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Learning Assessment


Name: Allen Paul L Miranda
Block No. 47 Date: 01-16-23 School: VSU
Name of Learning Facilitator: Mr. Noel B. Tabuloc


1. What are the kinds of document alterations? Explain each.

- Mechanical erasure, are modifications that cause abrasion on the paper. If an ink
creases the erase region, abrasion causes the paper to become porous by disrupting the
fiber arrangement and by removing the coating and sizing from the paper's surface,
even when an effort was made to fix the damage.
- Chemical erasure, a procedure that turns colored compounds into colorless compounds
to bleach the color of ink. And the ink itself is still present in the paper but is invisible.
- Additions, It is possible to insert new written, typewritten, or printed pages. It might
just take a few words to change the document's original meaning.
- Interlineation , an interlineation in the writing between the lines of an instrument to
add a part to it or correct what has been written.
- Substitution, When a whole page is taken out of a document and replaced with another
piece that contains information that is different from that of the removed page, it is
another type of fraudulent alteration that has been done.
- Cancellation and Obliteration, An important document like a will, deed, or contract may
occasionally contain cancellation to remove a word. Without having to rewrite the
entire piece, a name or line can be used. The writer cancels the writing by drawing lines
through it, either vertically or horizontally, in the shape of latticework, using the same
writing instrument.
2. Why is INK EXAMINATION in a document vital?
- Ink examination is an incredibly important analytical technique. Most commonly, it is
used to determine if more than one ink was used on a document, which can help to
detect fraud and forgery.
3. How could an examiner decipher INVISIBLE WRITING?
- Detecting alterations, obliterations, erasures and page substitutions ― Alterations,
obliterations and erasures not visible to the human eye can often be detected through
use of photography and other imaging devices that utilize ultraviolet and infrared
wavelengths of light.
4. Compare & contrast the different document alterations.
- Similarities, these document alterations are used by any people that have an intention
to fake or alter any documents to be used for personal purposes or personal gain.
- Difference, they differ in techniques to be used and how the alterations will happen.
5. What are the symptoms of MECHANICAL ERASURE? Explain each.
A. Ink line is wider,
- irregular thickening of ink which is found when writing slows down or stop
while the pen take a stock of at the position.
B. The ink line tends to run or to fader out sideways,
- the ink where the people alter tends to fader out sideways because of
he/she has different stroke of writing, nervous, or any determining factors.
C. The ink shows through the back side of the paper,
- the consistent writing and use of force to copy certain letters or paragraphs,
the ink on the paper are seen on the back.
Learning Assessment


Name: Allen Paul L Miranda
Block No. 47 Date: 01-16-23 School: VSU
Name of Learning Facilitator: Mr. Noel B. Tabuloc

Direction: Identify the following and write the correct answer.

1. Extracts from vegetable materials such as tan bark and nut- galls, which were already in use for
tanning hide.
Ans. Iron tannin ink
2. Ballpoint pen with a fluid containing finely divided carbon substituted for the usual dyestuff
containing ink.
Ans. Liquid-lead pencil ink
3. The ink of high quality is assured of a long life under reasonable conditions of storage.
Ans. Record ink
4. Similar to hectograph inks except that they are heavily loaded with humectants, such as glycerol
or glycol, which prevent the pad from drying up.
Ans. Stamp pad ink
5. They are given credit for the invention of the Indian ink.
Ans. Chinese
Learning Assessment


Name: Allen Paul L Miranda
Block No. 47 Date: 01-16-23 School: VSU
Name of Learning Facilitator: Mr. Noel B. Tabuloc

1. Why is counterfeiting punished under the R.P.C.?

Ans. Because it is a violation in the law of the country and any who shall make counterfeit money, of the
value of the g

1. Why is counterfeiting punished under the R.P.C.?

Ans. Because it is a violation in enuine, by imitating money that is lawfully current in the Philippines,
shall be punished with the penalties of presidio correccional in its medium and maximum degrees.

2. Does the law punish mutilation? Why?

Ans. Yes, because the penalty of reclusion temporal to reclusion perpetua shall be imposed upon any
person who shall intentionally mutilate another by depriving him, either totally or partially, or some
essential for reproduction.
Learning Assessment


Name: Allen Paul L Miranda
Block No. 47 Date: 01-16-23 School: VSU
Name of Learning Facilitator: Mr. Noel B. Tabuloc


1. Why specialized equipment’s has its bearing in questioned document examination?

Ans. Because the specialized equipment has the capacity to confirm whether the said documents or
paper are real or forge.

2. In what particular situation in which these equipment’s can be applied? Cite examples.

Ans. When dealing of a suspected forgery or fake documents that needs to be clarify for the

Hand lens examination

- These equipment can be used when almost all questioned document examination, a
hand lens is commonly utilized to examine because it is a convenient instrument to

Electrostatic Detection Apparatus (ESDA)

- This apparatus is good and useful in detecting indention/indented writings on a
document, and records transparencies of any indentations.

Shadowgraph Machine
- This machine is useful in both signature, handwriting and typewriting analysis because it
enlarges minute details as much as 20x without ocular piece. And in any case or situations
it can be used.
Learning Assessment


Name: Allen Paul L Miranda
Block No. 47 Date: 01-16-23 School: VSU
Name of Learning Facilitator: Mr. Noel B. Tabuloc


1. Discuss the legal responsibilities of a Q.D. expert.
- Constantly work to elevate your professional status. You may do this by networking with
people in your field, staying current with the literature, and participating in research and
- Must be confident in his technical conclusion. The validity of a conclusion is confirmed by
a careful review of the data submitted for review and the discovery of new supporting
data. If our results don’t pass this litmus test, we shouldn’t express an opinion
- Must resist outside influences: The document examiner must resist being swayed by the
opinions of overly eager detectives or overly concerned clients. He must base his
judgments wholly and solely on what was discovered during the investigation.
- Must present the facts exactly as they are in order to be a fair and impartial witness.
Answers to all inquiries from both sides of the counsel table must be complete and free
of evasion. Contrarian counsel’s cross-examination should be embraced rather than
afraid. Usually, during cross-examination, the knowledgeable expert is able to strongly
establish his viewpoint.
- Protect the innocent: By far, the most crucial judgments we make are not decided in
court, but rather in the lab. The examiner must never lose sight of the crucial reality that
he must work tirelessly to exonerate the innocent as well as to convict the wicked

2. How should an expert witness address these responsibilities?

- By doing the must and expertly handled these responsibilities because it’s their profession
and they’re the one that can do the proper work. And the people usually rely on them.
An expert witness should state the facts or assumptions upon which his opinion is based.
He should not omit to consider material facts which could detract from his concluded
opinion. An expert witness should make it clear when a particular question or issue falls
outside his expertise.

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