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William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare is a very He was born on the 23th Shakespeare married
famous English writer april 1564 Ann Hathaway in 1582
Shakespeare’s father
made gloves
historical context
Some time between 1586 and 1592 They performed his plays at the Globe
left Stratford and moved to London Theatre , south of the River Thames

Left to London around 1613

History plays Comedy plays Tragedy plays Romantic plays

- Henry VI - The Twelfth Night - Julius Caesar - Pericles

- Richard III - As You Like It - Hamlet - Romeo and Juliet
- King John - Troilus and Cressida - King Lear - Cymbeline
The Globe
Theatres were round, with an The original Globe Theatre
open ruf burnt down in 1614.

This is a modern
reproduction of the theatre
in London.

New theatre was built in 1999

The story is set in Denmark, and its main character is Hamlet, prince of Denmark and heir to
the throne after the father’s death. His father's death is accompanied by the upcoming
wedding between his mother Gertrude with Claudio, brother of the king, and the love for the
beautiful Ofelia. All these events cause in Hamlet a deep melancholy that he will not be able
to get off. But one night, his father's spirit appears to him and asks a revenge revealing that
he has been poisoned and killed by his brother Claudio. The young prince doubts about the
realness of that spectrum, which could be the result of his melancholy, so decides to pretend
crazy and observing Claudio's behaviors is convinced of his guilt. He wants to reveal
everything to his mother but he isn’t able to do it because he discovered to be spied by
someone and sure that there was Claudio, he kills Polonio, the chamberlain of the kingdom
and young Ophelia father, who can’t stand it and suicides. Laerte moved by Claudio, defies
Hamlet in a duel. It is precisely here that the whole story ends tragically: Claudio throws
poison on a sword, and also in a cup of wine, which Gertrude drinks and dies, both Laerte
and Hamlet hit with the poisoned sword but before dying Hamlet asks forgiveness to Laerte
and is able to kill Claudio, by acting the revenge, which his father wanted.

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