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Write the comparative and superlative forms of the words below. Follow the example:


Short – shorter – shortest

a) early _______________________ __________________________

b) big _________________________ __________________________

c) wise ________________________ __________________________

d) angry _______________________ __________________________

e) heavy _______________________ __________________________

Choose the best alternative for each sentence:

a) They play tennis well but she can play .

1 – better

2 – worst

3 – good

b) Delbra is the ________ person I know.

1 – worse

2 – worst
3 – bad

c) I live far, but my parents live________.

1 – far

2 – farthest

1 – farther

d) Nick is the ____________ shy person know.

1 – less

2 – least

3 – little

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