Case Status - Search by FIR Number

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8/16/2021 Case Status : Search by FIR number

Daily Status

District and Session Court , Nagpur

In the court of :Extra Jt. District judge and ASJ Nagpur
CNR Number :MHNG010013172017
Case Number :Spl.Case Child Prot./0000028/2017
The State of Mah  versus  Satish Bandu Ragade
Date  : 05-02-2020

Business : Before the court.

Accused is present.
App for state.
Exh. 34- Judgment delivered
on 05.02.2020
Accused is Convicted.
Accused- Satish Bandu Ragde is hereby
convicted vide Section 235 of Cr.P.C. as under
A. He is sentenced to suffer
rigorous imprisonment for 03 years and to pay a fine of Rs.500/-, in default of fine
to suffer rigorous imprisonment for 1 month for the offence under section 8 of the
Protection of Children From Sexual Offences, 2012 and the similar offence u/s
354 of the Indian Penal Code.
B. He is also sentenced to suffer rigorous
imprisonment for 02 years and to pay a fine of Rs.500/-, in default of fine to suffer
rigorous imprisonment for 1 month for the offence punishable u/s 363 of the
Indian Penal Code.
C. He is also sentenced to suffer rigorous imprisonment for
06 months and to pay a fine of Rs. 500/-, in default of fine to suffer rigorous
imprisonment for 1 month for the offence punishable u/s 342 of the Indian Penal
D. All the substantive jail sentences shall run concurrently.
E. The accused
is acquitted of the offence punishable u/s 309 of the Indian Penal Code. F. Set off
is granted to the accused for the period undergone by him as under trial prisoner
i.e. from 15.12.2016 till 20.03.2017. G. Muddemal property, being worthless, be
destoryd after the appeal period is over.
His bail bond stands surrender.
Exh. 35-
Operative Part.
Exh. 36- Application for suspension of sentence filed by c.f.
accused- App to Say
Say given by app
Order passed on it.
furnish fresh P.B. and
S.B. of Rs. 15000 and depositing the fine amount today.
Exh. 37- Application for
grant of permission to release the accused on Cash security filed by c.f.a
Order passed on it.
furnished surety of Rs. 15000-paid.
Exh. 38- P.R.
bond of accused.
Exh. 39- Cash security Bond of accused.

Disposal Date : 05-02-2020

Extra Jt. District judge and ASJ Nagpur 1/1

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