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Technology, as we know, is applying scientific knowledge that can be put into

practical use to solve problems, particularly in industry. Technology nowadays

becomes a part of our life, and it makes our daily living easier and faster. It is

widely used around the world. The innovation of technology has a big impact on

our society, business, and industrial workplace. One of the best-known

technologies we have is modern computer technology. The computerization of

the information system is concerned with the interconnection of various yet

interdependent transactions. This can lead to a system of well-integrated

processes that can operate much more quickly and accurately than a manual


The best application for this is the school system. Previously, when technology is

not yet introduced, traditional enrollment was done manually. The manual system

had been in place since the beginning of the school’s operation. During the

enrollment period, students will go to the admission office and meet the

requirements for enrollment. The manual procedure slows down the admission

process as the enrollment offices take time and effort to search and locate

student’s records in the filing cabinet. Delays in student evaluations due to the

enrolling officer’s need to check previous grades, and some of the student’s
records are misplaced. Tallying subjects also takes time because of unorganized

student files.

As a result of these factors, the researchers decided to design and build an

online enrollment system that is fast, accurate, dependable, and simple to use.

Enrollment System is an excellent example of a computer-generated process.

This can lessen the workload and provides accurate information needed for the

school. The proposed enrollment method is a positive move in the right direction

for the school. Providing quick and easy access to information could help those

who are juggling many tasks during the enrollment period. The system could help

those who handle many tasks during the enrollment period by providing quick

and easy access to student information. The importance of making this system is

for the administration, registrar, and enrollees to have an advanced way of

enrollment system by making the enrollment procedure organized. Therefore, not

only students will benefit from it but also their parents and the whole


Hence, all of the above changes brought by technology and the study of some

researchers improve the old school system by adopting the new system, the

Online Enrollment System. The enrollment system introduced a new pathway for

a more accessible way of recording and retrieving student’s information. With this

modern computer technology changes, human errors were reduced in

processing time, increased efficiency, and higher product quality was observed.

In addition, online enrollment is a friendlier tool that makes our tasks easier in

promoting advanced skills and development.

Background of the Study

This study is to eliminate the school’s existing manual enrollment process. A

manual enrollment process takes more time and effort, and it may also lead to

the loss of records. This study aims to digitize and bring the enrollment process

online for faster and convenient enrollment. This study also aims to help Tierra

Santa Montessori School improve its enrollment system compared to what they

currently use. The system can search the information of the student and track its

balance. In terms of queuing, the enrollees don’t need to go to the physical

school to fill up the registration form and wait for assistance. It takes a lot of time,

but with this online enrollment system, that won’t be a problem anymore because

the enrollees can fill up the registration form online, and it is hassle-free.

Statement of the problem

The purpose of this study is to online-based school enrolment system for Tierra

Santa Montessori School, INC.

Specifically, the study will seek to answer the following questions:

1. How does an online-based enrollment system help to make the enrollment

process easy and accessible?

2. What are the difficulties encountered in doing online enrollment?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of online enrollment during

this pandemic?
Significance of the Study

Since the students will learn how to facilitate the system here, it is important to

follow the thesis. Any method created to gather data on students prior to their

enrollment in a facility or school is included in online enrollment. The record of

my enrollment of a student in a specific program and selected courses for a

specific Academic Term is known as a program enrollment. An online enrollment

system can gather all the data into a single location, making it simple to access

and modify registration data is instantly added to the database without the need

to manually enter the data into a registry, ensuring that students are associated

with a specific program in the system.

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to develop a proposed system that is widely

available, easy to use, and make the enrollment procedure faster and more

organized. Specifically, this study targets to achieve the following objectives:

 The online enrollment system will be able to cut more process time

compared to the manual enrollment process.

 Queuing at the physical school will be eliminated or significantly

reduced. Instead, the enrollees can fill up the registration form online.

 The system will be able to manage grade information, section

information, and student information.

 The system will be able to search and track the student balance,

student data, grade data, and section data with ease.

 The system will be more focused on a user-friendly interface.

Scope and Limitations of the Study


Front-end – Website

Home page

The home page module is the default page where it showcases the school

itself to the visitors.

Program page

This page shows the list of the packages that the school offers. It also

includes a button (Enroll Now) where they can fill up the registration form. This

page provides a form in a web browser to guide enrollees in the enrollment

process. The form includes a built-in file uploader for uploading essential

documents, like Form-137, Form-138, and birth certificates. In addition, the user

can select if the enrollee is either a new student or an old student.

Contact Information (Contact Us) page

This page shows the school’s contact information. It usually contains

phone numbers, branch addresses, and a contact form that uses the user’s e-

mail to create an inquiry. It also has a follow up requirements button where the

registered student can follow up their requirements.

About page
This page shows the complete information and description of the school

including its history, objectives, mission and vision.

Back-end – Administration

Login Form

The login form consists of one field box that is a password field. This login

form allows accessing the database of the school.


The dashboard provides full control of the data stored in the database. It is

accessible by typing the right password in the login form.

Grade Level Page

This page consists of three buttons which are add, delete and edit. This

page allows the admin to modify the grade level.

Section Page

The sections page allows the user to manage class sections. The window

consists of a table containing a list of class sections and a form that lets the user

add, update, and delete class sections.

Subject Page
The subject page allows the user to manage subjects. The window

consists of a table containing a list of subjects and a form that lets the user add,

update, and delete subjects.

Room Page

The room page allows the user to manage the room facilities. The window

consists of a table containing a list of the room number and room type and a form

that lets the user add, edit, and delete room details.

Room Schedule Page

The user/admin can manage student schedules in this page.

Student Page

The student page allows the admin to manage student data. The window

consists of edit and delete button.

Teacher Page

The teacher page allows the admin to manage teacher data. The window

consists of add, edit and delete button.

Teacher Schedule Page

The user/admin can manage teacher’s schedules in this page.

Change Password Dialog

The user can change the default password with the “Change Password”.

The operation requires entering the old password in place to change the

password successfully.

Payment Page

In this page, the user sees the payment details and can control the

payment functionality. It includes a discount function where the program can

apply discounts on the system manually, as well as providing payment records or

a ledger.

Teacher Archive

In this page, the deleted data of a teacher will be stored.

Student Archive

In this page, the deleted data of a student will be stored.

Inquiries page

The room page displays all of the student queries, and the user may

respond to them as well as remove them.

Users Page
This page allows you to add user accounts such as administrator,

registrar, teacher, and cashier. They can also change or remove the account


Content Management System Page

This page allows the user to make changes to the information they provide

in the frontend.


Every other software has its limitations, and the proposed school

enrollment system is no exception.

● The system cannot do weekly backups automatically.

● The system cannot do a restore operation from the back-end user


● Online Payment via electronic banks like G-Cash and PayMaya is

limited to manual encoding or typing in the system (not automated and

need proof of payment to confirm)

● The system won’t be able to automatically email a student to tell

whether he/she is enrolled or not, but the system provided an option to

send an email.

● The reply and send e-mail function requires an external email client

(Gmail, Yahoo, Mozilla Thunderbird, Outlook, etc.)

● The notification feature is not consistent. The sound only rings if the

admin interacts with the backend system (clicking an element or

pressing a button) due to a Chromium browser limitation.


The assumption of the enrollment system is to keep all records the school of

Tierra Santa Montessori and information of all students who are either enrolled or

on the waiting list it all keeps track of all instructor information and their teaching

schedule each quarter the Tierra Santa Montessori school open some elective

section with deferent schedule therefore the instructor can add all waiting student

to the class as quarter begins section at the same schedule should be opened

provided that another accommodations are available if a teacher a room with

appropriate capacity is available then a new section will be created. Student want

to browse through the school website they need system checks student

academic record from registrant’s office system and verifies whether has met the

subject requirements. All the data may be gathered into one central location

through an online enrollment system, making it simple to access and edit. A

student who hasn't met the subject requirements can with a permission

generated by the Tierra Santa Montessori School finally the end of each quarter

the instructor will submit grades to the registrant’s office. Registration information

is instantly added to the database without the need to manually enter the

Conceptual Framework

(Mina et al., 2020) The COVID-19 pandemic crisis significantly altered and posed

a challenge to all of humanity worldwide. Indeed, the sudden emergence of a

new disease shows that new health threats may evolve into emergencies at any

time and that no country, rich or poor, is exempted from them (Wright, 2020).

Due to novelty, the case of COVID–19 cascades different problems and

multi–issues that manifest concrete evidence of poor health facilities and lack of

human preparedness. As a matter of fact, according to Baticulon (2020), the

Philippine health care system was never ready for a pandemic due to a lack of

health facilities.


 Login Forms  Payment

 Username  Cash
 Password  Online
 Documents
 Dashboard  Receipts
 Students
 Hardware Documents
 Software  Monitoring
Definition of Terms

Technology - Technology, or as it is sometimes referred to, the modification and

manipulation of the human environment, is the application of scientific knowledge

to the practical goals of human life.

Application - The process of applying common sense to a problem for a specific

use or goal. The unique use or purpose to which something is put, as in a

technology with many applications the creators never imagined.

Enrollment - The act of putting yourself or someone else onto the official list of

members of a course, college or university, or group

Homepage - A home page or homepage is the main web page of a website. The

term may also refer to the start page shown in a web browser when the

application first opens. Usually, the home page is located at the root of the

website's domain or subdomain.

Website - A website is a group of related web pages and the resources they are

linked to that have a common domain name. The majority of the time, each web

page on a given website has explicit links that the user can click to navigate from

one page of the website to another.

Payments - Payments can be made with checks, cash, deposits, and credit on

accounts with financial institutions or other institutions that operate similarly and

accept payment instruments.

Pandemic - A disease outbreak that spreads across several nations and has a

significant human impact is referred to as a pandemic. Viruses, which are easily

transmitted from person to person, are the most common cause of pandemics.


Review of Related Literature

The literature and studies cited in this chapter tackles the different concepts,

understanding and ideas, generalization or conclusions, and further development

related to the study of the enrollment from the past up to the present and serves

as the researchers’ guide in developing the project. Those that were also

included in this chapter helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and

similar to the present study.

Local Literature

According to Campos (2019), a computerized enrollment system facilitates faster

systems, while a manual system often takes more time to complete. A manual

enrollment system takes longer and typically ends in delays in transactions. This

proposed system is said to improve transaction processing and reduce the work

and responsibility of those in charge. Compared to the manual enrollment

processes, the system would make enrollment much easier, faster, and more

accurate. It minimized human errors and processing time. Patrick (2013) stated

in his Risk Management article titled Simple Benefits of Enrollment System,

“Today, there is an extensive menu of comprehensive systems to choose from.”

However, some of them only provide information on a single carrier, limiting their

utility. When the management is required to provide information about one health

plan digitally while still providing paper documents, it complicates matters for

workers, causing them to spend a lot of time trying to understand their choices.

Risk managers should accept only those devices that operate with various plans

as the workplace becomes wired for complete electronic communication.

Computerization is a control system that controls processes in an industrial

workplace, and it was published by bequest on November 5, 2013. It reduced

human errors and processing time, resulting in increased efficiency and higher

product quality. Computerization of the Information System is concerned with the

interconnection of various yet interdependent transactions. This can lead to a

system of well-integrated processes that can operate much more quickly and

accurately than a manual system. In agreement with Mina, Campos, Reyes,

Torres, and Garcia (2021), since the national government enforced various

restrictions and health protocols during the pandemic crisis, every higher

educational institution faced plenty of challenges. The researchers suggested

improving the system in terms of performance by using possible inputs to

achieve the best quality and output possible. The system provides a complete

quality standard and needs minimal improvements.

Foreign Literature

According to Ogbuokiri and Agu (2015), the aim of a mobile application for

student’s enrollment is to provide help for students by allowing them to access

the internet at anytime, anywhere, and in any place. According to this study,

successful use of this mobile application would speed up university enrollment

processes, minimize errors, and improve performance. This reduces workload

while still providing the school with accurate information. It would reduce human

error and facilitate access. “Our Online student enrollment system allows

students to enroll into their subjects before the start of their semesters,”

Edmonton (2013) wrote in his article in Magazine entitled Online Enrollment

System, published by SIGUCCS ‘06. This enrollment scheme allows international

students to enroll online rather than on campus and incorporates business rules.

These policies and regulations cover a wide range of topics, including subject

prerequisites, student payment status, course coordinator decisions, and student

seniority about planned enrolling subjects. When looking for a school for their

children, parents want it to be simple, open, and accommodating. Paper

enrollment forms are becoming outdated. If a parent wanted to enroll their child,

they would need to have a home printer or go to the school to pick up a bunch of

paper forms. This is problematic for families who do not have access to a printer

or who do not have transportation to and from school. It also creates problems

for busy families who are unable to visit during school hours. Why should their

child’s enrollment process suffer because of this? Parents can now go online and

study at their ideal academy with the option of submitting their child’s enrollment
details immediately. In accordance with Singh (2019), with the significant

advancement of technology, online assessment should be involved in an

education system. The impact of the evolution of technology in the education

sector is undoubtedly beneficial. Evaluating students are two actions that now

should be limited within the walls of a classroom because they can be now

performed anytime and anywhere with computers and the internet. With the help

of technology, conducting tests and assessments online becomes easier, and the

use of paper and pencil is not an option anymore. Student assessment is the

most significant part of an education system because it gives an accurate picture

of a student. The student assessment also acts as a positive reinforcement to

learners by encouraging them to perform better.

Related Studies and/or Systems

Online Enrollment System for ACLC College of Mabalacat

According to Rivera et al. (2015), in today’s society, technology plays a vital role

since it reduces work error by using machines. It makes work easier and faster

from paperwork through an automated working system while reducing costs for

an organization. This system would be designed to improve the deficiencies and

ineffectiveness of everyday tasks such as enrollment, grading, record keeping,

and payment, which would normally have to be done manually. This system is

intended to help school administrators manage the enrollment system process,

such as admission officers, accounting officers, registrars, and school directors.

Figure No. 1 ACLC Online System

Liceo de Cagayan University Online Enrollment System

As explained by the authors (Binayao et al., 2012), The Online Enrollment

System was proposed for the enhancement of the current enrollment system of

Liceo de Cagayan University. The study aimed at creating a system that would

provide another option for enrolling and that would compensate for the school’s

lack of manpower and time-consuming system. The proposed system caters to

old, freshmen, transferees and shifters with the following services: subject

evaluation, posting of grades, viewing of curriculum, add and update profile. The

system lessens the enrollment time, speeds up file management, and minimizes

inaccuracies and errors.

Figure No. 2 Liceo De Cagayan Online System

Student Enrollment System for Aplaya National High School

According to the authors (Agustin, Miranda, Antuerpia, Barroso, & Alcera, 2019),

the system is developed to improve the enrollment system in terms of handling

large number of enrollees including the assignment of schedule and their

respective section. This study focuses on one of the major information systems

being used by these academic institutions, the Enrollment System which also

includes the assigning of schedule, sectioning of classes, and monitoring of

enrollment requirements. The transaction processing system can make the

procedures faster and easier.

Figure No. 3 Aplaya National High School Online System


The researchers analyzed the contents of the literature and the related studies

that identify the benefits of having an online enrollment system. Based on the

literature and the related studies provided, the concept of implementing a web-

based online enrollment system has many advantages.

It is said that the manual enrollment process is tedious and lengthy compared to

the online enrollment process. This statement was solidified when Edmonton

(2013) mentioned the flaws of the manual enrollment process. Things such as
outdated paper enrollment forms, time management problems, and parents being

busy at unfortunate times. He also added that “why should the parents go

through the suffering of a manual enrollment process when they can do it on the

web with the power of the internet.”

This concept has been proven helpful by Mina, Campos, Reyes, Torres, and

Garcia (2021) when a pandemic is thrown into the equation. Almost no one is

enrolling the traditional way during the year, and people shift towards online

enrollment. Thanks to technological advancement, the enrollment system is

computerized, providing an effortless process while minimizing the time

consumed and effort of the staff. The analysis was mentioned by Campos

(2019), where he stated that the manual enrollment process could take more

time compared to the online enrollment process. Having an online school

enrollment system improves every aspect of the enrollment step that the staffs do

per student enrollee.

Another significant factor is the internet. Students and their parents browse the

internet nearly every day. Because of this, this online enrollment system concept

would be viable to many enrollees who wanted to enroll via the internet, which is

seemingly becoming a common trend every year. Also, enrollees and parents

can search the school’s website and enroll there via provided forms with ease.

The concept of enrolling in school with the internet is related to a study made by

Ogbuokiri and Agu (2015). They found out that having an enrollment form in

smartphones allows other students to enroll anytime and anywhere. Singh (2019)

agrees, stating that the online enrollment system should be implemented in an

existing education system. He also thought that the use of pen and paper is

outdated, and therefore not an option anymore. After reviewing the related

studies, the proponents notice that all of the school came up with an enrollment

system to reduce the human errors and to provide a faster and smoother

enrollment process.


Overview of Current Technologies Used in the Current System

The school’s current enrollment system is performed manually via Google Forms

and using pen and paper for records. The school lacks technology that is

important and necessary for a quick and easy enrollment process, record

keeping, and report generation. The school would need to purchase computer

units, a printer, and an internet connection subscription to access the proposed

system. By using the technology of data collection, record keeping, and

registration system in some automated enrollment systems, the proposed system

helps the school process information and manages records more efficiently.

Since the proposed system is web-based, it can be accessed with any browser

that supports it. Unlike other enrollment systems, this one aim to be online and

accessible through the internet. In the pandemic situation, most of the transaction

is available online. With this system, the enrollees can register online without

going to the physical school. This feature of the system is very convenient and

hassle-free considering the pandemic situation. Updating the parents with their e-

mail notifying them about their child’s enrollment process is also a thing to
include in our proposed system. The payment information is included in the e-

mail if the form is accepted.

On the front-end side of things, the website would include a feature that comes in

a form under the Registration page. Submitting the form forwards the information

to the school, allowing the staff to review the user’s form. Not only can you fill up

the forms using a desktop computer, but also a smartphone. The front-end

website is available for those who have an internet connection.

Figure No. 4 Entity-Relationship Diagram


Minimum Requirements Recommended


CPU CPU 4 Cores / 8 Threads 6 Cores / 12 Threads

(Core i5 7th gen or lower,

Core i3 8th gen or higher,

or Ryzen 3)

RAM 16 GB (Any speed) RAM 8 GB (Any speed)

16 GB (Any speed)

Storage 120 GB SSD 500 GB 240 GB SSD 500 GB


Monitor Monitor 15.6-inch LCD Monitor 15.6-inch LCD

21.5-inch LCD 21.5-inch LCD

Keyboard A4 Tech USB Keyboard A4 Tech USB Keyboard

Mouse A4 Tech USB Mouse A4 Tech USB Mouse

Table No. 1 Hardware


Google Chrome – preferred browser for testing the system.

XAMPP – preferred software for a web server solution.

MariaDB (MySQL) – preferred software database system.

Sublime Text – preferred manual coding website program.

Figma – first preferred bootstrap designer or editor.

Bootstrap Studio – second preferred bootstrap editor.

PHP – preferred web programming language built-in XAMPP web server


Windows 10 – Operating System of choice.

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