Self in Various Perspectives - Psychology-Eastern Thought

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The self based on cognitive and affective representation

Who am I?
1. Imagine you want someone to know what you really like.
You can tell this person 20 things about yourself (e.g. your
physical characteristics, personality, background,
preferences, hobbies, things you own) Write anything that
would help the person what you are like. What would you
tell them?

I-Self and Me-Self (William James)
◈ An individual has ideas about their physical
qualities, abilities, personality traits, habits,
their social roles, their opinions, talents, and
more. Collectively, these ideas comprise the

I-Self and Me-Self (William James)
◈ “me-self” is the phenomenal self, the
experienced self, or the self as known
◈ It is the self that experience the phenomena
and who had known the situation.

I-Self and Me-Self (William James)
◈ Whereas the “I-self” is the self thought or
the self-knower, the experiencer, the story
◈ “I-self” is the thinker
“I-self→ the perceiver”

Three Categories of the Self (William James)

Social Self
Material Self

Spiritual Self

Material Self
My home

My family

My Clothes &
My Body things I own

Social Self Reaction of
towards us

Interaction Different version of

ourself depends on how
with the
we present our self in the
society social group
Spiritual Self
◈ Spiritual self is the ability to recognize the
distinction of one’s moral sensibility,
conscience, and indomitable will.

Conception of the Self (Carl Rogers)
◈ Rogers believe that people should be fully
honest with themselves in order to have
personal discovery of oneself
◈ Rogers firmly maintained that people are
trustworthy, resourceful, capable of self-
understanding and self-direction, able to make
constructive changes, and able to live effective
and productive lives. 11
Conception of the Self (Carl Rogers)

For a person to achieve self-actualization, the person’s

Perceived self (self worth), Real self (self image), Ideal Self
(how you would like to be) should be congruent 12
Structure of the Self (Sigmund Freud)

The mind is divided into three connected but district parts

The id represents the basic need of man.
If it is not satisfied, it could result to stress and tension.
If satisfied, it could give you comfort and joy.

If the id is properly If the id is angered or provoked

controlled it could bring or
it could destroy not only himself
warmth and comfort but also his surrounding
When the scale is out of balance, it is the responsibility of the
EGO to mediate the conflict between the ID and SUPEREGO
Weak ego will lead to ANXIETY

To protect the ego from anxiety, we use DEFENSE

The ego seeks to restore balance through various
protective measures known as defense mechanisms

True Self and Fake/False Self:

The true self refers to a sense of self based on

authentic experience, and the feeling of being truly
present and alive.

The false self is a defensive façade, behind which the

person can feel empty, it’s behaviors being learnt and
controlled rather than spontaneous and genuine

Western Self vs. non-western Self
Identity shared
with others and
Autonomous, derived from a
egocentric culture instead of
a “self”

Individualism (Western Culture)

Being dependent
Individual rights take Independence is upon others is often
center stage highly valued considered shameful
or embarrassing

The rights of People often place a

People tend to be individuals tend to greater emphasis on
self-reliant take a higher standing out and
precedence being unique

Collectivism (Eastern Culture)
Social rules focus on
promoting selflessness Working as a group and
and putting the supporting others is
community needs ahead essential
of individual needs

People are encouraged Families and

to do what's best for communities have a
society central role

Do you agree with
the differentiation
between the West
and the East?

Where can you find
the Philippines in the

Religious and Political Beliefs
that Influenced the Mindset of
Each Nation and Culture
The Eastern Perspective

Filial piety is a foundational
concept in the thought of
Confucius. It teaches how one
should properly act according
Confucianism to their relationship with other
people; focused on having a
“Do not do unto others what you do not harmonious social life.
want to do unto you”
A gentleman by following the moral
way consisting of the virtues of
love, righteousness, wisdom,
propriety and loyalty in order to
promote harmony in society
The self is the source of all

It is our quest to forget about the self,

forget the cravings of the self, break
the attachments you have with the
world, and to renounce the self in

Buddhism order to attain the state of Nirvana.

(Siddhartha Gautama) Theravada- detachment and

desirelessness to reach
nirvana; reciprocal
Nirvana-a place of perfect peace
and happiness

Reciprocal relationship;(Mahayana)

Have compassion to other humans for

belief that we are part of the same ever
changing universe

(Siddhartha Gautama)

Hindus believe that an individual’s
action (karma) – the bad or good
actions that the individual
performed in a previous life
determines his or her caste

Hinduism There are two primary symbols associated

(Fusion of various Indian with Hinduism, the om and the swastika. The
cultures and traditions) word swastika means "good fortune" or "being
happy" in Sanskrit, and the symbol represents
good luck
Self does not exist without the
existence of the other.

Self as a separate identity is

supported by the equal and opposite
sensation of otherness

Tao (path)- one can only state clues
of what is.

(Lao-Tzu) The ideal self is Selfless which means

living a selfless life, accepting change,
forgetting prejudice and egocentric
ideas and thinking about equality

What are the factors
that makes Philippines
similar or different from
the beliefs of its
neighboring countries?

Any more questions?

Announcement: PRELIM EXAM
◈ October 11-14, 2021
◈ Universal Exam; 60 items, 60 minutes
◈ Coverage
◆ Self in the Various Perspectives (Chapter 1-5)
◆ Review the book and lecture handouts provided in the
file folder of your CANVAS

Any questions?

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