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Q1. Write all the possible outcomes of
i. Tossing a coin
ii. Tossing two coins
iii. Throwing a die
iv. Drawing a card from a deck of 52 cards
Q2. Out of 200people surveyed, the following data was gathered about favourite flavours of ice-cream.
Vanilla 50
Strawberry 60
Chocolate 70
Sherbet 10
Don’t like ice-cream 10
Without doing any calculation, find which graph best represents the data:

Q3.Each of the following pie charts gives a different piece of information. Find the fraction of the circle
representing each of these information


Q4. Construct a frequency distribution table for the data on weights(kg.) of 20 students of a class, using
intervals 30-40, 35-40 and so on
40, 38, 33, 48, 60, 53, 31, 46, 34, 36, 49, 41, 55, 49, 55, 42, 44, 47, 47, 38, 39.
Do we need to have the class intervals 0-10,10-20 and20-30.Why?
Q5.Populations(in hundreds) of 50 towns and villages of a state , taken at random from a census report
11, 72, 15, 8, 15, 3, 23, 26, 2, 119, 200, 6, 16, 6, 111, 5,18,140,99,127,3172,18,30,43,
Prepare a grouped frequency table for the above data, using class intervals 0-30, 30-60,60-90 and so
on. Also find the class with maximum frequency.
Q6.The following histogram depicts the data of ages of 35 teachers of a school. From the histogram,
answer the following questions:
i. How many teachers are of age 40 years or more but less than 50 years?
ii. How many teachers are of age less than 45 years
Q7.A book has 350 pages. Some printing errors were observed on various pages and they were noted
down as follows:
No. of errors 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of pages 75 65 55 60 33 40 22
Find the probability that a page selected at random will have
i. No errors
ii. More than 3 errors
iii. Only 3 errors
Q8.A survey of 400 families of a town was conducted to find out how many children are there in a
family. The result of the survey is given below:
No. of children 0 1 2 3 4
No. of families 56 62 183 73 26
Find the probability that a family chosen at random will have
i. 4 children
ii. 1 or 2 children
Q9.Draw a histogram to represent the following data:
HEIGHT(CM) 140-145 145-150 150-155 155-160 160-165 165-170
NO. OF STUDENTS 6 10 15 18 2 1
(Note: Remember to use an appropriate scale and a kink wherever needed)
Q10. The given pie chart shows the result of a survey carried out to find modes of travel used by children
to go to school. Study the pie chart and answer the following questions:
i. What is the most common mode of transport?
ii. What fraction of children travel by each of the mode car, cycle, taxi and bus?
iii. If 18 children travel by car, how many children took part in the survey?

Q11. A dice is rolled once. What is the probability that a number that will appear will be
i. Odd
ii. Greater than 1
iii. Greater than 6
iv. A multiple of 3
v. A factor of 6
vi. Greater than 0
Q12. A pack of 52 cards is shuffled and a card is drawn without seeing. What is the probability that the
card that appears is:
i. An Ace of club
ii. A Heart
iii. A Face card
iv. Black
v. A jack
vi. Not a face card


Q13. Given below is the data on weights(kg) of 30 students:
Prepare a grouped frequency distribution table choosing appropriate class intervals and draw a
Q14. The following data shows the expenditure of a person on different items during a month. Draw a
pie chart to represent the data
Rent 2,700
Education 1,800
Food 2,400
Clothing 1,500
Others 2,400
Q15. The bar graph given below shows the favourite summer activities of 600 students of a school.
Convert this graphical representation into a pie-chart.

2. a
3. girls:1/2, boys:1/2; walk:2/5, cycle:1/5, bus or car:2/5
7. i. 3/14 ii. 19/70 iii. 6/35
8. i. 13/200 ii. 49/200
10. i. bus
ii. car:1/4, taxi: 1/12, bus:1/3, cycle:1/6
iii. 72
11. i.1/2 ii. 5/6 iii. 0 iv. 1/3 v. 2/3 vi. 1
12. i. 1/52 ii. 1/4 iii. 3/13 iv. 1/2 v. 1/13 vi. 10/13

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