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BUMA 20023 Strategic Management

Name: Gonzaga, Czaskizza D. Professor: Blessing Glova

Course/Section: BSBA MM 3-1N Date: December 4, 2021

Activity 1

Direction: Read the case and answer the two questions below

1. Do you have a twitter handle? If yes, you have recognized the power of twitter. But if
you are like most of my former students in the Department of Marketing, they don’t
subscribe to twitter. You and the rest more active on Facebook and instagram. Why do
you think Twitter is not attractive to college students like you? Explain your answer.

I discovered twitter when I was on sixth grade but didn’t made an account right away
because besides our family’s lack of computer and gadgets by that time, I also don’t have
any interest with this kind of application before. It was actually the international artist,
Taylor Swift who pushed me to enter social media. When I saw her on that Cornetto RED
Tour Commercial, I instantly fell in love and developed a strong affinity for her that
made me realized that I want to know who she is and be updated with her life. Just like
what a normal fan would do, I finally created Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook back on the
year 2012. That is the beginning of my Fan Girling Journey and struggle to save money
for prepaid load for internet connection so that I can log into my accounts.

To be honest, I actually am a big user of Facebook than any social media platforms when
I was on Junior High School, because that is our main medium of online communication.
My classmates and most of our teachers that time prefer Facebook rather than any other.
And my online co-swifties are also more accessible on this application. I was on 10 th
grade when my Facebook account become less active. It became a very toxic
environment for me to the point that I have more than 3000 friends which I don’t actually
know (besides my family, friends, and acquaintance). That is also the time that I
completely left my other accounts inactive and focused with Twitter.

2. Apply the three-step process for developing a good strategy outlined above (diagnose the
competitive challenge, derive a guiding policy, and implement a set of coherent actions) to
Twitter’s situation today. What recommendations would you Twitter to outperform its
competitors in the future.

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