Attachment Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The Problem and It’s Background


An effective school facility is responsive to the changing programs of educational

delivery, and at a minimum should provide a physical environment that is comfortable,

safe, secure, accessible, well illuminated, well ventilated, and aesthetically pleasing. The

school facility consists of not only the physical structure and the variety of building

systems, such as mechanical, plumbing, electrical and power, telecommunications,

security, and fire suppression systems. The facility also includes furnishings, materials

and supplies, equipment and information technology, as well as various aspects of the

building grounds, namely, athletic fields, playgrounds, areas for outdoor learning, and

vehicular access and parking.

Poor facilities in public schools signifies that students are not receiving their

rights of having a sufficiently available and well-maintained school facilities. Indications

of having these poor facilities are non-working or poorly maintained public comfort

rooms, lack of classrooms, overcrowding in classrooms, poor ventilation, unsanitary and

crowded canteens and more.

School facilities are a collection of buildings used to provide educational

programs for students. These facilities provide students or pupils with a place to learn

that is under the direction of teachers. Homeschooling or home based learning is the

education of children at home.

In this study, Mark Schneider, Ph.D. looked at how clean, quiet, safe,

comfortable, and healthy environments influence successful teaching and learning. He

asks which facility attributes affect academic outcomes the most and in that manner and


It shows that the condition of school facilities has an important impact on student

performance and teacher effectiveness. In particular, research demonstrates that

comfortable classroom temperature and noise level are very important to efficient student


Learning is a complex activity that supremely tests students' motivation and

physical condition. Teaching resources, teachers' skill, and curriculum -- these all play a

vital role in a child's education.But what about the physical condition and design of the

actual school facility itself? How do they shape a child's learning experience?

Not because it is a public school, students don't have the right to have a well

maintained school facilities. Examples of these are lacking of classrooms, lacking of

tables and chairs, poor ventilation, poor comfort rooms and canteens. Usage of over dated

books and the like. These students want to study and even though they are only in a

public school, it doesn't mean that they don't have the right to study in a comfortable

classrooms. And i hope that the government should do something about this because

these students have the right to have this well-maintained school facilities and education

is very important.

An effective school facility is responsive to the changing programs of educational

delivery, and at a minimum should provide a physical environment that is comfortable,

safe, secure, accessible, well illuminated, well ventilated, and aesthetically pleasing. The

school facility consists of not only the physical structure and the variety of building

systems, such as mechanical, plumbing, electrical and power, telecommunications,

security, and fire suppression systems. The facility also includes furnishings, materials

and supplies, equipment and information technology, as well as various aspects of the

building grounds, namely, athletic fields, playgrounds, areas for outdoor learning, and

vehicular access and parking.

The school facility is much more than a passive container of the educational

process: it is, rather, an integral component of the conditions of learning. The layout and

design of a facility contributes to the place experience of students, educators, and

community members. Depending on the quality of its design and management, the

facility can contribute to a sense of ownership, safety and security, personalization and

control, privacy as well as sociality, and spaciousness or crowdedness. When planning,

designing, or managing the school facility, these facets of place experience should, when

possible, be taken into consideration.

The unavailability of learning materials is just one of the problem of K-12

curriculum, but the problem of K-12 curriculum are not end from that. When Senior high

start, most of school needs Facilities , chairs , books and equipment for the specialization

specially public school.

Therefore we can say that all school are not ready for k-12 curriculum, specially

public school who have TVL track that needs facilities and equipment for the study.

Thats why government must prioritize the school needed. Give more attention the public

school who has a higher number of population. Help the Department of education to
build a new buildings for the facilities of the students. Give more budget for the

equipment and materials needs of the school for teaching. So that the first generation of

K-12 curriculum make successful and to say that our country are ready for Basic

education program k-12 curriculum.

In Tarlac National High School there are also cases of lack of facilities and

equipment that affecting the student performance in school. They perform weak because

school doesn’t have complete equipment and facilities that fit to their course.

The researcher chose this topic because lack of facilities and equipment may

affect the academic performance of the student the researcher want to know the effect of

lack of facilities and equipment to the academic performance of the student and also to

know the factors why school having this such a problem and to find a solution to this

schools problem to them to prevent of having a lack of facilities and equipment problem

that may affect the learning and academic performance of the student.

Statement of the problem

This study aims to know the impact of lack of facilities and equipment on

academic performance among senior high school students in Tarlac National High School


Specifically, the study attempts to answer the following question:

1. How will you describe the profile of the respondents based on the following?

1.1 Age 1.4 Economic status

1.2 Sex 1.5 Residency

1.3 Grade level

2. What are the factor that affecting the school to have a complete facilities and


3. What is the effect of lack of facilities and equipment to the academic

performance of the respondent?

4. Is there any significant relationship between the lack of facilities and

equipment to the academic performance of the respondent?

5. What is the implication of the study to the school administrator?

Significance of the study

The purpose of this study is to help and give information to the following:

To the students. This study will serve as example of what is the impact of lack of

facilities and equipment to their academic performance that causing them to learn slow

and weak when I t comes to school activity.

To the parents. This study will help them to know the factor that affecting their

child school and academic performance this will help them to know what their child

needs to learn fast and to perform better in academic performance.

To the teacher. This study will give them information and knowledge why their

students performing weak in academic performance this will be a big help for teacher to

know the reasons and factor that affecting their student performance in school for them to

guide and provide their needs to learn well and perform better in academic performance.
To the school administrator. This study will encourage them to add more

academic and school facilities and equipment for the students to learn better and be

comfortable to their school facilities for them to perform better.

To the future researcher. This study will benefits them to have an idea to the topic

lack of facilities and equipment effects on academic performance of the students this may

serve as they basis when they study about this topic and this will help them to learn more

and to encourage them to search deeper and discover wider about this topic.

Scope and delimitation

The focus of this study is to know the impact of lack of facilities and equipment

on academic performance of a student because lack of facilities and equipment can affect

the learning style and academic performance of a student. Furthermore this research

presents on how lack of facilities and equipment affecting to the life of a students because

lacking of facilities and equipment may cause poor listening and poor academic

performance in school which can lead of having failing grades.

Definition of terms

The purpose of understanding and clarifying the following terms are defined.

Academic- It means relating to education and scholarship.

Education- It refers to the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction,

especially at a school or university.

Equipment- It refers to the necessary items for a particular purpose.

Efficient – It refers to the achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort

or expense.

Falities – It is a place, amenity, or piece of equipment provided for a particular purpose.

Impact- It refers to the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another.

Lack- It is the state of being without or not having enough of something.

Learning- It is the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by

being taught.

Performance- It refers to an act of staging or presenting a play, concert, or other form of


Unavailability- It is the state of being unable to be used or obtained.

Falities – It is a place, amenity, or piece of equipment provided for a particular purpose.





Research Paper Presented to the

Faculty of Tarlac National High School

Senior High School – Department


In Partial Fulfilment

Of the Requirements for the Track

Technology and Livelihood(TVL)

Electrical Installation and Maintenance(EIM)


Cruz Tirso

Obando Aaron

Mendoza John Andrei

Sevilla Lander

Cortez Justine
Garcia Rafael

Orlino Benjo

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