Project 2022 1 EL01 KA122 SCH 000076969

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2022-1-EL01-KA122-SCH-000076969 Generated on: Jan 12, 2023

Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals

Action Type: Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education

Project Title

Κλιματική Κρίση. Δράσεις για να προστατεύσουμε το

σπίτι μας.

Project Coordinator


Address OMIROU KAI DIOMIDOUS 1 , 19600 MANDRA ATTIKIS , Aττική (Attiki) ,



Project Information

Identifier 2022-1-EL01-KA122-SCH-000076969

Start Date Oct 1, 2022

End Date Dec 31, 2023

EC Contribution 52,869 EUR

Topics Environment and climate change

This document has been generated by Erasmus+ Project Results Platform Page 1 of 2
2022-1-EL01-KA122-SCH-000076969 Generated on: Jan 12, 2023

Project Summary

We believe that the environmental crisis is a matter that affects the whole world. This programme will open a new
perspective for us as far as we approach the Climate Change.Our region has been affected by the concequences
of climate change an the local community along with the school community live with th eanxiety of the effects of
the environmental crisis, Therefore the research on the problem would drive us towards solutions and relief of the
local community as far as the concequences of climate change are concerned.

Becoming environmental crisis aware through the exchange of information with their european co students-co
teachers is the initial objective of the project. Additionally teaching practices will be excghanged and the
participating schools should have the opportunity to implement new activities and teaching approaches to their
practise. Another important objective is students and teachers to be encouraged to communicate with people
from different cultures understand their perspective as far as environmental crisis is concerned and broaden their
horizons. Last but not least a rather important objective is to engage the local society with the protection of the
environment through our cooperation with the local municipality and other relevant local organizations.

Activities imlpemented to the envirinmental programme of the school will take place. Additionally actions
concerning the results of climate crisis in the school teritory as well as corrective actions will take place. More
1) A study of the atmposhere gases 2) a study concerneing the relation between climate crisis and the local
wildfires 3) an action will take place in order to clean the nearby forest 4) relevant digital presentations

The creation of relevant digital material, the tsansformation of the participants' and the local community's attitudes
towards climate change, the engagement with digital media, the socoalization of the participants, the adoption of
new ideas in the environmental programmes of teh school

Link to project card: Show project card

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