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South Technical University

Basra Engineering Technical college

Thermal Engineering Mechanic Department
Electrical Tech lab.

Student Name : ‫أمحد قيص سلطان‬

((First class)) Group (A)
Experiment Tittle : Ohm’s Law
Experiment Number: (2)
Date of Experiment : 2023/1/8
The aim of experiment
Know and determine the latent heat of vaporization steam.

It is the amount of heat required to convert a substance from one
state to another for every one kilogram of the substance at a
constant temperature, and it is considered one of the distinguishing
characteristics of the substance, (from the solid state to the liquid
state or to the gaseous state), and its unit of measurement is the
joule For water, it is the amount of heat needed to vaporize one
kilogram of water. It is known that water begins to boil under
normal pressure conditions at a constant temperature of 100 degrees
Celsius. At 100 °C the temperature remains constant until all the
water turns into steam. For example, when a water molecule
changes from a liquid state to vapor, the surface of the water loses
some heat and the water temperature decreases. This is because
energy is required to overcome the bonding forces between the
molecules in the liquid medium, so that the molecule is released and
leaves the surface of the water.

-Small steam generator of 2000W.
-Mercury Thermometer.

1-We place the kettle on the measuring scale and neglect the mass of
the kettle.
2- We add water to the kettle.
3- Connect the kettle to an electrical source and turn it on.
4-We are waiting for the water to reach the boiling point. At this
stage, we calculate the mass of the water, as well as the time.
5-We wait from 5 to 10 minutes, according to the specified time, and
we calculate the mass and the time as well.

The results:
When the boiler is turned on at the beginning, there will be no
change in the mass of water for a few minutes, after that the mass of
water changes in decreasing after a certain time has passed, and
part of the water turns into steam gradually, and this means that the
latent heat broke the last bond and a phase change occurred.

The latent heat of vaporization can be calculated by the following

Q: electric power. M1: first block. M2: second block
T1:first time. T2: second time
hfg: Latent heat of vaporization

1-Sketch a diagram for the experimental instrumentation
and devices.
2-State any possible error source in experiment?
a-The water used is not clean.
b-Inaccurate measuring devices used.
c-Loss of part of the heat to the outside environment.

3-State any suggestions to improve the experiment?

To improve the experiment, accurate and well-made measuring
instruments should be used, and the water on which the experiment
was carried out should be pure and free of salt and Reducing the
amount of steam leaving the ocean as much as possible (trying to
make the system isolated).
4-How does the latent heat of water vary with the working
pressure? Explain.
During the phase shift, the supplied energy serves two purposes, the
first is the fusion of the material and the second is to push the
adjacent molecules apart, and this means that the material loses its
rigidity (shape stability) and in order to push the molecules away,
work must be done, and this means breaking the molecular bonds
(the strength of the electrical relationships that connect the
molecules with each other). In the case of liquidity, there are
aggregates of molecules, the molecules gather together, but these
aggregates are not fixed in their location relative to other
aggregates, so there is no fixed shape for the liquid, and in the case
of evaporation all remaining bonds will be broken, so when fusion
some bonds are broken, while in evaporation must break All ties.

5. What is the kettle boiler?

It is a pressure vessel designed to convert a liquid into vapor
(evaporate it) by transferring heat, and in many cases this vapor is
water vapor with high pressure and temperature.

6-There are Three important latent heat,what are they?

a-Latent heat of fusion
b-Latent heat of vaporization
c-Latent heat of freezing

7_What is the value of latent heat at the critical point?

Below critical point, latent heat is required to convert water into
vapour but at this point, there is no need for latent heat i.e. at this
point latent heat equals zero.
For water critical point parameters are:
Pressure (pc) = 22 MPa, Temperature (Tc) = 374℃
At a critical point, latent heat of vaporization is zero because at
critical point no energy is required to convert liquid phase to the
gaseous phase.

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