Happy Earth Mid Year Test

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HAPPY EARTH 1Name: _______________________ MID- TERM EXAM

READING Readthefollowingtext
Myschoolday, by Charlotte Wright I reallylikeschool! I goto a verybigschool in Manchester, and myschooldaystartsearly. I get up at sevenoclock! First, I cycletoschool. I arrive at halfpasteight, butwestartlessons at nineoclock. Myfavouritesubjectismusic. Imlearningtoplaythe guitar. Wehave lunch in theschool canteen at twelveoclock. Thefoodisntverynice! Afterthat, weplaywithourfriendsuntiloneoclock. Wehave more lessons in theafternoon. Then I go home at fouroclock. At home I always do homework. Imdoing a bighistoryproject at themoment. Finally, I gotobed at about ten oclock. Imusuallyverytired!

FromOxford Heroes 1, p. 54

1. Sayifthesentences are True (T) orFlase (F). Correctthe false ones. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Charlotte goesto a smallschool in thecountryside. ___ Shewakes up veryearly. ___ Shegoestoschoolby car. ___ Herlessonsstart at halfpasteight. ___ Sheislearningtoplayvolleyball. ___ She has a break untiloneoclock. ___ In theafternoonshedoesnthaveany more lessons. ___ Shereturns home at fouroclock. ___ Shedoesherhomework at a friendshouse. ___ At nightsheisverytired. ___

2. Complete the chart City shelives Favouritesubject Time for lunch Likesfood? Project sheisdoing


3. Choosethecorrectalternative

a. Charlotte ________ schoolbecauseshe _________ a lot of friends. like/ likes/ islikinghas/ have/ hasnt

b. Shelives in a ____________ in the __________ of Manchester. cottage/ block of flats/ hutcontinent/ country/ city

c. Herfather ____________ e- mails withhiscomputer. He uses the _____________________ sends/ goes/ playsspeakers/ joystick/ keyboard.

d. Usually, Charlotte ________________ video clips on YouTube, butnowshe ______________ music. watch/ watches/ iswatchinglistens/ are listening/ islistening

e. _______________ does Charlotte gotobed? ______ ten oclock p.m. What/Who/When In/At/On


Charlottesdogis____________and it has ___________claws. hair/ haired/ hairysharp/ dark/ short

g. ___________Charlotte at schoolyesterday? No, shewasnt. She____________tothe cinema withherparents. Where/Is/Wasgo/ goes/ went

h. Charlotte is______________and ________________thanherbestfriend Lisa. tallest/ more tall/ tallerbig/ bigger/ more big


Can Charlotte________________? Yes, she_______! dives/ diving/ divedoes/ is/ can


____________Charlotte and Lisa_______________? Yes, they are. Does/Is/Are swim/ swims/ swimming

4. Writefive (5) words in eachcategory





5. Answerthefollowingquestions

a. Do youlikeschool? b. Whatisyourfavouritesubject?

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

c. Has yourteachergotdarkhair?


d. What time do yourlessonsstart? _____________________________________________________

e. When do you do yourhomework?



4. Listen toCharlottesbestfriends, Lisa and Justintalkingabouttheirroutines at school. Listen and complete thesentences. FromOxford Heroes 1, p. 54.

a. Justin travelstoschoolby _________. b. Hisfavouritesubjects are _______________ and __________________.

c. He likesthe __________________ at school. 3

d. Afterschool he usuallyplays ___________________.

e. Lisasschoolis _________ minutes fromherhouse. f. She ____________ a favouritesubject.

g. Herschoolfoodis _______________.

h. Afterschoolsheplays _____________________.


6. Write a textaboutyourroutine at school, usingCharlottes as reference. Dontforgettotalkabout: time youget up- gotosleep/ favouritesubject/ sport youpractise at school/ days of theweek and adverbs of frecuency (always, sometimes, never)/whatyoudidyesterday/ etc

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