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What is a context?
- The set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event,
situation, or etc…
What is speech?
- This refers to three things:
1. the person speaking,
2. the situation, event, and occasion
3. The person that being addressed or spoken to.
(The context can be intrapersonal & interpersonal)
INTRAPERSONAL COMMUNICATION - communication with oneself
 making decisions in your mind
 smiling to yourself for a job well done
INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION - communicating with one or more person
 Casual Conversation with your Family and Peers.
 Interviews and formal conversations with
Authority or non-authority.
 Figures such as teachers and employers.

In 1624, John Donne said “No man is an island”

INTERPERSONAL – means “something involving, or occurring among several people.”

Types of Interpersonal Communication

1. DYADIC – this involves only two people. One speaker and one listener, they are
also . …………………………………...interchangeable. They can be the
speaker of the listener.
2. SMALL GROUP COMMUNICATION – requires three to fifteen people to discuss
……………………………………………………...a problem and come up with a solution. They are also
……………………………………………………...interchangeable. They can be the speaker of the
……………………………………………………...listener, but it has certain rules.
3. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION – involves one speaker speaking to a bunch of
……………………………………..listener. The one listening is known as audience.
4. MASS COMMUNICATION – human verbal interactions carried out with the aid of

In 1624, John Donne said “No man is an island”


What is a speech style?
- It is the way in which something is said, done, and performed.


CONSULTATIVE SPEECH – to seek advice to a person, usually a professional who has
………………………….………….expert knowledge on a specific subject or field. (ie: talking to a doctor)
FORMAL & FROZEN – they are related to each other in terms of context, but they only
…………………………...vary in degree of formality in language.
- FROZEN/STATIC STYLE – it can’t be altered. Examples are
………………………………. ..plaque. preamble.
- FORMAL SPEECH – can be altered. Example; SONA.

INTIMATE SPEECH STYLE – is usually used by persons who are close or very familiar
…………………………………..with each other. Language used may be formal & informal.
CASUAL SPEECH STYLE – style you use when you talk to your classmates, peers
…………………………………and other people who are not close to you or are not in your
…………………………………innermost circle of family and best friends.
COMMUNICATION STRATEGY – strategy is a plan or course of action to convey
………………………………………….information effectively.
NOMINATION - the ability of taking the attention of the hearers and trying to commence,
………………….nominate or propose the speaker's ideas in conversation whereby the
………………….other people involved in the conversation can still talk or even butt into
………………….the discussion.
RESTRICTION - a communication where a person speaks and the others listen without
…………………...any chances for the listeners to be heard.
TURN TAKING - is the order by which people who engage in a conversation speak. You
…………………...wait for your turn to speak by listening to the person you are conversing
…………………...with and waiting for him or her to finish talking.
TOPIC CONTROL - a strategy that limits the coverage of a discussion or conversation to
……………………….things that are acceptable to the people involved in the exchange.ex:
“This might not the best venue for such a discussion…”
“Let's not talk about that right now....”
TOPIC SHIFTING - If a topic is not pleasant to any one of you, one of you is expected
…………………… bring up another subject instead of risking a communication breakdown.
……………………...Ex: Well, in other news... By the way... Before I forget...
REPAIR - strategy for recouping lost rapport in a conversation. Saying “sorry” is the most
……………common repair strategy.
Ex: "I'm sorry, take that back..." "Let me clarify that..."
TERMINATION - communicative strategy of artistically ending a conversation.
Ex: looking at your phone… looking at your watch…
INFORMATIVE SPEECH - intends to educate the audience on a particular topic.
DEFINITION SPEECH – a type of speech that explains the meaning, theory, or
…………………………philosophy of a specific topic that the audience likely does not know much about.
DEMONSTRATION SPEECH – a type of speech that explains how to do something.
EXPLANATORY SPEECH – this type of speech might give a description of the state of a given topic.
DESCRIPTIVE SPEECH - type of speech that creates a vivid picture in a person's mind regarding an object.

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