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Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.10 No.

03 (2019), 864-868
Research Article


Sree Dattha Institute of Engineering and Science Hyderabad Telangana

Job satisfaction is an employee happiness towards their job in the work place. Where it is a psychological
and physical satisfaction towards their job which has to perform in workplace in the organization. The
organization provide many benefits to employees to motivate and use them for increase in productivity of
the firm. Where organization provide monetary and non-monetary benefits to the employee satisfaction to
retain into the organization.To analyze the significance between the working conditions and job
satisfaction level. Chi-square test is the statistical tools is used for this research. Job satisfaction is the
independent variable and working conditions are the dependent variable. The statistical techniques which
are used in this study are bar graphs and tables. The sample size is taken 100 employees with a ratio 1:3 at
Anu fastener private limited.

Job satisfaction is an element which is used to evaluate satisfaction levels of the employees in the
organization. It is used to analyze the employee performance in the workplace and there are techniques
which are used to estimatethe fulfillment level of the employees. Every employer used to satisfy the
employees with the help of different benefits providing to them either monetary or nonmonetary benefits
within the organization. Job satisfaction is influenced on many areas in the organization. It will be used
for employee promotion and also helps for evaluation of employee performance and provide them with a
proper training and development for organizational improvement.
1) To measure the level of job satisfaction among employee.
2) To study the growth opportunity of employees.
3) To analyze the significance between the working
conditions and job satisfaction level.
BALASUBRAMANIAN, P (2011), in this paper on, “Job Satisfaction among Librarians in Tirunelveli
District; SRELS” concluded that where the happy employees towards their work are more successful in
the organization. Where they meet their expectations with the reality. MATHEW, J E, (1991), in this
research “A Cross Level Non Recursive Model of the Antecedents of Organisational Commitment and
satisfaction” observed that satisfaction on commitment and commitment on satisfaction are related in
reciprocally with each other.
JAVAD, SHAHINA AND PREMARAJAN, R K (2011), in their study on “Effects of Distributive and
procedural Justice Perceptions on Managerial Pay and Job Satisfaction” they concluded that
distributive justice are more important in job and pay satisfaction of the employees.
Research Methodology is the strategy which is utilized to gather data and information for deciding.

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.10 No.03 (2019), 864-868
Research Article

It might incorporate research productions, meetings, polls, and different strategies, which may incorporate
over a significant time span data.
PRIMARY DATA: The primary data is collected by a questionnaire ANU FASTENERSPVT LTD
circulated among the workers to collect information.
SECONDARY DATA: The secondary data has been collected from: Reviews of books, Digital libraries,
journals, online database on other web resources. Proceeding of seminars / conferences reports-standing
conference of public enterprises (scope)
H0: There is no significant impact between the working conditions and job satisfaction.
H1: There is a significant impact between the working conditions and job satisfaction.
An organized survey has been set up to get the significant data from the respondents. The poll comprises
of an assortment of inquiries introduced to the respondents for their reaction. The different
kinds of inquiries are utilized as a part of this overview are:
1. open ended questions
2. closed ended questions
3. multiple choice questions
1) Bar graphs
2) Percentage analysis
3) Chi-square test
Variables: independent variable- job satisfaction and dependent variable- working conditions
The sample size of this study is confined to 100
The various data that were collected during the survey in ANU FASTENERS PVT LTD that are
tabled below.

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.10 No.03 (2019), 864-868
Research Article

From the data collected through questionnaire it was observed that 11% of respondents are strongly
agreed with the superior will motivate to achieve organizational goals, 33% are agree, 25% remain
neutral, 22% are disagree and 9% of respondents are strongly disagree.

From the data collected through questionnaire it was observed that 18% of respondents are strongly
agreed withthe motivational level of the superior towards increasing efficiency of employee, 44% are
agree, 18% remain neutral, 13% are disagree and 7% of respondents are strongly disagree.

From the data collected through questionnaire it was observed that 30% of respondents are strongly
agreed with the relationship among employee and supervisor, 41% are agree, 16% remain neutral, 6%
are disagree and 7% of respondents are strongly disagree.

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.10 No.03 (2019), 864-868
Research Article

From the data collected through questionnaire it was observed that 19% of respondents are strongly
agreed with the allowances provided by the organization, 42% are agree, 21% remain neutral,
11% are disagree and 7% of respondents are strongly disagree.

From the data collected through questionnaire it was observed that 28% of respondents are strongly
agreed withthe overall satisfaction level towards your job, 35% are agree, 20% remain neutral, 12%
are disagree and 5% of respondents are strongly disagree.
H0: There is no significant impact between the working conditions and job satisfaction.
H1: There is a significant impact between the working conditions and job satisfaction.

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.10 No.03 (2019), 864-868
Research Article

is (0.920) is more than the given table value is (0.878) where H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected.
Hence there is a significant impact between the working conditions and job satisfaction.
1. Most of the employees are satisfied with their jobs
2. 11% of respondents are strongly agreed with the superior will motivate to achieve organizational goals,
33% are agree, 25% remain neutral, 22% are disagree and 9% of respondents are strongly disagree.
3. More than 50% of the employees are agree with the superior motivation in efficiency of work.
4. Majority of employees are satisfied with employee-employer relationship.
5. The employees are satisfied with allowances provided by the organization.
6. The overall satisfaction level of employees are good in the organization.
By this study where observed that, the satisfaction level of the employees are good in the organization.
Employer is providing all benefits to the workers in the organization and use for motivation of the
employee. Here I suggest the organization to concentrate on the working conditions of the employees in
workplace to avoid the grievance among the employees.
Study on job satisfaction and its influencing on the working conditions of ANU FASTENERS. The
overall satisfaction levels of the employees in the workplace is satisfactory. Where the employer has
concentrated on the internal relations between the employee and he maintaining good motivation to the
workers. It helps to employee to achieve the goals of the organization and reduces the grievance among
the employees.
1. Aswathappa, K. “Human Resource
Management”, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private
Limited, New Delhi, 2010, pp. 378-392.
2. Subba Rao.P, “Management and organization
behavior”,TMH,2/e, 2010


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