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School-Based Assessment

Names: Dajonaye Rickard

Christopher Grant

Drumel Irons

Jordan Forrester
Does the type of container affect the time taken for
water to freeze?
Freezing happens when the molecules of a liquid get so cold that they slow down
enough to lock onto each other, forming a solid crystal. Many people use many
different types of containers to freeze their water so out of curiosity, the group
decided to investigate whether the container affects the freezing time of liquids or
not. The research will mainly investigate the different types of containers used to
freeze liquids and how long they take to freeze.

Methods of Data Collection

In gathering the data for this project the researcher did a questionnaire using Google Docs to find
out the containers that people use, why they use them, their effectiveness in using them, and how
long the liquid takes to freeze. The group decided to use Docs because it is easier to collect
information and it will be quicker to access. We also chose to use this method because
respondents can do it in the comfort of their homes or wherever they want to.
Presentation of Data
The table below shows the rate at which each container loses heat over 1-and-a-half-hour

container Initial Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp.

temp. after 15 after 30 after 45 after 60 after 75 after 90
mins mins mins mins mins mins

Foil pan 300 100 80 60 40 20 00

Glass (mason 300 160 120 90 70 50 30
Metal pot 300 170 130 110 80 50 30
Plastic cup 300 180 160 130 100 80 50

Analysis of Data
The information listed above demonstrates that for the first 15 minutes, the heat was rapidly
escaping from every container. The foil pan lost 20 degrees of heat, the Mason (glass) jar lost 14
degrees, the metal pot lost 13 degrees, and the plastic bag lost 12 degrees. Overall, the heat was
lost from the foil pan at a rate of 0.0056° per second, from the mason (glass) jar at 0.005° per
second, from the metal pot at 0.005° per second, and from the plastic bag at 0.0046° per second.

The foil pan lost heat at a rate of 0.0001° per second less than the metal pot and Mason jar but at
a rate of 0.001° per second less than the plastic.
SBA Title

Does the type of container affect the time taken for water to freeze?

Discussion of Findings
After Freezing water in the four different types of containers, the results varied depending on the
container type and a set period of time. The data was observed over a span of 1 hour and 30mins
total with results showing that the temperature dropped at different rates depending on the
container type the liquid was in


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