Kevin Rafael P.P-4210009-UAS

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Nama : Kevin Rafael P.

NIM : 421009

Prodi : Multimedia Broadcasting

I. write countable or uncountable noun for these nouns

1. olive... (uncountable)

2. water.....(uncountable)

3. pens.....(countable)

4. books...(countable)

5. sand....(uncountable)

II. write to be "is, am, are" for the sentences

1. they are smart

2. the students is happy

3 you are my bestfriend

4. you are my bestfriends

5. Anna and Marie is my neighbour


1. Rahman : Why do you look so gloomy?

Ihsan: Because I…. my money

a. Am just lost

b. Have just lost 

c. Lost

d. Will just lost

2. Me and my friends…. in the library. We’re looking for some books

a. Have

b. Is

c. Am

d. Are 

3. Risma: Was Indonesia team as strong as Malaysia?

Yani: No, I think Malaysia was stronger than Indonesia

Risma: But….. South Korea, Japan or Malaysia?

Yani: It’s South Korea

a. Which country plays better?

b. Which country is the strongest? 

c. Which country plays worst?

d. Which country is the best?

4. She…. not work, because she doesn’t feel well

a. is

b. Does 

c. Did

d. Will

5. Niki: Would you eat lunch with me?

Yuki: I’d love to, but I’m still full. I…. my lunch

a. Have

b. Has

c. Will have

d. Have had 

6. Alina…. her favorite songs every night

a. Sings 

b. Sang
c. Sing

D. Singing

7. Firman: I wonder, my Miss Ani…. yet.

Naufal: I do too. So far, she always on time

a. Hasn’t come 

b. Won’t come

c. Haven’t come

d. Isn’t come

8. My grandfather always….. coffee every morning.

a. drink

b. drinks 

c. drank

d. drunk 

9.Our teacher never…. his homeland ever since he moved here.

a. visit

b. visiting

c. has visited 

d. visited

10. We…. our test every week.

a. has

b. does

c. did

d. have

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