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Name: Gonzaga, Czaskizza D.


Course/Section: BSBA MM 3-1N Professor: Sir Carlos A. Garcia



Quiz 1

I. Identification

1. Upward Communication flow of communication from bottom to top

2. Courtesy one of the C’s that reflects friendly tone when writing a letter

3. Full Block Style commonly used style in business letter writing because of its simplicity

4. Letter of Inquiry type of letter that seeks to request information from the receiver

5. Letter of Recommendation letter that endorses a person’s ability or qualification

II. Essay

1. Explain the importance of the Flows in Communication

The ways in which communication flows within a team can be critical to its success and

productivity. These flows are necessary for us to be prepared in the true business setting. This is

important in having a clearly defined employee structure for managers to know their immediate

superiors and their subordinates so they can effectively receive and communicate the head of an


Flows in Communication also help to control the flow of information and ensures that

each person has only the information necessary to complete relevant tasks. This keeps each and

every one focused and reduces the risk that employees will focus on irrelevant information or

Name: Gonzaga, Czaskizza D. Subject: ENGL 20063 BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS
Course/Section: BSBA MM 3-1N Professor: Sir Carlos A. Garcia

2. How do the Styles in Business Letter Writing create effective business communication?

The styles of business letter show commitment because the author cared enough about

the matter at hand to sit down and put ink to paper. Composing an actual written business letter,

and making sure it’s in a professional letter format, can seem antiquated, and yet it remains more

vital than ever. Choosing the right style is necessary because it can either make a good

impression or damage the writer’s reputation.

Styles in Business Letter Writing can also suggest that the writer is inexperienced,

unprofessional or not detail-oriented, all first (or second) impressions that senders don’t want to

make. Letters demonstrate a level of professionalism and class. Hence, it is important, for every

to know how to choose the right style and construct a professional-looking business letter


3. Explain the importance of Everyday and Persuasive Letters

Everyday and Persuasive Letters represent the writer when they conduct communications

through writing. Composing these types of letters require good communication skills and

knowledge of business letter conventions. Although the letter should not be particularly personal

in tone, it should reflect courtesy, clarity, and an understanding of the reader's needs.

We all know that time is valuable and Everyday Letters like letter of inquiry, response

and acknowledgement make it easier for the reader to understand what the sender needs and in

return, generate interest and collect desired information. On the other hand, Persuasive Letters

helps the writer to convince, or persuade, the reader that the opinion, or assertion, or claim, of the
Name: Gonzaga, Czaskizza D. Subject: ENGL 20063 BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS
Course/Section: BSBA MM 3-1N Professor: Sir Carlos A. Garcia

writer is correct or valid. A good persuasive letter appeals to the reader's emotions and feelings

to convince them that your request or opinion is on point.

Quiz 2

I. Identification

1. Application Letter letter used when seeking a job position

2. Memorandum interoffice or department report used to communicate information to individuals

within the organization

3. Formal Report type of report that follows a prescribed format with an elaborate layout and an

attractive binding

4. Electronic Mail System (email) system of sending mail from an individual to its network or to

another business entity

5. Letter of Congratulations letter written in recognition of achievements, occasions, or simple

events in an organization

II. Essay

1. Importance of memorandum in an organization

A memorandum can be very broad. People use it to inform, report, give suggestions or

communicate ideas. Though it is not a legal document, it is still an agreement of how things are

going to be interpreted. Memorandum is necessary especially in an organization because it is

concise and a convenient mean of communication.

A memo's purpose is typically to inform, but it may also include elements of persuasion

or a call to action. There are both informal and formal communication networks in every
Name: Gonzaga, Czaskizza D. Subject: ENGL 20063 BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS
Course/Section: BSBA MM 3-1N Professor: Sir Carlos A. Garcia

organization. It may also be used to update a team on activities for a given project, or to inform a

specific group within a company of an event, action, or observance.

2. How do Social Business Letters create goodwill

We live in a busy world to the point where we forget to celebrate even the most special

occasions in our lives. We don’t purposely ignore them but it really slips on our minds

unconsciously. This is one of the reason why our social skills become ineffective for our self –

improvement. Luckily, properly written social business letters can help us prevent losing

connections with our loved ones and maintain relationships.

One thing that should be kept in mind is that for Goodwill letters to be effective and

relevant, it needs to be sent promptly. This will not wear off the emotions as it is seen that in the

long run, they tend to wear off. Thus, an appropriate tone and style need to be maintained while

writing the Goodwill letters.

3. Importance of the Optional parts of a business letter

Even though they are minor and optional, these parts of a business letter are still

significant to demonstrate genuity, whether that involves making a formal complaint or

delivering a heartfelt thanks. Unlike with email, the format is still important when it comes to

conveying professionalism, and that includes knowing the parts of a business letter (whether it is

he major part or the optional part) that you need to include.

The writer may include an attention line to indicate the intended recipient of your letter

and a subject or reference line may be useful to alert the recipient to the purpose of your letter.
Name: Gonzaga, Czaskizza D. Subject: ENGL 20063 BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS
Course/Section: BSBA MM 3-1N Professor: Sir Carlos A. Garcia

Carbon Copy Notation on the other hand, is useful if the writer is sending copies of the letter to

others in addition to the addressed recipient. 


I. Essay

1. Organizational Communication is the lifeblood of all organizations, explain why

Effective organizational communication may contribute to success of the workplace in

many different ways. For one, it builds employee morale, satisfaction and engagement. It enables

organizations to become more agile and achieve better workplace alignment. This is the lifeblood

of all organizations because it helps employees understand terms and conditions of their

employment and drives their commitment and loyalty. With a formal and comprehensive

communication strategy, organizations can ensure that they establish a recognizable employment


People inside the organization should make sure that the healthy communication is

maintained because ineffective communication may increase the chances for misunderstandings,

damage relationships, break trust, and increase anger and hostility. Ineffective communication

can be caused by a poorly aligned strategy, a failure to execute the strategy, the use of the

incorrect communication vehicle, poor timing, or even nuances such as word choice or tone of


2. What are the salient points in writing an Application Letter

Name: Gonzaga, Czaskizza D. Subject: ENGL 20063 BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS
Course/Section: BSBA MM 3-1N Professor: Sir Carlos A. Garcia

As a 3rd Year student, it is very important for me to know and practice my writing skills

especially with Application Letter. It will be essential for me when I finally get to apply for my

own job in the future. As we go along with the discussion regarding this topic, I learned that

Application letter will help me express my interest in an open position.

The job application letter explains who I am as a professional and an individual. The

letter should highlight my achievements and skills, helping to get the attention of the hiring

manager or recruiter responsible for reviewing applications. The letter must impress a potential

employer and make it seem like I am one step against my competitors. My job application letter

must also show some familiarity with the company that I am applying. I can talk about my

professional goals and aspirations and align it with the company’s goals. Although it may be

tempting to include a lot of detailed information about myself, it is important to be concise

because a brief letter is more manageable and appealing.

3. Cite the importance of Technology in Business

To make it simple, technology ensures that people inside the organization are engaged

and having a good connection. Like what I have discussed a while ago, organizational

communication is indeed the fundamental backbone of a business and technology helps maintain

the order and healthy collaboration through high-tech tools. As a result, makes it simpler for

even new companies to put resources into the right business interchanges.

We are still currently in the middle of Pandemic and obviously, technology has a huge

role to play on every person’s lives. Today it is non-sense to disregard how technology has

changed communication in the lives of a student, teachers, business person and everyone who
Name: Gonzaga, Czaskizza D. Subject: ENGL 20063 BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS
Course/Section: BSBA MM 3-1N Professor: Sir Carlos A. Garcia

utilizes it.  As companies are becoming global, they want to achieve the best in the global

economy. They are always looking for better ways to communicate. So, this is where technology

provides businesses with faster, more efficient equipment for every aspect of communication. 

4. How does a Resume create the image of the applicant.

It is a common knowledge that an excellent resume has the power to open doors. Resume

tells details about you. It speaks a great deal about you as a professional. It says what you have

done in the past, what are you doing currently and where exactly you are heading towards. It is

very important to remember to be honest with writing your resume because this letter create the

image of an applicant. It's the first piece of information a potential employer has about you,

so it's best to be honest and accurate.

Just like an Application letter, Resume mirrors the person writing it. In creating your

resume, make yourself stand out by putting your strongest attributes, experiences, and skills first.

Mention your non-work related experience, such as volunteering, certifications you’ve earned,

boards and committees you’ve served on, and relevant courses you’ve taken.

5. All parts of a Business Letter are important, what is the most important part and explain why

The most important part of the letter is the body which contains the message or

information that the sender wants to convey. Here, more than anywhere else, the general

principle of communication applies. Remember to write it clearly and succinctly, so that the

reader will understand the message properly and quickly and by this, I meant to say strike the

right tone by avoiding lengthy, meandering sentences and getting straight to the point. 
Name: Gonzaga, Czaskizza D. Subject: ENGL 20063 BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS
Course/Section: BSBA MM 3-1N Professor: Sir Carlos A. Garcia

The reader will get the best impression when the meaning is crystal-clear. The writer

should explain the position using as few words as possible and at the same time, feel free to be

conversational if it is appropriate. Business correspondence should be friendly and helpful if

possible. Finally, the body summarize your points and outline expectations or planned course of


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