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Region I


New Poblacion, Burgos, La Union


Date: January 23, 2023 Monday

Topic Quarter 2 - Module 7:

Compose Texts which include Multimodal Elements
Learning 1. define multimodal texts
Competenc 2. identify the types of multimodal texts
Learning Isidro, M. (2020). English. Quarter 2 - Module 7:
Resources Compose Texts which include Multimodal Elements. Department of Education. La Union Schools
Division. Region I.

Carantes, S. & Pagulungan L. (2020). English.Quarter 2 – Module 7: Multimodal and its Elements.
Department of Education. Republic of the Philippines.

Hasa (2018, June 18). Difference Between Linear and Nonlinear Text. Retrieved from:

Delivery READING ACTIVITY (see Annex A.)
 Comprehension Questions
(Stand if your answer is Linear text; Sit if non-linear text.)
1. What type of text needs to be read from beginning to end?
2. What type of text has multiple reading paths?
3. Which text type gives less attention to grammar and style?
4. Identify which text type the following belongs to.
a. text from a book
b. pie chart
c. friendly letter
d. bar graph
e. newspaper report
f. diagram

(A REBUS is a picture representation of a name, work, or phrase.)


HEAD Answer: Since the word HEAD is over the word HEELS, the
answer to the puzzle would be HEAD OVER HEELS

Give the proper meaning or interpretation of the given emojis.

breaktime be quiet

New Poblacion, Burgos, La Union

See you soon bee on time

laugh out loud

How did you come up with your answers?


Analyze the sample multimodal texts.


Guide questions:
1. What is the material about?
2. What elements make up the material given?
3. What do you think is the purpose of combining several elements when presenting
4. What do you think will happen if an element or two will be omitted?

Discuss the following:
 Communication: the sending and receiving of information and can be one-on-one or
between groups of people, and can be face-to-face or through communication devices.
: requires a sender, the person who initiates communication, to
transfer their thoughts or encode a message.

 Communication Modes (reading, speaking, writing, listening, viewing)

 Multimodal text: the dynamic convergence of two or more communication modes

within the same text and where all modes are attended to as part of meaning-making
(The London Group, 1996)
: instructional resources that incorporate various modes of

 Elements of multimodal text ( 5 MODES)

1. Linguistic: written or spoken words
(Word choice, the delivery, the organization of words, the development and coherence
New Poblacion, Burgos, La Union
of words and ideas, vocabulary, grammar)
2. Visual: images and characters that people see
(colors, vectors and viewpoints in still and moving images)
3. Audio or aural: focused on sound
(music, sound effects, ambient noises, silence, tone, volume, pitch rhythm )
4.Gestural: the way movement is interpreted
(facial expression, hand gesture, body language)
5. Spatial: refers to the arrangement of elements in space
(proximity, direction, position of layout, organization of objects in space)

 Forms of multimodal texts

LIVE MULTIMODAL TEXTS: shown through combinations of different modes
such as gestural, spatial and oral language
: performers and audience are both present
: dance performances
DIGITAL MULTIMODAL TEXTS: presented through dynamic combinations of
various modes across written and spoken language, still and moving
visual image, audio, gesture and spatial communicative resources.
: films, animations, e-posters
PAPER-BASED/PRINTED: conveyed through the readers’ varying
combinations of written language and still images
: infographics, posted, comics, pictures

Activity: Identify what form of multimodal texts are the following.
1. 2. A video recording of a poem
3. A readers’ theater performance

Study the following texts and identify the modes of communication used.

1. Globally, as of 2:01pm CEST, 19 October 2020, there have been 39,944,882

confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 1,111,998 deaths, reported to WHO.



New Poblacion, Burgos, La Union


Fill in the blanks with the missing terms to complete the meaning of the paragraph provided below.
Choose from the given pool of options.

A multimodal text (1.) __________________ two or more modes to present information and convey
meaning. It differs from traditional texts that need to be read
(2.) ___________________
In composing texts with multimodal elements, mode refers to methods of communication employed
in presenting information. One may choose to combine two or more of the five modes which are (3.)
__________________, visual,
(4.) __________________, (5.) __________________ and spatial.
Although multimodal composition is usually associated with the term
(6.) _________________, multimodal texts do not necessarily have to be digital
(7.) __________________.
In order to create effective multimodal texts, one needs to have enough (8.) ______________
Of the text or subject where the information to be presented is based. It is also important to be clear on
the (9.) __________________, target (10.) __________________ and text type.

Assessment Direction: Read and answer the questions below with your knowledge on what was discussed. Write
the letter of your choice on your notebook.

1. What is the other term for pictures?

A. illustration B. still image C. image D. animation
2. Multimodal is known as…
A. The use of computer technology
B. A way of communicating ideas or information
C. The message sent through cell phones and other gadgets
D. A text that uses two or more modes to present information or create meaning
3. This element of multimodal text observes the vocabulary and grammar.
A. Linguistic B. Visual C. Spatial D. Gestural
4. Which does not fall under the categories of mode of communication?
A. Media B. Gestural C. Visual D. Aural
5. Which mode relates to the use of words, sentences and grammar to express an idea?
A. Audio B. Spatial C. Visual D. Linguistic
6. Which mode refers to the use of movement, speed, facial expression and body language?
A. Gestural B. Audio C. Linguistic D. Spatial
7. Which mode relates to the use of color, lines and perspective (still and moving images such as
illustrations and film?
A. Multimodal Text B. Gestural C. Visual D. Audio
8. A Multimodal text can be any of the following except :
A. Print B. Physical C. digital D. tropical
9. Which is an example of multimodal text in which the textual and visual elements are arranged on
individual pages that contributes to an overall set of bound pages.

New Poblacion, Burgos, La Union

A. a webpage C. a picture book
B. a live ballet performance D. dance interpretation
10. Animation, Infographics, Screencast and eBook are examples of _________.
A. Digital Multimodal C. Physical Multimodal
B. Print Multimodal D. Media Multimodal


Other Bring your materials in making your final task tomorrow.

Come up with a multimodal output. Choose from one of the suggested topics below:
1. Effective Study Habits for a Junior High School Learner
2. Ways to Combat Academic Stress
3. Ten Things People Might Not Know About My Town

Prepared by:
Subject Teacher


School Head

New Poblacion, Burgos, La Union


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