Yr. 8 Health Reviewer S2 Unit 6-8

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Health Unit 6-8

Year 8
Unit 6 Vocabularies

1.Stress ----->> a state of mind is motivated by stimulators

2. Neurotic disorder ----->> refers to a class of functional

mental disorder

3. Neurasthenia ----->> an ill-defined medical condition

characterized by lassitude, fatigue, headache, associated
chiefly with emotional disturbance

4. Endorphin ----->> chemicals that suppresses pain and

helps you to feel better

5.Untreated ----->> not given medical care

6. Isolate ----->> remain alone or apart from others

7. Meditation ----->> the action or practice of meditating

8. Conscious ----->> aware of and responding to one’s


9. Anxiety ----->> a feeling or worry, nervousness, or unease

10. Psychosis ----->> a condition that affects the way your

brain processes information
Unit 6 Topics

➢ Emotions are the processing of basic reaction into

physical stimuli into feeling such as fear, anxiety, worry,
sorrow, love, like and joy
➢ Adolescents are very sensitive and quickly changing
emotions likely easily become angry, sad, worried,
envious, fearful and depressed
➢ Untreated stress for a long time can develop into
neurotic disorder such as anxiety, depression and
➢ Mental health is an important component of health
➢ Knowing and understanding yourself means you can
control your emotions, have self-respect, accept both
success and disappointment
➢ Knowing and understanding other people means you
can understand and accept differences of other
➢ Being able to face problems and accept reality means
the ability decisions and solve problems correctly and
rapidly using reason
➢ Sleeping is very important to human health and daily
➢ Exercises: enhancing physical fitness is effective for
better health and longer living
➢ Relaxation means stopping or getting away from the
activities as the human body and brain needs to rest in
order to reboot energy
➢ Relaxation principles is a good way to relieve the level
of anxiety and muscle tension
➢ Practicing relaxation is a process or steps of relaxation
practice which can be done with group of muscles
➢ Know your emotions means you can see through your
own emotions and are able to restrain your anger by
revising your thoughts
➢ Managing your emotions means the ability to control
your own emotions and perform appropriately
➢ Being self-motivated means you optimize the situations
that may occur in your life in a positive way
➢ Laughter can be a method in medical care referred to
as “Laughter Therapy”

Unit 7 Vocabularies

1. Financial risk ----->> any of various risk associated with


2. Insurance ----->> a contract in which an insurer

indemnifies another against losses from specified
contingencies or perils

3. Outpatient ----->> a patient who receives medical

treatment without being admitted to a hospital

4. Diagnosis ----->> the identification of the nature of an

illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms

5. Scheme ----->> a large-scale systematic plan or

arrangement for attaining a particular object

6. Legally ----->> in a way that conforms to or is permitted

or required by law

7. Defecate ----->> discharges feces form the body

8. Livable ----->> worth living; enjoyable

9. inpatient ----->> a patient who stays in the hospital
while under treatment

10. Prognosis ----->> the likely outcome or course of a

disease; the chance of recovery or recurrence

Unit 7 topics

➢ Health services refers to various management practice

within the medical and public health service
➢ The Ministry of Public Health has the authority and
function to promote health and hygiene
➢ Health services management is a very important of the
Ministry of Public Health
➢ Disease prevention service management focusing on
preventing citizens form falling sick
➢ Treatment focuses on diagnosis and treatment. A type
of service management covers the cure and relief
illness of the patients
➢ Rehabilitation a service provided in recovering patient’s
physical and mental health efficiency
➢ Basic public health service refers to the public health
service providers spread throughout the villages
➢ Level 1 public health service known as the primary care
and refers to the public health service for basic
treatment of illness
➢ Level 2 public health service known as secondary care
that provides treatment for illness that is too
complicated to be handled by level 1 health service
➢ Level 3 health service provider known as tertiary care
that provides treatment for illness that require special
medical equipment
➢ Health service provider in Thailand can be categorized
into two: 1. Public Health Service Providers
2. Private Health Service Providers
➢ The Ministry of Public Health service the citizens with a
number of hospitals and health service providers
➢ The Ministry of Defense provides service to citizens with
hospitals that belong to the Ministry of Defense
➢ The Royal Thai Police provides public health service at
the Police Hospital
➢ Thai Red Cross provides public health service at
Chulalongkorn Hospital
➢ Maharaj hospitals provides 1,000 beds and treat basic
and specific illness. Listed as level 3 service provider
➢ Center Hospitals provides 500 – 600 beds and its roles
are to treat both basic and specific illnesses that require
medical care from specialist
➢ General Hospitals refers to any hospital with 140 – 400
➢ Community health centers were stablished with
accordance with government policy in the Universal
Health Coverage Scheme. The service is provided
under the policy of “Close to your home, close to your
➢ Health stations are lower-level public health service
➢ Basic community health services are operated by
community health service volunteers
➢ Health insurance refers to a contract between insurer
and insured
➢ Government Officer Welfare provides benefits and
medical coverage for recent government officers,
employees, retired government officers and their family
➢ The universal health coverage scheme first piloted in
April 2001 in six provinces and the scheme was
expanded to cover all the country in April 2002
➢ Primary care is a fundamental health service with the
purpose of bringing all Thai citizens the necessary health
care with good quality
➢ Secondary care their responsibilities focus on supporting
community health centers
➢ Tertiary care refers to a large hospitals or specialist
hospital or medical schools
➢ Social Security Scheme operated in accordance with
the social security Act of 1990
➢ Private health insurance customers mostly those higher

Unit 8 Vocabularies

1. Efficacy ----->> the ability to produce a desired or

intended result

2. Garnish ----->> decorated or embellish something,

especially food

3. Innovate ----->> make changes in something

established, especially by introducing new methods

4. Methodologies ----->> a system of methods used in a

particular area of study or activity

5. Capability ----->> the quality or state of being capable

or ability to do something

6. Contaminated ----->> having been made impure by

exposure to or addition of poisonous substance

7. Particulates ----->> relating to or in the form of minute

separate particles
8. Hazardous waste ----->> a waste with properties that
make it dangerous or capable of having a harmful effect
on human health

9. Exploit ----->> selfishly take advantage of someone in

order to profit from them

10. Improper ----->> not in accordance with the accepted

rules or standards, especially in morality or honesty

Unit 8 topics

➢ Health related technology in daily life refers to the

accumulations of scientific knowledge and
methodologies for systematic application to health
➢ Quality of life provides people with more comfortable
and healthier lives physically, mentally, emotionally,
and socially
➢ Working capability aims to help people’s health and
reduce the risk of illness
➢ Efficacy of the products provides an up-to-date health
and medical information, references, research, and
➢ Saving help people save energy, power, time, and
increase the capability of working because technology
has been developed consistently
➢ Genetic units are called “genes” and are composed of
➢ Mutation, insertion, or deletion of genes is called
Genetically Modified Organism
➢ Computer keyboard can harbor more harmful bacteria
which cause diarrhea through what is known as
“Qwerty Tummy” named after the first six letter of the
➢ Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) are eye fatigue, eye
strain, dry eyes, irritated eyes, blurred vision, and double
➢ Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) affect computer users who
sit inappropriately and work in front of computer screen
for a long time
➢ Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) are associated with work
involvement repetitive wrist movements which cause
pressure on the median nerve as the wrist and tendon
around the wrist becomes thicker
➢ Telephones harmful because of electromagnetic
waves of the receiver and transmitter affect and cause
harm in the long-term to human body
➢ Mobile music player and headphones is one of the
causes of hearing loss is that of listening to loud music
from a mobile music player and using the headphones
all the time
➢ Air pollution is the atmosphere contaminated with high
amounts of chemicals, particulates or other substances
over a long period of time
➢ Waste problems waste problems is considered an
urgent issue especially hazardous waste
➢ Soil pollution is considered the important material for
people to make a living because they exploit the soil by
digging and planting
➢ Water pollution can be found in many canals in big
cities such as Bangkok, Phatum Thani, Nonthaburi, Khon
Kean and Chiang Mai
➢ Waste problem has been recognized as a major
problem as the quantity of waste is more than related
organizations can manage
➢ Recycle is to convert waste into material
➢ Reduce is to create less amount of waste by using a
cloth bag instead of plastic bags
➢ Reject is to refuse materials that are difficult to get rid of
➢ Repair is to fix damage or broken things to reuse so that
you don’t have to throw it away
➢ Reuse is to use things more than once in the same
manner without transforming them
➢ Thai medical practice has been developing since Thai
traditional medicine was practiced in the Sukhothai
and Ayutthaya periods
➢ Conventional medicine was brought to Thailand under
King Narai’s reign
➢ Thai traditional medicine is widely called “old
➢ Thai medical treatment refers to identifying the nature
of illness by examination of principles and theory of Thai
traditional medicine
➢ Thai pharmacy refers to Thai medicine preparation and
➢ Thai midwifery refers to the assistance of mothers and
children during prenatal care
➢ Thai massage refers to healing and relieving patient’s
illness by massage
➢ Applied Thai traditional medicine a study needs to rely
on both academic principles of western medicine
along with Thai traditional medicine scriptures
➢ Alternative medicine depends on the place and time
in different circumstances

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