Psy3875 2726

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seems connected with abub (a Semitic word for ``flute''; cf.

length. Extending in longitudinal dimensions 257 ft., it is

it would occur in the isolated word; and (3) the circumflex,

into plates, weapons, rods and wire, ground and polished,

Princess Juana, Alphonso caused himself to be proclaimed

Col Rosset (Val Savaranche to the Rhemes Valley), bridle path (C) . . .9,922

friction tubes are in most favour on the continent, and

factories for ginning and pressing cotton, a tannery and boot

soil of the heavily wooded valleys and lower mountain slopes

York on the 25th of November 1783. The reasons of Great

(Paris, 1865). The far greater part of his works relate to

and the keepership is also held upon the same terms; while

modification of this view). J. S. Mill very properly rejects

and soon after taking part in the election of Maximilian as

Hollo A-Mambwe } Luba-

Journ. Photog., 1861), and Thomas Sutton (Photographic

died (1316) before the second trial was completed. He was

in his dramas the actions and sentiments of Grecian heroes.

being that he brought back into his purse, by the aid of the

a handsome defeat on Osman Digna at Kufit in September

Glaucophane . . NaAl(SiO3)2.(Fe,Mg)SiO3.

include the lofty spurs of the northern flank of the Hindu

(15) In order to attain a clear view of native Abyssinian

flexible joint. Above and below these movable coils, which

is about 300 yds. and the extent of front covered 25 yds.

Guadalhorce, and on the Cordova-Malaga railway. Pop. (1900)

with the crust which in the electric furnace surrounds the

the determination of the flash-point of petroleum, was another

bodies which allows the influence of A to be traced all the

the French occupation (1800-1814), which began after the

C.R. Cains Rufus, Civis Romanus, Curavit reficiendum.

inordinate extravagance of the tables of the abbots. When the

It is evident that any other property can be represented by

with gentle humour and of a literary temperament that made

of the ancient alabaster is identical with the modern stone.

a vast cavern (Virgil, Aen. i. 52). Another genealogy makes

concurrently with that of the Hunters' Improvement Society.

best. The Columbia river canoe resembled that of the Amur, the

this to some extent, and despite the distance of the city

which, un- like all other Semitic forms, runs from left to

1857. When Queen Isabella and her husband were forced to

rupee, with the head of the British sovereign on the obverse.

by Corneille as the Menteur. Alarcon had the misfortune to

been sent away, perhaps intentionally returned and slew

He edited the works of John Adams (10 vols.. 1850-1856), and

of Semitic], all of them indicating simple objects, six of

in the home circle, where the training of their children was

1694-1733), French letter-writer, was the daughter of a

to regard graphics as a separate subject, closely allied to

his treatise entitled Recherches sur l'histoire et les

a fortified town of Russian Transcaucasia, government of

C. Corridor, with cells on each side.

for the Piazza della Signoria. In 1550 Ammanati married

and persons have been observed among the natives of Polynesia,

an important commercial centre, but the rise of Washington

the Epitome of Florus; the latest edition is by Wolfflin

reached at 10h. 45m., near Lagny. Of course no observations

francais des XIIe et XIIIe siecles (1882); Canchons

narrowforeshore is thicklywooded. The ascent to the plateaus

large villages or small towns almost in the plains. But in

literature, first associated with Poor Richard's Almanack

In 44 Caesar added two patrician aediles, called Cereales,

amirs crossed the Straits it was to lead a jehad against

in readiness in all material and personal respects for hostile

which, according to Varro, it took its name. It was stormed by

by its surroundings when they are put into rapid motion.

on both sides flats extend for distances varying from 5 to 15

right round the batteries for the transports, before the land

le Strange, Palestine under the Moslems (1890). (D. G. H.)

exclusion from the tribes, the second as exclusion from the

from which Charles de Remusat, in his classical monograph


17) it means the first man. Only in Gen. iv. 25 and v. 3-5

these having been formed from inorganic matter at some past

the Mahommedans he turned into a prophet, hot against

in the West, the abbot has jurisdiction over only one


the time of ahmansur, the founder. (Le Strange 191 ff.)

farmer, who would thus save the accused from imprisonment,

in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal,

States Coast Survey, and presented a full account of them

separation. In Ireland the action for criminal conversation is

solution of tyrosin, obtained a black pigment. From the blood of

goddesses. On the coins of the later Roman emperors she is

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