to live a healthy lifestyle so
that they do not have to resort to using illegal weight loss supplements for
weight reduction.
III) Authorities should prohibit celebrity-endorsed social media commercials
pushing weight loss aids, which can lead to a large number of individuals
ingesting this illegal weight loss supplements.
IV) The government should prohibit the sale of fast weight loss supplements
that are not approved by the MOH, as this will raise public awareness about
how to choose the appropriate supplements

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