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Corporate Policy

Corporate Policy & Procedure of

Brothers Fabrication & Engineering Ltd. (BFEL)

Corporate Policy

Table of Content

1. Codes of Conduct…………………………………………………………………………….. 3

2. Employment of Underage Labor & Age Verification……………………………………… 3

3. Forced, boded or compulsory labor…………………………………………………………. 3

4 Freedom of Association………………………………………………………………………. 4

5. Equal Rights to Employees………………………………………………………………….. 4

6. Health, Security & Safety……………………………………………………………………. 4

7. Working Hours………………………………………………………………………………… 4

8. Payment……………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

9. On-job Accident Benefit……………………………………………………………………… 4

10. Leave Policy…………………………………………………………………………………... 5

11. Overtime Policy………………………………………………………………………………. 5

12. Resignation & Termination Policy………………………………………………………….. 5

13. Salary Deductions & Disciplinary Policy…………………………………………………… 5

14. Environment & Pollution……………………………………………………………………… 6

15. Value Chain Compliance…………………………………………………………………….. 6

16. Anti-Corruption and other Prohibited Business Practices…………………………………….. 6

17. Gifts, Hospitality and Expenses (Business Courtesies)…………………………………. 6

18. Money Laundering…………………………………………………………………………….. 6

19. Competition…………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

Corporate Policy

1. Code of Conduct

The organization commits encouraging a safe, supportive and productive work environment. This
can only happen when everyone cooperates and agrees to suitable standards of conduct.

The following are acts which the company considers unacceptable. Any employee found engaging
in these acts will be subject to disciplinary action which may include reprimand, warning,
suspension or dismissal:

 being absent from work without a valid reason

 willfully damaging, destroying or stealing property belonging to fellow employees or the
 fighting or engaging in horseplay or disorderly conduct
 refusing to follow or failing to carry out the reasonable instructions of a supervisor
 ignoring work duties or wasting time during working hours
 coming to work under the influence of alcohol or any drug, or bringing alcoholic beverages
or drugs on to company property
 intentionally giving any false or misleading information to obtain a leave of absence
 using threatening or abusive language towards a fellow employee
 smoking contrary to established policy or violating any fire protection regulation
 willfully or habitually violating health and safety regulations
 failing to wear clothing conforming to standards set by the company
 being late or taking unexcused absences from work
 not taking proper care of, neglecting or abusing company equipment or tools
 using company equipment in an unauthorized manner
 Possessing firearms or weapons of any kind on company property.

2. Employment of Underage Workers & Age Verification

The organization shall not employ or use child labor. Child means anyone under 18 years of age.
The company organization shall follow a particular guideline for age & identity verification checking
national ID card, Passport or educational certificate.

3. Forced, Boded or Compulsory Labor

The Company shall not use forced or compulsory labor, including, but not limited to, debt bonded
labor. The Supplier shall ensure that the work relationship between the Worker and the Supplier is
freely chosen and free from threats. The Supplier shall ensure that all Workers shall be free to
leave their employment/work after giving reasonable notice. Workers shall not be required to lodge
deposits of money, identity papers or similar in order to get or keep their employment/work.

Corporate Policy

4. Freedom of Association

The organization shall ensure and recognize the right of forming association and encourage
collective bargaining of employees and/or workers. The organization shall not discriminate against
any association members or members of trade unions, and allow the employee/worker to carry out
their association activities freely after office.

5. Equal Rights to Employees

The organization shall prohibit direct or indirect discrimination based on race, color, sex, sexual
orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or
other status, and shall promote equality of opportunity or treatment in employment and occupation.

6. Health, Security & Safety

The organization shall secure that the workers are provided with a healthy and safe working
environment in accordance with the local labor law. The organization shall do its utmost to control
hazards and take necessary precautionary measures against accidents and occupational diseases.
Appropriate Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) shall be provided to all the workers exposed to
potential hazard. The organization shall conduct regular training/awareness to ensure that workers
are aware enough on health and safety issues. The organization shall ensure safety & security of
its resources.

7. Working Hours

The Company shall secure that working hours are not excessive and as a minimum comply with
applicable local laws, that is, eight (8) hours or nine (9) hours including an hour of lunch break.

8. Payment

The organization shall provide remuneration that meets the national minimum wage limit. The
basis on which workers are being paid is to be clearly conveyed to them with detailed breakdown.

9. On-job Accident Benefit

The organization shall bear the on-job accident expenditure of its worker after proper investigation.
The accident/incident has to be registered in the accident-incident register or system.

Corporate Policy

10. Leave Policy

Unless specified otherwise, employees referred to in this policy mean permanent full-time or part-
time employees.

All employees are entitled to leave in accordance with the relevant awards or agreements and
statutory provisions. Where the entitlements or practices in this document conflict, the applicable
award, workplace agreement, employment contract or employment law takes precedence.

All planned leave has to be mutually agreed, and take into account workloads and the employee’s
needs. Leave must be approved in advance, except when the employee can’t anticipate the
absence. Any documents regarding leave will be kept on the employee’s personnel file.

Types of Leaves:

a. Earned Leave: 14 Days (1 in every 18 working days)

b. Casual Leave: 10 Days (Does not carry forward to next year)

c. Sick Leave: 14 Days a year but based on situation (Does not carry forward to next year)

d. Maternity Leave: 6 months

e. Other Leaves & Holidays: As per the calendar of Bangladesh Government

11. Overtime Policy

Working hour over Nine (including lunch break) shall be treated as overtime. The overtime shall be
recorded & must not exceed the maximum limit mentioned by labor law. It should not be by force
and workers should have right to refuse OT. OT shall be calculated as per the instruction of labor

12. Resignation & Termination Policy

The process mention in the labor law shall be maintained during the resignation & termination
processing. Transparency shall be ensured in the process.

13. Salary Deductions & Disciplinary Policy

An employee has the right to get fair judgment if any disciplinary action has been taken against him
and so on; if any discipline break/compliance issue arises, then proper investigation & judgment
shall be ensured by the organization. The organization shall maintain a written documentation
including all necessary terms & conditions of all disciplinary & compliance related issues following
national labor law.

Corporate Policy

14. Environment & Pollution

The organization shall take a precautionary approach towards environmental challenges, undertake
initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility, and encourage the development and
diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. The organization shall act in accordance with
relevant local and internationally recognized environmental standards. The organization shall
minimize its environmental impact and continuously improve its environmental performance.

15. Value Chain Compliance

The organization shall ensure that its contractual partners or suppliers are compliant enough in
accordance with local law of the land.

16. Corruption and other Prohibited Business Practices

The organization shall comply with applicable laws and regulations concerning bribery, corruption,
fraud and any other prohibited business practices. The organization shall not offer, promise or give
any undue advantage, favor or incentive to any public official, international organization or any
other third party. This applies regardless of whether the undue advantage is offered directly or
through an intermediary.

17. Gifts, Hospitality and Expenses (Business Courtesies)

The organization shall not, directly or indirectly, offer gifts to any supplier/partner/client employees
or representatives or anyone closely related to these, unless the gift is of modest value. Hospitality,
such as social events, meals or entertainments may be offered if there is a business purpose
involved, and the cost is kept within reasonable limits. Hospitality, expenses or gifts shall not be
offered or received in situations of contract negotiation, bidding or award.

18. Money Laundering

The Supplier shall be firmly opposed to all forms of money laundering and shall take steps to
prevent its financial transactions from being used by others to launder money.

19. Competition

The Supplier shall under no circumstances cause or be part of any breach of general or special
competition regulations, such as illegal cooperation on pricing, illegal market sharing or any other
behavior that is in breach of relevant competition laws.


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