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Propositional Logic Questions India's #1 Learning Platform Start Complete Exam Preparation (aye Download App MCQ Question 1 ion Online The proposition (P + Q)A(Q = P)Isa 1. tautology 2. contradiction 3. contingency i 4, absurdity Answer (Detailed Solution Below) By: : contingency Propositional Logic MCQ Question 1 Detailed Solution Concept: A compound proposition that is always true for all possible truth values of the propositions is called a tautology. A compound proposition that is always false is called a contradiction. A proposition that is neither a tautology nor contradiction is called a contingency. Formula: asb=~avb Calculation (P= Q)A(Q=P) (+PVQ)A(-QVP) replace > with NOT (_ ), v with OR (+) and A with AND (.) (P+Q).(Q+P) f PO+PP+00+0P % * P.Q+aP yg Pog s eS Truth Table: ; ‘ Output \ InputP | InputQ oh Y=P0Q t . ofo |) |e 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 The proposition (P + Q) 4 (Q = P) is acontingency Tips and tricks (P + Q)4(Q + P)=P « Q ({tis always contingency) ee UES ABA ia lace) Start Complete Exam Preparation eR eet rated ic cores oa pase D> Download App MCQ Question 2 ge View this Question Online > Let p, q, r, s represents the following pro| p: x € {8, 9, 10, 11, 12} Oo q: X Is acomposite numb: rx Is a perfect square AO? s:X Is a prime nu The Integer x isfies = ((p + q) A(-rV-s))Is___ so iled Solution Below) 11 Propositional Logic MCQ Question 2 Detailed Solution Data: p:x € (8,9, 10, 11, 12} q:x is a composite number r:x is @ perfect square oO s:xis a prime number Explanation: Nie p= qmeansp+q o° As, qis composite number So, p = resultsin {8, 9, 0) As, r:x is a perfect square, ~ r results in all vn fh are not perfect square So, ~1:{8, 10, 11, 12} Xt > $:{8, 9, 10, 12} >= 8= {8 9,10, 11, 12} Now, (p = a) A(=1V +s) = {8, 9, 10, 12} > ((p = 4) 4 Gr §}) results in a number which is not present in ((p + q) 4 (+r >) > ((P +g) AGrV-s)) will give {11}. 5 eal aca Start Complete Exam Preparation RR RR ete Peau arsed e ma a DO cre Cres eau Pieris) Download App MCQ Question 3 View this Question Online > Consider the following expressions: (I) false aya (Ill) true (v)PvQ W7QvP The number of expressions given above that are logically implied by P A (P = Q) Is Answer (Detailed Solution Below) 4 Propositional Logic MCQ Question 3 Detailed Solution Concept: P= QmeansPvQ Explanation: PA(P = Q)=PAPYQ)=PAQ Let us consider PQ as A We have to find which of the given expression is implied by A, that is, (A = Construct the truth table for each option separately Let A=PA (P= Q) @ ° Q PsQ A True True True True True | False | False | False False | True True | False False | False | True | False Consider all options one by one: ( False P] a} A | eaice True True | True | False True | False | False | True False | True | False | True False | False | False | True Here, all are not true. So, this option is incorrect. qa Pp Q A AsQ True True | True True True | False | False | True False | True | False | True False | False | False | True This option is implied by P A (P = Q). iii) True Pl a]al*s True True True True True | False | False | True False | True | False | True False | False | False | True iPva pP | a] a fey True True True True True | Faise | False | True False | True | False | True False | False | False | True This is a tautology, So, option is correct. v)-QvP A=PA < q [Paz 20 True | True | True | True True | False | False | True False | True | False | True False | False | False | True This is also a tautology. So, total 4 are implied by the given expression Geen ee peat) Start Complete Exam Preparation Re DA eo Caen fe Epes fete) Question Bank D> Download App prot MCQ Question 4 View this Question Online > Consider the following two statements. $1: If a candidate Is known to be corrupt, then he will not be elected $2: If a candidate Is kind, he will be elected Which one of the following statements follows ie S1 and ‘$2 as per sound Inference rules of logic? 1. Ifa person is known to be corruptyhe is kind mY i 2. Ifa person is not known to be corrupt, heis not kind _~*: kind, he is not known to be corrupt a4 4. if a personis not kind, he is not known to be corrupt ‘Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 3: Ifa person is kind, he is not known to be corrupt Propositional Logic MCQ Question 4 Detailed Solution Concept: Hypothetical syllogism, Ifp — qandq — rthenp—r «tt Formula: co p= q=-q~-p=-pvq "= Explanation: oO C(W): x is known to be corrupt {9° E(x): x will be elected x K(x): x Is kind xe> Statement $1 can be written as x” S1=C(x) + -E(x) ‘$2 can be written as: $2 = K(x) + E(x) =-E(x) > -K (x) By using hypothetical syllogism, From S11 and S2, the conclusion is C(x) + 4K(x) =K(x) > -€ (&) Ifa person is kind, then he is not known to be corrupt. & ee ee eeca aH Start Complete Exam Preparation Daily Live Rac Dnt) Bere) SR etre Download App MCQ Question 5 View this Question Online Which of the following pairs of propositions are not logically equivalent ? 1. (@ = A(q +8) and\(p va) 0) = x qand(=p +. +4) %. (p-qg)AQ-— p)andp.@ 4. (PAq) =F) and ((p — 1) (q+ 1) Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 4: ((p Aq) = r) and ((p = 1) A (q - 1) Propositional Logic MCQ Question 5 Detailed Solution The correct answer is option 4. © Key Points Option A: ((p — r) A (q ~ 9) and (pV q) ~ 1) Both are equal and it gives the same truth table. Hence it is logically equivalent. Option B: p — qand(-p ~ +q) ey (p ~ 9)(q ~ p)and (~p ~ q)(+q ~p) (p+9)(q+8) and (p+9)(q+)) | Both are equal and it gives the same truth table. Hence it is logically equivalent. Option C: (p — q)\ (q+ p)andp ~q Both tables give equal values. Hence it is logically equi Option D: (9 A.q) ~ r) ancl ((p — 0) A Plalr|-P [a Por lor (PRR) [PA |PAQsR Tittle |e it jt ir TIPE IF [FIFE TIFITe it ft it ir TREP TOF TF Fititi |e it (tir [tied |e it |r iF Feit it it it ir F\F\Fir it jt it ‘|r The above truth table is not equivalent. Hence the above statement is True, Logically not equivalent. z:Hence the correct answer Is (/p 4 q) - r)and((p - 1) A(q ~ 1) eee ea parcial Seer ee Start Complete Exam Preparation cae ceo Download App MCQ Question 6 View this Question Online > Let p, q, and rbe propositions and the expression (p + q) + rbea contradiction. Then the expression (r -. p) + qis 1. Atautology af 2. Acontradiction. : 3. Always TRUE when pis FALSE 4. Always TRUE when a ig TRUE AiBier eae Solution Below) Sprion +. Aways IRUc wnen q iS | RUE Propositional Logic MCQ Question 6 Detailed Solution (p = a) = ris acontradiction which is possible only when ris false and (p — q) is true. Now, from here we can clearly say that option 4 Is correct as (r -. p) - qmeans~(r- p) vq Since ris false, (r ~ p) is true and -(r — p) becomes false. So, it becomes (false V q). Now it totally depends on q. Whenever q is true, this value will always be true. Alternate Method: = GY=(p-q)-r=X-5, Z=r— pandWe(r—p)—~q=Z_—p Using Truth table So, from truth table also, it is clear that (r — p) ~ q is always true when qis true, and Y is false. ean baetiin) Start Complete Exam Preparation Ren cesar oae Peau arsed Poca DO cre Cres eau Download App Pieris) MCQ Question 7 r View this Question Online If T(x) denotes Is a trigonometric function, P(x) denotes x Is a perlodic function and C(x) denotes x is a continuous function then the statement “It Is not the case that some trigonometric functions are not periodic” can be logically represented as. 1. ad = POO) 2. > axIT(x) v= PO] 3. + ax[-T(x) A > PO] 4, > aX{T(x) A PO)] ‘Answer (Detailed Solution Below) > Option 1: + ax[T(x) A> P@)] Propositional Logic MCQ Question 7 Detailed Solution ‘Statement: “It is not the case that some trigonometric functions are not periodic” “some trigonometric functiong gre not Periodic" means There exist some onan line which are also not periodic. ax [T(x) A = PO9] The negation of it. "It is not the case that some trigonometric functions are not periodic” 7 axIT(xX) A + POO] aera es Start Complete Exam Preparation fapated ee ae) ree eur Exo sry MCQ Question 8 oo ( View this Question Online > “If X, then Y unless Z” is represented by which of the following formulae In propositional logic ? 1, (KAY) 372 Cry 2 (EAB Mm, 4 Yo(Xa-2) 3, Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 2:(¥ 07> Z) > ¥ Propositional Logic MCQ Question 8 Detailed Solution The correct answer is option 2. © Key Points “IfX,then Yunless 2" means 72 —* (X “a , ZV-XVYAXVZVY ay Bay ay mm 7 apa 7 aK (x yng Xv Zv¥ aM \¥ vx vYy aera ace Hence Option 2 only matches," * “n\" © Henes the correct answer's (XZ) + ¥ Dreier icin) Cee rere See eee cet) fae Ghee (eres ener D Download App MCQ Question 9 View this Question Online > Choose the correct cholce(s) regarding the following propositional logic assertion S: 8: ((PAQ)-R)- ((PAQ)- (QR) 1, The antecedent of S is logically equivalent to the consequent of S. 2. Sisa tautology 3. Sisa contradiction 4. Sisneither a tautology nor a contradiction. Answer (Detailed 'Sdlution Below) x Propositional Logic MCQ Question 9 Detalled Solution Concept Anantecedent is the first half of a hypothetical proposition, whenever the if-clause precedes the then-clause. A consequent is the second half of a hypothetical proposition ‘symbol: A= AND=. V=OR=+ >=NOT= 1=TRUE Formula: A B=-AVB=-A+B = (AB) =A+B Calculation: Antecedent of S: (PAQ)— Consequent of S: (PAQ)~ (@- R)=> (PQ) +(-Q4R =P+Q+Q+R=P+Q +R = >(PQ)+R=P+Q0 +R Hence the antecedent of $ is logically S=((P.AQ)~ RP) (PAQ)- (Q—F) S=- (4 (P.Q) +R) +(~ (RQ) +(-Q+R)) S=PQ-R+>P+7Q,+(>Q+R) S=POR+P+0 +0+R S=PQR+P+Q+R u a obecssenen ofS. S=(P+P)(P+QR)+O+R /A+AB=AtB

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