Incisormolar Relationships in Chimpanzees and Other Hominoids

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Primates (2005) 46:21–32

DOI 10.1007/s10329-004-0109-5


Martin Pickford

Incisor-molar relationships in chimpanzees and other hominoids:

implications for diet and phylogeny

Received: 20 February 2004 / Accepted: 13 July 2004 / Published online: 21 October 2004
Ó Japan Monkey Centre and Springer-Verlag 2004

Abstract In chimpanzees, the cutting edge of the incisor appearance of the last common ancestor of hominids
battery is longer in relation to the length of the molar and African apes are likely to be incorrect.
row than in any other hominoid, extant or fossil, the
only other lineage approaching it being the orangutan. Keywords Hominoidea Æ Incisors Æ Molars Æ
Apart from their increased mesio-distal dimensions, the Meat-eating Æ Phylogeny
upper and lower incisors of chimpanzees differ in addi-
tional ways from those of almost all other hominoids.
The I2/ is enlarged, so that the difference in size between
it and the central upper incisor is less than it is in the Introduction
heteromorphic upper incisors of other hominoids. The
lower incisors are expanded mesio-distally, so much so It has long been known that, when compared with other
that isolated I/2 crowns can resemble upper central living or extant apes, chimpanzees possess relatively
incisors. In chimpanzees the lingual surface of the lower elongated incisor batteries measured mesio-distally.
incisors is generally more procumbent than it is in other Functionally, the elongated incisor battery in chimpan-
hominoids, which have more vertically oriented incisor zees has often been linked to frugivory (Pilbeam 1969),
crowns and there is a greater difference in enamel but in view of the fact that most fossil hominoids possess
thickness between labial and lingual sides. The re-ori- mesio-distally short incisors, such a hypothesis seems to
entation of the lower incisor crown is reflected in the be an incomplete explanation, since there are good
root, which in lateral view is anteriorly concave in reasons for thinking that most of the Miocene homi-
chimpanzees whereas it is more orthogonal or convex in noids were frugivorous, as are most of the extant ones
other hominoids. The molars of chimpanzees, especially including gibbons and siamangs, and their incisor bat-
the lowers, have extensive and relatively deep occlusal teries are not mesio-distally enlarged. This paper ex-
basins, and the main cusps are peripheralised and labio- plores the relationships between the length of the lower
lingually compressed, making them more trenchant than incisive cutting edge in various extant and extinct
those of other hominoids. This paper examines the hominoids and compares it to the length of the molar
incisor-lower molar proportions in extinct and living row as an independent variable. It then examines the
hominoids and develops a new hypothesis about the diets of various extant and fossil hominoids (where
evolution of the dentition of chimpanzees and links it to possible) to determine whether there are any significant
their diet. It also examines the incisor-molar proportions differences between chimpanzee diets or ways of pro-
of hominids and African apes in order to throw light on cessing foods and those of other hominoids that could
the phylogenetic relationships between them. It is shown explain the dental differences.
that chimpanzees are highly derived in this respect and In all known Miocene hominoids the lower incisors
that several recent ideas concerning the chimp-like are relatively small and peg-like, with parallel to sub-
parallel mesial and distal edges, weak or absent lingual
ridges and small or absent basal tubercles (Figs. 1, 2).
M. Pickford (&)
Département Histoire de la Terre, UMR 5143,
The lower incisors are also more vertically oriented than
CNRS, 8, rue Buffon, Paris, 75005, France are those of chimpanzees and the enamel on the labial
E-mail: and lingual surfaces is almost the same thickness (the
M. Pickford
lingual enamel is usually only slightly thinner than the
Collège de France, labial enamel). In both species of chimpanzees, however,
11, Place Marcellin Berthelot, Paris, 75005, France the lower incisors are expanded mesio-distally and their

Fig. 3 Lingual view of the lower incisors of a Pan troglodytes

Fig. 1 Oblique view of a cast of a mandible of Proconsul nyanzae/ mandible from Mahale (University of Kyoto collection) showing
heseloni to show tall, mesio-distally short, peg-like lower incisors worn incisors, large basal tubercle and central lingual ridge
with reduced basal tubercle and central lingual ridge

Fig. 4 Lingual view of the lower incisors of a P. troglodytes

mandible from Mahale (University of Kyoto collection) showing
the great difference in enamel thickness between lingual and labial
sides of the crown, in this individual enhanced by differentially
greater wear on the lingual side

Fig. 2 Oblique view of a cast of a lower jaw of Sivapithecus indicus

showing tall, mesio-distally short incisors with no basal tubercle chimpanzees have enlarged lateral upper incisors which
and lingual ridge are spatulate to such an extent that isolated specimens
can be confused with central ones by the uninitiated,
mesial and distal edges are spatulate, so much so that something which is unlikely to occur with Miocene
isolated specimens may be confused with upper incisors. hominoids. Because of this the sockets for the lateral
They also possess strong lingual ridges and large basal incisors are located more laterally than they are in other
tubercles and the lingual enamel is appreciably thinner hominoids, being positioned lateral to the edge of the
than that on the labial surface (Figs. 3, 4). nasal aperture. They also often have lingual ridges,
Most species of Miocene hominoid (Kenyapithecus, which are weak or absent in the lateral incisors of
Nacholapithecus, Afropithecus, Proconsul, Otavipithecus, Miocene apes and extant gorillas.
Ugandapithecus and many others) have a large spatulate Apart from the differences in crown morphology, the
upper central incisor, but a much smaller more peg-like lingual surfaces of the lower incisors of chimpanzees are
lateral one. There is thus marked incisor heteromorphy more procumbent than they are in Miocene hominoids.
in the premaxillary teeth of Miocene hominoids. But They lean anteriorly considerably more than in other

hominoids, forming an angle of about 30° between the incisor alveolus chords and the apical incisive cutting
lingual aspects of the crown and the root (Fig. 5). In the edge, meaning that the margin of error in the latter
lower incisors of Miocene hominoids the angle is con- method of estimating the length of the incisor cutting
siderably less than 30°, most genera having angles of less edge is minor, and it does not radically alter the resulting
than 5°. Furthermore, in many Miocene hominoids, analysis. Measurements of lower molar row were taken
both large (Proconsul, Nacholapithecus, Kenyapithecus) directly on mandibles containing all three teeth if they
and small (Micropithecus, Dendropithecus, Limnopithe- were in correct line, but in specimens with teeth out of
cus, Simiolus), the lower incisors are relatively tall and normal position, or still erupting, the mesio-distal length
mesio-distally short, the cervix to apex measurement in of individual molars was obtained and the measure-
unworn teeth being much greater than the mesio-distal ments added together. Errors reflected in the latter cases
length or the labio-lingual breadth. In chimpanzees in (only a few specimens) are 1–2 mm, and do not greatly
contrast, the crowns are mesio-distally much longer, affect the resulting analyses.
making them more spatulate. From a Miocene ape The table of measurements was treated using Excel to
perspective there can be no doubt that the enlarged produce bivariate plots of length of incisive cutting edge
spatulate lower incisors of chimpanzees are derived. against length of lower molar row (Figs. 6, 7, 8).
Other derived features in lower incisors of chimpanzees
are the relative enlargement of the basal tubercle, the
degree of enhancement of the central ridge, the thinning Results
of the lingual enamel, the increase in procumbency of
the lingual surface (which increases during the lifetime of Analysis of incisor-molar proportions
the individual) and the concave profile of the labial side
of the tooth. Figure 6 reveals that most fossil and extant hominoids
possess incisor and molar rows that plot out relatively
narrowly along a regression line. For most of the species
Methods sampled, lower molar row is approximately 1.6 times the
length of the incisive cutting edge. There are exceptions
The lengths of the cutting edge of the lower incisors and (Fig. 7), one of which comprises chimpanzees (both
the lower molar row were obtained by measuring teeth species) which have greatly elongated incisive cutting
in situ in mandibles of extant and fossil hominoids, and edges (the incisive cutting edge is approximately equal in
by searching the literature for comparable measure- length to the molar row) and another of which impli-
ments. The mesio-distal length of each incisor crown was cates robust australopithecines, which have small inci-
measured and the four measurements added together to sors and relatively huge molar rows (molar row is 2.75
produce the length of the cutting edge. In specimens times the length of the incisive cutting edge in Paran-
lacking one or two incisors, measurements of the inci- thropus; Fig. 8). The orangutan, like the chimpanzee,
sors on one side were taken, added together and then deviates from the regression and the length of the molar
doubled. In a few cases in fossils where there were no row is less than that of incisor cutting edge (Fig. 8). The
incisors preserved, the incisor alveolar chord was mea- mean molar row length is about 1.7 times the incisor
sured to which was added an allowance for the upward length, and considering body-size, the deviation is less
flaring of the incisor crowns. In chimpanzees differences than that of the chimpanzees. Humans fall slightly on
of up to 2 mm may occur between measurements of the the low side of the regression (Fig. 8), but this appears to
be mainly due to a slight reduction of the size of the
molars rather than increase in the dimensions of the
incisors which show no sign of being spatulate.
Extant and fossil humans possess lower incisors that
are similar to those of most Miocene apes, and their
incisor-molar relation is close to that of Miocene apes.
Early australopithecines have lower incisors that are
close to or slightly shorter mesio-distally relative to
molar row length than those of Miocene hominoids
(Fig. 8), whereas Paranthropus and Gigantopithecus have
a very short incisor battery relative to length of the
molar row (Fig. 8). As a result they fall way off the
hominoid incisor-molar regression line, but on the
opposite side of it from the chimpanzees.
It is interesting to note that the more carnivorous
common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) has the most
Fig. 5 Distal views of the lower incisors of Pan troglodytes, Orrorin
tugenensis (cast) and Gorilla gorilla. Note the labial concavity in the
elongated and most procumbent incisive cutting edge of
profile of the Pan incisor and the more upright convex labial profile all known hominoids, whether extant or fossil, and the
of the incisors in Orrorin and Gorilla pygmy chimpanzee which seldom eats meat has less

Fig. 6 Bivariate plot of length of cutting edge of lower incisors surfaces of chimpanzee lower incisors are more pro-
(x-axis) on length of lower molar row (y-axis) of various Miocene, cumbent. This surface forms a more open angle relative
Pliocene, Pleistocene and extant Hominoidea, omitting Pan, Pongo,
robust australopithecines and Gigantopithecus [included in this to the cheek tooth occlusal surface than in other homi-
figure (numbers of individuals in brackets) are Afropithecus noids. This is achieved in two ways. Firstly, the incisor
turkanensis (2), Australopithecus afarensis (3), Australopithecus crown is more angled (procumbently) on the root than it
africanus (3), Australopithecus anamensis (1), Dendropithecus is in other hominoids, such that in lateral view the labial
macinnesi (1), Gorilla gorilla (44), Griphopithecus alpani (1), Homo
sapiens (10), Homo fossils (7), Hylobates klossi (3), Hylobates lar
profile of the root-crown margin is less upright to slightly
(5), Hylobates molloch (2), Hylobates muelleri (4), Kalepithecus concave, whereas in other hominoids it is more upright to
songhorensis (1), Kenyapithecus africanus (2), Limnopithecus evansi slightly convex (Fig. 5). Secondly, there is an increase in
(1), L. legetet (2), Lufengpithecus lufengensis (4), Micropithecus the labio-lingual dimension near the cervix due to
clarki (1), Nacholapithecus kerioi (2), Nyanzapithecus pickfordi (1), enlargement of the basal tubercle and this has the effect of
Orrorin tugenensis (1), Otavipithecus namibiensis (1), Pliopithecus
vindobonensis (1), Proconsul nyanzae/heseloni (6), Rangwapithecus increasing the angle of the incline from apex to cervix on
vancouveringi (1), Simiolus enjiessi (1), Sivapithecus indicus (4), the lingual side of the crown. Thus, in chimpanzees, the
Symphalangus (10), Turkanapithecus kalakolensis (1), Ugandapithe- upper and lower incisors form a narrower angle when in
cus major (4)] occlusion than, for example, in gorillas, in which the
lower incisors are more vertically oriented (Fig. 10).
elongated incisor cutting edges and the incisors are less Incisor enamel thickness in most hominoids is almost
procumbent. The lowest measurements of P. troglodytes equal on the lingual and labial surfaces, the lingual en-
sampled were invariably old individuals with consider- amel being only a little thinner than that on the labial
ably worn incisors, yet the incisive cutting edge was still side, or in some cases thicker lingually (Figs. 9, 10, 11,
greater in length relative to molar row length than in any 12). In chimpanzees, however, in particular P. troglo-
other genus of hominoid. There does not appear to be dytes, the lingual enamel is thinner lingually than labi-
marked sexual dimorphism in incisor-molar proportions ally (Fig. 4). Thus, during wear, the lingual surface
in chimpanzees despite major dimorphism in canine size abrades faster than the labial side, a result of which is
and body weight. production of a sharp cutting edge at the apex (Figs. 3,
4). Rodents achieve a similar effect by having no enamel
at all on the lingual surface of the incisor crowns.
Analysis of incisor morphology and orientation Young adult gorillas, orangutans, australopithecines,
Orrorin and many of the Miocene apes that could be
Chimpanzee incisor alveoli appear to have similar ori- examined produce apical wear facets on the lower inci-
entations to those of other hominoids, but the lingual sors which are almost at right angles to the height axis of

Fig. 7 Bivariate plot of length

of cutting edge of lower incisors
(x-axis) on length of lower
molar row (y-axis) of various
Miocene, Pliocene, Pleistocene
and extant Hominoidea,
including Gigantopithecus blacki
(1), Pan paniscus (20), Pan
troglodytes (33), and
Paranthropus boisei (4)

Fig. 8 Bivariate plot of length

of cutting edge of lower incisors
(x-axis) on length of lower
molar row (y-axis) of various
Miocene, Pliocene, Pleistocene
and extant Hominoidea,
omitting Pan and Pongo, but
including robust
australopithecines and
Gigantopithecus and
highlighting Late Miocene
Orrorin, Pliocene
australopithecines and early

the crown, the wear surface being almost parallel to the oriented at much less than a right angle to the labial
occlusal surface of the cheek teeth (Fig. 13). In chim- surface of the incisors (Fig. 15). Because of this, and
panzees these wear facets are also parallel to the occlusal because of the differences in enamel thickness lingually
surface of the cheek teeth, but because of the procum- and labially, chimpanzee lower incisors have sharper
bency of the incisor crowns (Fig. 14), the facets are apical cutting edges than occur in other hominoids. In

Fig. 11 Oblique view of a cast of the mandible of Homo habilis

from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, showing normal incisors and
somewhat expanded lower molars

Fig. 9 Oblique view of a cast of the mandible of Paranthropus

boisei from Peninj, Tanzania, showing normal sized incisors, but an
immensely expanded molar row

Fig. 12 Oblique view of mandible of Homo sapiens from Japan,

showing tall, mesio-distally short incisors and slightly reduced
lower molars

upper incisors have sharp cutting edges and are angled

Fig. 10 Oblique view of the mandible of Gorilla gorilla in the
Kyoto University collection. Note the tall, but mesio-distally short outwards (procumbent). By moving the lower jaw
incisors slightly backwards and forwards chimpanzees achieve a
cutting action which alternates between upper and lower
incisive batteries. Wear scratches on the lingual surface
senile hominoid individuals wear facets become less clear of chimpanzee incisors are mostly oriented parallel to
and other abrasion factors come to predominate, with the root-apex axis (Fig. 15), suggesting that the principal
the result that the incisors look like pegs with rounded movement of the jaws is forwards and backwards, with
apices. But in chimpanzees, even very aged individuals very little lateral movement.
may possess sharp cutting edges to their incisors, as long Perhaps because the apical edge of chimpanzee lower
as some enamel remains labially. incisors has taken on a cutting function, the crown
In hominoids, the upper and lower incisors have morphology of their lower incisors has converged to-
slightly different but complementary functions, the up- wards that of the upper incisors. Thus, uniquely among
per incisors having sharp apical edges and the upright African hominoids, the first and second lower incisors of
lower incisor batteries having blunt horizontal wear chimpanzees are spatulate rather than peg-like, and
facets. In chimpanzees, in contrast, both the lower and possess well-developed lingual ridges and clear mesial

Fig. 13 Lingual view of lower incisors of Pan troglodytes, Orrorin Fig. 15 Lingual surface of lower incisor of Pan troglodytes from
tugenensis (cast) and Gorilla gorilla to show the spatulate shape of Mahale, Tanzania, showing wear and scratches. Apical is upper
the Pan incisor compared with the more parallel-sided incisors of right, and cervical is lower left of the image
Orrorin and Gorilla. Note also the large basal lingual pillar and
central lingual ridge in the Pan incisor

Fig. 16 Oblique view of a cast of a mandible of Pan paniscus from

Congo, stored at Tervuren, Belgium, showing spatulate lower
incisors with enlarged basal lingual pillars and central lingual ridges

Fig. 14 Oblique view of a mandible of Pan troglodytes from Discussion

Mahale, Tanzania, stored at Kyoto University, to show the
procumbent incisor row and the relation between the incisors and
molars Meat-eating adaptations in the dentition of chimpanzees

The question naturally arises about the function of en-

and distal ridges (Fig. 16) which are unknown or only larged and spatuliform lower incisors with permanently
weakly evident in other hominoids, apart from some sharp cutting edges that occur in chimpanzees. If frugi-
individuals of Pongo (Fig. 17). The convergence in form, vory is not the complete answer, then what are chim-
angulation and size of the lower incisors to the upper panzees consuming that requires a long, sharp cutting
ones is so striking that on more than one occasion the incisive edge? A possible answer is meat. If so, then do
author has found museum specimens in which chim- they show any other dental adaptations to meat-eating?
panzee lower incisors have been glued into upper incisor
sockets. The opposite does not happen so frequently Meat procurement and canine function
because central upper incisor roots are appreciably
bigger than lower incisor alveoli and they won’t fit into Traditionally the differences in dimensions and shape
them but it does happen with the lateral upper incisor. between the canines of male and female chimpanzees

complex, and not a primitive holdover from the ances-

tral condition.
Several lineages of large frugivorous hominoids sur-
vived for millions of years with short stubby canine
crowns, suggesting that the presence of the sharp, labio-
lingually compressed, pointed canines that occur in male
chimpanzees cannot be explained either solely by sexual
selection or by anti-predator defence. Other selective
factors must have been involved, very probably of a
functional nature. Since the primary function of teeth is
related to diet, a dietary explanation is called for.
Most of the animal prey eaten by chimpanzees is
killed by adult males, which usually bite the victim with
the canines, although other methods are sometimes
used, such as flailing the body against the ground, al-
though even in these cases biting with the canines is
usually also employed. Thus, it is likely that the
impressive canine crown height and the fully developed
C-p/3 honing that occurs in chimpanzees is related pri-
Fig. 17 Oblique view of a mandible of Pongo pygmaeus stored at marily to the procurement of meat rather than to sexual
Kyoto University. Note the somewhat spatulate incisors that form selection, anti-predator protection or the killing of
a long cutting edge relative to the dimensions of the molar row conspecifics, and if so, then the latter may have played a
subsidiary role in the selection of canine morphology.

have been explained in terms of sexual selection and

anti-predator defence. More recently it has been ob- Meat ingestion and incisor function
served that chimpanzees may on occasion kill conspe-
cifics, the canines being used to inflict serious wounds to It has been said on many occasions that the enlarged
the head and body of the victim (Watts 2004). The same incisor battery of chimpanzees is functionally related to
explanations have been applied to orangutans and their frugivorous diet (Pilbeam 1969). However, a mo-
gorillas as well as many of the Miocene hominoids ment’s thought will show that this hypothesis is incom-
(Pickford 1986a–1986c). However, most large bodied plete, because there is good reason to consider that most
Miocene hominoids, including Afropithecus, Ugandapi- of the Miocene apes were frugivores, as are most extant
thecus, Kenyapithecus, Nacholapithecus, Ouranopithecus, apes, yet not a single one of them possesses enlarged
Ankarapithecus, Oreopithecus, Sahelanthropus and Si- spatulate procumbent lower incisors such as those
vapithecus, have large canine roots but stubby, relatively present in chimpanzees. There is thus no correlation
blunt crowns which undergo apical wear and generally between frugivory in hominoids and the presence of
have poorly developed or absent honing action against enlarged spatulate procumbent lower incisors.
the lower third premolar. There is good reason to believe Because chimpanzee upper and lower incisors are
that most, if not all, of these Miocene large hominoids procumbent, when they are in occlusion they meet at an
were frugivorous (Oreopithecus may have been more angle that ensures maintainance of a sharp leading edge
folivorous than the others). in both upper and lower batteries, even in quite worn
Male chimpanzees differ from the bulk of Miocene specimens. In other non-human hominoids and homi-
hominoids by their possession of a well-developed nids, the incisors meet at a more upright angle, with the
honing action between the upper canine and the lower result that the lower incisors become blunt with use.
third premolar which maintains a sharp distal cutting Thus, the occlusal wear of chimpanzee incisors main-
edge and pointed apex in the canine. In order for this tains a sharp cutting edge, quite different from the
action to be effective, the upper canine has not only blunter wear produced in most hominoids including
become higher crowned and mesio-distally elongated Pongo.
when compared to those of most Miocene apes, but also Observations on meat-eating in chimpanzees reveal
its postero-lingual surface has been hollowed out when that they use their incisors a great deal, especially to rip
compared to the stubbier, bulkier, shorter canine crowns and tear skin from the cadaver. They have been ob-
of most Miocene hominoids. There were concomitant served to use a twisting action in which the skin of the
changes in the structure of the p/3 in male chimpanzees, prey is clamped between the upper and lower incisor
the antero-labial part of the crown becoming larger and rows while the parts of the prey remaining outside the
the enamel extending further rootwards than is the case mouth are twisted manually until the skin inside the
in most Miocene apes. From a Miocene ape perspective, mouth parts from it (T. Nishida, personal communica-
therefore, the large, sharp canines of male chimpanzees tion). The presence of sharp apical edges of the lower
are likely to represent a derived morpho-functional and upper incisors undoubtedly increases the efficiency

of this method of processing food, providing a positive

selection pressure for this kind of incisor morphology. In
meat-eating chimpanzees, much of the carnassial func-
tion is performed by the incisors, albeit far less well than
the perfected carnassial function in carnivores.

Meat chewing and molar function

The molars of chimpanzees appear to show some features

that could be related to meat consumption. Most large
bodied Miocene and extant hominoids possess bundont
cheek teeth with large, inflated, voluminous cusps which
restrict the size of the occlusal basins and foveae. Quite a
variety of them also have cingular structures. Gorillas
have higher crowned cheek teeth than Miocene homi-
noids, with prominent crests between the cusps that have
been interpreted in terms of enhanced herbivory in this Fig. 18 Oblique view of adult female chimpanzee mandible (Pan
genus, probably correctly so, even though gorillas do troglodytes) from Mahali, Tanzania, showing the trenchant aspect
of the lingual cusps in the lower molars (and p/4; arrows),
consume large quantities of fruit when it is available. morphology which is here interpreted as being an adaptation to
Chimpanzees, in contrast, have retained lower crowned meat-eating (note also the procumbent incisors)
molars, but the volume of the main cusps is reduced and
they are more peripherally positioned than they are in
most Miocene hominoids. Part of the reduction in cusp incisors possess features that increase the efficiency of
volume seems to have been achieved by a reduction of meat ingestion, and their molars have morphology that
enamel thickness, which is usually considered by dental increases the efficiency of meat chewing. The canines are
morphologists to be ‘‘thin’’ (Kono 2003). Chimpanzee frequently used to kill prey, the incisors function as
molars also have high dentine penetrance, meaning that carnassials, albeit poorly when compared to the carn-
the dentine relief is relatively great beneath the main assials of most carnivores, and the molars are employed
cusps. As the crowns wear, they produce dentine lakes at in chewing the flesh before it is swallowed.
earlier stages than for example occur in teeth with low
dentine penetrance, such as typify australopithecines,
sivapithecines, Orrorin and Homo. Meat-eating in chimpanzees
In combination, all this has two main effects on the
morphology of chimpanzee molars. Firstly, the cusps, It is known that common chimpanzees from various
especially those in the lower molars, are somewhat more parts of Africa hunt, kill and consume a variety of
medio-laterally compressed (Fig. 18), and are therefore medium sized mammals (and even birds) on a regular
sharper than they are in most Miocene hominoids, and basis. At Kibale, Uganda, for example, chimps from one
they remain sharp into quite old individuals with deeply community killed and consumed so many red colobus
worn teeth, and secondly, the occlusal basins and foveae that they have caused a serious diminution in the colo-
are expanded, those in the lower molar forming an al- bus population (Mitani and Watts 2001; Mitani et al.
most uninterrupted basin from mesial to distal. This 2002; Watts and Mitani 2002).
‘‘hollowing out’’ and deepening of the occlusal surface, Observers at Ngogo, Uganda (Watts and Mitani
not only of the lower molars, but also to some extent of 2002), recorded 111 hunting episodes by chimpanzees, of
the uppers, has the functional effect of increasing the which 80 were successful during which 292 kills oc-
relief of the peripheral cusps, making them, especially curred. In addition they observed 16 meat-eating and 4
the lingual ones, more trenchant. The mesial and distal carcase-carrying episodes during the same periods.
crests that descend from the apices of the buccal cusps in Animals killed and eaten during the survey included 258
upper molars, and lingual cusps in lower molars (and red colobus (Procolobus pennanti: body weight 11 kg for
also the p/4; Fig. 18), produce a battery of sharp-edged males, 6 kg for females), 11 black-and-white colobus
cusps that enhance the efficiency of the molars for slicing (Colobus guereza), 10 red-tailed guenons (Cercopithecus
meat and other foodstuffs. The molars of chimpanzees ascanius), 7 red duiker (Cephalophus monticola), 2 blue
are by no means carnassials—the main meat-cutting duiker (Cephalophus callipyga), and one each of bushpig
function is performed by the incisors—but they do show (Potamochoerus porcus), mangabey (Lophocebus albige-
some morphological features that can be interpreted in na), blue monkey (Cercopithecus mitis) and Guinea fowl
terms of increasing the efficiency of the meat chewing (Guttera pulcherani). Given the difficulties of observing
process. even habituated chimpanzees, these figures are surely an
In summary, not only do chimpanzee canines show underestimate of the total number of hunts and kills by
features that enhance prey procurement, but also their the Ngogo group (Watts and Mitani 2002) especially

because some of the species hunted (bushpig, duiker, and voluminous and deep occlusal basins in both sexes
red-tailed guenon) are killed on an opportunistic basis are employed for processing meat once it is in the
and are seldom observed (recorded as meat-eating or mouth. In a functional sense, then, the incisor battery of
carcase-carrying episodes, rather than hunts). chimpanzees can be viewed as being functionally
Although the total annual meat consumption per equivalent to the carnassials in carnivores and creo-
capita is difficult to calculate precisely, for the Ngogo donts, but located at the front of the mouth rather than
community it was estimated to be about 15–20 kg for inside it.
adult males (range 2–40 kg) and about 10 kg for females Pygmy chimpanzees consume appreciably less meat
(Watts and Mitani 2002). At Kanywara (also in Kibale than common chimpanzees (Badrian and Malenky
Forest, Uganda) hunting is less frequent that at Ngogo, 1984), and it is thus not surprising to find that even
but at Mahale (Tanzania) and Taı̈ (Ivory Coast, West though their incisors are more spatulate than those of
Africa) it is more frequent, but apparently less successful other hominoids, they are less so than those of common
in terms of numbers of kills per hunt. But even so, with chimps which do eat greater quantities of meat.
up to five times as many hunting episodes over similar The fact that chimpanzees from West Africa, Uganda
observation periods the quantity of meat intake by male and Tanzania (i.e. the furthest extensions of the species
chimpanzees at Taı̈ was greater than at Ngogo (Boesch range) all frequently hunt and eat meat suggests that it is
and Boesch 2000). At Mahale, daily intake of meat a widespread propensity of the species, and that it is
ranged between 194 gm for alpha males, to 38 gm per therefore most probably an ancient acquisition.
adult non-alpha males to 37 gm for females. This works
out to about 70 kg of meat per year for alpha males and
13.5 kg for other males and females. This compares with Meat-eating in early hominids?
about 110 kg of meat per year for hunter-gatherers in
Africa (Hosaka 2000). The Mahale M group as a whole An interesting observation is that Orrorin, australopi-
is estimated to have obtained 655 kg of meat during thecines and early Homo are similar to Early and
1993. Middle Miocene hominoids in possessing small, narrow,
Hunting frequency by chimpanzees varies seasonally parallel- to sub-parallel-sided, peg-like, vertically ori-
(Watts and Mitani 2002), but during the 11-month ented lower incisors, without marked central lingual
(1998–1999) study period, there were 59 hunts observed ridges or enlarged basal tubercles and lingual enamel
at Ngogo, 43 of which were successful with multiple kills that is almost as thick as that on the labial surface. The
per hunt. If allowance is made for hunts that went molar morphology of these genera is bunodont, with
unobserved, including opportunistic capture of prey, restricted occlusal basins, rounded cusps and low den-
then it is reasonable to conclude that at Ngogo, chim- tine penetrance, suggesting a crushing and grinding type
panzees are hunting about 70 times per year, or on of dentition rather than a slicing one, as in chimpan-
average 6 times per month or thereabouts. At Taı̈ where zees. From this it is postulated that they were unlikely
hunting frequency was reported to be five times greater to have been eating significant quantities of meat. It
than at Ngogo, chimpanzees are hunting on average seems probable that hominids only started to include
almost every day of the year. However, because several meat in their diet on a regular basis once they could
hunts can take place in a single day, this does not mean prepare it by cutting it into small pieces while it was still
that Taı̈ chimpanzees are literally hunting every day of outside the mouth. This extra-oral meat preparation
the year. At Ngogo, hunting has been described as was possible only after sharp-edged tools had been in-
occurring in ‘‘binges’’, and these greater than average vented, from which it follows that regular meat-eating
hunting frequencies are interspersed with periods during among hominids may have started as late as the Upper
which little or no hunting takes place, notably through Pliocene. Naturally, if sharp-edged tools are found
periods when there is little ripe fruit to eat. Mitani et al. earlier that 2.6–3 Mya, then this would push back the
(2002) summarise chimpanzee hunting frequency well date of the onset of meat consumption by early homi-
when they write that ‘‘Hunts of red colobus (by chim- nids. Furthermore, meat consumption in extant humans
panzees) occur frequently, on an average of 4–10 times is overwhelmingly accompanied by cooking. Unlike
per month’’. chimpanzees, humans do not generally obtain much
Given the importance of hunting and meat-eating nutritional benefit from eating raw meat (Wrangham
among chimpanzees, it would be surprising if they 2002).
showed no dental adaptations to this common behav-
iour. It is the conclusion of this paper that chimpanzees
do indeed possess dentitions adapted for meat-eating, of The common ancestor of humans and chimps:
which long, permanently honed upper canines in males was it chimp-like?
predominate in meat procurement (females rarely pro-
curing prey), incisor batteries which are elongated, For the past 35 years most molecular biologists have
procumbent and permanently sharp in both sexes are placed the dichotomy of chimps and humans later than
largely employed for ingesting meat, and molar rows that of gorillas and humans (Hasegawa and Yano 1984;
with peripheralised, labio-lingually compressed cusps Hasegawa et al. 1985; Gagneux et al. 1999; Kumar and

Hedges 1998; Sarich and Wilson 1967; Sibley and Ahl- common ancestor, an approach that is all too evident in
quist 1984; Stauffer et al. 2001; Wrangham and Pilbeam many palaeoanthropological papers of the past three
2001; Arnason et al. 1996, 1998, 2000; Janke and Ar- decades, and more. It is much more likely that the last
nason 2002). common ancestor of australopithecines, humans and
Because of the supposed closeness of the molecular chimpanzees was a genus with incisor-molar relations
composition of humans and chimps and because many similar to those of Orrorin and extant humans. The
researchers seem to think of the chimpanzee as a prim- gorilla is not far from this bauplan in terms of its incisor-
itive great ape, and of humans as highly derived, there molar relations, but it is a much larger species, and has
has been a strong tendency to visualise the common derived morphology in other ways (molar morphology
ancestor of African apes and humans as being chimp- among others).
like. The most widely publicised hypothesis about hu-
man origins for the past 30 years is that humans and
chimps share a common ancestor that in many ways is Conclusions
thought to have looked either like a bonobo (Zihlmann
1979; Zihlman et al. 1978) or like the common chim- Examination of the relationships between the incisor
panzee (Wrangham and Pilbeam 2001). Arguments that battery and the molar row of hominoids, both fossil and
chimpanzees are not primitive in their cranio-dental and extant, reveals that there are only two genera with
post-cranial anatomy (Latimer et al. 1981) usually fall elongated incisal cutting edges relative to the length of
on deaf ears. the molar row (Pan and Pongo). All other hominoids
Yet in terms of incisor-molar relations, chimpanzees studied, except for robust australopithecines and Gi-
are markedly different from all known Miocene homi- gantopithecus, have molar rows that are about 1.6 times
noids and humans, and they are remarkably divergent the length of the incisive cutting edge. In the austra-
even from Pliocene and Pleistocene australopithecines lopithecines and Gigantopithecus the molar row is
and early Homo. This indicates that chimpanzee denti- greatly enlarged relative to the incisive cutting edge
tions are highly derived, at least in their incisor-molar (molar row is 2.75 times as long as the incisor battery),
relations, and are not primitive. Indeed, for this partic- the opposite of the case in chimps (the molar row is
ular feature, it is humans that display the plesiomorphic almost the same length as the incisor battery). The
condition. ‘‘normal’’ (1.6) relationship holds for genera ranging in
Thus, even if chimpanzees are indeed the extant sister age from Early Miocene to Recent, and from Africa,
group of hominids, in their incisor-molar relationships Europe and Asia, and through a range of body sizes
they do not resemble the last common ancestor at all, from Micropithecus to Gorilla. From this it is deduced
diverging well away from all known hominoids other that, as concerns the incisor-molar relationship, chimps
than orangutans. It is much more likely that the last and orangs are highly derived by expansion of the inci-
common ancestor possessed incisor-molar relations that sive cutting edge, while Paranthropus and Gigantopithe-
were close to the Miocene hominoid regression line cus are highly derived by the relatively great expansion
(Figs. 6, 7, 8). In this respect it is interesting to note that of their molar rows. It is thus an error to consider
Orrorin falls on the regression line and is close to the chimpanzees as primitive hominoids. In fact, in the
scatter of early australopithecines, early Homo and incisor-molar relation, it is humans that are primitive
modern humans. In australopithecines, the incisor-mo- and chimps derived. From this it is suggested that it is
lar relations diverge more and more above the regression erroneous to think of the common ancestor of chimps
line with the passage of time (the incisors remain almost and humans as ‘‘chimpanzee-like’’, as has been pub-
the same length, but the molars increase in size greatly), lished on many occasions.
whereas in chimpanzees, the incisor-molar relations di- Meat-eating behaviour is compatible with the pres-
verge markedly to the right of the regression line (inci- ence of a permanently sharp incisive battery and with
sors became spatulate while the molars remained more trenchant lingual cusps in the lower molar rows. What
or less the same size, or were slightly reduced in size). It seems clear is that chimpanzees are using their anterior
is interesting to note also that Gigantopithecus plots out and posterior dentitions in ways that no other homi-
close to robust australopithecines in terms of its incisor- noids have ever done, whether Miocene or Recent, with
molar proportions, providing an Asian version of this the sole possible exception of Pongo.
evolutionary trend, just as the orangutan provides an Humans in contrast, appear to be comparable to
Asian version of the chimpanzee-like incisor-molar most other hominoids from the Miocene in terms of
trend. It is probable that these two Asian examples their incisor-molar relations, their thick enameled mo-
evolved in parallel to those in Africa, and do not denote lars with bunodont cusps and so on. In fact extant hu-
a close phyletic relationship between australopithecines mans lie slightly to the right side of the regression line
and gigantopithecines on the one hand, and chimps and (Figs. 6, 7, 8) but not far enough to be excluded from it
orangutans on the other. in the way that chimpanzees are. This means that in
In their incisor-molar relationships, chimpanzees are these features, fossil and extant species of Homo are
highly derived hominoids, and it is therefore probably more likely to be plesiomorphic than apomorphic in
erroneous to think of them as closely resembling the last their incisor-molar relationships.

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Acknowledgements I thank members of the Kenya Palaeontology evolution. J Hum Evol 10:475–488
Expedition for their help in the field, in particular Dr. Brigitte Mitani J, Watts D (2001) Why do chimpanzees hunt and share
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